# This DockerFile is part of the RFSwift project # Install type: Full all # Author(s): Sébastien Dudek (@FlUxIuS) @Penthertz # website: penthertz.com FROM ubuntu:22.04 as base RUN echo 'APT::Install-Suggests "0";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00-docker RUN echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "0";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00-docker # Installing basic packages RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y python3 wget curl sudo software-properties-common \ gpg-agent pulseaudio udev python3-packaging vim autoconf build-essential \ build-essential cmake python3-pip libsndfile-dev scapy screen tcpdump \ qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev xterm libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config git apt-utils \ libusb-1.0-0 libncurses5-dev libtecla1 libtecla-dev dialog procps unzip \ texlive liblog4cpp5-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libpcap-dev libgtk-3-dev \ qtcreator qtcreator-data qtcreator-doc qtbase5-examples qtbase5-doc-html \ qtbase5-dev qtbase5-private-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5svg5-dev \ libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module unity-tweak-tool libhdf5-dev RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC \ apt-get install tzdata # Installing apt-fast wrapper RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ apt-add-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable -y RUN apt-get update RUN echo apt-fast apt-fast/maxdownloads string 10 | debconf-set-selections RUN echo apt-fast apt-fast/dlflag boolean true | debconf-set-selections RUN echo apt-fast apt-fast/aptmanager string apt-get | debconf-set-selections RUN apt-get -y install apt-fast python3-matplotlib COPY scripts /root/scripts/ COPY rules /root/rules/ COPY config /root/config/ WORKDIR /root/scripts/ RUN chmod +x entrypoint.sh # Audio part RUN apt-fast install -y pulseaudio-utils pulseaudio libasound2-dev libavahi-client-dev --no-install-recommends ## Installing peripherals RUN ./entrypoint.sh ad_devices_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh nuand_devices_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh hackrf_devices_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh airspy_devices_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh limesdr_devices_install FROM base as sdr1 RUN ./entrypoint.sh uhd_devices_install #RUN ./entrypoint.sh antsdr_uhd_devices_install # Disable orignal UHD RUN ./entrypoint.sh rtlsdr_devices_install #RUN ./entrypoint.sh rtlsdrv4_devices_install # optionnal, remove rtlsdr_devices_install if you are using the v4 version # Installing GNU Radio + extra OOT modules RUN ./entrypoint.sh gnuradio_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh common_sources_and_sinks RUN ./entrypoint.sh install_soapy_modules RUN ./entrypoint.sh install_soapyPlutoSDR_modules # Installing some software RUN ./entrypoint.sh inspection_decoding_tools RUN ./entrypoint.sh retrogram_soapysdr_soft_install # Installing SA device modules RUN ./entrypoint.sh kc908_sa_device # Note: Only works on x86_64 RUN ./entrypoint.sh signalhound_sa_device # Note: Only works on x86_64 RUN ./entrypoint.sh harogic_sa_device # working only on x86_64 and aarch64 # Calibration equipements RUN ./entrypoint.sh leobodnarv1_cal_device FROM sdr1 as sdr2 # Installing extra OOT modules RUN ./entrypoint.sh grgsm_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grlora_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grlorasdr_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh griridium_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grinspector_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh gruaslink_grmod_install #TODO: fix Python3 compat at least RUN ./entrypoint.sh grX10_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grgfdm_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh graaronia_rtsa_grmod_install #RUN ./entrypoint.sh grccsds_move_rtsa_grmod_install #TODO: fix problem with strtod_l dependency RUN ./entrypoint.sh grais_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grreveng_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grdvbs2_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grtempest_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grdab_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grdect2_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grfoo_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grieee802-11_grmod_install # depends on grfoo_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grieee802154_grmod_install # depends on grfoo_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grrds_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grdroineid_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grsatellites_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh gradsb_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grkeyfob_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grradar_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grnordic_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grpaint_grmod_install ## TODO: More more! # Installing OOT modules from sandia RUN ./entrypoint.sh grpdu_utils_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grsandia_utils_grmod_install # depends on grpdu_utils_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grtiming_utils_grmod_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh grfhss_utils_grmod_install # depends on 'grpdu_utils_grmod_install' and 'grtiming_utils_grmod_install' and 'grsandia_utils_grmod_install' # Installing OpenCL ## NVidia drivers #RUN apt-fast install -y nvidia-opencl-dev nvidia-modprobe ## Installing Intel's OpenCL #RUN apt-fast install -y intel-opencl-icd ocl-icd-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev # Installing gr-fosphor with OpenCL #RUN ./entrypoint.sh grfosphor_grmod_install # Installing cyberther with OpenCL RUN ./entrypoint.sh cyberther_soft_install # Installing softwares RUN ./entrypoint.sh sdrangel_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh sdrpp_soft_fromsource_install # replace to 'sdrpp_soft_install' if you see bugs RUN ./entrypoint.sh sigdigger_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh qsstv_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh ice9_bluetooth_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh gps_sdr_sim_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh meshtastic_sdr_soft_install FROM sdr2 as otherrftools # Tools for RFID RUN ./entrypoint.sh proxmark3_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh libnfc_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh mfoc_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh mfcuk_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh mfread_soft_install # Tools for Wi-Fi RUN ./entrypoint.sh common_nettools RUN ./entrypoint.sh aircrack_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh reaver_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh bully_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh pixiewps_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh Pyrit_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh eaphammer_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh airgeddon_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh wifite2_soft_install # Installing bettecap tool RUN ./entrypoint.sh bettercap_soft_install # Tools for Bluetooth #TODO: more more! RUN ./entrypoint.sh blueztools_soft_install # Tools for Bluetooth LE RUN ./entrypoint.sh mirage_soft_install # TODO: In progress # Installing extra software RUN ./entrypoint.sh jupiter_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh ml_and_dl_soft_install # Installing reversing software RUN ./entrypoint.sh kataistruct_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh unicorn_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh keystone_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh radare2_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh ghidra_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh binwalk_soft_install #RUN ./entrypoint.sh cutter_soft_install #TODO: fix install RUN mkdir -p /sdrtools/ COPY run /sdrtools/run # Cleaning and quitting WORKDIR /root/ #RUN rm -rf /root/scripts/ RUN rm -rf /root/rules/ RUN rm -rf /root/thirdparty RUN apt-fast clean RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*