/* * Copyright 2010 Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc. * Copyright 2014 Range Networks, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "sqlite3util.h" #include "Logger.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // (pat) You must not call LOG() from this file because it causes infinite recursion through gGetLoggingLevel and ConfigurationTable::lookup // Wrappers to sqlite operations. // These will eventually get moved to commonlibs. const char* enableWAL = { "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL" }; int sqlite3_prepare_statement(sqlite3* DB, sqlite3_stmt **stmt, const char* query, unsigned retries) { int src = SQLITE_BUSY; for (unsigned i = 0; i < retries; i++) { src = sqlite3_prepare_v2(DB,query,strlen(query),stmt,NULL); if (src != SQLITE_BUSY && src != SQLITE_LOCKED) { break; } usleep(200); } if (src) { // (pat) You must not call LOG() from this file because it causes infinite recursion through gGetLoggingLevel and ConfigurationTable::lookup _LOG(ERR)<< format("sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed code=%u for \"%s\": %s\n",src,query,sqlite3_errmsg(DB)); sqlite3_finalize(*stmt); } return src; } int sqlite3_run_query(sqlite3* DB, sqlite3_stmt *stmt, unsigned retries) { int src = SQLITE_BUSY; for (unsigned i = 0; i < retries; i++) { src = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (src != SQLITE_BUSY && src != SQLITE_LOCKED) { break; } usleep(200); } if ((src!=SQLITE_DONE) && (src!=SQLITE_ROW)) { // (pat) You must not call LOG() from this file because it causes infinite recursion through gGetLoggingLevel and ConfigurationTable::lookup _LOG(ERR) << format("sqlite3_run_query failed code=%u for: %s: %s\n", src, sqlite3_sql(stmt), sqlite3_errmsg(DB)); } return src; } // condition buffer is size 100 minimum. static const unsigned sqlBufferSize = 100; static const char *condition_c(char *resultBuffer,const char *keyName, const char*keyValue) { snprintf(resultBuffer,sqlBufferSize,"WHERE %s == '%s'",keyName,keyValue); return resultBuffer; } static const char *condition_u(char *resultBuffer,const char *keyName, unsigned keyValue) { snprintf(resultBuffer,sqlBufferSize,"WHERE %s == %u",keyName,keyValue); return resultBuffer; } void sqlQuery::queryStart(sqlite3*db, const char *tableName,const char *resultColumns, const char*condition) { int retries = 5; mdb = db; mQueryRC = SQLITE_ERROR; // Until we know better. //size_t stringSize = sqlBufferSize + strlen(resultColumns) + strlen(tableName) + strlen(condition); //char query[stringSize]; //snprintf(query,stringSize,"SELECT %s FROM %s %s",resultColumns,tableName,condition); // We save the query in a string so the caller can print it out in error messages if the query fails. mQueryString = format("SELECT %s FROM %s %s",resultColumns,tableName,condition); // Prepare the statement. if (sqlite3_prepare_statement(mdb,&mStmt,mQueryString.c_str(),retries)) { mStmt = NULL; return; } // Read the result. mQueryRC = sqlite3_run_query(mdb,mStmt,retries); } // Load the next row. Return true if there is another row, false if finished or error. bool sqlQuery::sqlStep() { if (mQueryRC == SQLITE_ROW) { // Get the next row. mQueryRC = sqlite3_run_query(mdb,mStmt,5); } return mQueryRC == SQLITE_ROW; } sqlQuery::sqlQuery(sqlite3*db, const char *tableName,const char *resultColumns,const char *condition) { queryStart(db,tableName,resultColumns,condition); } sqlQuery::sqlQuery(sqlite3*db, const char *tableName,const char *resultColumns,const char *keyName, unsigned keyData) { char conditionBuffer[sqlBufferSize]; queryStart(db,tableName,resultColumns,condition_u(conditionBuffer,keyName,keyData)); } sqlQuery::sqlQuery(sqlite3*db, const char *tableName,const char *resultColumns,const char *keyName, const char *keyData) { char conditionBuffer[sqlBufferSize]; queryStart(db,tableName,resultColumns,condition_c(conditionBuffer,keyName,keyData)); } sqlQuery::~sqlQuery() { if (mStmt) sqlite3_finalize(mStmt); } string sqlQuery::getResultText(int colNum) { if (sqlSuccess()) { const char* ptr = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(mStmt,colNum); return ptr ? string(ptr,sqlite3_column_bytes(mStmt,colNum)) : string(""); } return string(""); } sqlite3_int64 sqlQuery::getResultInt(int colNum) { return sqlSuccess() ? sqlite3_column_int64(mStmt,colNum) : 0; } bool sqlite3_exists(sqlite3* DB, const