Upgraded simulations using numba

This commit is contained in:
Emilio Martinez 2023-03-26 17:03:54 -03:00
parent aba3257de6
commit 92c30cdf65
2 changed files with 196 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Created on Tue Dec 20 2022
@author: Emilio Martínez <emilio.martinez@fing.edu.uy>
Script that reads all images in folder and simulates HDMI tempest capture
if there is no subfolder with it's name.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import numpy as np
from skimage.io import imread
from scipy import signal
from PIL import Image
from utils.DTutils import TMDS_encoding, TMDS_serial
from utils.DTutils import TMDS_encoding_original, TMDS_serial
import sys
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ def get_subfolders_names_from_folder(folder):
def image_transmition_simulation(I, blanking=False):
# Encode image for TMDS
I_TMDS = TMDS_encoding (I, blanking = blanking)
I_TMDS = TMDS_encoding_original (I, blanking = blanking)
# Serialize pixel bits and sum channel signals
I_TMDS_Tx = TMDS_serial(I_TMDS)
return I_TMDS_Tx, I_TMDS.shape
def image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_total, v_total, N_harmonic, noise_std,
def image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_total, v_total, N_harmonic, noise_std=0,
# Compute pixelrate and bitrate
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_total, v_total, N_harmonic, noise_std,
bit_rate = 10*px_rate
# Continuous samples (interpolate)
interpolator = 1
interpolator = int(np.ceil(N_harmonic/5)) # Condition for sampling rate and
sample_rate = interpolator*bit_rate
Nsamples = interpolator*(10*h_total*v_total)
if interpolator > 1:
@ -115,67 +115,40 @@ def main():
foldername = sys.argv[-1]
# Get images and subfolders names
images_tmp = get_images_names_from_folder(foldername)
old_subfolders = get_subfolders_names_from_folder(foldername)
images = get_images_names_from_folder(foldername)
# Keep images without dedicated folders only
images = []
new_subfolders = []
for image in images_tmp:
image_name = image.split('.')[0]
if image_name not in old_subfolders:
simulations_folder = foldername+'/simulations/'
# timestamp for simulation starting
t1_image = time.time()
for image, subfolder in zip(images,new_subfolders):
# Create new directory for simulations
subfolder_path = foldername+'/'+subfolder
# timestamp for simulation starting
t1_image = time.time()
for image in images:
# Read image
image_path = foldername+'/'+image
imagename = image.split('.')[0]
I = imread(image_path)
# TMDS coding and bit serialization
I_Tx, resolution = image_transmition_simulation(I)
v_res, h_res, _ = resolution
# Possible std dev noise simulation values
noise_stds = np.array([ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50])
# Make five simulations for each image
for i in range(5):
# Choose random pixelrate harmonic number
N_harmonic = np.random.randint(1,10)
# Choose random SNR value (SNR=0 for no noise)
noise_std = np.random.choice(noise_stds)
I_capture = image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_res, v_res, N_harmonic, noise_std)
path = subfolder_path+'/'+imagename+'_'+str(N_harmonic)+'harm_'+str(noise_std)+"std.png"
if i==0:
# timestamp for simulation ending
t2_image = time.time()
# Choose random pixelrate harmonic number
N_harmonic = np.random.randint(1,10)
I_capture = image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_res, v_res, N_harmonic)
t_image = t2_image-t1_image
path = simulations_folder+image
print('Tiempo de la primer simulación de '+image+':','{:.2f}'.format(t_image)+'s\n')
# timestamp for simulation ending
t2_image = time.time()
t_images = t2_images-t1_images
print('\nTiempo total de las '+str(len(images))+' simulaciones:','{:.2f}'.format(t_images)+'s\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
from scipy.fft import fft, ifft, fftshift
from numba import jit, uint8, int8, prange
def autocorr(x):
"""Compute autocorrelation function of 1-D array
@ -50,6 +49,108 @@ def binarray_to_uint(binarray):
return num
def TMDS_pixel_rare (pix):
"""8bit pixel TMDS coding
- pix: 8-bit pixel
- cnt: 0's and 1's balance. Default in 0 (balanced)
- pix_out: TDMS coded 16-bit pixel (only 10 useful)
- cnt: 0's and 1's balance updated with new pixel coding
# Convert 8-bit pixel to binary list D
D = uint8_to_binarray(pix)
# Initialize output q
qm = [D[0]]
# 1's unbalanced condition at current pixel
N1_D = np.sum(D)
if N1_D>4 or (N1_D==4 and not(D[0])):
# XNOR of consecutive bits
for k in range(1,8):
qm.append( not(qm[k-1] ^ D[k]) )
# XOR of consecutive bits
for k in range(1,8):
qm.append( qm[k-1] ^ D[k] )
# Return the TMDS coded pixel as uint and 0's y 1's balance
return binarray_to_uint(qm)
def TMDS_pixel_numba(pix:uint8, cnt:int8)->tuple:
D = np.zeros(8, dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(8):
