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* OpenBTS provides an open source alternative to legacy telco protocols and
* traditionally complex, proprietary hardware systems.
* Copyright 2014 Range Networks, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General
* Public License version 3. See the COPYING and NOTICE files in the main
* directory for licensing information.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
#ifndef URRCTRCH_H
#define URRCTRCH_H 1
#include "UMTSCommon.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "ScalarTypes.h"
#include "URRCDefs.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "asn_system.h" // Dont let other includes land in namespace ASN.
namespace ASN {
#include "TransportFormatSet.h"
#include "TFCS.h"
#include "RB-MappingInfo.h"
namespace UMTS {
class TrChInfo;
class RACHFEC;
class FACHFEC;
class DCHFEC;
// 3GPP 25.331 RRC protocol spec. Messages and IEs below are transmitted to the UE using ANS.
// sec 10.2.40: Message RRC Connection Setup.
// sec 10.2.33: Message Radio Bearer Setup
// sec Signalling RB Info to setup.
// (pat) RB (Radio Bearer) setup. The programming options for the RB is huge, with tons of stuff
// we will never use, and additional complication is inserted into the specs to more closely match
// the constraints imposed by using ANS.
// To attack this, I am pulling out those parts of RB setup that we will use into C++ classes.
// Our job is to program our own RLC+MAC+L1+PHY with these directly, and the UE with
// matching (though not identical, because uplink and downlink are assymetric) parameters using ANS.
// We will probably not create generic "write" routines to convert these classes
// into ANS structures to send to the UE for two reasons:
// 1. We will use pre-defined UE setups (sec 13.7) as much as possible, and we dont
// need to transmit those, we only need to program our own RRC to match.
// 2. The ANS complexity is high, we only program a tiny subset of it,
// and we will only make a couple of Radio Bearer setups (maybe only 1), ever.
// It will be easier to custom program the ANS for the few that we use, using
// the info in these C++ classes.
// RB Information Elements
// TrCH Information Elements
// UL Transport Channel Info common for all Transport Channels
// Added or Reconfigured UL TrCH info
// DL Transport Channel Info common for all Transport Channels
// Added or Reconfigured DL TrCH info
// PhyCH Info Elements
// ...
typedef unsigned RBIdentity; // 1..32. 1-4 reserved for SRB1 - SRB4.
struct TrChList;
struct RrcTfsRlcSize {
//unsigned mValue; Used to do it this way.
static void toAsnBitMode(ASN::BitModeRLC_SizeInfo*result,unsigned rlcsize); // Used for dedciated ch (DCH)
static void toAsnOctetMode1(ASN::OctetModeRLC_SizeInfoType1 *result,unsigned rlcsize);
static void toAsnOctetMode2(ASN::OctetModeRLC_SizeInfoType2*result,unsigned rlcsize); // Used for common ch (RACH/FACH)
struct RrcTfsNumberOfTransportBlocks {
//unsigned mValue; // 0 .. 51
static ASN::NumberOfTransportBlocks *toAsn(unsigned numtb);
struct RrcSemiStaticTFInfo : public virtual RrcDefs //
// Note: The ASN encodes the static TTI in the tti CHOICE in the enclosing
// CommonTransChTfs or DedicatedTransChTfs. Note that it is still a single tti choice,
// it is just a non-obvious place to put it.
unsigned mTTI; // 10, 20, 40, 80, or "dynamic" which we dont use
CodingType mTypeOfChannelCoding;
CodingRate mCodingRate;
unsigned mRateMatchingAttribute;
unsigned mCRCSize;
void toAsnSSTF(ASN::SemistaticTF_Information *result);
void text(std::ostream &os) { os <<LOGVAR(mTTI)<<LOGVAR(mTypeOfChannelCoding)<<LOGVAR(mRateMatchingAttribute)<<LOGVAR(mCRCSize); }
// 25.331 Transport Format Set. Defines the Transport Formats for one TrCh.
// The first CHOICE is DCH or non-DCH. We may not need the non-DCH at all,
// because for us that will only be FACH, and if we only use that for signalling,
// there will only be one message size and one transport option and we will just
// hard-code it into the MAC.
// There are two kinds of these: for DCH or not, but the info we use is identical for both.
class RrcTfs : public virtual RrcDefs // Transport Format Set
TrChInfo *mTrChPtr; // Our owner. The only reason we need this so far is for the multiplexed option
// flag needed to compute the confusing rlc_size from the Transport Block size.
UInt_z mMaxTfSize; // Computed
UInt_z mMaxTbSize; // Computed
// This is from ASN, representing: CHOICE Transport channel type.
// The two choices for us represent DCH or RACH/FACH.
// I have not broken out the cases separately below, because RACH/FACH is the same as DCH
// but with logical channels left out.
// You must call setDedicatedCh or setCommonCh
enum ASN::TransportFormatSet_PR mPresent;
RrcTfs(TrChInfo *wtrch) : mTrChPtr(wtrch) {}
RrcTfs* setDedicatedCh() { mPresent = ASN::TransportFormatSet_PR_dedicatedTransChTFS; return this; }
RrcTfs* setCommonCh() { mPresent = ASN::TransportFormatSet_PR_commonTransChTFS; return this; }
// And here is our ultra-light-weight RBMappingInfo data:
// We dont use logical-channel-mapping (the rbid is the logical channel id)
// and the RB mapping is invariant, so we can put it in the TFS permanently.