char *tableName, const char* keyName, const char* keyData, unsigned retries) { size_t stringSize = 100 + strlen(tableName) + strlen(keyName) + strlen(keyData); char query[stringSize]; sprintf(query,"SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s == \"%s\"",tableName,keyName,keyData); // Prepare the statement. sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_statement(DB,&stmt,query,retries)) return false; // Read the result. int src = sqlite3_run_query(DB,stmt,retries); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); // Anything there? return (src == SQLITE_ROW); } bool sqlite3_single_lookup(sqlite3* DB, const char *tableName, const char* keyName, const char* keyData, const char* valueName, unsigned &valueData, unsigned retries) { size_t stringSize = 100 + strlen(valueName) + strlen(tableName) + strlen(keyName) + strlen(keyData); char query[stringSize]; sprintf(query,"SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s == \"%s\"",valueName,tableName,keyName,keyData); // Prepare the statement. sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_statement(DB,&stmt,query,retries)) return false; // Read the result. int src = sqlite3_run_query(DB,stmt,retries); bool retVal = false; if (src == SQLITE_ROW) { valueData = (unsigned)sqlite3_column_int64(stmt,0); retVal = true; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return retVal; } #if 0 // This code works fine, but sqlQuery is a better way. // If result is a row return the sqlite3_stmt, else NULL. // Pass a comma-separated list of column names to return, or if you want all the columns in the result, pass "*" as the resultColumns. // Almost all the other functions below could use this. sqlite3_stmt *sqlite_lookup_row(sqlite3*db, const char *tableName, const char* condition, const char *resultColumns) { int retries = 5; size_t stringSize = sqlBufferSize + strlen(resultColumns) + strlen(tableName) + strlen(condition); char query[stringSize]; snprintf(query,stringSize,"SELECT %s FROM %s %s",resultColumns,tableName,condition); // Prepare the statement. sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_statement(db,&stmt,query,retries)) return NULL; // Read the result. int src = sqlite3_run_query(db,stmt,retries); if (src == SQLITE_ROW) { return stmt; // Caller must sqlite3_finalize(); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return NULL; } sqlite3_stmt *sqlite_lookup_row_c(sqlite3*db, const char *tableName, const char* keyName, const char *keyData, const char *resultColumns) { char conditionBuffer[sqlBufferSize]; return sqlite_lookup_row(db,tableName,condition_c(conditionBuffer,keyName,keyData),resultColumns); } sqlite3_stmt *sqlite_lookup_row_u(sqlite3*db, const char *tableName, const char* keyName, unsigned keyValue, const char* resultColumns) { char conditionBuffer[sqlBufferSize]; return sqlite_lookup_row(db,tableName,condition_u(conditionBuffer,keyName,keyValue),resultColumns); } // Pass a comma-separated list of column names to return, or if you want all the columns in the result, pass "*" as the resultColumns. vector sqlite_multi_lookup_vector(sqlite3* db, const char* tableName, const char* keyName, const char* keyData, const char *resultColumns) { vector result; if (sqlite3_stmt *stmt = sqlite_lookup_row_c(db,tableName,keyName,keyData,resultColumns)) { int n = sqlite3_column_count(stmt); if (n < 0 || n > 100) { goto done; } // Would like to LOG an error but afraid to use LOG in here. result.reserve(n+1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { const char* ptr = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt,i); result.push_back(ptr ? string(ptr,sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt,i)) : string("")); } done: sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } return result; } #endif bool sqlite_single_lookup(sqlite3* db, const char* tableName, const char* keyName, const char* keyData, const char* resultName, string &resultData) { sqlQuery query(db,tableName,resultName,keyName,keyData); if (query.sqlSuccess()) { resultData = query.getResultText(); return true; } return false; #if 0 if (sqlite3_stmt *stmt = sqlite_lookup_row_c(db,tableName,keyName,keyData,valueName)) { if (const char* ptr = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt,0)) { valueData = string(ptr,sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt,0)); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return