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* OpenBTS provides an open source alternative to legacy telco protocols and
* traditionally complex, proprietary hardware systems.
* Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* Copyright 2010 Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc.
* Copyright 2011, 2014 Range Networks, Inc.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General
* Public License version 3. See the COPYING and NOTICE files in the main
* directory for licensing information.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
#include <string>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <osip2/osip.h>
#include <ortp/ortp.h>
#include <Sockets.h>
#include <Globals.h>
using namespace std;
namespace SIP {
class SIPInterface;
enum SIPState {
const char* SIPStateString(SIPState s);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, SIPState s);
class SIPEngine
enum Method { SIPRegister =0, SIPUnregister=1 };
/**@name General SIP tags and ids. */
std::string mRemoteUsername;
std::string mRemoteDomain;
std::string mMyTag;
std::string mCallID;
std::string mViaBranch;
std::string mSIPUsername; ///< our SIP username
unsigned mCSeq;
/**@name Pre-formed headers. These point into mINVITE. */
osip_from_t* mMyToFromHeader; ///< To/From header for us
osip_from_t* mRemoteToFromHeader; ///< To/From header for the remote party
osip_call_id_t *mCallIDHeader; ///< the call ID header for this transaction
/**@name SIP UDP parameters */
unsigned mSIPPort; ///< our local SIP port
std::string mSIPIP; ///< our SIP IP address as seen by the proxy
std::string mProxyIP; ///< IP address of the SIP proxy
unsigned mProxyPort; ///< UDP port number of the SIP proxy
struct ::sockaddr_in mProxyAddr; ///< the ready-to-use UDP address
/**@name Saved SIP messages. */
osip_message_t * mINVITE; ///< the INVITE message for this transaction
osip_message_t * mLastResponse; ///< the last response received for this transaction
osip_message_t * mBYE; ///< the BYE message for this transaction
/**@name RTP state and parameters. */
short mRTPPort;
unsigned mCodec;
RtpSession * mSession; ///< RTP media session
unsigned int mTxTime; ///< RTP transmission timestamp in 8 kHz samples
unsigned int mRxTime; ///< RTP receive timestamp in 8 kHz samples
SIPState mState; ///< current SIP call state
/**@name RFC-2833 DTMF state. */
char mDTMF; ///< current DTMF digit, \0 if none
unsigned mDTMFDuration; ///< duration of DTMF event so far
unsigned mDTMFStartTime; ///< start time of the DTMF key event
Default constructor. Initialize the object.
@param proxy <host>:<port>
SIPEngine(const char* proxy, const char* IMSI=NULL);
/** Destroy held message copies. */
const std::string& callID() const { return mCallID; }
const std::string& proxyIP() const { return mProxyIP; }
unsigned proxyPort() const { return mProxyPort; }
/** Return the current SIP call state. */
SIPState state() const { return mState; }
/** Set the user to IMSI<IMSI> and generate a call ID; for mobile-originated transactions. */
void user( const char * IMSI );
/** Set the use to IMSI<IMSI> and set the other SIP call parameters; for network-originated transactions. */
void user( const char * wCallID, const char * IMSI , const char *origID, const char *origHost);
/**@name Messages for SIP registration. */
Send sip register and look at return msg.
Can throw SIPTimeout().
@return True on success.
bool Register(Method wMethod=SIPRegister, string *RAND = NULL, const char *IMSI = NULL, const char *SRES = NULL);
Send sip unregister and look at return msg.
Can throw SIPTimeout().
@return True on success.
bool unregister() { return (Register(SIPUnregister)); };
/**@name Messages associated with MOC procedure. */
Send an invite message.
@param calledUser SIP userid or E.164 address.
@param calledDomain SIP user's domain.
@param rtpPort UDP port to use for speech (will use this and next port)
@param codec Code for codec to be used.
@return New SIP call state.
SIPState MOCSendINVITE(const char * calledUser,
const char * calledDomain, short rtpPort, unsigned codec);
SIPState MOCWaitForOK();
SIPState MOCSendACK();
/**@name Messages associated with MOSMS procedure. */
Send an instant message.
@param calledUsername SIP userid or E.164 address.
@param calledDomain SIP user's domain.
@param messageText MESSAGE payload as a C string.
@return New SIP call state.
SIPState MOSMSSendMESSAGE(const char * calledUsername,
const char * calledDomain, const char *messageText,
const char *contentType);
SIPState MOSMSWaitForSubmit();
/**@name Messages associated with MTC procedure. */
SIPState MTCSendTrying();
SIPState MTCSendRinging();
SIPState MTCSendOK(short rtpPort, unsigned codec);
SIPState MTCWaitForACK();
SIPState MTCCheckForCancel();
/**@name Messages associated with MTSMS procedure. */
SIPState MTCSendOK();
/**@name Messages for MOD procedure. */
SIPState MODSendBYE();
SIPState MODResendBYE();
SIPState MODWaitForOK();
/**@name Messages for MTD procedure. */
SIPState MTDCheckBYE();
SIPState MTDSendOK();
/** Set up to start sending RFC2833 DTMF event frames in the RTP stream. */
bool startDTMF(char key);
/** Send a DTMF end frame and turn off the DTMF events. */
void stopDTMF();
/** Send a vocoder frame over RTP. */
void txFrame(unsigned char* frame);
Receive a vocoder frame over RTP.
@param The vocoder frame
@return new RTP timestamp
int rxFrame(unsigned char* frame);
void MOCInitRTP();
void MTCInitRTP();
/** In-call Signalling */
Send a SIP INFO message, usually for DTMF.
Most parameters taken from current SIPEngine state.
This call blocks for the response.
@param wInfo The DTMF signalling code.
@return Success/Fail flag.
bool sendINFOAndWaitForOK(unsigned wInfo);
/** Save a copy of an INVITE or MESSAGE message in the engine. */
void saveINVITE(const osip_message_t *INVITE, bool mine);
/** Save a copy of a response message in the engine. */
void saveResponse(osip_message_t *respsonse);
/** Save a copy of a BYE message in the engine. */
void saveBYE(const osip_message_t *BYE, bool mine);
Initialize the RTP session.
@param msg A SIP INVITE or 200 OK wth RTP parameters
void InitRTP(const osip_message_t * msg );
#endif // SIPENGINE_H
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