// Either the TrCh is MAC multiplexed, or it carries a single RbId;
// the latter case will probably only ever be used for voice channels
// which map the AMR data channels to dedicated TrCh 1,2,3, and put
// all the SRB signalling on multiplexed TrCh 4.
bool isMacMultiplexed();
RbId getNonMultiplexedRbId();
//bool isDedicated() {
// switch (mPresent) {
// case ASN::TransportFormatSet_PR_dedicatedTransChTFS: return true;
// case ASN::TransportFormatSet_PR_commonTransChTFS: return false;
// default: assert(0); // oops!
// }
RrcSemiStaticTFInfo mSemiStaticTFInfo;
// In the spec this structure is confusingly compressed to save space,
// by encoding the "Number of TBs and TTI List" as a sub-array, even though
// there is really one Tfs array.
// I am expanding that out, however, note that a TF can have TBs of only one size.
// The spec method makes sense because for AM and UM mode there should only be one TB size,
// or sometimes there are two and the second one is zero.
// For TM mode, there can be lots of different block sizes, and the MAC is supposed
// to pick a TFS to match them.
struct DynamicTFInfo {
// 25.331 the "RLC-Size" in these structures is a magic term defined as follows:
// For common [RACh/FACH] TrCh, TB size = "RLC-Size".
// For dedicated [DCH] TrCh, TB size = "RLC-Size" + MAC header (unless RLC-Size == 0, then TB size = 0)
// In other words, for (fach, rach) the "RLC-Size" is not the rlc payload size,
// which must be figured differently for each rb-id (aka logical channel) depending on the
// the MAC header needed for that channel, which is different for CCCH (SRB0), DCCH (SRB1) and others.
// There is a very useful example at 34.108
// We dont save the "RLC-Size" as defined above, but rather that Transport Block Size,
// and then compute the "RLC-Size" needed to be sent to the MS in the IE when we create the ASN.
unsigned mTBSize; // Size of the transport block in bits. This is NOT the 'rlc_size' in the TFS IE.
//unsigned mTTI; // Only if semi-static TTI is "dynamic", which it wont be.
unsigned mNumTB;
// We always just put the 'ALL' option in the ASN.
// CHOICE Logical Channel List:
unsigned getTBSize() { return mTBSize; }
unsigned getNumTB() { return mNumTB; }
// Total size of all Transport Blocks in this one TF, in bits.
unsigned getTfTotalSize() { return mTBSize * mNumTB; }
// This struct can be converted to two different asn structures:
// They are the same except for the rlcSize encoding:
// the dedicated channel TFS allows bit-aligned rlcSize control,
// while common channels are restricted to octet-aligned when using FDD.
ASN::CommonDynamicTF_Info *toAsnCommon1(ASN::CommonDynamicTF_Info *result, bool isDownlink);
ASN::DedicatedDynamicTF_Info *toAsnDedicated1(RrcTfs*tfs,ASN::DedicatedDynamicTF_Info *result);
void text(std::ostream &os) {
os <<"TF("<<LOGVAR(mTBSize)<<LOGVAR(mNumTB)<<")";
struct DynamicTFInfoList {
UInt_z mNumTF;
DynamicTFInfo mDynamicTFInfo[maxTFS];
void addTF(unsigned tbsize, unsigned numBlocks) {
assert(mNumTF < maxTFS);
mDynamicTFInfo[mNumTF].mTBSize = tbsize;
mDynamicTFInfo[mNumTF].mNumTB = numBlocks;
// This can be converted to two different asn structures:
void toAsnCommon(ASN::CommonDynamicTF_InfoList *list, bool isDownlink);
void toAsnDedicated(RrcTfs*tfs,ASN::DedicatedDynamicTF_InfoList *list);
void text(std::ostream &os) {
for (unsigned i=0;i<mNumTF;i++) { mDynamicTFInfo[i].text(os); os <<" ";}
} mDynamic;
RrcSemiStaticTFInfo *getSemiStatic() { return &mSemiStaticTFInfo; }
unsigned getTBSize(int tfnum) { return mDynamic.mDynamicTFInfo[tfnum].getTBSize(); }
//unsigned getCodedBlockSize(int tfnum);
unsigned getTfTotalSize(int tfnum) { return mDynamic.mDynamicTFInfo[tfnum].getTfTotalSize(); }
unsigned getNumTB(int tfnum) {
return mDynamic.mDynamicTFInfo[tfnum].getNumTB();
unsigned getNumTf() { return mDynamic.mNumTF; }
TrChInfo *getTrCh() { return mTrChPtr; }
unsigned getPB() { return mSemiStaticTFInfo.mCRCSize; }
unsigned getRM() { return mSemiStaticTFInfo.mRateMatchingAttribute; }
TTICodes getTTICode() { return TTI2TTICode(mSemiStaticTFInfo.mTTI); }
unsigned getTTINumFrames() { return mSemiStaticTFInfo.mTTI / 10; } // Return 1,2,4,8
bool getTurboFlag() { return mSemiStaticTFInfo.mTypeOfChannelCoding == Turbo; }
// Used for AM and UM mode RLC, but we dont really expect there to be different
// TB sizes, only that there may be a zero-valued one that we want to ignore.
