/* * Copyright 2008, 2011, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright 2014 Range Networks, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef THREADS_H #define THREADS_H #include #include #include #include #include class Mutex; /**@name Multithreaded access for standard streams. */ //@{ extern int gMutexLogLevel; // The mutexes cannot call gConfig or gGetLoggingLevel so we have to get the log level indirectly. /**@name Functions for gStreamLock. */ //@{ extern Mutex gStreamLock; ///< global lock for cout and cerr void lockCerr(); ///< call prior to writing cerr void unlockCerr(); ///< call after writing cerr void lockCout(); ///< call prior to writing cout void unlockCout(); ///< call after writing cout //@} /**@name Macros for standard messages. */ //@{ #define COUT(text) { lockCout(); std::cout << text; unlockCout(); } #define CERR(text) { lockCerr(); std::cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << text; unlockCerr(); } #ifdef NDEBUG #define DCOUT(text) {} #define OBJDCOUT(text) {} #else #define DCOUT(text) { COUT(__FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << text); } #define OBJDCOUT(text) { DCOUT(this << " " << text); } #endif //@} //@} /**@defgroup C++ wrappers for pthread mechanisms. */ //@{ /** A class for recursive mutexes based on pthread_mutex. */ // If at all possible, do not call lock/unlock from this class directly; use a ScopedLock instead. class Mutex { private: pthread_mutex_t mMutex; pthread_mutexattr_t mAttribs; int mLockCnt; int mMutexLogLevel; // We cant use LOG inside the Mutex because LOG itself uses mutexes, so get the LOG level at mutex creation time // and use it for this mutex from then on. static const int maxLocks = 5; // Just the maximum number of recursive locks we report during debugging, not the max possible. const char *mLockerFile[maxLocks]; unsigned mLockerLine[maxLocks]; const char *lockerFile() { int i = mLockCnt-1; return (i >= 0 && i < maxLocks) ? mLockerFile[i] : NULL; } //unused: bool anyDebugging() { for (int i = 0; i < maxLocks; i++) { if (mLockerFile[i]) return true; return false; } } // pthread_mutex_trylock returns 0 and trylock returns true if the lock was acquired. public: bool trylock(const char *file=0, unsigned line=0); Mutex(); ~Mutex(); void _lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex); } // (pat) Like the above but report blocking; to see report you must set both Log.Level to DEBUG for both Threads.cpp and the file. void lock(const char *file=0, unsigned line=0); std::string mutext() const; // Returns true if the lock was acquired, or false if it timed out. bool timedlock(int msecs); void unlock(); // (pat) I use this to assert that the Mutex is locked on entry to some method that requres it, but only in debug mode. int lockcnt() { return mLockCnt; } friend class Signal; }; /** A class for reader/writer based on pthread_rwlock. */ class RWLock { private: pthread_rwlock_t mRWLock; pthread_rwlockattr_t mAttribs; public: RWLock(); ~RWLock(); const char * wlock() { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&mRWLock); return ""; } const char * rlock() { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&mRWLock); return ""; } bool trywlock() { return pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&mRWLock)==0; } bool tryrlock() { return pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&mRWLock)==0; } const char * unlock() { pthread_rwlock_unlock(&mRWLock); return ""; } }; #if 0 // (pat) NOT FINISHED OR TESTED. A pointer that releases a specified mutex when it goes out of scope. template class ScopedPointer { Mutex &mControllingMutex; // A pointer to the mutex for the object being protected. PointsTo *mPtr; public: ScopedPointer(Mutex& wMutex) :mControllingMutex(wMutex) { mControllingMutex.lock(); } // Requisite Copy Constructor: The mutex is already locked, but we need to lock it again because the // other ScopedPointer is about to go out of scope and will call unlock. ScopedPointer(ScopedPointer &other) :mControllingMutex(other.mControllingMutex) { mControllingMutex.lock(); } ~ScopedPointer() { mControllingMutex.unlock(); } // You are allowed to assign and derference the underlying pointer - it still holds the Mutex locked. PointsTo *operator->() const { return mPtr; } PointsTo * operator=(PointsTo *other) { mPtr = other; } PointsTo& operator*() { return *mPtr; } }; #endif // Class to acquire a Mutex lock and release it