317 lines
9.2 KiB
317 lines
9.2 KiB
* OpenBTS provides an open source alternative to legacy telco protocols and
* traditionally complex, proprietary hardware systems.
* Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc.
* Copyright 2011, 2014 Range Networks, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General
* See the COPYING and NOTICE files in the current or main directory for
* directory for licensing information.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <Configuration.h>
// Load configuration from a file.
ConfigurationTable gConfig("/etc/OpenBTS/OpenBTS-UMTS.db","OpenBTS-UMTS", getConfigurationKeys());
#include <TRXManager.h>
#include <UMTSConfig.h>
#include <SIPInterface.h>
#include <TransactionTable.h>
#include <ControlCommon.h>
#include <Logger.h>
#include <CLI.h>
#include <NodeManager.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
//# include <stdio.h>
# include <readline/readline.h>
# include <readline/history.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace UMTS;
namespace UMTS { void testCCProgramming(); }
const char* gDateTime = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
// All of the other globals that rely on the global configuration file need to
// be declared here.
// Configure the BTS object based on the config file.
// So don't create this until AFTER loading the config file.
UMTSConfig gNodeB;
// Our interface to the software-defined radio.
TransceiverManager gTRX; // init below with TransceiverManagerInit()
// The TMSI Table.
Control::TMSITable gTMSITable(gConfig.getStr("Control.Reporting.TMSITable").c_str());
// The transaction table.
Control::TransactionTable gTransactionTable(gConfig.getStr("Control.Reporting.TransactionTable").c_str());
// The global SIPInterface object.
SIP::SIPInterface gSIPInterface;
/** The remote node manager. */
NodeManager gNodeManager;
/** Define a function to call any time the configuration database changes. */
void purgeConfig(void*,int,char const*, char const*, sqlite3_int64)
LOG(INFO) << "purging configuration cache";
// (pat) This is where the initial regenerateBeacon is called from,
// not from UMTSConfig::start() as you might naively expect.
// But I'm leaving both calls to regenerateBeacon intact in case someone changes
// the initialization order in here, because it doesnt hurt to do it twice.
const char* transceiverPath = "./transceiver";
pid_t gTransceiverPid = 0;
void startTransceiver()
// Start the transceiver binary, if the path is defined.
// If the path is not defined, the transceiver must be started by some other process.
char TRXnumARFCN[4];
LOG(NOTICE) << "starting transceiver " << transceiverPath << " " << TRXnumARFCN;
gTransceiverPid = vfork();
if (gTransceiverPid==0) {
// Pid==0 means this is the process that starts the transceiver.
LOG(EMERG) << "cannot find " << transceiverPath;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool testmode = false;
// TODO: Properly parse and handle any arguments
if (argc > 1) {
for (int argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++) { // Skip argv[0] which is the program name.
if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") ||
!strcmp(argv[argi], "-v")) {
cout << gVersionString << endl;
return 0;
if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "--gensql")) {
cout << gConfig.getDefaultSQL(string(argv[0]), gVersionString) << endl;
return 0;
if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "--gentex")) {
cout << gConfig.getTeX(string(argv[0]), gVersionString) << endl;
return 0;
// run without transceiver for testing.
if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "-t")) {
testmode = true;
int sock = socket(AF_UNIX,SOCK_DGRAM,0);
if (sock<0) {
perror("creating CLI datagram socket");
LOG(ALERT) << "cannot create socket for CLI";
try {
COUT("\n\n" << gOpenWelcome << "\n");
gTRX.TransceiverManagerInit(gConfig.getNum("UMTS.Radio.ARFCNs"), gConfig.getStr("TRX.IP").c_str(), gConfig.getNum("TRX.Port"));
LOG(ALERT) << "OpenBTS-UMTS (re)starting, ver " << VERSION << " build date " << __DATE__;
COUT("\nStarting the system...");
ARFCNManager* downstreamRadio = gTRX.ARFCN(0);
gNodeB.init(downstreamRadio); // (pat) Nicer to test the beacon config before starting the transceiver.