unsigned getMaxTBSize() { // in bits.
if (mMaxTbSize == 0) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mDynamic.mNumTF; i++) {
unsigned tmp = getTBSize(i);
if (tmp > mMaxTbSize) mMaxTbSize = tmp;
return mMaxTbSize;
unsigned getMaxTfSize() { // Return max number of bytes in any single TF.
if (mMaxTfSize == 0) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mDynamic.mNumTF; i++) {
unsigned tmp = getTfTotalSize(i);
if (tmp > mMaxTfSize) mMaxTfSize = tmp;
//LOG(NOTICE) << format("getMaxTfSize i=%d tmp=%d max=%d",i,tmp,(int)mMaxTfSize);
return mMaxTfSize;
// Configuration Functions:
RrcTfs *setSemiStatic(unsigned tti,CodingType ct, CodingRate cr, unsigned rm, unsigned crcSize) {
mSemiStaticTFInfo.mTTI = tti;
mSemiStaticTFInfo.mTypeOfChannelCoding = ct;
mSemiStaticTFInfo.mCodingRate = cr;
mSemiStaticTFInfo.mRateMatchingAttribute = rm;
mSemiStaticTFInfo.mCRCSize = crcSize;
return this;
// Note: We specify the Transport Block Size, not 'rlc-size' used in the TFS IE.
// If you transcribe these from an RRC spec, you may have to adjust the size.
RrcTfs *addTF(unsigned tbsize, unsigned numBlocks) {
return this;
void toAsnTfs(ASN::TransportFormatSet *result, bool isDownlink = false);
unsigned getNumTF() { return mDynamic.mNumTF; }
void text(std::ostream &os) {
os <<LOGVAR(mPresent)<<LOGVAR(mMaxTfSize)<<LOGVAR(mMaxTbSize)<<
os << " ";
// This is a handle on a TransportFormat; applies to one TrCh.
// The TF is part of a TFS, which has shared (semi-static) and non-shared (dynamic) parts,
// so it is a pointer to the TFS plus the index into the dynamic part.
// It also serves as a cheap iterator object.
struct RrcTf
RrcTfs *mTfs; // The owner of this TF.
TfIndex mTfi;
RrcTf() : mTfs(0) {}
RrcTf(RrcTfs *wTfs,TfIndex wTfi) : mTfs(wTfs),mTfi(wTfi) {}
unsigned getNumTB() {
if (mTfs == 0) { return 0; }
return mTfs->getNumTB(mTfi);
unsigned getTBSize() { // in bits
if (mTfs == 0) { return 0; }
return mTfs->getTBSize(mTfi);
unsigned getTfTotalSize() { return getTBSize() * getNumTB(); }
RrcSemiStaticTFInfo *getSemiStaticInfo() {
if (mTfs == 0) { return 0; }
return mTfs->getSemiStatic();
// Cheap iterator for TF in TFS. Does not iterate TF in TFCS:
// Return the first TF.
void firstTf(RrcTfs *tfs) {
mTfs = tfs;
mTfi = 0;
bool valid() { return mTfs && mTfi < mTfs->getNumTf(); }
// Advance to the next TF in the TFS.
void nextTf() {
mTfi++; // May be rendered invalid; caller must check.
struct PowerOffset { //
Bool_z mPresent; // Has this been specified?
unsigned char mGainFactorBetaC;
PowerOffset() { mPresent = false; }
PowerOffset(unsigned char val) { mPresent = true; mGainFactorBetaC = val; }
// One Transport Format Combination, saves info for one CTFC.
class RrcTfc : public virtual RrcDefs
// Each TrCh [Transport Channel] has a TFS [Transport Format Set] which specifies
// the legal TF [Transport Formats] allowed for that TrCh.
// The physical channel encodes CCTrCh consisting of 1 or more TrCh.
// The TFC specifies the complete set of TB [Tranport Block] that can be transmitted
// for all TrCh simultaneously for the PHY by picking one TF from each TrCh.
// The spec compresses this info into the CTFC, but we also keep a handle
// to the TF specified for each TrCh, which is not part of the IE.
TrChList *mTrChList; // Who owns us, same pointer duplicated in all TFC in this TFCS.
// Note that it will be either a downlink or uplink one.
// It is inited not by constructor, but when the RrcTf are.
RrcTf mTfList[maxTrCh];
unsigned mCTFC; // This is what goes out over the PHY in the special spot in the RadioSlot.
PowerOffset mPowerOffset;
unsigned mTfcsIndex; // The index of this TFC in the TFCS.
// A way to get back to the TrChInfo if you have a handle to the TFC, but
// not to the TrChConfig or MasterChConfig in which it resides.
TrChInfo *getTrChInfo(TrChId tcid);
unsigned getTfcSize();
RrcTf *getTf(TrChId trchid);
unsigned getTfcsIndex() { return mTfcsIndex; }
unsigned getTfIndex(TrChId trchid) { return getTf(trchid)->mTfi; }
void setTfc(TrChList *chlist, TfIndex tfa, TfIndex tfb=0, TfIndex tfc=0, TfIndex tfd=0);
unsigned getSize();
unsigned getNumTrCh() const;
// TFCS Reconfiguration/Addition Information.
