# This DockerFile is part of the RFSwift project # Install type: Core for SDR Dockers # Author(s): Sébastien Dudek (@FlUxIuS) @Penthertz # website: penthertz.com FROM corebuild:latest RUN echo 'APT::Install-Suggests "0";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00-docker RUN echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "0";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00-docker RUN apt-fast update COPY scripts /root/scripts/ COPY rules /root/rules/ COPY config /root/config/ WORKDIR /root/scripts/ RUN chmod +x entrypoint.sh # Installing Devices ## Installing extra peripherals RUN ./entrypoint.sh uhd_devices_install #RUN ./entrypoint.sh uhd_devices_fromsource_install #RUN ./entrypoint.sh antsdr_uhd_devices_install # Disable orignal UHD RUN ./entrypoint.sh rtlsdr_devices_install #RUN ./entrypoint.sh rtlsdrv4_devices_install # optionnal, remove rtlsdr_devices_install if you are using the v4 version # Installing GNU Radio + some OOT modules RUN ./entrypoint.sh gnuradio_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh common_sources_and_sinks RUN ./entrypoint.sh install_soapy_modules RUN ./entrypoint.sh install_soapyPlutoSDR_modules # SDR extra tools RUN ./entrypoint.sh sdrpp_soft_fromsource_install # replace to 'sdrpp_soft_install' if you see bugs RUN ./entrypoint.sh retrogram_soapysdr_soft_install # Installing SA device modules RUN ./entrypoint.sh kc908_sa_device # Note: Only works on x86_64 RUN ./entrypoint.sh signalhound_sa_device # Note: Only works on x86_64 RUN ./entrypoint.sh harogic_sa_device # working only on x86_64 and aarch64 # Calibration equipements RUN ./entrypoint.sh leobodnarv1_cal_device # Installing extra software RUN ./entrypoint.sh jupiter_soft_install RUN ./entrypoint.sh inspection_decoding_tools RUN mkdir -p /sdrtools/ COPY run /sdrtools/run # Cleaning and quitting WORKDIR /root/ RUN rm -rf /root/thirdparty RUN rm -rf /root/rules/ RUN rm -rf /root/config/ RUN apt-fast clean RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* #RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash phzapp #USER phzapp