Updated DTutils and folder simultarion (logs, reception errors, etc)

This commit is contained in:
Emilio Martinez 2023-06-26 20:05:50 -03:00
parent acd5afa624
commit 25921298c3
2 changed files with 70 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ from scipy import signal
from PIL import Image
from utils.DTutils import TMDS_encoding_original, TMDS_serial
import sys
import logging
from utils import utils_logger
from datetime import datetime
@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ def image_transmition_simulation(I, blanking=False):
return I_TMDS_Tx, I_TMDS.shape
def image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_total, v_total, N_harmonic, noise_std=0,
fps=60, freq_error=0, phase_error=0):
# Compute pixelrate and bitrate
px_rate = h_total*v_total*fps
@ -75,13 +78,14 @@ def image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_total, v_total, N_harmonic, noise_std=0,
# AM modulation frequency according to pixel harmonic
harm = N_harmonic*px_rate
# Harmonic oscilator
baseband_exponential = np.exp(2j*np.pi*harm*t_continuous)
# Harmonic oscilator (including frequency and phase error)
baseband_exponential = np.exp(2j*np.pi*(harm+freq_error)*t_continuous + 1j*phase_error)
usrp_rate = 50e6
usrp_BW = usrp_rate/2
# AM modulation and SDR sampling
I_Rx = signal.resample_poly(I_Tx_noisy*baseband_exponential,up=int(usrp_rate), down=sample_rate)
I_Rx = signal.resample_poly(I_Tx_noisy*baseband_exponential,up=int(usrp_BW), down=sample_rate)
# Reshape signal to the image size
I_capture = signal.resample(I_Rx, h_total*v_total).reshape(v_total,h_total)
@ -97,58 +101,81 @@ def save_simulation_image(I,path_and_name):
I_real = np.real(I)
I_imag = np.imag(I)
realmax = I_real.max()
realmin = I_real.min()
imagmax = I_imag.max()
imagmin = I_imag.min()
# Stretch contrast on every channel
I_save[:,:,0] = 255*(I_real-realmin)/(realmax-realmin)
I_save[:,:,1] = 255*(I_imag-imagmin)/(imagmax-imagmin)
I_save[:,:,0], I_save[:,:,1] = I_real, I_imag
min_value, max_value = np.min(I_save[:,:,:2]), np.max(I_save[:,:,:2])
I_save[:,:,0] = 255*(I_real-min_value)/(max_value-min_value)
I_save[:,:,1] = 255*(I_imag-min_value)/(max_value-min_value)
im = Image.fromarray(I_save.astype('uint8'))
def main():
logs_dir = './logfiles/'
# Create logs directory if not exist
if not os.path.exists(logs_dir):
logger_name = 'simulations_'+datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H:%M:%S")
utils_logger.logger_info(logger_name, logs_dir+logger_name+'.log')
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
# Get foldername argument
foldername = sys.argv[-1]
message = f'Tempest capture simulation for image folder {foldername}\n'
# Get images and subfolders names
images = get_images_names_from_folder(foldername)
simulations_folder = foldername+'/simulations/'
# Create simulation directory if not exist at the folder path
simulations_path = foldername+'/simulations/'
if not os.path.exists(simulations_path):
message = f'Created simulation directory at {simulations_path}\n'
# timestamp for simulation starting
t1_image = time.time()
# Possible noise std values
# noise_stds = np.array([ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25])
for image in images:
# timestamp for simulation starting
t1_image = time.time()
# Read image
image_path = foldername+'/'+image
I = imread(image_path)
# TMDS coding and bit serialization
I_Tx, resolution = image_transmition_simulation(I)
v_res, h_res, _ = resolution
# Choose random pixelrate harmonic number
N_harmonic = np.random.randint(1,10)
message = f'Initiate simulation for image {image} with {N_harmonic} pixel harmonic frequency'
# TMDS coding and bit serialization
I_Tx, resolution = image_transmition_simulation(I, blanking=True)
v_res, h_res, _ = resolution
I_capture = image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_res, v_res, N_harmonic)
path = simulations_folder+image
path = simulations_path+image
# timestamp for simulation ending
t2_image = time.time()
# timestamp for simulation ending
t2_image = time.time()
t_images = t2_image-t1_image
message = 'Processing time: {:.2f}'.format(t_images)+'s\n'
t_images = t2_images-t1_images
print('\nTiempo total de las '+str(len(images))+' simulaciones:','{:.2f}'.format(t_images)+'s\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -106,37 +106,37 @@ def TMDS_pixel_rare (pix):
- pix_out: TDMS coded 16-bit pixel (only 10 useful)
- cnt: 0's and 1's balance updated with new pixel coding
- cnt: 0's and 1's balance updated with new pixel coding
# Convert 8-bit pixel to binary list D
D = uint8_to_binarray(pix)
d = uint8_to_binarray(pix)
# Initialize output q
qm = [D[0]]
Qm = [d[0]]
# 1's unbalanced condition at current pixel
N1_D = np.sum(D)
N1_D = np.sum(d)
if N1_D>4 or (N1_D==4 and not(D[0])):
if N1_D>4 or (N1_D==4 and not(d[0])):
# XNOR of consecutive bits
for k in range(1,8):
qm.append( not(qm[k-1] ^ D[k]) )
Qm.append( not(Qm[k-1] ^ d[k]) )
# XOR of consecutive bits
for k in range(1,8):
qm.append( qm[k-1] ^ D[k] )
Qm.append( Qm[k-1] ^ d[k] )
# Return the TMDS coded pixel as uint and 0's y 1's balance
return binarray_to_uint(qm)
return binarray_to_uint(Qm)
def TMDS_pixel_numba(pix:uint8, cnt:int8)->tuple:
@ -293,11 +293,11 @@ def TMDS_encoding_original (I, blanking = False):
if blanking:
# Get blanking resolution for input image
v = (v_in==1080)*1125 + (v_in==720)*750 + (v_in==600)*628 + (v_in==480)*525
h = (h_in==1920)*2200 + (h_in==1280)*1650 + (h_in==800)*1056 + (h_in==640)*800
v = (v_in==1080)*1125 + (v_in==900)*1000 + (v_in==720)*750 + (v_in==600)*628 + (v_in==480)*525
h = (h_in==1920)*2200 + (h_in==1600)*1800 + (h_in==1280)*1650 + (h_in==800)*1056 + (h_in==640)*800
vdiff = v - v_in
hdiff = h - h_in
v_diff = v - v_in
h_diff = h - h_in
# Create image with blanking and change type to uint16
# Assuming the blanking corresponds to 10bit number [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1] (LSB first)