stack optimization - reduction of contention in multiqueue class

With the new design, each queue created in the multiqueue object has its own mutex.
Pushing tasks to separate queues will, therefore, not cause contention.
There will be, however, still contention between the popping thread and the pushing threads.
This commit is contained in:
Francisco 2021-04-23 16:42:42 +01:00 committed by Francisco Paisana
parent d9586015f5
commit ef9d1b8c13
7 changed files with 549 additions and 272 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "srsran/adt/circular_buffer.h"
#include "srsran/adt/move_callback.h" #include "srsran/adt/move_callback.h"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
#include <condition_variable> #include <condition_variable>
@ -31,53 +32,416 @@ namespace srsran {
#define MULTIQUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY (8192) // Default per-queue capacity #define MULTIQUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY (8192) // Default per-queue capacity
// template <typename myobj>
// class multiqueue_handler
// class circular_buffer
// {
// public:
// circular_buffer(uint32_t cap) : buffer(cap + 1) {}
// circular_buffer(circular_buffer&& other) noexcept
// {
// active =;
// = false;
// widx = other.widx;
// ridx = other.ridx;
// buffer = std::move(other.buffer);
// }
// std::condition_variable cv_full;
// bool active = true;
// bool empty() const { return widx == ridx; }
// size_t size() const { return widx >= ridx ? widx - ridx : widx + (buffer.size() - ridx); }
// bool full() const { return (ridx > 0) ? widx == ridx - 1 : widx == buffer.size() - 1; }
// size_t capacity() const { return buffer.size() - 1; }
// template <typename T>
// void push(T&& o) noexcept
// {
// buffer[widx++] = std::forward<T>(o);
// if (widx >= buffer.size()) {
// widx = 0;
// }
// }
// void pop() noexcept
// {
// ridx++;
// if (ridx >= buffer.size()) {
// ridx = 0;
// }
// }
// myobj& front() noexcept { return buffer[ridx]; }
// const myobj& front() const noexcept { return buffer[ridx]; }
// private:
// std::vector<myobj> buffer;
// size_t widx = 0, ridx = 0;
// };
// public:
// class queue_handle
// {
// public:
// queue_handle() = default;
// queue_handle(multiqueue_handler<myobj>* parent_, int id) : parent(parent_), queue_id(id) {}
// template <typename FwdRef>
// void push(FwdRef&& value)
// {
// parent->push(queue_id, std::forward<FwdRef>(value));
// }
// bool try_push(const myobj& value) { return parent->try_push(queue_id, value); }
// std::pair<bool, myobj> try_push(myobj&& value) { return parent->try_push(queue_id, std::move(value)); }
// size_t size() { return parent->size(queue_id); }
// private:
// multiqueue_handler<myobj>* parent = nullptr;
// int queue_id = -1;
// };
// explicit multiqueue_handler(uint32_t capacity_ = MULTIQUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY) : capacity(capacity_) {}
// ~multiqueue_handler() { reset(); }
// void reset()
// {
// std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// running = false;
// while (nof_threads_waiting > 0) {
// uint32_t size = queues.size();
// cv_empty.notify_one();
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
// queues[i].cv_full.notify_all();
// }
// // wait for all threads to unblock
// cv_exit.wait(lock);
// }
// queues.clear();
// }
// /**
// * Adds a new queue with fixed capacity
// * @param capacity_ The capacity of the queue.
// * @return The index of the newly created (or reused) queue within the vector of queues.