// TFC set is a list where each element selects one of the pre-defined TF for each TrCh.
// Therefore the TFCS is a matrix whose width is the
// number of TrCh and whose length is the max number of TFC.
// They compress the rows into a single number called CTFC as per 14.10.
// Here is an example, L and P defined in 14.10:
// L, P indexed by TrCh numbered 1..i, Transport Formats numbered 0..L(i)-1
// TrCh0: has tf0, tf1, tf2. L(1)=3; P(1)=1;
// TrCh1: has tf0, tf1. L(2)=2; P(2)=3;
// TrCh2: has tf0, tf1. L(3)=2; P(3)=6;
// Each row here is a TFC, selecting one tf for each TrCh.
// CTFC(tf0,tf0,tf0) = 0*1 + 0*3 + 0*6 = 0;
// CTFC(tf2,tf0,tf0) = 2*1 + 0*3* + 0*6 = 2;
// CTFC(tf1,tf1,tf1) = 1*1 + 1*3 + 1*6 = 10;
struct RrcTfcs : public virtual RrcDefs // Transport Format Combination Set
unsigned mCtfcSize; // number of bits, chosen from: 2,4,6,8,12,16.
unsigned mNumTfc;
RrcTfc mTfcList[maxTfc];
RrcTfcs() : mCtfcSize(0), mNumTfc(0) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxTfc; i++) { mTfcList[i].mTfcsIndex = i; }
//void setCTFCSize(unsigned val) { mCtfcSize = val; }
// Add a new TFC and set to the specified TF Indicies for up to four TrChs.
RrcTfcs *addTFC2(TrChList *chlist, TfIndex tfa, TfIndex tfb=0, TfIndex tfc=0, TfIndex tfd=0);
// Set the PowerOffset for the most recently defined CTFC
void setPower(PowerOffset po) {
mTfcList[mNumTfc-1].mPowerOffset = po;
// If the spec gives a ctfc, make sure we calculate it properly:
// Check the most recent CTFC to see if it matches ctfc.
void checkCTFC(unsigned ctfc) {
assert(mTfcList[mNumTfc-1].mCTFC == ctfc);
//void toAsnTfcs(ASN::TFCS *result, bool powerInfo = true);
void toAsnTfcs(ASN::TFCS *result, TrChType tctype);
RrcTfc *getTfc(unsigned tfci) { return &mTfcList[tfci]; }
//unused: bool isTrivialTfcs();
unsigned getNumTfc() { return mNumTfc; }
RrcTfc *iterBegin() { return &mTfcList[0]; }
RrcTfc *iterEnd() { return &mTfcList[mNumTfc]; }
class iter {
unsigned pos;
iter(unsigned wpos) : pos(wpos) {}
bool end() { return pos == mNumTfc; }
iter operator++() { pos++; return *this; }
// TFCS Explicit Configuration.
// also - TFCS, which consists entirely of one TFCS struct.
// All this contains is a TFCS to be reconfigured, added, removed or replaced
//struct TfcsExplicitConfiguration { //, Explicit TFCS configuration
//TFCS ...;
struct TfcSubset {
// todo?
// Container for DlTrChInfo or UlTrChInfo
struct TrChInfo : public virtual RrcDefs
TrChType mTransportChType;
UInt_z mTransportChannelIdentity; // We use TrCh id 1..4, so 0 means uninitialized.
// Normally the RBMappingInfo specifies the mapping of rb->trch.
// We do that statically, so the RBMappingInfo appears in two places:
// The RBInfo specifies the trch and the TrChInfo (here) specifies
// the multiplexing option, and if not multiplexed, the single rbid
// to be sent on that channel.
// The multiplexing is true if multiple logical channels (RBs) are mapped onto
// this TrCh, and is used to specify if the MAC uses the CT field for logical channel mapping.
// Multiplexing is almost always true.
// The major exception is voice channels where the AMR codec data channels
// are on rbid 1,2,3 mapped to non-multiplexed trch 1,2,3, and
// everything else (SRB1,2,3) are mapped to multiplexed trch 4
// It would also be possible to use multiple trch for PS channels,
// but we are not doing that in the initial implementation.
// Normally, the RBMappingInfo also specifies the rbid to logical channel mapping,
// (where the logical channel is what is sent in the TransportBlock to
// indicate the rbid for multiplexed TrCh) but we just use 1-to-1 for that,
// so the logical channel mapping appears nowhere in this code base.
// Technically, the RBMappingInfo could reference the same TFS for different
// underlying channel types (DCH, FACH) in which case the mMacMultiplexed flag could change,
// but we would use a different TFS for each PhCh in that case.
bool mTcIsMultiplexed;
// If not multiplexed, this is the rbid.
// 0 means undefined, as SRB0 is never one of the options here.
RbId mTcRbId;
void setTrCh(TrChType type, unsigned trchid1based, bool mMultiplexed, RbId rbid=0) {
assert(mMultiplexed || rbid);
mTransportChType = type;
mTransportChannelIdentity = trchid1based;
mTcIsMultiplexed = mMultiplexed;
mTcRbId = rbid;
virtual RrcTfs *getTfs() = 0;
//virtual TrChInfo *bler_QualityValue(double val); // Only in dl.
