/**@file Common-use GSM declarations, most from the GSM 04.xx and 05.xx series. */ /* * OpenBTS provides an open source alternative to legacy telco protocols and * traditionally complex, proprietary hardware systems. * * Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright 2010 Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc. * Copyright 2011, 2014 Range Networks, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General * Public License version 3. See the COPYING and NOTICE files in the main * directory for licensing information. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. */ #ifndef GSMCOMMON_H #define GSMCOMMON_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace GSM { /**@namespace GSM This namespace covers L1 FEC, L2 and L3 message translation. */ /* forward references */ class L1FEC; class L2LAPDm; class L3Processor; class LogicalChannel; class L2Header; /** Call states based on GSM 04.08 5 and ITU-T Q.931 */ enum CallState { NullState, Paging, AnsweredPaging, MOCInitiated, MOCProceeding, MTCConfirmed, CallReceived, CallPresent, ConnectIndication, Active, DisconnectIndication, ReleaseRequest, SMSDelivering, SMSSubmitting, }; /** Return a human-readable string for a GSM::CallState. */ const char* CallStateString(CallState state); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, CallState state); /** A base class for GSM exceptions. */ class GSMError {}; /** Duration ofa GSM frame, in microseconds. */ const unsigned gFrameMicroseconds = 4615; /** Sleep for a given number of GSM frame periods. */ inline void sleepFrames(unsigned frames) { usleep(frames*gFrameMicroseconds); } /** Sleep for 1 GSM frame period. */ inline void sleepFrame() { usleep(gFrameMicroseconds); } /** GSM Training sequences from GSM 05.02 5.2.3. */ extern const BitVector gTrainingSequence[]; /** C0T0 filler burst, GSM 05.02, 5.2.6 */ extern const BitVector gDummyBurst; /** Random access burst synch. sequence */ extern const BitVector gRACHSynchSequence; enum GSMAlphabet { ALPHABET_7BIT, ALPHABET_8BIT, ALPHABET_UCS2 }; /**@name Support for GSM 7-bit alphabet, GSM 03.38 6.2.1. */ //@{ /** Indexed by GSM 7-bit, returns ISO-8859-1. We do not support the extended table, so 0x1B is a space. FIXME -- ISO-8859-1 doesn't support Greek! */ static const unsigned char gGSMAlphabet[] = "@\243$\245\350\351\371\354\362\347\n\330\370\r\305\345D_FGLOPCSTZ \306\346\337\311 !\"#\244%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\241ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\304\326\321\334\247\277abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\344\366\361\374\341"; unsigned char encodeGSMChar(unsigned char ascii); inline unsigned char decodeGSMChar(unsigned char sms) { return gGSMAlphabet[(unsigned)sms]; } //@} /**@name BCD-ASCII mapping, GMS 04.08 Table 10.5.118. */ //@{ /** Indexed by BCD, returns ASCII. */ static const char gBCDAlphabet[] = "0123456789.#abc"; char encodeBCDChar(char ascii); inline char decodeBCDChar(char bcd) { return gBCDAlphabet[(unsigned)bcd]; } //@} /**@name Globally-fixed GSM timeout values (all in ms). */ //@{ /**@name GSM LAPDm timeouts, GSM 04.06 5.8, ITU-T Q.921 5.9 */ //@{ const unsigned T200ms = 900; ///< LAPDm ACK timeout, set for typical turnaround time //@} /**@name GSM timeouts for radio resource management, GSM 04.08 11.1. */ //@{ const unsigned T3101ms = 4000; ///< L1 timeout for SDCCH assignment const unsigned T3107ms = 3000; ///< L1 timeout for TCH/FACCH assignment const unsigned T3109ms = 30000; ///< L1 timeout for an existing channel const unsigned T3111ms = 2*T200ms; ///< L1 timeout for reassignment of a channel //@} /**@name GSM timeouts for mobility management, GSM 04.08 11.2. */ //@{ const unsigned T3260ms = 12000; ///< ID request timeout //@} /**@name GSM timeouts for SMS. GSM 04.11 */ //@{ const unsigned