// */
// int add_queue(uint32_t capacity_)
// {
// uint32_t qidx = 0;
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// if (not running) {
// return -1;
// }
// for (; qidx < queues.size() and queues[qidx].active; ++qidx)
// ;
// // check if there is a free queue of the required size
// if (qidx == queues.size() || queues[qidx].capacity() != capacity_) {
// // create new queue
// queues.emplace_back(capacity_);
// qidx = queues.size() - 1; // update qidx to the last element
// } else {
// queues[qidx].active = true;
// }
// return (int)qidx;
// }
// /**
// * Add queue using the default capacity of the underlying multiqueue
// * @return The queue index
// */
// int add_queue() { return add_queue(capacity); }
// int nof_queues()
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// uint32_t count = 0;
// for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queues.size(); ++i) {
// count += queues[i].active ? 1 : 0;
// }
// return count;
// }
// template <typename FwdRef>
// void push(int q_idx, FwdRef&& value)
// {
// {
// std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// while (is_queue_active_(q_idx) and queues[q_idx].full()) {
// nof_threads_waiting++;
// queues[q_idx].cv_full.wait(lock);
// nof_threads_waiting--;
// }
// if (not is_queue_active_(q_idx)) {
// cv_exit.notify_one();
// return;
// }
// queues[q_idx].push(std::forward<FwdRef>(value));
// }
// cv_empty.notify_one();
// }
// bool try_push(int q_idx, const myobj& value)
// {
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// if (not is_queue_active_(q_idx) or queues[q_idx].full()) {
// return false;
// }
// queues[q_idx].push(value);
// }
// cv_empty.notify_one();
// return true;
// }
// std::pair<bool, myobj> try_push(int q_idx, myobj&& value)
// {
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
// if (not is_queue_active_(q_idx) or queues[q_idx].full()) {
// return {false, std::move(value)};
// }
// queues[q_idx].push(std::move(value));
// }
// cv_empty.notify_one();
// return {true, std::move(value)};
// }
// int wait_pop(myobj* value)
// {
// std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// while (running) {
// if (round_robin_pop_(value)) {
// if (nof_threads_waiting > 0) {
// lock.unlock();
// queues[spin_idx].cv_full.notify_one();
// }
// return spin_idx;
// }
// nof_threads_waiting++;
// cv_empty.wait(lock);
// nof_threads_waiting--;
// }
// cv_exit.notify_one();
// return -1;
// }
// int try_pop(myobj* value)
// {
// std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
// if (running) {
// if (round_robin_pop_(value)) {
// if (nof_threads_waiting > 0) {
// lock.unlock();
// queues[spin_idx].cv_full.notify_one();
// }
// return spin_idx;
// }
// // didn't find any task
// return -1;
// }
// cv_exit.notify_one();
// return -1;
// }
// bool empty(int qidx)
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
// return queues[qidx].empty();
// }
// size_t size(int qidx)
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
// return queues[qidx].size();
// }
// size_t max_size(int qidx)
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
// return queues[qidx].capacity();
// }
// const myobj& front(int qidx)
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
// return queues[qidx].front();
// }
// void erase_queue(int qidx)
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
// if (is_queue_active_(qidx)) {
// queues[qidx].active = false;
// while (not queues[qidx].empty()) {
// queues[qidx].pop();
// }
// }
// }
// bool is_queue_active(int qidx)
// {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
// return is_queue_active_(qidx);
// }
// queue_handle get_queue_handler() { return {this, add_queue()}; }
// queue_handle get_queue_handler(uint32_t size) { return {this, add_queue(size)}; }
// private:
// bool is_queue_active_(int qidx) const { return running and queues[qidx].active; }
// bool round_robin_pop_(myobj* value)
// {
// // Round-robin for all queues
// for (const circular_buffer& q : queues) {
// spin_idx = (spin_idx + 1) % queues.size();
// if (is_queue_active_(spin_idx) and not queues[spin_idx].empty()) {
// if (value) {
// *value = std::move(queues[spin_idx].front());
// }
// queues[spin_idx].pop();
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// std::mutex mutex;
// std::condition_variable cv_empty, cv_exit;
// uint32_t spin_idx = 0;
// bool running = true;
// std::vector<circular_buffer> queues;
// uint32_t capacity = 0;
// uint32_t nof_threads_waiting = 0;
// };
* N-to-1 Message-Passing Broker that manages the creation, destruction of input ports, and popping of messages that
* are pushed to these ports.
* Each port provides a thread-safe push(...) / try_push(...) interface to enqueue messages
* The class will pop from the several created ports in a round-robin fashion.
* The popping() interface is not safe-thread. That means, that it is expected that only one thread will
* be popping tasks.