//virtual RrcTfs *setSemiStatic(unsigned tti,CodingType ct, CodingRate cr, unsigned rm, unsigned crcSize);
// UL TrCh info common for all DCH transport channels.
// By which they mean all the transport channels in this DCH.
// (Because the TFCS selects a set of TFS for all TrCh simultaneously.)
// I also use this structure for the PRACH TFC subset.
// Note there is a PRACH Tfcs "omitted in this version of spec"
// Rather the PRACH informaion is in SIB5 or SIB6
struct UlTrChInfoCommon
// CHOICE mode = FDD:
struct RrcTfcs mTfcs;
TfcSubset mTfcSubset; // MD - Mandatory with default value. (gotta love that) In different location for REL-4 or REL-10
struct RrcTfcs *getTfcs() { return &mTfcs; }
struct DlTrChInfoCommon // DL TrCh common for all TrCh
// SCCPCH TFCS - omitted in this version (v4-v10) of the spec.
// CHOICE mode = FDD:
//union DlParameters_t { This is a union, but C++ does not allow it, so oh well...
enum ChoiceDlParameters { eExplicit, eSameAsUL } mChoiceDlParameters;
struct Explicit {
RrcTfcs mTfcs;
} mExplicit;
//} DlParameters;
struct RrcTfcs *getTfcs() { return &mExplicit.mTfcs; }
struct UlTrChInfo : TrChInfo // Added or Reconfigured UL TrCh information
RrcTfs mTfs;
RrcTfs *getTfs() { return &mTfs; }
UlTrChInfo() : mTfs(this) { }
class UlTrChList;
struct DlTrChInfo : TrChInfo // Added or Reconfigured DL TrCh information
//union { // C++ cant initialize unions.
enum ChoiceDlParameters { eExplicit, eSameAsUL } mChoiceDlParameters;
//struct {
RrcTfs mTfs; // This is used for Explicit TFS.
//} mExplicit;
struct {
// And not going to be; this just saves room in the setup message, and who cares.
TrChType mChType;
unsigned mChId;
} mSameAsUL;
//} DlParameters;
double mDCHQualityTarget; // Only in the DL TrChInfo
// TODO: If it is not explicit, we would fish TFS out of the UL info.
RrcTfs *getTfs() { return &mTfs; }
DlTrChInfo *bler_QualityValue(double val);
DlTrChInfo *copyUplink(UlTrChList *ul, unsigned trch1based);
DlTrChInfo() : mTfs(this) {}
DlTrChInfo *DlTrChInfo::bler_QualityValue(double val) { mDCHQualityTarget = val; return this; }
// Container for "TrCh Information Elements" part of 10.2.50: Transport Channel Reconfiguration.
// or 10.2.33: Radio Bearer Setup.
// It contains a list of transport channels.
// Each channel has a RrcTfs; the TFCS applies to the entire list.
struct TrChList : public virtual RrcDefs, public Text2Str
//virtual unsigned getNumTF(unsigned TrChNum0) =0;
virtual RrcTfcs *getTfcs() =0;
virtual RrcTfs *getTfs(TrChId tcid) =0;
// If macMultiplexed is false, rbid must be specified, and not otherwise.
virtual TrChInfo *defineTrCh(TrChType type, unsigned id, bool macMultiplexed, RbId rbid=0) =0;
virtual unsigned getNumTrCh() const = 0;
virtual TrChInfo *getTrChInfo(TrChId tcid) =0;
void text(std::ostream &os) const {
for (TrChId i = 0; i < getNumTrCh(); i++) {
os << "TrCh "<<i<<":";
const_cast<TrChList*>(this)->getTfs(i)->text(os); // unconst foo bar.
os << "\n";
// Return the maximum size in bits of any transport format on any single TrCh.
// Note that the entire Transport Format Combination could be bigger.
unsigned getMaxAnyTfSize() {
unsigned maxtfsize = 0;
for (TrChId tcid = 0; tcid < getNumTrCh(); tcid++) {
unsigned tfsize = getTfs(tcid)->getMaxTfSize();
if (tfsize > maxtfsize) {maxtfsize = tfsize;}
return maxtfsize;
// Max of 4 transport channels for this function:
TrChList *addTFC(TfIndex tfa, TfIndex tfb=0, TfIndex tfc=0, TfIndex tfd=0) {
return this;
TrChList *setCTFCSize(unsigned size) { getTfcs()->mCtfcSize = size; return this; }
TrChList *checkCTFC(unsigned ctfc) { getTfcs()->checkCTFC(ctfc); return this; }
TrChList *setPower(PowerOffset po) { getTfcs()->setPower(po); return this; }
unsigned iterTrChBegin() { return 0; }
unsigned iterTrChEnd() { return getNumTrCh(); }
// Derived accessors:
unsigned getTTINumFrames(TrChId tcid) { return getTfs(tcid)->getTTINumFrames(); }
TTICodes getTTICode(TrChId tcid) { return getTfs(tcid)->getTTICode(); }
unsigned getRM(TrChId tcid) { return getTfs(tcid)->getRM(); }
//unsigned getTFCSize(TrChId tcid, TfcId j) { return getTfcs()->? }
// ASC Access Service Class - included in RACH.
