330 lines
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/**@file UMTS common-use objects and functions. */
* OpenBTS provides an open source alternative to legacy telco protocols and
* traditionally complex, proprietary hardware systems.
* Copyright 2011, 2014 Range Networks, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General
* Public License version 3. See the COPYING and NOTICE files in the main
* directory for licensing information.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
#include <Interthread.h>
#include <BitVector.h>
#include <Timeval.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <GSMCommon.h>
// If USE_OLD_FEC is 0, USE_OLD_DCH must be 0 too.
#define USE_OLD_FEC 0 // BCH, FACH and RACH
#define USE_OLD_DCH 0 // DCH can use old or new L1 separately from BCH, FACH, RACH
namespace UMTS {
class TrCHFEC;
class L1CCTrCh;
class TrCHFEC;
typedef TrCHFEC L1FEC_t;
class L1CCTrCh;
typedef L1CCTrCh L1FEC_t;
const unsigned gSlotLen = 2560;
const unsigned gFrameMicroseconds = 10000;
const unsigned gHyperframe = 4096;
const unsigned gFrameSlots = 15;
const unsigned gFrameLen = 38400;
const unsigned gSlotMicroseconds = gFrameMicroseconds/gFrameSlots; // Integer is approximate
// (pat) Physical channel types.
enum PhChType {
CPICHType, // Common pilot channel, carries sync, not a TrCh.
PCCPCHType, // Primary common control physical channel, carries beacon.
SCCPCHType, // carries downlink FACH (common downlink, control or data) and PCH (paging)
PRACHType, // carries uplink RACH
DPDCHType // dedicated physical data channel, bidirectional, carries DCH.
// Warning: The GSM directory defines GSM::RACHType that has nothing to do with this.
enum TrChType {
TrChInvalid, // To mark an unspecified value.
// TrChDCHType, // bidirectional DCH.
TrChDlDCHType, // downlink DCH
TrChUlDCHType // uplink DCH
// And unimplemented: EDCH and HSDSCH
// (pat) Logical channel types.
// 25.331 10.2 Radio Resource Control Messages - each one specifies which logical channel it is sent on.
// Warning: The GSM directory redefines several of these in that namespace.
enum ChannelTypeL3 {
BCCHType, // (pat) Used exclusively for SIB messages. Sent on BCH but may also be sent on FACH (why?)
CCCHType, // (pat) For UE in unconnected-mode; Uses SRB0
DTCCH_FACHType, // (pat) do not need this, use the TrChType.
DTCCH_RACHType, // (pat) do not need this, use the TrChType.
DCCHType, // (pat) For UE in connected-mode; Uses SRB1, 2, 3, 4
enum UMTSBand {
UMTS850=850, // Band V
UMTS900=900, // Band VII
UMTS1700=1700, // Band IV
UMTS1800=1800, // Band III
UMTS1900=1900, // Band II
UMTS2100=2100 // Band I
/**@name Actual radio carrier frequencies, in kHz, 3GPP 25.104 5. */
unsigned channelFreqKHz(UMTSBand wBand, unsigned wARFCN);
unsigned uplinkOffsetKHz(UMTSBand);
/** Get a clock difference, within the modulus, v1-v2. */
int16_t FNDelta(int16_t v1, int16_t v2);
Compare two frame clock values.
@return 1 if v1>v2, -1 if v1<v2, 0 if v1==v2
int FNCompare(int16_t v1, int16_t v2);
class Time {
int16_t mFN; ///< frame number
int mTN; ///< UMTS radio slot number
Time(uint16_t wFN=0, unsigned wTN=0)
:mFN(wFN % gHyperframe),mTN(wTN)
{ }
Time slot(unsigned s) const { assert(s<gFrameSlots); return Time(mFN,s); }
/**@name Accessors. */
int16_t FN() const { return mFN; }
void FN(uint16_t wFN) { mFN = wFN; }
unsigned TN() const { return mTN; }
//void TN(int wTN) { mTN=wTN; }
/**@name Arithmetic. */
Time& operator++()
mFN = (mFN+1) % gHyperframe;
return *this;
Time& decTN(unsigned step=1)
mTN -= step;
if (mTN<0) {
if (mFN<0) mFN+=gHyperframe;
return *this;
Time& incTN(unsigned step=1)
mTN += step;
if (mTN>=(int)gFrameSlots) {
mFN = (mFN+1) % gHyperframe;
return *this;
Time& operator+=(int step)
// Remember the step might be negative.