* @tparam myobj message type
template <typename myobj> template <typename myobj>
class multiqueue_handler class multiqueue_handler
{ {
class circular_buffer class input_port_impl
{ {
public: public:
circular_buffer(uint32_t cap) : buffer(cap + 1) {} input_port_impl(uint32_t cap, multiqueue_handler<myobj>* parent_) : buffer(cap), parent(parent_) {}
circular_buffer(circular_buffer&& other) noexcept input_port_impl(input_port_impl&& other) noexcept
{ {
active =; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(other.q_mutex); = false; active_ = other.active_;
widx = other.widx; parent = other.parent_;
ridx = other.ridx; other.active_ = false;
buffer = std::move(other.buffer); buffer = std::move(other.buffer);
} }
~input_port_impl() { set_active_blocking(false); }
std::condition_variable cv_full; size_t capacity() const { return buffer.max_size(); }
bool active = true; size_t size() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(q_mutex);
return buffer.size();
bool active() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(q_mutex);
return active_;
bool empty() const { return widx == ridx; } void set_active(bool val)
size_t size() const { return widx >= ridx ? widx - ridx : widx + (buffer.size() - ridx); } {
bool full() const { return (ridx > 0) ? widx == ridx - 1 : widx == buffer.size() - 1; } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(q_mutex);
size_t capacity() const { return buffer.size() - 1; } if (val == active_) {
active_ = val;
if (not active_) {
void set_active_blocking(bool val)
if (not val) {
// wait for all the pushers to unlock
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(q_mutex);
while (nof_waiting > 0) {
template <typename T> template <typename T>
void push(T&& o) noexcept void push(T&& o) noexcept
{ {
buffer[widx++] = std::forward<T>(o); push_(&o, true);
if (widx >= buffer.size()) {
widx = 0;
} }
void pop() noexcept bool try_push(const myobj& o) { return push_(&o, false); }
srsran::error_type<myobj> try_push(myobj&& o)
{ {
ridx++; if (push_(&o, false)) {
if (ridx >= buffer.size()) { return {};
ridx = 0;
} }
return {std::move(o)};
} }
myobj& front() noexcept { return buffer[ridx]; } bool try_pop(myobj& obj)
const myobj& front() const noexcept { return buffer[ridx]; } {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(q_mutex);
if (buffer.empty()) {
return false;
obj = std::move(;
if (nof_waiting > 0) {
return true;
private: private:
std::vector<myobj> buffer; template <typename T>
size_t widx = 0, ridx = 0; bool push_(T* o, bool blocking) noexcept
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(q_mutex);
while (active_ and blocking and buffer.full()) {
if (not active_) {
return false;
return true;
multiqueue_handler<myobj>* parent = nullptr;
mutable std::mutex q_mutex;
srsran::dyn_circular_buffer<myobj> buffer;
std::condition_variable cv_full, cv_exit;
bool active_ = true;
int nof_waiting = 0;
}; };
public: public:
@ -85,37 +449,53 @@ public:
{ {
public: public:
queue_handle() = default; queue_handle() = default;
queue_handle(multiqueue_handler<myobj>* parent_, int id) : parent(parent_), queue_id(id) {} queue_handle(input_port_impl* impl_) : impl(impl_) {}
template <typename FwdRef> template <typename FwdRef>
void push(FwdRef&& value) void push(FwdRef&& value)
{ {
parent->push(queue_id, std::forward<FwdRef>(value)); impl->push(std::forward<FwdRef>(value));
} }
bool try_push(const myobj& value) { return parent->try_push(queue_id, value); } bool try_push(const myobj& value) { return impl->try_push(value); }
std::pair<bool, myobj> try_push(myobj&& value) { return parent->try_push(queue_id, std::move(value)); } srsran::error_type<myobj> try_push(myobj&& value) { return impl->try_push(std::move(value)); }
size_t size() { return parent->size(queue_id); } void reset()
if (impl != nullptr) {
impl = nullptr;
size_t size() { return impl->size(); }
size_t capacity() { return impl->capacity(); }
bool active() const { return impl != nullptr and impl->active(); }
bool empty() const { return impl->size() == 0; }
bool operator==(const queue_handle& other) const { return impl == other.impl; }
bool operator!=(const queue_handle& other) const { return impl != other.impl; }
private: private:
multiqueue_handler<myobj>* parent = nullptr; input_port_impl* impl = nullptr;
int queue_id = -1;
}; };
explicit multiqueue_handler(uint32_t capacity_ = MULTIQUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY) : capacity(capacity_) {} explicit multiqueue_handler(uint32_t default_capacity_ = MULTIQUEUE_DEFAULT_CAPACITY) : capacity(default_capacity_) {}
~multiqueue_handler() { reset(); } ~multiqueue_handler() { reset(); }
void reset() void reset()
{ {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
running = false; running = false;
while (nof_threads_waiting > 0) { for (auto& q : queues) {
uint32_t size = queues.size(); // signal deactivation to pushing threads in a non-blocking way
cv_empty.notify_one(); q.set_active(false);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
} }
// wait for all threads to unblock while (wait_pop_state) {
cv_exit.wait(lock); cv_exit.wait(lock);
} }
for (auto& q : queues) {
// ensure that all queues are completed with the deactivation before clearing the memory
queues.clear(); queues.clear();
} }
@ -124,197 +504,98 @@ public:
* @param capacity_ The capacity of the queue. * @param capacity_ The capacity of the queue.