// One ASC is assigned by RRC for initial channel assignment.
// Related IEs:
// AC-to-ASC mapping
// used in PRACH system information list,
// but default is PRACH System Information List in SIB5
// David set tfci to false in SIB5, implying no transport format set for RACH/FACH.
// So where does the pdu size come from, then?
// Note on FACH: it is carried on SCCPCH channel, whose Tfs and Tfcs may be set up via:
// SCCPCH Info for FACH
// Secondary CCPCH system information
// CPCH set info - may be broadcast in SIB or assigned by SRNC, but it is pseudo-static in a cell.,
// used in 10.2.8 Cell Update Confirm, 10.2.16a: Handover
// 10.2.22 Physical Channel Reconfiguration, 10.2.27 Radio Bearer Reconfig
// 10.2.40 RRC Connection Setup, 10.2.50 Transport Channel Reconfig
// SIB 8.
// Also see Uplink DPCH info Downlink PDSCH info
// The below does not correspond to a specific IE.
// It represents the uplink TrCh Information Elements part
// of 10.2.50: Transport Channel Reconfiguration.
// or 10.2.33: Radio Bearer Setup.
// or 10.2.40: RRC Connection Setup, which includes:
// Signalling RB info to setup.
// RLC Info
// Default config for CELL_FACH (rel-8)
// If present use default config 0.
// UL TrChInfo common for all transport channels.
// PRACH TFCS "should not be included in this version of spec"
// TFC subset
// Added UL TrCh info (for DCH only, but mandatory - must be empty)
// DL TrChInfo common for all transport channels.
// SCCPCH TFCS "should not be included in this version of spec"
// Added DL TrCh info (for DCH only)
// Default or preconfiguration options (rel-5)
// Freq Info
// NOTE: If SIB6 is present then:
// SIB6 specifies PRACH and SCCPCH for UE in connected mode.
// SIB5 specifies PRACH and SCCPCH for UE in idle mode.
// Above discussed in 8.5.17 and 8.5.19.
// SIB5 includes:
// Secondary CCPCH system information
// includes FACH TFS and FACH TFCS.
// PRACH system information list
// includes RACH TFS, RACH TFCS,
// Additional RACH TFS for CCCH (rel-6).
// Additional RACH TFCS for CCCH (rel-6) - includes only
// PowerOffsetInformation
// For DCH, they put the TFCS and TFC subset in:
// UlTrChInfoCommon: "UL Tranport Channel Information for all Transport Channels",
// which is used, for example, by 10.2.50: Transport Channel Reconfiguration.
// For RACH/PRACH (or FACH/SCCPCH) the physical channels do not support
// multiple transport channels, so the TFCS is in the main structure,
// for example: PRACH System Information list.
// The MAC-d can route logical channels to the MAC-s/sh/m to be sent on RACH/FACH, but I suspect
// that we are really only expected to use this facility for SRBs, not data RBs. Not sure.
// Anyway, all the TrCh multiplexing stuff applies ONLY to DCH.
// Note that 8.6.5: Transport Channel Information Setup starts out saying if the Tfcs is
// received for a RACH channel in SIB5 or SIB6, but those are in IEs only applicable to TDD,
// for example, there is a Tfcs buried in TDD only PDSCH system info.
struct UlTrChList : public TrChList, public UlTrChInfoCommon
UInt_z mNumTrCh;
UlTrChInfo mChInfo[maxTrCh]; // Only 1 for RACH/PRACH
// TODO CPCH set id ? OP optional
// TODO: Added or Reconfigured TrCh information for DRAC list. OP optional
// The TrChId is 0 based.
RrcTfs *getTfs(TrChId tcid) { assert(tcid < getNumTrCh()); return mChInfo[tcid].getTfs(); }
RrcTfcs *getTfcs() { return UlTrChInfoCommon::getTfcs(); }
unsigned getNumTrCh() const { return mNumTrCh; }
UlTrChInfo *getTrChInfo(TrChId tcid) { return &mChInfo[tcid]; }
// This is the TrCh config function, which uses TrCh id numbered starting with 1.
// The arrays where we save TrCh stuff are 0 based.
// The complicated RBMappingInfo never changes for us, so we save
// it in the TrChInfo and RBInfo, which must also be configured to refer
// back to this TrCh.
// The multiplexed variable is whether the MAC is going to multiplex multiple logical channels
// on this TrCh. This is not in the TFS in the spec - normally you would have to
// figure it out after applying the RBMappingInfo, but we dont do that, we
// specify it statically when the TrChInfo is set up.
// More comments at mRlcSize in DynamicTFInfo.
// If macMultiplexed is false, rbid must be specified, and not otherwise.
// The rbid is 1 for SRB1, etc, so 5 is the first available user rbid.
UlTrChInfo *defineTrCh(TrChType type, unsigned trchid1based, bool macMultiplexed, RbId rbid=0) {
UlTrChInfo *result = &mChInfo[trchid1based-1];
if (result->mTransportChannelIdentity) { assert(0); } // Already defined.
if (trchid1based > mNumTrCh) { mNumTrCh = trchid1based; }
return result;
// This does not correspond to a specific IE.