mFN += step;
if (mFN<0) mFN+=gHyperframe;
mFN = mFN % gHyperframe;
return *this;
Time operator-(int step) const
{ return operator+(-step); }
Time operator+(int step) const
Time newVal = *this;
newVal += step;
return newVal;
Time operator+(const Time& other) const
unsigned sTN = mTN+other.mTN;
unsigned newTN = sTN % gFrameSlots;
int16_t newFN = mFN+other.mFN + (sTN/gFrameSlots);
newFN = newFN % gHyperframe;
return Time(newFN,newTN);
int operator-(const Time& other) const
{ return FNDelta(mFN,other.mFN); }
/**@name Comparisons. */
bool operator<(const Time& other) const
if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN<other.mTN);
return FNCompare(mFN,other.mFN) < 0;
bool operator>(const Time& other) const
if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN>other.mTN);
return FNCompare(mFN,other.mFN) > 0;
bool operator<=(const Time& other) const
if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN<=other.mTN);
return FNCompare(mFN,other.mFN) <=0;
bool operator>=(const Time& other) const
if (mFN==other.mFN) return (mTN>=other.mTN);
return FNCompare(mFN,other.mFN)>=0;
bool operator==(const Time& other) const
{ return (mFN == other.mFN) && (mTN==other.mTN); }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Time& ts);
A class for calculating the current UMTS frame number.
Has built-in concurrency protections.
class Clock {
mutable Mutex mLock;
int64_t mBaseFN;
Timeval mBaseTime;
Clock(const UMTS::Time& when = UMTS::Time(0))
/** Set the clock to a value. */
// (pat) This is called by TRXManager.cpp:TransceiverManager::clockHandler()
// However, I was seeing it called regularly, which is a bad thing.
void setFN(unsigned wFN);
/** Read the clock. */
int32_t FN(uint32_t *fractionUSecs = NULL) const;
/** Read the clock. */
UMTS::Time get() const { return UMTS::Time(FN()); }
/** Block until the clock passes a given time. */
void wait(const UMTS::Time&) const;
// (pat 3-24-2012) This is currently unused.
enum PhyChanBranch {
I_ONLY = 0,
Q_ONLY = 1,
I_AND_Q = 2
class TrCHFEC;
class PhyChanParams {
TrCHFEC *mHighSideFEC;
UMTS::Time mStartTime;
UMTS::Time mLastDetectedTime;
UMTS::Time mFirstDetectedTime;
bool mRACH;
float mLastTOA;
PhyChanParams(TrCHFEC* wHighSideFEC, UMTS::Time wStartTime, bool isRACH = false):
mHighSideFEC(wHighSideFEC), mStartTime(wStartTime),
mLastDetectedTime(Time(0,0)), mFirstDetectedTime(Time(0,0)),
mRACH(isRACH), mLastTOA(0.0) {};
TrCHFEC *highSideFEC() {return mHighSideFEC;}
UMTS::Time startTime() {return mStartTime;}
UMTS::Time firstDetection() {return mFirstDetectedTime;}
UMTS::Time lastDetection() {return mLastDetectedTime;}
bool isRACH() { return mRACH;}
float lastTOA() { return mLastTOA;}
void firstDetection(UMTS::Time wTime) {mFirstDetectedTime = wTime;}
void lastDetection(UMTS::Time wTime) {mLastDetectedTime = wTime;}
void lastTOA(float wTOA) {mLastTOA = wTOA;}
// (pat) This class was unused, so I removed it. The original code is preserved in UMTSPhCh.h
//class PhyChanDesc;
} // namespace UMTS