* @return The index of the newly created (or reused) queue within the vector of queues. * @return The index of the newly created (or reused) queue within the vector of queues.
*/ */
int add_queue(uint32_t capacity_) queue_handle add_queue(uint32_t capacity_)
{ {
uint32_t qidx = 0; uint32_t qidx = 0;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (not running) { if (not running) {
return -1; return queue_handle();
} }
for (; qidx < queues.size() and queues[qidx].active; ++qidx) for (; qidx < queues.size() and (queues[qidx].active() or (queues[qidx].capacity() != capacity_)); ++qidx)
; ;
// check if there is a free queue of the required size // check if there is a free queue of the required size
if (qidx == queues.size() || queues[qidx].capacity() != capacity_) { if (qidx == queues.size()) {
// create new queue // create new queue
queues.emplace_back(capacity_); queues.emplace_back(capacity_, this);
qidx = queues.size() - 1; // update qidx to the last element qidx = queues.size() - 1; // update qidx to the last element
} else { } else {
queues[qidx].active = true; queues[qidx].set_active(true);
} }
return (int)qidx; return queue_handle(&queues[qidx]);
} }
/** /**
* Add queue using the default capacity of the underlying multiqueue * Add queue using the default capacity of the underlying multiqueue
* @return The queue index * @return The queue index
*/ */
int add_queue() { return add_queue(capacity); } queue_handle add_queue() { return add_queue(capacity); }
int nof_queues() uint32_t nof_queues() const
{ {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
uint32_t count = 0; uint32_t count = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queues.size(); ++i) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < queues.size(); ++i) {
count += queues[i].active ? 1 : 0; count += queues[i].active() ? 1 : 0;
} }
return count; return count;
} }
template <typename FwdRef> bool wait_pop(myobj* value)
void push(int q_idx, FwdRef&& value)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
while (is_queue_active_(q_idx) and queues[q_idx].full()) {
if (not is_queue_active_(q_idx)) {
bool try_push(int q_idx, const myobj& value)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (not is_queue_active_(q_idx) or queues[q_idx].full()) {
return false;
return true;
std::pair<bool, myobj> try_push(int q_idx, myobj&& value)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
if (not is_queue_active_(q_idx) or queues[q_idx].full()) {
return {false, std::move(value)};
return {true, std::move(value)};
int wait_pop(myobj* value)
{ {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
while (running) { while (running) {
if (round_robin_pop_(value)) { if (round_robin_pop_(value)) {
if (nof_threads_waiting > 0) { return true;
} }
return spin_idx; wait_pop_state = true;
cv_empty.wait(lock); cv_empty.wait(lock);
nof_threads_waiting--; wait_pop_state = false;
} }
if (not running) {
cv_exit.notify_one(); cv_exit.notify_one();
return -1; }
return false;
} }
int try_pop(myobj* value) bool try_pop(myobj* value)
{ {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (running) { if (running and round_robin_pop_(value)) {
if (round_robin_pop_(value)) { return true;
if (nof_threads_waiting > 0) {
} }
return spin_idx; return false;
} }
// didn't find any task
return -1;
return -1;
bool empty(int qidx)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
return queues[qidx].empty();
size_t size(int qidx)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
return queues[qidx].size();
size_t max_size(int qidx)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
return queues[qidx].capacity();
const myobj& front(int qidx)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
return queues[qidx].front();
void erase_queue(int qidx)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
if (is_queue_active_(qidx)) {
queues[qidx].active = false;