// It represents the downlink TrCh Information Elements part of 10.2.50: Transport Channel Reconfiguration.
struct DlTrChList : public TrChList, public DlTrChInfoCommon
UInt_z mNumTrCh;
DlTrChInfo mChInfo[maxTrCh]; // Only one for FACH/SCCPCH
RrcTfs *getTfs(TrChId tcid) { assert(tcid < getNumTrCh()); return mChInfo[tcid].getTfs(); }
RrcTfcs *getTfcs() { return DlTrChInfoCommon::getTfcs(); }
unsigned getNumTrCh() const { return mNumTrCh; }
DlTrChInfo *getTrChInfo(TrChId tcid) { return &mChInfo[tcid]; }
// See comments for identical function in UlTrChList.
DlTrChInfo *defineTrCh(TrChType type, unsigned trchid1based, bool macMultiplexed,RbId rbid=0) {
DlTrChInfo *result = &mChInfo[trchid1based-1];
if (result->mTransportChannelIdentity) { assert(0); } // Already defined.
if (trchid1based > mNumTrCh) { mNumTrCh = trchid1based; }
return result;
// This defines the set TrCh for one physical channel, either RACH, FACH, UL-DCH or DL-DCH.
// It provides the info for the "TrCh Information Elements" part of
// 10.2.50: Transport Channel Reconfiguration.
// TODO: Simplify the ChList by getting rid of the Common struct.
struct TrChConfig : public virtual RrcDefs
//todo? TfcSubset
// How many transport formats defined for TrCh, numbered starting at 0.
//unsigned getNumTF(unsigned TrChNum0) { return mChInfo[TrChNum0].getNumTF(); }
UlTrChList mUlTrChs;
DlTrChList mDlTrChs;
// The following parameters are needed by MAC.
// In a normal UMTS system they would be derived from the
// RBMappingInfo as per 25.331 8.5.21, but we may just set them.
// We are not using RLC subset.
UlTrChList *ul() { return &mUlTrChs; }
DlTrChList *dl() { return &mDlTrChs; }
// It will be FACH or DCH. All the TrCh are the same type, so just return the first one.
// unused...
//TrChType getDlTrChType() {
// return dl()->getTrChInfo(0)->mTransportChType;
// Just dump TrCh 0.
void tcdump() {
TrChId chid = 0;
std::cout << format("UL:%p tfcs=%p mNumTfc=%d numTF=%d\n",ul(),ul()->getTfcs(),
std::cout << format("DL:%p tfcs=%p mNumTfc=%d numTF=%d\n",dl(),dl()->getTfcs(),
// TODO: this goes where now?
// bool mSameAsUplink; // Only in downlink, means just use the uplink.
// These are generic TrCh configuration.
void configRachTrCh(int ulSF,TTICodes ulTTICode, int ulPB, int TBSize);
void configFachTrCh(int ulSF,TTICodes ulTTICode, int ulPB, int TBSize);
bool configDchPS(DCHFEC *dch, TTICodes tticode, unsigned pb, bool useTurbo, unsigned ulTBSize, unsigned dlTBSize);
// From 25.331 13.7: Parameter values for default radio configurations.
void defaultConfig3TrCh(); // Default config number 3, used for voice.
//void defaultConfig1TrCh(); // Default config number 1 for low-rate signalling.
// And I quote: "RB Mapping Info: A multiplexing option for each possible transport channel
// this RB can be multiplexed on."
// Pats opinion is that the primary purpose of this is to allow the DCCH and DTCH to be
// sent over either FACH or DCH, so if the UE changes state to CELL_FACH
// you can still send it messages.
// It seems like quite alot of work to avoid just sending a new configuration when that happens.
// This is not really in either layer 1 and layer 2, but defines a logical
// mapping to hook them together.
// It specifies the TrCh and mac logical channel to use for the RB.
// We only use a small subset of this, and here it is:
// From 25.331 6.3 and I quote: "Additionally, RBs whose identities shall be set
// between 5 and 32 may be used as signalling radio bearer for the
// RRC messages on the DCCH sent in RLC transparent mode (RLC-TM)."
// Lets just leave the SRB mapping options out for now.
// There can be two mappings: one for RACH or FACH and one for DCH.
// For RACH/FACH you need:
// LogicalChId, TFS index to use, mac priority.
// For DCH you need:
// TrCh id, logicalChId if multiplexed, mac priority.
// optional list of TFSs
// So we could specify this in the TrCh setup, by specifying the logical channels
// that are allowed to use each TF in addTF().
// RBMappingInfo - see RBInfo and defaultRBMappingInfoToAsn
// We can derive it all of the mapping info from the TrCh, the RbId, and these variables:
// o mTcIsMultiplexed in the TrCh.
// o mTrChAssigned in the RBInfo.
// Which implies that we have to download new RBInfos when we change
// the UE state from CELL_FACH to CELL_DCH or vice versa. And so what.
// TODO: Are multiple mapping options necessary?
// Which I think is the same question as: Does the phone change state without our orders?
// I guess it would if it gets lost, but that should be ok because
// it can just rach in again and reestablish channels from scratch.
// But if it becomes necessary to support two RBMappingInfo options, all we have
// to do is add two mTrChAssigned to RBInfo - one for RACH/FACH and one for DCH.
