/************************************************************************************//** * \file Source\ARMCM4_TM4C\usb.c * \brief Bootloader USB communication interface source file. * \ingroup Target_ARMCM4_TM4C * \internal *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * C O P Y R I G H T *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2014 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * L I C E N S E *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. * If not, see . * * A special exception to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a combined work * that includes OpenBLT without being obliged to provide the source code for any * proprietary components. The exception text is included at the bottom of the license * file . * * \endinternal ****************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Include files ****************************************************************************************/ #include "boot.h" /* bootloader generic header */ #if (BOOT_COM_USB_ENABLE > 0) #include #include #include "usblib.h" #include "usbdevice.h" #include "usbdbulk.h" #include "usb_bulk_structs.h" /**************************************************************************************** * Macro definitions ****************************************************************************************/ /** \brief Total number of fifo buffers. */ #define FIFO_MAX_BUFFERS (2) /** \brief Invalid value for a fifo buffer handle. */ #define FIFO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE (255) /** \brief Number of bytes that fit in the fifo pipe. */ #define FIFO_PIPE_SIZE (64) /**************************************************************************************** * Type definitions ****************************************************************************************/ /** \brief Structure type for fifo control. */ typedef struct t_fifo_ctrl { blt_int8u *startptr; /**< pointer to start of buffer */ blt_int8u *endptr; /**< pointer to end of buffer */ blt_int8u *readptr; /**< pointer to next read location */ blt_int8u *writeptr; /**< pointer to next free location */ blt_int8u length; /**< number of buffer elements */ blt_int8u entries; /**< # of full buffer elements */ blt_int8u handle; /**< handle of the buffer */ struct t_fifo_ctrl *fifoctrlptr; /**< pointer to free buffer control */ } tFifoCtrl; /** \brief Structure type for a fifo pipe. */ typedef struct { blt_int8u handle; /**< fifo handle */ blt_int8u data[FIFO_PIPE_SIZE]; /**< fifo data buffer */ } tFifoPipe; /**< USB pipe fifo type */ /**************************************************************************************** * Hook functions ****************************************************************************************/ extern void UsbEnterLowPowerModeHook(void); extern void UsbLeaveLowPowerModeHook(void); extern void UsbConnectHook(blt_bool connect); /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ static blt_bool UsbReceiveByte(blt_int8u *data); static blt_bool UsbTransmitByte(blt_int8u data); static void UsbTransmitPipeBulkIN(void); static void UsbReceivePipeBulkOUT(blt_int8u *data, blt_int32u len); static void UsbFifoMgrInit(void); static blt_int8u UsbFifoMgrCreate(blt_int8u *buffer, blt_int8u length); static blt_bool UsbFifoMgrWrite(blt_int8u handle, blt_int8u data); static blt_bool UsbFifoMgrRead(blt_int8u handle, blt_int8u *data); static blt_int8u UsbFifoMgrScan(blt_int8u handle); /**************************************************************************************** * Local data declarations ****************************************************************************************/ /** \brief Local variable that holds the fifo control structures. */ static tFifoCtrl fifoCtrl[FIFO_MAX_BUFFERS]; /** \brief Local pointer that points to the next free fifo control structure. */ static tFifoCtrl *fifoCtrlFree; /** \brief Fifo pipe used for the bulk in endpoint. */ static tFifoPipe fifoPipeBulkIN; /** \brief Fifo pipe used for the bulk out endpoint. */ static tFifoPipe fifoPipeBulkOUT; /** \brief Holds a handle to the bulk device instance. */ static tBulkInstance *instanceHandle; /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Initializes the USB communication interface. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ void UsbInit(void) { /* initialize the FIFO manager */ UsbFifoMgrInit(); /* place 2 buffers under FIFO management */ fifoPipeBulkIN.handle = UsbFifoMgrCreate(fifoPipeBulkIN.data, FIFO_PIPE_SIZE); fifoPipeBulkOUT.handle = UsbFifoMgrCreate(fifoPipeBulkOUT.data, FIFO_PIPE_SIZE); /* validate fifo handles */ ASSERT_RT( (fifoPipeBulkIN.handle != FIFO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE) && \ (fifoPipeBulkOUT.handle != FIFO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE) ); /* initialize the transmit and receive buffers */ USBBufferInit(&g_sTxBuffer); USBBufferInit(&g_sRxBuffer); /* pass our device information to the USB library and place the device on the bus */ instanceHandle = USBDBulkInit(0, &g_sBulkDevice); ASSERT_RT(instanceHandle != BLT_NULL); } /*** end of UsbInit ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Releases the USB communication interface. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ void UsbFree(void) { /* shut down the bulk device */ USBDBulkTerm(instanceHandle); /* disconnect the USB device from the USB host */ UsbConnectHook(BLT_FALSE); } /*** end of UsbFree ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Transmits a packet formatted for the communication interface. ** \param data Pointer to byte array with data that it to be transmitted. ** \param len Number of bytes that are to be transmitted. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ void UsbTransmitPacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u len) { blt_int16u data_index; blt_bool result; /* verify validity of the len-parameter */ ASSERT_RT(len <= BOOT_COM_USB_TX_MAX_DATA); /* first transmit the length of the packet */ result = UsbTransmitByte(len); ASSERT_RT(result == BLT_TRUE); /* transmit all the packet bytes one-by-one */ for (data_index = 0; data_index < len; data_index++) { /* keep the watchdog happy */ CopService(); /* write byte */ result = UsbTransmitByte(data[data_index]); ASSERT_RT(result == BLT_TRUE); } /* start the transmission */ UsbTransmitPipeBulkIN(); } /*** end of UsbTransmitPacket ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Receives a communication interface packet if one is present. ** \param data Pointer to byte array where the data is to be stored. ** \return BLT_TRUE if a packet was received, BLT_FALSE otherwise. ** ****************************************************************************************/ blt_bool UsbReceivePacket(blt_int8u *data) { static blt_int8u xcpCtoReqPacket[BOOT_COM_USB_RX_MAX_DATA+1]; /* one extra for length */ static blt_int8u xcpCtoRxLength; static blt_bool xcpCtoRxInProgress = BLT_FALSE; /* poll for USB events */ USB0DeviceIntHandler(); /* start of cto packet received? */ if (xcpCtoRxInProgress == BLT_FALSE) { /* store the message length when received */ if (UsbReceiveByte(&xcpCtoReqPacket[0]) == BLT_TRUE) { /* indicate that a cto packet is being received */ xcpCtoRxInProgress = BLT_TRUE; /* reset packet data count */ xcpCtoRxLength = 0; } } else { /* store the next packet byte */ if (UsbReceiveByte(&xcpCtoReqPacket[xcpCtoRxLength+1]) == BLT_TRUE) { /* increment the packet data count */ xcpCtoRxLength++; /* check to see if the entire packet was received */ if (xcpCtoRxLength == xcpCtoReqPacket[0]) { /* copy the packet data */ CpuMemCopy((blt_int32u)data, (blt_int32u)&xcpCtoReqPacket[1], xcpCtoRxLength); /* done with cto packet reception */ xcpCtoRxInProgress = BLT_FALSE; /* packet reception complete */ return BLT_TRUE; } } } /* packet reception not yet complete */ return BLT_FALSE; } /*** end of UsbReceivePacket ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Receives a communication interface byte if one is present. ** \param data Pointer to byte where the data is to be stored. ** \return BLT_TRUE if a byte was received, BLT_FALSE otherwise. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static blt_bool UsbReceiveByte(blt_int8u *data) { blt_bool result; /* obtain data from the fifo */ result = UsbFifoMgrRead(fifoPipeBulkOUT.handle, data); return result; } /*** end of UsbReceiveByte ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Transmits a communication interface byte. ** \param data Value of byte that is to be transmitted. ** \return BLT_TRUE if the byte was transmitted, BLT_FALSE otherwise. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static blt_bool UsbTransmitByte(blt_int8u data) { blt_bool result; /* write data from to fifo */ result = UsbFifoMgrWrite(fifoPipeBulkIN.handle, data); return result; } /*** end of UsbTransmitByte ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Checks if there is still data left to transmit and if so submits it ** for transmission with the USB endpoint. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static void UsbTransmitPipeBulkIN(void) { tUSBRingBufObject txRing; blt_int32u txSpace; blt_int32u txWriteIdx; blt_int8u nr_of_bytes_for_tx_endpoint; blt_int8u byte_counter; blt_int8u byte_value; blt_bool result; /* read how many bytes should be transmitted */ nr_of_bytes_for_tx_endpoint = UsbFifoMgrScan(fifoPipeBulkIN.handle); /* only continue if there is actually data left to transmit */ if (nr_of_bytes_for_tx_endpoint == 0) { return; } /* get information about the USB transmit buffer */ USBBufferInfoGet(&g_sTxBuffer, &txRing); /* determine how many bytes will still fit in the tx buffer */ txSpace = USBBufferSpaceAvailable(&g_sTxBuffer); /* only transmit the amount of bytes that will fit in the tx buffer */ if (nr_of_bytes_for_tx_endpoint > txSpace) { nr_of_bytes_for_tx_endpoint = txSpace; } /* determine write index for the tx buffer */ txWriteIdx = txRing.ui32WriteIndex; /* copy the transmit data to the transmit buffer */ for (byte_counter=0; byte_counter < nr_of_bytes_for_tx_endpoint; byte_counter++) { /* obtain data from the fifo */ result = UsbFifoMgrRead(fifoPipeBulkIN.handle, &byte_value); ASSERT_RT(result == BLT_TRUE); /* store it in the transmit buffer */ g_pui8USBTxBuffer[txWriteIdx] = byte_value; /* increment index with wrapping */ txWriteIdx++; if (txWriteIdx >= BULK_BUFFER_SIZE) { txWriteIdx = 0; } } /* inform the usb library that new data are ready for transmission */ USBBufferDataWritten(&g_sTxBuffer, nr_of_bytes_for_tx_endpoint); } /*** end of UsbTransmitPipeBulkIN ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Stores data that was received on the Bulk OUT pipe in the fifo. ** \param data Pointer to buffer with the newly received data ** \param len Number of received data bytes. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static void UsbReceivePipeBulkOUT(blt_int8u *data, blt_int32u len) { blt_int32u byte_counter; blt_bool result; blt_int32u rxReadIdx; /* determine read index for the rx buffer */ rxReadIdx = (uint32_t)(data - g_pui8USBRxBuffer); /* store the received data in the reception fifo */ for (byte_counter=0; byte_counter= BULK_BUFFER_SIZE) { rxReadIdx = 0; } } } /*** end of UsbReceivePipeBulkOUT ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Handles bulk driver notifications related to the transmit channel (data to ** the USB host). ** \param pvCBData is the client-supplied callback pointer for this channel. ** \param ui32Event identifies the event we are being notified about. ** \param ui32MsgValue is an event-specific value. ** \param pvMsgData is an event-specific pointer. ** \return The return value is event-specific. ** ****************************************************************************************/ uint32_t UsbBulkTxHandler(void *pvCBData, uint32_t ui32Event, uint32_t ui32MsgValue, void *pvMsgData) { if(ui32Event == USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE) { /* check if more data is waiting to be transmitted */ UsbTransmitPipeBulkIN(); } return 0; } /*** end of UsbBulkTxHandler ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Handles bulk driver notifications related to the receive channel (data from ** the USB host). ** \param pvCBData is the client-supplied callback pointer for this channel. ** \param ui32Event identifies the event we are being notified about. ** \param ui32MsgValue is an event-specific value. ** \param pvMsgData is an event-specific pointer. ** \return The return value is event-specific. ** ****************************************************************************************/ uint32_t UsbBulkRxHandler(void *pvCBData, uint32_t ui32Event, uint32_t ui32MsgValue, void *pvMsgData) { /* which event are we being sent? */ switch(ui32Event) { /* we are connected to a host and communication is now possible */ case USB_EVENT_CONNECTED: { /* flush our buffers */ USBBufferFlush(&g_sTxBuffer); USBBufferFlush(&g_sRxBuffer); break; } /* the host has disconnected */ case USB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: { break; } /* a new packet has been received */ case USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE: { /* handle all newly received bytes */ UsbReceivePipeBulkOUT(pvMsgData, ui32MsgValue); return ui32MsgValue; } /* ignore SUSPEND and RESUME for now */ case USB_EVENT_SUSPEND: /* power-off system clocks and power */ UsbEnterLowPowerModeHook(); break; case USB_EVENT_RESUME: /* restore power and system clocks */ UsbLeaveLowPowerModeHook(); break; /* ignore all other events and return 0 */ default: break; } return 0; } /*** end of UsbBulkRxHandler ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Initializes the fifo manager. Each controlled fifo is assigned a ** unique handle, which is the same as its index into fifoCtrl[]. Each ** controlled fifo holds a pointer to the next free fifo control. ** For the last fifo in fifoCtrl[] this one is set to a null-pointer as ** an out of fifo control indicator. Function should be called once ** before any of the other fifo management functions are called. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static void UsbFifoMgrInit(void) { blt_int8u i; tFifoCtrl *pbc1, *pbc2; pbc1 = &fifoCtrl[0]; pbc2 = &fifoCtrl[1]; /* assign fifo handles and pointer to next free fifo */ for (i = 0; i < (FIFO_MAX_BUFFERS - 1); i++) { pbc1->handle = i; pbc1->fifoctrlptr = pbc2; pbc1++; pbc2++; } /* initialize handle for the last one and use null-pointer for the next free fifo */ pbc1->handle = i; pbc1->fifoctrlptr = (tFifoCtrl *)0; fifoCtrlFree = &fifoCtrl[0]; } /*** end of UsbFifoMgrInit ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Places a data storage array under fifo management control. A handle ** for identifying the fifo in subsequent fifo management function ** calls is returned, if successful. ** \param buffer Pointer to the first element in the data storage fifo. ** \param length Maximum number of data elements that can be stored in the fifo. ** \return Fifo handle if successfull, or FIFO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static blt_int8u UsbFifoMgrCreate(blt_int8u *buffer, blt_int8u length) { tFifoCtrl *pbc; /* first determine if these is still a free fifo control available */ if (fifoCtrlFree == (tFifoCtrl *)0) { return FIFO_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } /* store pointer to free fifo and update pointer to next free one */ pbc = fifoCtrlFree; fifoCtrlFree = pbc->fifoctrlptr; /* initialize the buffer control */ pbc->length = length; pbc->readptr = buffer; pbc->writeptr = buffer; pbc->entries = 0; pbc->startptr = buffer; pbc->endptr = (blt_int8u*)(buffer + length - 1); /* return the handle to the successfully created fifo control */ return pbc->handle; } /*** end of UsbFifoMgrCreate ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Stores data in the fifo. ** \param handle Identifies the fifo to write data to. ** \param data Pointer to the data that is to be written to the fifo. ** \return BLT_TRUE if the data was successfully stored in the fifo, BLT_FALSE ** otherwise. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static blt_bool UsbFifoMgrWrite(blt_int8u handle, blt_int8u data) { /* check the validity of the handle parameter */ ASSERT_RT(handle < FIFO_MAX_BUFFERS); /* check if fifo is full */ if (fifoCtrl[handle].entries == fifoCtrl[handle].length) { return BLT_FALSE; } /* copy data to fifo */ *fifoCtrl[handle].writeptr = data; /* data written so update number of entries */ fifoCtrl[handle].entries++; /* update write pointer */ fifoCtrl[handle].writeptr++; /* check end of fifo */ if (fifoCtrl[handle].writeptr > fifoCtrl[handle].endptr) { /* set write pointer to start of the cyclic fifo */ fifoCtrl[handle].writeptr = fifoCtrl[handle].startptr; } /* still here so all is okay */ return BLT_TRUE; } /*** end of UsbFifoMgrWrite ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Retrieves data from the fifo. ** \param handle Identifies the fifo to read data from. ** \param data Pointer to where the read data is to be stored. ** \return BLT_TRUE if the data was successfully read from the fifo, BLT_FALSE ** otherwise. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static blt_bool UsbFifoMgrRead(blt_int8u handle, blt_int8u *data) { /* check the validity of the handle parameter */ ASSERT_RT(handle < FIFO_MAX_BUFFERS); /* check if fifo is empty */ if (fifoCtrl[handle].entries == 0) { return BLT_FALSE; } /* read the data */ *data = *fifoCtrl[handle].readptr; /* data read so update number of entries */ fifoCtrl[handle].entries--; /* update read pointer */ fifoCtrl[handle].readptr++; /* check end of fifo */ if (fifoCtrl[handle].readptr > fifoCtrl[handle].endptr) { /* set read pointer to start of the cyclic fifo */ fifoCtrl[handle].readptr = fifoCtrl[handle].startptr; } /* still here so all is good */ return BLT_TRUE; } /*** end of UsbFifoMgrRead ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Returns the number of data entries currently present in the fifo. ** \param handle Identifies the fifo that is to be scanned. ** \return Number of data entries in the fifo if successful, otherwise 0. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static blt_int8u UsbFifoMgrScan(blt_int8u handle) { /* check the validity of the handle parameter */ ASSERT_RT(handle < FIFO_MAX_BUFFERS); /* read and return the number of data entries */ return fifoCtrl[handle].entries; } /*** end of UsbFifoMgrScan ***/ #endif /* BOOT_COM_USB_ENABLE > 0 */ /*********************************** end of usb.c **************************************/