while (not queues[qidx].empty()) {
bool is_queue_active(int qidx)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(mutex);
return is_queue_active_(qidx);
queue_handle get_queue_handler() { return {this, add_queue()}; }
queue_handle get_queue_handler(uint32_t size) { return {this, add_queue(size)}; }
private: private:
bool is_queue_active_(int qidx) const { return running and queues[qidx].active; }
bool round_robin_pop_(myobj* value) bool round_robin_pop_(myobj* value)
{ {
// Round-robin for all queues // Round-robin for all queues
for (const circular_buffer& q : queues) { auto it = queues.begin() + spin_idx;
spin_idx = (spin_idx + 1) % queues.size(); uint32_t count = 0;
if (is_queue_active_(spin_idx) and not queues[spin_idx].empty()) { for (; count < queues.size(); ++count, ++it) {
if (value) { if (it == queues.end()) {
*value = std::move(queues[spin_idx].front()); it = queues.begin(); // wrap-around
} }
queues[spin_idx].pop(); if (it->try_pop(*value)) {
spin_idx = (spin_idx + count + 1) % queues.size();
return true; return true;
} }
} }
return false; return false;
} }
std::mutex mutex; mutable std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable cv_empty, cv_exit; std::condition_variable cv_empty, cv_exit;
uint32_t spin_idx = 0; uint32_t spin_idx = 0;
bool running = true; bool running = true, wait_pop_state = false;
std::vector<circular_buffer> queues; std::deque<input_port_impl> queues;
uint32_t capacity = 0; uint32_t capacity = 0;
uint32_t nof_threads_waiting = 0;
}; };
template <typename T>
using queue_handle = typename multiqueue_handler<T>::queue_handle;
//! Specialization for tasks //! Specialization for tasks
using task_multiqueue = multiqueue_handler<move_task_t>; using task_multiqueue = multiqueue_handler<move_task_t>;
using task_queue_handle = task_multiqueue::queue_handle; using task_queue_handle = task_multiqueue::queue_handle;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
explicit task_scheduler(uint32_t default_extern_tasks_size = 512, uint32_t nof_timers_prealloc = 100) : explicit task_scheduler(uint32_t default_extern_tasks_size = 512, uint32_t nof_timers_prealloc = 100) :
external_tasks{default_extern_tasks_size}, timers{nof_timers_prealloc} external_tasks{default_extern_tasks_size}, timers{nof_timers_prealloc}
{ {
background_queue_id = external_tasks.add_queue(); background_queue = external_tasks.add_queue();
} }
task_scheduler(const task_scheduler&) = delete; task_scheduler(const task_scheduler&) = delete;
task_scheduler(task_scheduler&&) = delete; task_scheduler(task_scheduler&&) = delete;
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ public:
srsran::unique_timer get_unique_timer() { return timers.get_unique_timer(); } srsran::unique_timer get_unique_timer() { return timers.get_unique_timer(); }
//! Creates new queue for tasks coming from external thread //! Creates new queue for tasks coming from external thread
srsran::task_queue_handle make_task_queue() { return external_tasks.get_queue_handler(); } srsran::task_queue_handle make_task_queue() { return external_tasks.add_queue(); }
srsran::task_queue_handle make_task_queue(uint32_t qsize) { return external_tasks.get_queue_handler(qsize); } srsran::task_queue_handle make_task_queue(uint32_t qsize) { return external_tasks.add_queue(qsize); }
//! Delays a task processing by duration_ms //! Delays a task processing by duration_ms
template <typename F> template <typename F>
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public:
void notify_background_task_result(srsran::move_task_t task) void notify_background_task_result(srsran::move_task_t task)
{ {
// run the notification in next tic // run the notification in next tic
external_tasks.push(background_queue_id, std::move(task)); background_queue.push(std::move(task));
} }
//! Updates timers, and run any pending internal tasks. //! Updates timers, and run any pending internal tasks.