// We dont need this messy confusing RBMappingInfo structure.
struct RBMappingInfo : public virtual RrcDefs //
// "ALL" means the entire TFS, "Configured" means the RLC sizes
// configured for this logical channel in the TFS.
// For RACH, it must be explicit, and the mRlcSizeIndex below
// is the 1-based index of the TF in the TFS for the RACH TrCh.
// Very easy to goof up the configuration here.
enum ChoiceRlcSizeList { eAll, eConfigured, eExplicitList };
unsigned mNumberOfUplinkRlcLogicalChannels; // 1..2 This is unused historic nonsense.
struct ulRBMappingInfo_s {
// RLC logical channel mapping indicator is always TRUE, so not included here.
TrChType mUplinkTransportChType;
int mUlTransportChannelIdentity; // 1..31, sec One-based, not Zero-based!!
// logical channel 1..15. Used to distinguish logical chans by MAC on TrCh.
// It is optional because if there is no logical channel mapping by MAC it is unneeded.
int mUlLogicalChannelIdentity;
enum ChoiceRlcSizeList mChoiceRlcSizeList;
//union {
struct ExplicitList_t {
// This is always just one integer, so dont bother making it an array.
//unsigned mRlcSizeIndex[maxTFS]; // If choice == ExplicitList.
unsigned mRlcSizeIndex; // If choice == ExplicitList. Which it wont.
} ExplicitList;
//} RlcSizeList;
// E-DCH stuff skipped.
unsigned mMacLogicalChannelPriority; // 1..8
ulRBMappingInfo_s() :
mUplinkTransportChType(TrChInvalid), // Must specify this
mUlTransportChannelIdentity(1), // Default is almost always used
mUlLogicalChannelIdentity(-1), // Must specify this.
mChoiceRlcSizeList(eAll), // Default is ok.
mMacLogicalChannelPriority(1) // Default is ok.
} ul[maxRBMuxOptions];
unsigned mNumberOfDownlinkRlcLogicalChannels; // 1..2 This is unused nonsense.
struct dlRBMappingInfo_s {
TrChType mDownlinkTransportChType;
unsigned mDlDchTransportChannelIdentity; // 1..31
int mDlLogicalChannelIdentity; // 1..15. Optional. Used to distinguish logical chans by MAC on transport chan
dlRBMappingInfo_s() :
mDownlinkTransportChType(TrChInvalid), // Must specify this.
mDlDchTransportChannelIdentity(1), // Default is almost always used
mDlLogicalChannelIdentity(-1) // Must specify this
} dl[maxRBMuxOptions];
RBMappingInfo() :
// Write this IE out to an RRC Message:
void toAsnRB_MappingOption(ASN::RB_MappingOption *thing);
// Default Config setup methods:
//bool parse_ul;
void UL_LogicalChannelMappings(unsigned val) { mNumberOfUplinkRlcLogicalChannels = val; }
// I'm not sure I have this option mapped properly, but it doesnt
// matter because it is always just 1:
void MappingOption(unsigned val) { mNumberOfDownlinkRlcLogicalChannels = val; }
void ul_TransportChannelType(TrChType type) { /*parse_ul=true;*/ ul->mUplinkTransportChType = type; }
void ul_transportChannelIdentity(unsigned id) {ul->mUlTransportChannelIdentity = id;}
void dl_transportChannelIdentity(unsigned id) {dl->mDlDchTransportChannelIdentity = id;}
void ul_logicalChannelIdentity(unsigned id) {ul->mUlLogicalChannelIdentity = id;}
void dl_logicalChannelIdentity(unsigned id) {dl->mDlLogicalChannelIdentity = id;}
//void transportChannelIdentity(unsigned id) {
// if (parse_ul) mUlTransportChannelIdentity = id;
// else mDlDchTransportChannelIdentity = id;
//void logicalChannelIdentity(unsigned id) {
// if (parse_ul) mUlLogicalChannelIdentity = id;
// else mDlLogicalChannelIdentity = id;
// rlc_SizeList(configured);
void mac_LogicalChannelPriority(unsigned val) { ul->mMacLogicalChannelPriority = val; }
void dl_TransportChannelType(TrChType type) { dl->mDownlinkTransportChType = type; }
void rlc_SizeList(ChoiceRlcSizeList choice) {
ul->mChoiceRlcSizeList = choice;
void rlc_SizeIndex(int val) {
assert(ul->mChoiceRlcSizeList == eExplicitList);
ul->ExplicitList.mRlcSizeIndex = val;
// RB with PDCP info, used in ActiveSetUpdate, ActiveSetUpdateComplete,
// CellUpdateConfirm, PhysicalChannelReconfiguration, PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete,
// RadioBearerSetup, RadioBearerSetupComplete, RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete, RadioBearerRelease,
// TransportChannelReconfiguration, TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete, URAUpdateConfirm
// todo? I dont think we will ever need this for anything because it has to do with SRRC handoff.
void defaultRbMappingInfoToAsn(TrChInfo *tcul,TrChInfo *tcdl,RbId rbid,ASN::RB_MappingInfo_t *asnmsg);
int quantizeRlcSize(bool common, int tbsize);
}; // namespace UMTS