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* Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited
* This file is part of srsLTE.
* srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in
* the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution
* and at
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
namespace srslte {
constexpr size_t default_buffer_size = 32;
template <class Signature, size_t Capacity = default_buffer_size>
class move_callback;
namespace task_details {
//! Class used to type-erase the functor/lambda capture move/call/dtor operators
template <typename R, typename... Args>
struct oper_table_t {
using call_oper_t = R (*)(void* src, Args&&... args);
using move_oper_t = void (*)(void* src, void* dest);
using dtor_oper_t = void (*)(void* src);
//! Returns a operator table for when the move_function object is empty
const static oper_table_t* get_empty() noexcept
const static oper_table_t t{true,
[](void* src, Args&&... args) -> R { throw std::bad_function_call(); },
[](void*, void*) {},
[](void*) {}};
return &t;
//! Returns a operator table for when the move_function fits the small buffer
template <typename Func>
const static oper_table_t* get_small() noexcept
const static oper_table_t t{
[](void* src, Args&&... args) -> R { return (*static_cast<Func*>(src))(std::forward<Args>(args)...); },
[](void* src, void* dest) -> void {
::new (dest) Func{std::move(*static_cast<Func*>(src))};
[](void* src) -> void { static_cast<Func*>(src)->~Func(); }};
return &t;
//! Returns a operator table for when the move_function fits the big buffer
template <typename Func>
const static oper_table_t* get_big() noexcept
const static oper_table_t t{
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[](void* src, Args&&... args) -> R { return (**static_cast<Func**>(src))(std::forward<Args>(args)...); },
[](void* src, void* dest) -> void {
*static_cast<Func**>(dest) = *static_cast<Func**>(src);
*static_cast<Func**>(src) = nullptr;
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[](void* src) -> void { delete (*static_cast<Func**>(src)); }};
return &t;
oper_table_t(const oper_table_t&) = delete;
oper_table_t(oper_table_t&&) = delete;
oper_table_t& operator=(const oper_table_t&) = delete;
oper_table_t& operator=(oper_table_t&&) = delete;
~oper_table_t() = default;
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const bool is_in_buffer;
const call_oper_t call;
const move_oper_t move;
const dtor_oper_t dtor;
oper_table_t(bool is_in_buffer_, call_oper_t call_, move_oper_t move_, dtor_oper_t dtor_) :
template <class>
struct is_inplace_task : std::false_type {};
template <class Sig, size_t Capacity>
struct is_inplace_task<move_callback<Sig, Capacity> > : std::true_type {};
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template <typename T, size_t Cap, typename FunT = typename std::decay<T>::type>
using enable_small_capture =
typename std::enable_if<sizeof(FunT) <= Cap and not is_inplace_task<FunT>::value, bool>::type;
template <typename T, size_t Cap, typename FunT = typename std::decay<T>::type>
using enable_big_capture = typename std::enable_if < Cap<sizeof(FunT) and not is_inplace_task<FunT>::value, bool>::type;
} // namespace task_details
template <class R, class... Args, size_t Capacity>
class move_callback<R(Args...), Capacity>
static constexpr size_t capacity = Capacity >= sizeof(void*) ? Capacity : sizeof(void*);
using storage_t = typename std::aligned_storage<capacity, alignof(std::max_align_t)>::type;
using oper_table_t = task_details::oper_table_t<R, Args...>;
move_callback() noexcept { oper_ptr = oper_table_t::get_empty(); }
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template <typename T, task_details::enable_small_capture<T, capacity> = true>
move_callback(T&& function) noexcept
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using FunT = typename std::decay<T>::type;
oper_ptr = oper_table_t::template get_small<FunT>();
::new (&buffer) FunT{std::forward<T>(function)};
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template <typename T, task_details::enable_big_capture<T, capacity> = true>
move_callback(T&& function)
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using FunT = typename std::decay<T>::type;
oper_ptr = oper_table_t::template get_big<FunT>();
ptr = static_cast<void*>(new FunT{std::forward<T>(function)});
move_callback(move_callback&& other) noexcept
oper_ptr = other.oper_ptr;
other.oper_ptr = oper_table_t::get_empty();
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oper_ptr->move(&other.buffer, &buffer);
~move_callback() { oper_ptr->dtor(&buffer); }
move_callback& operator=(move_callback&& other) noexcept
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oper_ptr = other.oper_ptr;
other.oper_ptr = oper_table_t::get_empty();
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oper_ptr->move(&other.buffer, &buffer);
return *this;
R operator()(Args&&... args) const noexcept { return oper_ptr->call(&buffer, std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
bool is_empty() const { return oper_ptr == oper_table_t::get_empty(); }
bool is_in_small_buffer() const { return oper_ptr->is_in_buffer; }
void swap(move_callback& other) noexcept
if (this == &other)
if (oper_ptr->is_in_buffer and other.oper_ptr->is_in_buffer) {
storage_t tmp;
oper_ptr->move(&buffer, &tmp);
other.oper_ptr->move(&other.buffer, &buffer);
oper_ptr->move(&tmp, &other.buffer);
} else if (oper_ptr->is_in_buffer and not other.oper_ptr->is_in_buffer) {
void* tmpptr = other.ptr;
oper_ptr->move(&buffer, &other.buffer);
ptr = tmpptr;
} else if (not oper_ptr->is_in_buffer and other.oper_ptr->is_in_buffer) {
void* tmpptr = ptr;
other.oper_ptr->move(&other.buffer, &buffer);
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other.ptr = tmpptr;
} else {
std::swap(ptr, other.ptr);
std::swap(oper_ptr, other.oper_ptr);
friend void swap(move_callback& lhs, move_callback& rhs) noexcept { lhs.swap(rhs); }
union {
mutable storage_t buffer;
void* ptr;
const oper_table_t* oper_ptr;
} // namespace srslte