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ public:
bool run_next_task() bool run_next_task()
{ {
srsran::move_task_t task{}; srsran::move_task_t task{};
if (external_tasks.wait_pop(&task) >= 0) { if (external_tasks.wait_pop(&task)) {
task(); task();
run_all_internal_tasks(); run_all_internal_tasks();
return true; return true;
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public:
{ {
run_all_internal_tasks(); run_all_internal_tasks();
srsran::move_task_t task{}; srsran::move_task_t task{};
while (external_tasks.try_pop(&task) >= 0) { while (external_tasks.try_pop(&task)) {
task(); task();
run_all_internal_tasks(); run_all_internal_tasks();
} }
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ private:
} }
} }
int background_queue_id = -1; ///< Queue for handling the outcomes of tasks run in the background
srsran::task_multiqueue external_tasks; srsran::task_multiqueue external_tasks;
srsran::task_queue_handle background_queue; ///< Queue for handling the outcomes of tasks run in the background
srsran::timer_handler timers; srsran::timer_handler timers;
std::deque<srsran::move_task_t> internal_tasks; ///< enqueues stack tasks from within main thread. Avoids locking std::deque<srsran::move_task_t> internal_tasks; ///< enqueues stack tasks from within main thread. Avoids locking
}; };

View File

@ -12,20 +12,13 @@
#include "srsran/adt/move_callback.h" #include "srsran/adt/move_callback.h"
#include "srsran/common/multiqueue.h" #include "srsran/common/multiqueue.h"
#include "srsran/common/test_common.h"
#include "srsran/common/thread_pool.h" #include "srsran/common/thread_pool.h"
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <thread> #include <thread>
#include <unistd.h> #include <unistd.h>
#define TESTASSERT(cond) \
{ \
if (!(cond)) { \
std::cout << "[" << __FUNCTION__ << "][Line " << __LINE__ << "]: FAIL at " << (#cond) << std::endl; \
return -1; \
} \
using namespace srsran; using namespace srsran;
int test_multiqueue() int test_multiqueue()
@ -35,79 +28,80 @@ int test_multiqueue()
int number = 2; int number = 2;
multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue; multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue;
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 0) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 0);
// test push/pop and size for one queue // test push/pop and size for one queue
int qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue(); queue_handle<int> qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue();
TESTASSERT(qid1 == 0 and multiqueue.is_queue_active(qid1)) TESTASSERT(;
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid1) == 0 and multiqueue.empty(qid1)) TESTASSERT(qid1.size() == 0 and qid1.empty());
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 1) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 1);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.try_push(qid1, 5).first) TESTASSERT(qid1.try_push(5).has_value());
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.try_push(qid1, number)) TESTASSERT(qid1.try_push(number));
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid1) == 2 and not multiqueue.empty(qid1)) TESTASSERT(qid1.size() == 2 and not qid1.empty());
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid1) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number));
TESTASSERT(number == 5) TESTASSERT(number == 5);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid1) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number));
TESTASSERT(number == 2 and multiqueue.empty(qid1) and multiqueue.size(qid1) == 0) TESTASSERT(number == 2 and qid1.empty());
// test push/pop and size for two queues // test push/pop and size for two queues
int qid2 = multiqueue.add_queue(); queue_handle<int> qid2 = multiqueue.add_queue();
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 2 and multiqueue.is_queue_active(qid1)) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 2 and;
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.try_push(qid2, 3).first) TESTASSERT(qid2.try_push(3).has_value());
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid2) == 1 and not multiqueue.empty(qid2)) TESTASSERT(qid2.size() == 1 and not qid2.empty());
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.empty(qid1) and multiqueue.size(qid1) == 0) TESTASSERT(qid1.empty());
// check if erasing a queue breaks anything // check if erasing a queue breaks anything
multiqueue.erase_queue(qid1); qid1.reset();
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 1 and not multiqueue.is_queue_active(qid1)) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 1 and not;
qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue(); qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue();
TESTASSERT(qid1 == 0) TESTASSERT(qid1.empty() and;
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.empty(qid1) and multiqueue.is_queue_active(qid1)) TESTASSERT(qid2.size() == 1 and not qid2.empty());
multiqueue.wait_pop(&number); multiqueue.wait_pop(&number);
// check round-robin // check round-robin
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.try_push(qid1, i)) TESTASSERT(qid1.try_push(i));
} }
for (int i = 20; i < 35; ++i) { for (int i = 20; i < 35; ++i) {