true; } return false; #endif } bool sqlite_single_lookup(sqlite3* db, const char* tableName, const char* keyName, unsigned keyValue, const char* resultName, string &resultData) { sqlQuery query(db,tableName,resultName,keyName,keyValue); if (query.sqlSuccess()) { resultData = query.getResultText(); return true; } return false; #if 0 if (sqlite3_stmt *stmt = sqlite_lookup_row_u(db,tableName,keyName,keyValue,valueName)) { if (const char* ptr = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt,0)) { valueData = string(ptr,sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt,0)); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return true; } return false; #endif } // Do the lookup and just return the string. // For this function an empty value is indistinguishable from failure - both return an empty string. string sqlite_single_lookup_string(sqlite3* db, const char* tableName, const char* keyName, const char* keyData, const char* resultName) { return sqlQuery(db,tableName,resultName,keyName,keyData).getResultText(); #if 0 string result; (void) sqlite_single_lookup(db,tableName,keyName,keyData,valueName,result); return result; #endif } // This function returns an allocated string that must be free'd by the caller. bool sqlite3_single_lookup(sqlite3* DB, const char* tableName, const char* keyName, const char* keyData, const char* valueName, char* &valueData, unsigned retries) { valueData=NULL; size_t stringSize = 100 + strlen(valueName) + strlen(tableName) + strlen(keyName) + strlen(keyData); char query[stringSize]; snprintf(query,stringSize,"SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s == \"%s\"",valueName,tableName,keyName,keyData); // Prepare the statement. sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_statement(DB,&stmt,query,retries)) return false; // Read the result. int src = sqlite3_run_query(DB,stmt,retries); bool retVal = false; if (src == SQLITE_ROW) { const char* ptr = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt,0); if (ptr) valueData = strdup(ptr); retVal = true; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return retVal; } // This function returns an allocated string that must be free'd by tha caller. bool sqlite3_single_lookup(sqlite3* DB, const char* tableName, const char* keyName, unsigned keyData, const char* valueName, char* &valueData, unsigned retries) { valueData=NULL; size_t stringSize = 100 + strlen(valueName) + strlen(tableName) + strlen(keyName) + 20; char query[stringSize]; sprintf(query,"SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s == %u",valueName,tableName,keyName,keyData); // Prepare the statement. sqlite3_stmt *stmt; if (sqlite3_prepare_statement(DB,&stmt,query,retries)) return false; // Read the result. int src = sqlite3_run_query(DB,stmt,retries); bool retVal = false; if (src == SQLITE_ROW) { const char* ptr = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt,0); if (ptr) valueData = strdup(ptr); retVal = true; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return retVal; } bool sqlite_set_attr(sqlite3*db,const char *attr_name,const char*attr_value) { if (! sqlite3_command(db,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ATTR_TABLE (ATTR_NAME TEXT PRIMARY KEY, ATTR_VALUE TEXT)")) { // (mike) 2014-06: to free ourselves of the in-tree sqlite3 code, the system library must be used. // However, sqlite3_db_filename is not available in Ubuntu 12.04. Removing dependence for now. //const char *fn = sqlite3_db_filename(db,"main"); // (pat) You must not call LOG() from this file because it causes infinite recursion through gGetLoggingLevel and ConfigurationTable::lookup _LOG(WARNING) << "Could not create ATTR_TABLE in database file ";// <<(fn?fn:""); return false; } char query[100]; snprintf(query,100,"REPLACE INTO ATTR_TABLE (ATTR_NAME,ATTR_VALUE) VALUES('%s','%s')",attr_name,attr_value); if (! sqlite3_command(db,query)) { // (mike) 2014-06: to free ourselves of the in-tree sqlite3 code, the system library must be used. // However, sqlite3_db_filename is not available in Ubuntu 12.04. Removing dependence for now. //const char *fn = sqlite3_db_filename(db,"main"); // (pat) You must not call LOG() from this file because it causes infinite recursion through gGetLoggingLevel and ConfigurationTable::lookup _LOG(WARNING) << "Could not set attribute: "<