/* * Copyright 2011, 2014 Range Networks, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software is distributed under multiple licenses; * see the COPYING file in the main directory for licensing * information for this specific distribution. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #ifndef _UTILS_H #define _UTILS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include // for sqrtf #include #include "Logger.h" namespace Utils { using namespace std; extern double timef(); // high resolution time // We dont use a default arg here timestr(unsigned fieldwidth=12) because g++ complains about duplicate decl in Logger.h extern const std::string timestr(); // A timestamp to print in messages. extern const std::string timestr(unsigned fieldwidth, bool addDate = false); // A timestamp to print in messages. extern void sleepf(double howlong); // high resolution sleep extern int gcd(int x, int y); string format(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format (printf,1,2))); // format1 used to prevent C++ confusion over what function to call here. string format1(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format (printf,1,2))); // We have to enumerate the cross product of argument types here. This is fixed in C++11. inline string format(const char *fmt, string s1) { return format1(fmt,s1.c_str()); } inline string format(const char *fmt, string s1, string s2) { return format1(fmt,s1.c_str(),s2.c_str()); } inline string format(const char *fmt, string s1, string s2, string s3) { return format1(fmt,s1.c_str(),s2.c_str(),s3.c_str()); } inline string format(const char *fmt, string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4) { return format1(fmt,s1.c_str(),s2.c_str(),s3.c_str(),s4.c_str()); } inline string format(const char *fmt, string s1, int i1) { return format1(fmt,s1.c_str(),i1); } inline string format(const char *fmt, int i1, string s1) { return format1(fmt,i1,s1.c_str()); } inline string format(const char *fmt, string s1, string s2, int i1) { return format1(fmt,s1.c_str(),s2.c_str(),i1); } inline string format(const char *fmt, string s1, string s2, int i1, int i2) { return format1(fmt,s1.c_str(),s2.c_str(),i1,i2); } int myscanf(const char *str, const char *fmt, string *s1); int myscanf(const char *str, const char *fmt, string *s1, string *s2); int myscanf(const char *str, const char *fmt, string *s1, string *s2, string *s3); int myscanf(const char *str, const char *fmt, string *s1, string *s2, string *s3, string *s4); int cstrSplit(char *in, char **pargv,int maxargc, const char *splitchars=NULL); char *cstrGetArg(const char *in, int nth, unsigned *length); // For classes with a text() function, provide a function to return a String, // and also a standard << stream function that takes a pointer to the object. // We dont provide the function that takes a reference to the object // because it is too highly overloaded and generally doesnt work. class Text2Str { public: virtual void text(std::ostream &os) const = 0; std::string str() const; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Text2Str *val); #if 0 // Generic Activity Timer. Lots of controls to make everybody happy. class ATimer { double mStart; //bool mActive; double mLimitTime; public: ATimer() : mStart(0), mLimitTime(0) { } ATimer(double wLimitTime) : mStart(0), mLimitTime(wLimitTime) { } void start() { mStart=timef(); } void stop() { mStart=0; } bool active() { return !!mStart; } double elapsed() { return timef() - mStart; } bool expired() { return elapsed() > mLimitTime; } }; #endif struct BitSet { unsigned mBits; void setBit(unsigned whichbit) { mBits |= 1< struct Statistic { Type mCurrent, mMin, mMax; // min,max optional initialization so you can print before adding any values. unsigned mCnt; double mSum; //double mSum2; // sum of squares. // (Type) cast needed in case Type is an enum, stupid language. Statistic() : mCurrent((Type)0), mMin((Type)0), mMax((Type)0), mCnt(0), mSum(0) /*,mSum2(0)*/ {} // Set the current value and add a statisical point. void addPoint(Type val) { mCurrent = val; if (mCnt == 0 || val < mMin) {mMin = val;} if (mCnt == 0 || val > mMax) {mMax = val;} mCnt++; mSum += val; //mSum2 += val * val; } Type getCurrent() const { // Return current value. return mCnt ? mCurrent : 0; } double getAvg() const { // Return average. return mCnt==0 ? 0 : mSum/mCnt; }; //float getSD() const { // Return standard deviation. Use low precision square root function. // return mCnt==0 ? 