D[i] = (pix >> i) & 1
qm = np.zeros(9, dtype=np.uint8)
qm[0] = D[0]
N1_D = np.sum(D)
if N1_D > 4 or (N1_D == 4 and not D[0]):
for k in range(1, 8):
qm[k] = not (qm[k-1] ^ D[k])
qm[8] = 0
for k in range(1, 8):
qm[k] = qm[k-1] ^ D[k]
qm[8] = 1
qout = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.uint8)
N1_qm = np.sum(qm[:8])
N0_qm = 8 - N1_qm
if cnt == 0 or N1_qm == 4:
qout[9] = not(qm[8])
qout[8] = qm[8]
if qm[8]:
qout[:8] = qm[:8]
qout[:8] = np.logical_not(qm[:8])
if not qm[8]:
cnt += N0_qm - N1_qm
cnt += N1_qm - N0_qm
if (cnt > 0 and N1_qm > 4) or (cnt < 0 and N1_qm < 4):
qout[9] = 1
qout[8] = qm[8]
qout[:8] = np.logical_not(qm[:8])
cnt += 2*qm[8] + N0_qm - N1_qm
qout[9] = 0
qout[8] = qm[8]
qout[:8] = qm[:8]
cnt += -2*(not(qm[8])) + N1_qm - N0_qm
# Convert binary array to unsigned int
pix_tmds = 0
for bit in qout[::-1]:
pix_tmds = (pix_tmds << 1) | bit
# Return the TMDS coded pixel as uint and 0's y 1's balance
return pix_tmds, cnt
def TMDS_pixel (pix,cnt=0):
"""8bit pixel TMDS coding
@ -118,6 +219,7 @@ def TMDS_pixel (pix,cnt=0):
# Return the TMDS coded pixel as uint and 0's y 1's balance
return binarray_to_uint(qout), cnt
def TMDS_encoding_original (I, blanking = False):
"""TMDS image coding
@ -132,9 +234,10 @@ def TMDS_encoding_original (I, blanking = False):
# Create "ghost dimension" if I is gray-scale image (not RGB)
if len(I.shape)!= 3:
I = np.repeat(I[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2).astype('uint8')
chs = 3
I = I[:, :, np.newaxis]
chs = 1
chs = 3
# Get image resolution
v_in, h_in = I.shape[:2]
@ -158,13 +261,13 @@ def TMDS_encoding_original (I, blanking = False):
I_c = np.zeros((v_in,h_in,chs)).astype('uint16')
# Iterate over channels and pixels
for c in range(chs):
for c in prange(chs):
for i in range(v_in):
for j in range(h_in):
# Get pixel and code it TMDS between blanking
pix = I[i,j,c]
I_c[i + v_diff//2 , j + h_diff//2, c], cnt[c] = TMDS_pixel (pix,cnt[c])
I_c[i + v_diff//2 , j + h_diff//2, c], cnt[c] = TMDS_pixel_numba (pix,cnt[c])
return I_c
@ -242,6 +345,7 @@ def TMDS_pixel_cntdiff (pix,cnt=0):
byte_range = np.arange(256)
# Initialize pixel coding and cnt-difference arrays
TMDS_pix_table = np.zeros((256,3),dtype='uint16')
TMDS_rare_pix_table = np.zeros((256),dtype='uint16')
TMDS_cntdiff_table = np.zeros((256,3),dtype='int8')
for byte in byte_range:
@ -253,6 +357,8 @@ for byte in byte_range:
TMDS_cntdiff_table[byte,1] = p_null[1]
TMDS_cntdiff_table[byte,2] = p1[1]
TMDS_rare_pix_table[byte] = TMDS_pixel_rare(byte)
def pixel_fastencoding(pix,cnt_prev=0):
"""8bit pixel TMDS fast coding
@ -314,11 +420,9 @@ def TMDS_encoding (I, blanking = False):
# Create "ghost dimension" if I is gray-scale image (not RGB)
if len(I.shape)!= 3:
# Gray-scale image
I = np.repeat(I[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2).astype('uint8')
I = I[:, :, np.newaxis]
chs = 1
# RGB image
chs = 3
# Get image resolution
@ -343,7 +447,8 @@ def TMDS_encoding (I, blanking = False):
# Assuming the blanking corresponds to 10bit number
# [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1] (LSB first) for channels R and G
I_c = 852*np.ones((v,h,chs)).astype('uint16')
I_c[:,:,2] = TMDS_blanking(h_total=h, v_total=v, h_active=h_in, v_active=v_in,
if chs==3:
I_c[:,:,2] = TMDS_blanking(h_total=h, v_total=v, h_active=h_in, v_active=v_in,
h_front_porch=h_front_porch, v_front_porch=v_front_porch, h_back_porch=h_back_porch, v_back_porch=v_back_porch)
@ -362,6 +467,61 @@ def TMDS_encoding (I, blanking = False):
return I_c
def TMDS_encoding_rare (I, blanking = False):
"""TMDS image coding
- I: 2-D image array
- blanking: Boolean that specifies if horizontal and vertical blanking is applied
- I_c: TDMS coded 16-bit image (only 10 useful)
# Create "ghost dimension" if I is gray-scale image (not RGB)
if len(I.shape)!= 3:
I = I[:, :, np.newaxis]
chs = 1
chs = 3
# Get image resolution
v_in, h_in = I.shape[:2]
# Get image resolution
v_in, h_in = I.shape[:2]
if blanking:
# Get blanking resolution for input image
v = (v_in==1080)*1125 + (v_in==720)*750 + (v_in==600)*628 + (v_in==480)*525
h = (h_in==1920)*2200 + (h_in==1280)*1650 + (h_in==800)*1056 + (h_in==640)*800
vdiff = v - v_in
hdiff = h - h_in
# Create image with blanking and change type to uint16
# Assuming the blanking corresponds to 10bit number [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1] (LSB first)
I_c = 852*np.ones((v,h,chs)).astype('uint16')
v_diff = 0
h_diff = 0
I_c = I.copy()
I_c = I_c.astype('uint16')
# Iterate over channels and pixels
for c in range(chs):
for i in range(v_in):
for j in range(h_in):
# Get pixel and code it TMDS between blanking
pix = I[i,j,c]
I_c[i + v_diff//2 , j + h_diff//2, c] = TMDS_rare_pix_table[pix]
return I_c
def DecTMDS_pixel (pix):
"""10-bit pixel TMDS decoding