automatically when this goes out of scope. // ScopedLock should be used preferentially to Mutex::lock() and Mutex::unlock() in case a try-catch throw passes through // the containing procedure while the lock is held; ScopedLock releases the lock in that case. // "We dont use try-catch" you say? Yes we do - C++ string and many standard containers use throw to handle unexpected arguments. class ScopedLock { Mutex& mMutex; public: ScopedLock(Mutex& wMutex) :mMutex(wMutex) { mMutex.lock(); } // Like the above but report blocking; to see report you must set both Log.Level to DEBUG for both Threads.cpp and the file. ScopedLock(Mutex& wMutex,const char *file, unsigned line):mMutex(wMutex) { mMutex.lock(file,line); } ~ScopedLock() { mMutex.unlock(); } }; // Lock multiple mutexes simultaneously. class ScopedLockMultiple { Mutex garbage; // Someplace to point mC if only two mutexes are specified. Mutex *mA[3]; bool ownA[3]; // If set, expect mA to be locked by this thread on entry. bool state[3]; // Current state, true if our thread has locked the associated Mutex; doesnt say if Mutex is locked by other threads. const char *_file; unsigned _line; void _lock(int which); bool _trylock(int which); void _unlock(int which); void _saveState(); void _restoreState(); void _lockAll(); void _init(int wOwner, Mutex& wA, Mutex&wB, Mutex&wCa); public: // Do not return until all three mutexes are locked. // On entry, the caller may optionally already have locked mutexes, as specified by the wOwner flag bits. // If owner&1, caller owns wA, if owner&2 caller owns wB, if owner&4 caller owns wC. // There wouldnt be much point of this class if the caller already owned all three mutexes. // Note that the mutexes may be temporarily surrendered during this call as the methodology to avoid deadlock, // but in that case all will be re-acquired before this returns. ScopedLockMultiple(int wOwner, Mutex&wA, Mutex&wB, Mutex&wC) : _file(NULL), _line(0) { _init(wOwner,wA,wB,wC); _lockAll(); } // Like the above but report blocking; to see report you must set both Log.Level to DEBUG for both Threads.cpp and the file. // Use like this: ScopedLockMultiple lock(bits,mutexa,mutexb,__FILE__,__LINE__); ScopedLockMultiple(int wOwner, Mutex&wA, Mutex&wB, Mutex&wC, const char *wFile, int wLine) : _file(wFile), _line(wLine) { _init(wOwner,wA,wB,wC); _lockAll(); } // Like the above but for two mutexes intead of three. ScopedLockMultiple(int wOwner, Mutex& wA, Mutex&wB) : _file(NULL), _line(0) { _init(wOwner,wA,wB,garbage); _lockAll(); } ScopedLockMultiple(int wOwner, Mutex&wA, Mutex&wB, const char *wFile, int wLine) : _file(wFile), _line(wLine) { _init(wOwner,wA,wB,garbage); _lockAll(); } ~ScopedLockMultiple() { _restoreState(); } }; /** A C++ interthread signal based on pthread condition variables. */ class Signal { private: mutable pthread_cond_t mSignal; public: Signal() { int s = pthread_cond_init(&mSignal,NULL); assert(!s); } ~Signal() { pthread_cond_destroy(&mSignal); } /** Block for the signal up to the cancellation timeout. Under Linux, spurious returns are possible. */ void wait(Mutex& wMutex, long timeout) const; /** Block for the signal. Under Linux, spurious returns are possible. */ void wait(Mutex& wMutex) const { pthread_cond_wait(&mSignal,&wMutex.mMutex); } void signal() { pthread_cond_signal(&mSignal); } void broadcast() { pthread_cond_broadcast(&mSignal); } }; #define START_THREAD(thread,function,argument) \ thread.start((void *(*)(void*))function, (void*)argument); /** A C++ wrapper for pthread threads. */ class Thread { private: pthread_t mThread; pthread_attr_t mAttrib; // FIXME -- Can this be reduced now? size_t mStackSize; public: // (pat) This is the type of the function argument to pthread_create. typedef void *(*Task_t)(void*); /** Create a thread in a non-running state. */ Thread(size_t wStackSize = (65536*4)):mThread((pthread_t)0) { pthread_attr_init(&mAttrib); // (pat) moved this here. mStackSize=wStackSize; } /** Destroy the Thread. It should be stopped and joined. */ // (pat) If the Thread is destroyed without being started, then mAttrib is undefined. Oops. ~Thread() { pthread_attr_destroy(&mAttrib); } /** Start the thread on a task. */ void start(Task_t task, void *arg); void start2(Task_t task, void *arg, int stacksize); /** Join a thread that will stop on its own. */ void join() { int s = pthread_join(mThread,NULL); assert(!s); mThread = 0; } }; #endif // vim: ts=4 sw=4