0 : sqrtf(mCnt * mSum2 - mSum*mSum) / mCnt; //} void text(std::ostream &os) const { // Print everything in parens. os << "("< &stat); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Statistic &stat); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Statistic &stat); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Statistic &stat); // Yes, they botched and left this out: std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::ostringstream& ss); std::ostream &osprintf(std::ostream &os, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((format (printf,2,3))); std::string replaceAll(const std::string input, const std::string search, const std::string replace); vector& stringSplit(vector &result,const char *input); typedef vector > prettyTable_t; void printPrettyTable(prettyTable_t &tab, ostream&os, bool tabSeparated = false); // The need for this is eliminated in C++11. string stringcat(string a, string b); string stringcat(string a, string b, string c); string stringcat(string a, string b, string c, string d); string stringcat(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e); string stringcat(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e, string f); string stringcat(string a, string b, string c, string d, string e, string f, string g); extern void stringToUint(string strRAND, uint64_t *hRAND, uint64_t *lRAND); extern string uintToString(uint64_t h, uint64_t l); extern string uintToString(uint32_t x); //template class RefCntPointer; // The class is created with a RefCnt of 0. The caller must assign the constructed result to a pointer // of type RefCntPointer. When the last RefCntPointer is freed, this struct is too. class RefCntBase { template friend class RefCntPointer; Mutex mRefMutex; mutable short mRefCnt; // signed, not unsigned! int setRefCnt(int val) { return mRefCnt = val; } // The semantics of reference counting mean you cannot copy an object that has reference counts; // they are only manipulated by pointers. This constructor is private, which makes C++ whine if you do this. // Actually, you could copy it, if the refcnt in the new object were 0 and the pointer was assigned to a RefCntPointer. RefCntBase(RefCntBase &) { assert(0); } RefCntBase(const RefCntBase &) { assert(0); } RefCntBase operator=(RefCntBase &) {assert(0); mRefCnt = 0; return *this; } int decRefCnt(); // Only RefCntPointer is permitted to use incRefCnt and decRefCnt. void incRefCnt(); public: virtual ~RefCntBase(); RefCntBase() : mRefCnt(0) {} int getRefCnt() const { return mRefCnt; } }; // This is basically the same as a C++11 shared_ptr, but we cannot use C++ 11 yet. // The basic idea is that once you put an object into a RefCntPointer, then destruction of that // object is controlled by and assured by RefCntPointer using reference counts; when the last // RefCntPointer referring to the object is destroyed, the object is too. // You can use RefCntPointer similarly to an object* for most data-access purposes. // The auto-destruction should be optional - there should be a version that just maintains reference counts for you. // Semantics: // SomeDescendentOfRefCntBase foo; // RefCntPointer ptrToFoo; // ptrToFoo = &foo; // increment the reference count of foo. // ... ptrToFoo->... // Normal code using ptrToFoo as a (SomeDescendentOfRefCntBase*) // ptrToFoo = 0; // release pointer and decrement reference count of foo. // ptrToFoo.free(); // A better way to release it. template // Type must be a descendent of RefCntBase. class RefCntPointer { Type *rcPointer; void rcInc() { if (rcPointer) rcPointer->incRefCnt(); } void rcDec() { if (rcPointer) if (rcPointer->decRefCnt() <= 0) { rcPointer = NULL; }; } public: RefCntPointer() : rcPointer(NULL) { } RefCntPointer(const RefCntPointer &other) { rcPointer = other.rcPointer; rcInc(); } RefCntPointer(RefCntPointer &other) { rcPointer = other.rcPointer; rcInc(); } RefCntPointer(Type*other) { rcPointer = other; rcInc(); } // (pat) Making this virtual ~RefCntPointer makes ~MMContext crash, dont know why. // (pat) Update: lets try making it virtual again; it should work, but no one derives off RefCntPointer so I dont know why it crashes.. ~RefCntPointer() { if (rcPointer) { LOG(DEBUG) <<" rcPointer="<<((void*)rcPointer) <<" refcnt="<<(rcPointer?rcPointer->getRefCnt():0); } rcDec(); rcPointer = NULL; // should be redundant } Type* self() const { return rcPointer; } // The operator=(Type*) is called if the argument is NULL, so we dont need int. //Type* operator=(int value) { assert(value == 0); rcDec(); rcPointer = 0; return rcPointer; } // We increment before decrement if possible so that a = a; does not crash. RefCntPointer& operator=(RefCntPointer other) { other.rcInc(); rcDec(); rcPointer = other.rcPointer; return *this; } // The old is the previous value of this pointer. We do not decrement the refcnt in the other that we are taking charge of. RefCntPointer& operator=(Type* other) { Type *old = rcPointer; rcPointer = other; rcInc(); if (old) {old->decRefCnt();} return *this; } bool operator==(const RefCntPointer &other) const { return rcPointer == other.rcPointer; } bool operator==(const Type* other) const { return rcPointer == other; } bool operator!=(const RefCntPointer &other) const { return rcPointer != other.rcPointer; } bool operator!=(const Type* other) const { return rcPointer != other; } Type* operator->() const { return rcPointer; } Type& operator*() const { return *rcPointer; } // This auto-conversion causes gcc warning messages, which are of no import, but to avoid them I now use self() everywhere instead. //operator Type*() const { return rcPointer; } // free is a synonym for *this = NULL; but it is a better comment in the code what is happening. RefCntBase is only freed if this was the last pointer to it. void free() { int refcnt = rcPointer ? rcPointer->getRefCnt() : 0; rcDec(); if (refcnt > 1) { LOG(DEBUG)<<"RefCntPointer "<<(void*)rcPointer<<" refcnt before="<