Script on image simulation done

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Emilio Martínez 2023-02-24 18:29:37 -03:00
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@ -4,19 +4,21 @@
Created on Tue Dec 20 2022
@author: Emilio Martínez <>
Script that reads all images in folder and simulates HDMI tempest capture
if there is no subfolder with it's name.
# =============================================================================
# Importar librerías
# Imports
# =============================================================================
import os
import time as time
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import imread
from scipy import signal
import time
from PIL import Image
from DTutils import TMDS_encoding, TMDS_serial
import sys
@ -25,193 +27,158 @@ import sys
# Currently supporting png, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff and gif extentions only
def get_images_names_from_folder (folder):
images_list = [image for image in os.listdir('images') \
images_list = [image for image in os.listdir(folder) \
if image.endswith('.png') or image.endswith('.jpg') or image.endswith('.jpeg') or \
image.endswith('.tif') or image.endswith('.tiff') or image.endswith('.gif')]
image.endswith('.tif') or image.endswith('.tiff') or image.endswith('.gif')]
return images_list
def get_subfolders_names_from_folder(folder):
subfolders_list = [name for name in os.listdir(folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, name))]
return subfolders_list
def HDMI_capture_image_simulation(I, N_harmonic, SNR, fps=60):
def image_transmition_simulation(I, blanking=False):
# Encode image for TMDS
I_TMDS = TMDS_encoding (I, blanking = False)
I_TMDS = TMDS_encoding (I, blanking = blanking)
# Serialize pixel bits and
# Serialize pixel bits and sum channel signals
I_TMDS_Tx = TMDS_serial(I_TMDS)
return I_TMDS_Tx, I_TMDS.shape
def image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_total, v_total, N_harmonic, SNR,
# Compute pixelrate and bitrate
px_rate = h_total*v_total*fps
bit_rate = 10*px_rate
# =============================================================================
# Levantar imagen y desplegarla
# =============================================================================
# Continuous samples (interpolate)
interpolator = 1
sample_rate = interpolator*bit_rate
Nsamples = interpolator*(10*h_total*v_total)
if interpolator > 1:
I_Tx_continuous = np.repeat(I_Tx,interpolator)
I_Tx_continuous = I_Tx
# Add Gaussian noise according to SNR
if SNR > 0:
signal_power = np.sum(np.abs(np.fft.fft(I_Tx_continuous))**2/Nsamples)
noise_sigma = np.sqrt(signal_power/(10**(SNR/10)))
I_Tx_noisy = I_Tx_continuous + np.random.normal(0, noise_sigma, Nsamples)
I_Tx_noisy = I_Tx_continuous
# Continuous time array
t_continuous = np.arange(Nsamples)/sample_rate
filename = sys.argv[-1]
I = imread(filename)
# # Quedarse con el nombre sin la extensión del archivo
filename = filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(I, cmap='gray')
# AM modulation frequency according to pixel harmonic
harm = N_harmonic*px_rate
# Resolución de la imagen
v_active, h_active = I.shape[:2]
# Harmonic oscilator
baseband_exponential = np.exp(2j*np.pi*harm*t_continuous)
usrp_rate = 50e6
N_harmonic = input('Choose pixel rate harmonic number: ')
N_harmonic = int(N_harmonic)
# AM modulation and SDR sampling
I_Rx = signal.resample_poly(I_Tx_noisy*baseband_exponential,up=int(usrp_rate), down=sample_rate)
SNR = input('Choose SNR in dB (zero or negative for no noise): ')
SNR = int(SNR)
# Reshape signal to the image size
I_capture = signal.resample(I_Rx, h_total*v_total).reshape(v_total,h_total)
return I_capture
def save_simulation_image(I,path_and_name):
v_total,h_total = I.shape
I_save = np.zeros((v_total,h_total,3))
# =============================================================================
# Codificación de la señal y transmisión
# =============================================================================
I_real = np.real(I)
I_imag = np.imag(I)
realmax = I_real.max()
realmin = I_real.min()
imagmax = I_imag.max()
imagmin = I_imag.min()
# Codificación TMDS
t1_TMDS = time.time()
I_TMDS = TMDS_encoding (I, blanking = False)
t2_TMDS = time.time()
# Stretch contrast on every channel
I_save[:,:,0] = 255*(I_real-realmin)/(realmax-realmin)
I_save[:,:,1] = 255*(I_imag-imagmin)/(imagmax-imagmin)
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(I_TMDS/np.max(I_TMDS), cmap='gray')
im = Image.fromarray(I_save.astype('uint8'))
def main():
# Get foldername argument
foldername = sys.argv[-1]
# Get images and subfolders names
images_tmp = get_images_names_from_folder(foldername)
old_subfolders = get_subfolders_names_from_folder(foldername)
# Keep images without dedicated folders only
images = []
new_subfolders = []
for image in images_tmp:
image_name = image.split('.')[0]
if image_name not in old_subfolders:
for image, subfolder in zip(images,new_subfolders):
# Create new directory for simulations
subfolder_path = foldername+'/'+subfolder
# timestamp for simulation starting
t1_image = time.time()
# Read image
image_path = foldername+'/'+image
imagename = image.split('.')[0]
I = imread(image_path)
# TMDS coding and bit serialization
I_Tx, resolution = image_transmition_simulation(I)
v_res, h_res, _ = resolution
# Possible SNR simulation values
SNRs = np.array([ 0, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100])
# Make five simulations for each image
for i in range(5):
# Choose random pixelrate harmonic number
N_harmonic = np.random.randint(1,10)
# Choose random SNR value (SNR=0 for no noise)
SNR = np.random.choice(SNRs)
I_capture = image_capture_simulation(I_Tx, h_res, v_res, N_harmonic, SNR)
path = subfolder_path+'/'+imagename+'_'+str(N_harmonic)+'harm_'+str(SNR)+"dB.png"
if i==0:
# timestamp for simulation ending
t2_image = time.time()
# Serialización y efecto de superposición de canales RGB
t1_serial = time.time()
I_TMDS_Tx = TMDS_serial(I_TMDS)
t2_serial = time.time()
# Cálculo de tiempos
t_delay_TMDS = t2_TMDS - t1_TMDS
t_delay_serial = t2_serial - t1_serial
print('La codificación demora',t_delay_TMDS,'segundos')
print('La serialización demora',t_delay_serial,'segundos')
# =============================================================================
# Efecto de ruido y llevada a bandabase
# =============================================================================
# Resolución (con blanking)
v_total, h_total = I_TMDS.shape[:2]
# Frame rate y tasa de pixels/bits
fps = 60
px_rate = h_total*v_total*fps
bit_rate = 10*px_rate
# Muestras que hacen efecto de contínuo (interpolando)
interpolator = 1
sample_rate = interpolator*bit_rate
Nsamples = interpolator*(10*h_total*v_total)
I_TMDS_Tx_continuous = np.repeat(I_TMDS_Tx,interpolator)
# Adición de ruido Gaussiano especificada la SNR
if SNR > 0:
signal_power = np.sum(np.abs(np.fft.fft(I_TMDS_Tx_continuous)**2/Nsamples))
noise_sigma = np.sqrt(signal_power/(10**(SNR/10)))
I_TMDS_Tx_noisy = I_TMDS_Tx_continuous + np.random.normal(0, noise_sigma, Nsamples)
I_TMDS_Tx_noisy = I_TMDS_Tx_continuous
# =============================================================================
# Captura de la señal
# =============================================================================
# Tiempo continuo de transmisión de bits
t_continuous = np.arange(Nsamples)/sample_rate
# Armónico elegido para centrar el espectro
harm = N_harmonic*px_rate
# Llevada a bandabase
baseband_exponential = np.exp(2j*np.pi*harm*t_continuous)
# =============================================================================
# Reconstrucción de la imagen
# =============================================================================
# Tasa de muestreo del SDR
usrp_rate = 50e6
# Muestreo de señal analógica
I_Rx = signal.resample_poly(I_TMDS_Tx_noisy*baseband_exponential,up=int(usrp_rate), down=sample_rate)
# Muestreo a nivel de píxel y
I_reconst_px = signal.resample(I_Rx, h_total*v_total).reshape(v_total,h_total)
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(np.abs(I_reconst_px), cmap='gray')
# Guardar imagen real e imaginaria, dejar valores entre 0 y 255
I_reconst_px_norm = np.abs(I_reconst_px)
I_reconst_px_norm = I_reconst_px_norm - np.min(I_reconst_px_norm)
I_reconst_px_norm = 255*I_reconst_px_norm/np.max(I_reconst_px_norm)
# Guardar las partes reales e imageniarias ponderadas por el módulo estirado entre 0 y 255
I_save = np.zeros((v_total,h_total,3))
I_save[:,:,0] = 255*(np.real(I_reconst_px)-np.real(I_reconst_px).min())/(np.real(I_reconst_px).max()-np.real(I_reconst_px).min())
I_save[:,:,1] = 255*(np.imag(I_reconst_px)-np.imag(I_reconst_px).min())/(np.imag(I_reconst_px).max()-np.imag(I_reconst_px).min())
filename_save = filename+str(N_harmonic)+'harm_'+str(SNR)+"dB_HMDI_capture_simulation.tif"
im = Image.fromarray(I_save.astype('uint8'))
# Levantar la imagen
I_simu = imread(filename_save)
I_simu_norm = np.abs(I_simu[:,:,0]+1j*I_simu[:,:,1])
plt.title('Simulación levantada')
# =============================================================================
# Decodificación de la imagen
# =============================================================================
# Dejar valores entre 0 y 1023
# I_reconst_TMDS = I_reconst_px_norm*1023/255
# t1_TMDS_decoding = time.time()
# I_reconst_TMDS_decoded = TMDS_decoding(I_reconst_TMDS.astype('uint16'))
# t2_TMDS_decoding = time.time()
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(I_reconst_TMDS_decoded, cmap='gray')
# print('La decodificación demora',t2_TMDS_decoding - t1_TMDS_decoding,'segundos')
# im = Image.fromarray(np.squeeze(I_reconst_TMDS_decoded.astype('uint8')))
t_image = t2_image-t1_image
print('Tiempo de simulación para '+image+':','{:.2f}'.format(t_image)+'s')
if __name__ == "__main__":