
130 lines
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import os.path
import argparse
import numpy as np
import logging
import json
from utils import utils_logger
from utils import utils_image as util
from utils import utils_option as option
# OCR metrics
# First, must install Tesseract:
# Second, install CER/WER and tesseract python wrapper libraries
# pip install fastwer
# pip install pybind11
# pip install pytesseract
import pytesseract
import fastwer
# -------------------------
# Evaluation metric code
# --------------------------------------------
# Emilio Martínez ( 8/2023
def calculate_cer_wer(img_E, img_H):
# Transcribe ground-truth image to text
text_H = pytesseract.image_to_string(img_H).strip().replace('\n',' ')
# Transcribe estimated image to text
text_E = pytesseract.image_to_string(img_E).strip().replace('\n',' ')
cer = fastwer.score_sent(text_E, text_H, char_level=True)
wer = fastwer.score_sent(text_E, text_H)
return cer, wer
def main(json_path='options/evaluation.json'):
# ----------------------------------------
# Step--1 (prepare opt)
# ----------------------------------------
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--opt', type=str, default=json_path, help='Path to option JSON file.')
opt = json.load(open(json_path))
# ----------------------------------------
# configure logger
# ----------------------------------------
logger_name = 'evaluation_' + opt['dataroot_H'].split('/')[-2]
utils_logger.logger_info(logger_name, os.path.join(opt['logpath'], logger_name + '.log'))
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
opt = option.dict_to_nonedict(opt)
border = opt['scale']
# ----------------------------------------
# Step--2 (load paths)
# ----------------------------------------
E_paths = util.get_image_paths(opt['dataroot_E'])
H_paths = util.get_image_paths(opt['dataroot_H'])
# ----------------------------------------
# Step--4 (evaluate estimated images)
# ----------------------------------------
avg_psnr = 0.0
avg_ssim = 0.0
avg_edgeJaccard = 0.0
avg_cer = 0.0
avg_wer = 0.0
idx = 0
for E_path, H_path in zip(E_paths,H_paths):
idx += 1
image_name_ext = os.path.basename(H_path)
### Load images ###
# Load ground-truth image and use mean of channels if is RGB
img_H = util.imread_uint(H_path, n_channels=3)
if img_H.ndim == 3:
img_H = np.mean(img_H, axis=2)
img_H = img_H.astype('uint8')
# Load estimated image in grayscale
img_E = util.imread_uint(E_path, n_channels=1)
img_E = img_E[:,:,0]
# ----------------------------------------
# compute PSNR, SSIM, edgeJaccard and CER
# ----------------------------------------
current_psnr = util.calculate_psnr(img_E, img_H)
current_ssim = util.calculate_ssim(img_E, img_H)
current_edgeJaccard = util.calculate_edge_jaccard(img_E, img_H)
current_cer, current_wer = calculate_cer_wer(img_E, img_H)'{:->4d}--> {:>10s} | PSNR = {:<4.2f}dB ; SSIM = {:.3f} ; edgeJaccard = {:.3f} ; CER = {:.3f}% ; WER = {:.3f}%'.format(idx, image_name_ext, current_psnr, current_ssim, current_edgeJaccard, current_cer, current_wer))
avg_psnr += current_psnr
avg_ssim += current_ssim
avg_edgeJaccard += current_edgeJaccard
avg_cer += current_cer
avg_wer += current_wer
avg_psnr = avg_psnr / idx
avg_ssim = avg_ssim / idx
avg_edgeJaccard = avg_edgeJaccard / idx
avg_cer = avg_cer / idx
avg_wer = avg_wer / idx
# Average log'[Average metrics] PSNR : {:<4.2f}dB, SSIM = {:.3f} : edgeJaccard = {:.3f} : CER = {:.3f}% : WER = {:.3f}%'.format(avg_psnr, avg_ssim, avg_edgeJaccard, avg_cer, avg_wer))
if __name__ == '__main__':