TR1Mms = 30000; ///< RP-ACK timeout //@} //@} /** GSM 04.08 Table 10.5.118 and GSM 03.40 */ enum TypeOfNumber { UnknownTypeOfNumber = 0, InternationalNumber = 1, NationalNumber = 2, NetworkSpecificNumber = 3, ShortCodeNumber = 4, AlphanumericNumber = 5, AbbreviatedNumber = 6 }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, TypeOfNumber); /** GSM 04.08 Table 10.5.118 and GSM 03.40 */ enum NumberingPlan { UnknownPlan = 0, E164Plan = 1, X121Plan = 3, F69Plan = 4, NationalPlan = 8, PrivatePlan = 9, ERMESPlan = 10 }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, NumberingPlan); /** Codes for GSM band types, GSM 05.05 2. */ enum GSMBand { GSM850=850, ///< US cellular EGSM900=900, ///< extended GSM DCS1800=1800, ///< worldwide DCS band PCS1900=1900 ///< US PCS band }; /**@name Actual radio carrier frequencies, in kHz, GSM 05.05 2 */ //@{ unsigned uplinkFreqKHz(GSMBand wBand, unsigned wARFCN); unsigned uplinkOffsetKHz(GSMBand); unsigned downlinkFreqKHz(GSMBand wBand, unsigned wARFCN); //@} /**@name GSM Logical channel (LCH) types. */ //@{ /** Codes for logical channel types. */ enum ChannelType { ///@name Non-dedicated control channels. //@{ SCHType, ///< sync FCCHType, ///< frequency correction BCCHType, ///< broadcast control CCCHType, ///< common control, a combination of several sub-types RACHType, ///< random access SACCHType, ///< slow associated control (acutally dedicated, but...) CBCHType, ///< cell broadcast channel //@} ///@name Dedicated control channels (DCCHs). //@{ SDCCHType, ///< standalone dedicated control FACCHType, ///< fast associated control //@} ///@name Traffic channels //@{ TCHFType, ///< full-rate traffic TCHHType, ///< half-rate traffic AnyTCHType, ///< any TCH type //@} ///@name Special internal channel types. //@{ LoopbackFullType, ///< loopback testing LoopbackHalfType, ///< loopback testing AnyDCCHType, ///< any dedicated control channel UndefinedCHType, ///< undefined //@} }; /** Print channel type name to a stream. */ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ChannelType val); //@} /** Mobile identity types, GSM 04.08 */ enum MobileIDType { NoIDType = 0, IMSIType = 1, IMEIType = 2, IMEISVType = 3, TMSIType = 4 }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MobileIDType); /** Type and TDMA offset of a logical channel, from GSM 04.08 */ enum TypeAndOffset { TDMA_MISC=0, TCHF_0=1, TCHH_0=2, TCHH_1=3, SDCCH_4_0=4, SDCCH_4_1=5, SDCCH_4_2=6, SDCCH_4_3=7, SDCCH_8_0=8, SDCCH_8_1=9, SDCCH_8_2=10, SDCCH_8_3=11, SDCCH_8_4=12, SDCCH_8_5=13, SDCCH_8_6=14, SDCCH_8_7=15, /// An extra one for our internal use. TDMA_BEACON=255 }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, TypeAndOffset); /** L3 Protocol Discriminator, GSM 04.08 10.2, GSM 04.07 */ enum L3PD { L3GroupCallControlPD=0x00, L3BroadcastCallControlPD=0x01, L3PDSS1PD=0x02, L3CallControlPD=0x03, L3PDSS2PD=0x04, L3MobilityManagementPD=0x05, L3RadioResourcePD=0x06, L3GPRSMobilityManagementPD=0x08, L3SMSPD=0x09, L3GPRSSessionManagementPD=0x0a, L3NonCallSSPD=0x0b, L3LocationPD=0x0c, L3ExtendedPD=0x0e, L3TestProcedurePD=0x0f, L3UndefinedPD=-1 }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, L3PD val); /**@name Tables related to Tx-integer; GSM 04.08 and */ //@{ /** "T" parameter, from GSM 04.08 Index is TxInteger. */ extern const unsigned RACHSpreadSlots[]; /** "S" parameter, from GSM 04.08 Index is TxInteger. */ extern const unsigned RACHWaitSParam[]; //@} /**@name Modulus operations for frame numbers. */ //@{ /** The GSM hyperframe is largest time period in the GSM system, GSM 05.02 4.3.3. */ const uint32_t gHyperframe = 2048UL * 26UL * 51UL; /** Get a clock difference, within the modulus, v1-v2. */ int32_t FNDelta(int32_t v1, int32_t v2); /** Compare two frame clock values. @return 1 if v1>v2, -1 if v17) { mTN-=8; mFN = (mFN+1) % gHyperframe; } return *this; } Time& operator+=(int step) { // Remember the step might be negative. mFN += step; if (mFN<0) mFN+=gHyperframe; mFN = mFN % gHyperframe; return *this; } Time operator-(int step) const { return operator+(-step); } Time operator+(int step) const { Time newVal = *this; newVal += step; return newVal; } Time operator+(const Time& other) const { unsigned newTN = (mTN + other.mTN) % 8; uint64_t newFN = (mFN+other.mFN + (mTN + other.mTN)/8) % gHyperframe; return Time(newFN,newTN); } int operator-(const Time& other) const { return FNDelta(mFN,other.mFN); } //@} /**@name Comparisons. */ //@{ bool operator<(const Time& other) const { if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN(const Time& other) const { if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN>other.mTN); return FNCompare(mFN,other.mFN)>0; } bool operator<=(const Time& other) const { if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN<=other.mTN); return FNCompare(mFN,other.mFN)<=0; } bool operator>=(const Time& other) const { if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN>=other.mTN); return FNCompare(mFN,other.mFN)>=0; } bool operator==(const Time& other) const { return (mFN == other.mFN) && (mTN==other.mTN); } //@} /**@name Standard derivations. */ //@{ /** GSM 05.02 */ unsigned SFN() const { return mFN / (26*51); } /** GSM 05.02 */ unsigned T1() const { return SFN() % 2048; } /** GSM 05.02 */ unsigned T2() const { return mFN % 26; } /** GSM 05.02 */ unsigned T3() const { return mFN % 51; } /** GSM 05.02 */ unsigned T3p() const { return (T3()-1)/10; } /** GSM 05.02 */ unsigned TC() const { return (FN()/51) % 8; } /** GSM 04.08 */ unsigned T1p() const { return SFN() % 32; } /** GSM 05.02 6.2.3 */ unsigned T1R() const { return T1() % 64; } //@} }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Time& ts); /** A class for calculating the current GSM frame number. Has built-in concurrency protections. */ class Clock { private: mutable Mutex mLock; int32_t mBaseFN; Timeval mBaseTime; public: Clock(const Time& when = Time(0)) :mBaseFN(when.FN()) {} /** Set the clock to a value. */ void set(const Time&); /** Read the clock. */ int32_t FN() const; /** Read the clock. */ Time get() const { return Time(FN()); } /** Block until the clock passes a given time. */ void wait(const Time&) const; }; /** CCITT Z.100 activity timer, as described in GSM 04.06 5.1. All times are in milliseconds. */ class Z100Timer { private: Timeval mEndTime; ///< the time at which this timer will expire long mLimitTime; ///< timeout in milliseconds bool mActive; ///< true if timer is active public: /** Create a timer with a given timeout in milliseconds. */ Z100Timer(long wLimitTime) :mLimitTime(wLimitTime), mActive(false) {} /** Blank constructor; if you use this object, it will assert. */ Z100Timer():mLimitTime(0),mActive(false) {} /** True if the timer is active and expired. */ bool expired() const; /** Force the timer into an expired state. */ void expire(); /** Start or restart the timer. */ void set(); /** Start or restart the timer, possibly specifying a new limit. */ void set(long wLimitTime); // Just configure, dont start. Value may be 0, but dont start the timer with that value. void configure(long wLimitTime) { mLimitTime = wLimitTime; } /** Stop the timer. */ void reset() { assert(mLimitTime!=0); mActive = false; } /** Returns true if the timer is active. */ bool active() const { return mActive; } /** Returns true if the timer has been configured with a non-zero limit. */ bool configured() const { return mLimitTime != 0; } /** Remaining time until expiration, in milliseconds. Returns zero if the timer has expired. */ long remaining() const; /** Block until the timer expires. Returns immediately if the timer is not running. */ void wait() const; }; }; // namespace GSM #endif // vim: ts=4 sw=4