@ECHO OFF :: This code is part of RF Switch by @Penthertz :: Author(s): Sébastien Dudek (@FlUxIuS) set oldpath=%cd% TITLE Installing RF Switch for Windows echo [+] Compiling RF Switch Go project cd go/rfswift start "" "C:\Program Files\Go\bin\go.exe" "build" "." move "rfswift.exe" "%oldpath%" cd %oldpath% echo [+] Building the Docker images set "imagename=myrfswift:latest" set /p "imagename=Enter image tag value (default: %imagename%): " echo %imagename% set "dockerfile=Dockerfile" set /p "dockerfile=Enter value for Dockerfile to use (default: %dockerfile%): " echo %dockerfile% start "" "docker" "build" "." "-t" "%imagename%" "-f" "%dockerfile%"