// (pat) DEBUG: Run these tests on startup.
if (testmode) { UMTS::testCCProgramming(); return 0; }
COUT("Starting the transceiver..." << endl); // (pat) 11-9-2012 Taking this out causes OpenBTS-UMTS to malfunction! Intermittently.
//LOG(INFO) << "Starting the transceiver...";
startTransceiver(); // (pat) This is now a no-op because transceiver is built-in.
// Start the SIP interface.
LOG(INFO) << "Starting the SIP interface...";
// Configure the radio.
Thread DCCHControlThread;
// Set up the interface to the radio.
// Get a handle to the C0 transceiver interface.
ARFCNManager* C0radio = gTRX.ARFCN(0);
// Tuning.
// Make sure its off for tuning.
// Get the ARFCN list.
unsigned C0 = gConfig.getNum("UMTS.Radio.C0");
LOG(INFO) << "tuning TRX to UARFCN " << C0;
ARFCNManager* radio = gTRX.ARFCN(0);
// Sleep long enough for the USRP to bootload.
LOG(INFO) << "Starting the TRX ...";
// Set maximum expected delay spread.
// Set Receiver Gain
// Turn on and power up.
// get the band and set the RF filter muxes
unsigned gsm_band;
unsigned band = gConfig.getNum("UMTS.Radio.Band");
switch (band) {
case 900:
gsm_band = 10;
case 850:
gsm_band = 8;
case 1800:
gsm_band = 13;
case 1900:
gsm_band = 14;
gsm_band = 10;
// Turn on and power up.
// Create the baseic channel set.
// Set up the pager.
// Set up paging channels.
// HACK -- For now, use a single paging channel, since paging groups are broken.
// gNodeB.addPCH(&CCCH2);
// Be sure we are not over-reserving.
// XXX skip this test
// C0radio->readRxPwrCoarse();
// OK, now it is safe to start the BTS.
LOG(INFO) << "Starting the NodeB ...";
struct sockaddr_un cmdSockName;
cmdSockName.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
const char* sockpath = gConfig.getStr("CLI.SocketPath").c_str();
char rmcmd[strlen(sockpath)+5];
sprintf(rmcmd,"rm -f %s",sockpath);
if (system(rmcmd)) {} // The 'if' shuts up gcc warnings.
LOG(INFO) "binding CLI datagram socket at " << sockpath;
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &cmdSockName, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un))) {
perror("binding name to cmd datagram socket");
LOG(ALERT) << "cannot bind socket for CLI at " << sockpath;
COUT("\nsystem ready\n");
COUT("\nuse the OpenBTS-UMTSCLI utility to access CLI\n");
LOG(INFO) << "system ready";
while (1) {
char cmdbuf[1000];
struct sockaddr_un source;
socklen_t sourceSize = sizeof(source);
int nread = recvfrom(sock,cmdbuf,sizeof(cmdbuf)-1,0,(struct sockaddr*)&source,&sourceSize);
LOG(INFO) << "received command \"" << cmdbuf << "\" from " << source.sun_path;
std::ostringstream sout;
int res = gParser.process(cmdbuf,sout);
const std::string rspString= sout.str();
const char* rsp = rspString.c_str();
LOG(INFO) << "sending " << strlen(rsp) << "-char result to " << source.sun_path;
if (sendto(sock,rsp,strlen(rsp)+1,0,(struct sockaddr*)&source,sourceSize)<0) {
LOG(ERR) << "can't send CLI response to " << source.sun_path;
// res<0 means to exit the application
if (res<0) break;
} // try
catch (ConfigurationTableKeyNotFound e) {
LOG(EMERG) << "required configuration parameter " << e.key() << " not defined, aborting";
//if (gTransceiverPid) kill(gTransceiverPid, SIGKILL);
// vim: ts=4 sw=4