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.try_push(qid2, i)) TESTASSERT(qid2.try_push(i));
} }
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid1) == 10) TESTASSERT(qid1.size() == 10);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid2) == 15) TESTASSERT(qid2.size() == 15);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid1 and number == 0) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) and number == 0);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid2 and number == 20) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) and number == 20);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid1 and number == 1) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) and number == 1);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid2 and number == 21) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) and number == 21);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid1) == 8) TESTASSERT(qid1.size() == 8);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid2) == 13) TESTASSERT(qid2.size() == 13);
for (int i = 0; i < 8 * 2; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < 8 * 2; ++i) {
multiqueue.wait_pop(&number); multiqueue.wait_pop(&number);
} }
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid1) == 0) TESTASSERT(qid1.size() == 0);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid2) == 5) TESTASSERT(qid2.size() == 5);
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid2 and number == 30) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) and number == 30);
// remove existing queues // remove existing queues
multiqueue.erase_queue(qid1); qid1.reset();
multiqueue.erase_queue(qid2); qid2.reset();
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 0) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 0);
// check that adding a queue of different capacity works // check that adding a queue of different capacity works
{ {
int qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue(); qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue();
int qid2 = multiqueue.add_queue(); qid2 = multiqueue.add_queue();
// remove first queue again // remove first queue again
multiqueue.erase_queue(qid1); qid1.reset();
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 1) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 1);
// add queue with non-default capacity // add queue with non-default capacity
int qid3 = multiqueue.add_queue(10); auto qid3 = multiqueue.add_queue(10);
TESTASSERT(qid3.capacity() == 10);
// make sure neither a new queue index is returned // make sure neither a new queue index is returned
TESTASSERT(qid1 != qid3) TESTASSERT(qid1 != qid3);
TESTASSERT(qid2 != qid3) TESTASSERT(qid2 != qid3);
} }
std::cout << "outcome: Success\n"; std::cout << "outcome: Success\n";
@ -122,10 +116,10 @@ int test_multiqueue_threading()
int capacity = 4, number = 0, start_number = 2, nof_pushes = capacity + 1; int capacity = 4, number = 0, start_number = 2, nof_pushes = capacity + 1;
multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue(capacity); multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue(capacity);
int qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue(); auto qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue();
auto push_blocking_func = [&multiqueue](int qid, int start_value, int nof_pushes, bool* is_running) { auto push_blocking_func = [](queue_handle<int>* qid, int start_value, int nof_pushes, bool* is_running) {
for (int i = 0; i < nof_pushes; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < nof_pushes; ++i) {
multiqueue.push(qid, start_value + i); qid->push(start_value + i);
std::cout << "t1: pushed item " << i << std::endl; std::cout << "t1: pushed item " << i << std::endl;
} }
std::cout << "t1: pushed all items\n"; std::cout << "t1: pushed all items\n";
@ -133,17 +127,17 @@ int test_multiqueue_threading()
}; };
bool t1_running = true; bool t1_running = true;
std::thread t1(push_blocking_func, qid1, start_number, nof_pushes, &t1_running); std::thread t1(push_blocking_func, &qid1, start_number, nof_pushes, &t1_running);
// Wait for queue to fill // Wait for queue to fill
while ((int)multiqueue.size(qid1) != capacity) { while ((int)qid1.size() != capacity) {
usleep(1000); usleep(1000);
TESTASSERT(t1_running) TESTASSERT(t1_running);
} }
for (int i = 0; i < nof_pushes; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < nof_pushes; ++i) {
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number) == qid1) TESTASSERT(multiqueue.wait_pop(&number));
TESTASSERT(number == start_number + i) TESTASSERT(number == start_number + i);
std::cout << "main: popped item " << i << "\n"; std::cout << "main: popped item " << i << "\n";
} }
std::cout << "main: popped all items\n"; std::cout << "main: popped all items\n";
@ -152,7 +146,7 @@ int test_multiqueue_threading()
while (t1_running) { while (t1_running) {
usleep(1000); usleep(1000);
} }
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.size(qid1) == 0) TESTASSERT(qid1.size() == 0);
multiqueue.reset(); multiqueue.reset();
t1.join(); t1.join();
@ -170,22 +164,22 @@ int test_multiqueue_threading2()
int capacity = 4, start_number = 2, nof_pushes = capacity + 1; int capacity = 4, start_number = 2, nof_pushes = capacity + 1;
multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue(capacity); multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue(capacity);
int qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue(); auto qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue();
auto push_blocking_func = [&multiqueue](int qid, int start_value, int nof_pushes, bool* is_running) { auto push_blocking_func = [](queue_handle<int>* qid, int start_value, int nof_pushes, bool* is_running) {
for (int i = 0; i < nof_pushes; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < nof_pushes; ++i) {
multiqueue.push(qid, start_value + i); qid->push(start_value + i);
} }
std::cout << "t1: pushed all items\n"; std::cout << "t1: pushed all items\n";
*is_running = false; *is_running = false;
}; };
bool t1_running = true; bool t1_running = true;
std::thread t1(push_blocking_func, qid1, start_number, nof_pushes, &t1_running); std::thread t1(push_blocking_func, &qid1, start_number, nof_pushes, &t1_running);
// Wait for queue to fill // Wait for queue to fill
while ((int)multiqueue.size(qid1) != capacity) { while ((int)qid1.size() != capacity) {
usleep(1000); usleep(1000);
TESTASSERT(t1_running) TESTASSERT(t1_running);
} }
multiqueue.reset(); multiqueue.reset();
@ -204,23 +198,25 @@ int test_multiqueue_threading3()
int capacity = 4; int capacity = 4;
multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue(capacity); multiqueue_handler<int> multiqueue(capacity);
int qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue(); auto qid1 = multiqueue.add_queue();
auto pop_blocking_func = [&multiqueue](int qid, bool* success) { auto pop_blocking_func = [&multiqueue](bool* success) {
int number = 0; int number = 0;
int id = multiqueue.wait_pop(&number); bool ret = multiqueue.wait_pop(&number);
*success = id < 0; *success = not ret;
}; };
bool t1_success = false; bool t1_success = false;
std::thread t1(pop_blocking_func, qid1, &t1_success); std::thread t1(pop_blocking_func, &t1_success);
TESTASSERT(not t1_success) TESTASSERT(not t1_success);
usleep(1000); usleep(1000);
TESTASSERT(not t1_success) TESTASSERT(not t1_success);
TESTASSERT((int)multiqueue.size(qid1) == 0) TESTASSERT((int)qid1.size() == 0);
// Should be able to unlock all // Should be able to unlock all
multiqueue.reset(); multiqueue.reset();
TESTASSERT(multiqueue.nof_queues() == 0);
t1.join(); t1.join();
TESTASSERT(t1_success); TESTASSERT(t1_success);

View File

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ bool enb_stack_lte::get_metrics(stack_metrics_t* metrics)
} }
}); });
if (ret.first) { if (ret.has_value()) {
// wait for result // wait for result
*metrics = pending_stack_metrics.pop_blocking(); *metrics = pending_stack_metrics.pop_blocking();
return true; return true;

View File

@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ void mac::bch_decoded_ok(uint32_t cc_idx, uint8_t* payload, uint32_t len)
buf->set_timestamp(); buf->set_timestamp();
auto p = stack_task_dispatch_queue.try_push(std::bind( auto p = stack_task_dispatch_queue.try_push(std::bind(
[this](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& buf) { rlc_h->write_pdu_bcch_bch(std::move(buf)); }, std::move(buf))); [this](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& buf) { rlc_h->write_pdu_bcch_bch(std::move(buf)); }, std::move(buf)));
if (not p.first) { if (p.is_error()) {
Warning("Failed to dispatch rlc::write_pdu_bcch_bch task to stack"); Warning("Failed to dispatch rlc::write_pdu_bcch_bch task to stack");
} }
} else { } else {
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ void mac::tb_decoded(uint32_t cc_idx, mac_grant_dl_t grant, bool ack[SRSRAN_MAX_
auto ret = stack_task_dispatch_queue.try_push(std::bind( auto ret = stack_task_dispatch_queue.try_push(std::bind(
[this](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& pdu) { rlc_h->write_pdu_pcch(std::move(pdu)); }, std::move(pdu))); [this](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& pdu) { rlc_h->write_pdu_pcch(std::move(pdu)); }, std::move(pdu)));
if (not ret.first) { if (ret.is_error()) {
Warning("Failed to dispatch rlc::write_pdu_pcch task to stack"); Warning("Failed to dispatch rlc::write_pdu_pcch task to stack");
} }
} else { } else {
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ void mac::process_pdus()
have_data = demux_unit.process_pdus(); have_data = demux_unit.process_pdus();
} }
}); });
if (not ret.first) { if (ret.is_error()) {
Warning("Failed to dispatch mac::%s task to stack thread", __func__); Warning("Failed to dispatch mac::%s task to stack thread", __func__);
} }
} }

View File

@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ void ue_stack_lte::run_thread()
void ue_stack_lte::write_sdu(uint32_t lcid, srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t sdu) void ue_stack_lte::write_sdu(uint32_t lcid, srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t sdu)
{ {
auto task = [this, lcid](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& sdu) { pdcp.write_sdu(lcid, std::move(sdu)); }; auto task = [this, lcid](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& sdu) { pdcp.write_sdu(lcid, std::move(sdu)); };
bool ret = gw_queue_id.try_push(std::bind(task, std::move(sdu))).first; bool ret = gw_queue_id.try_push(std::bind(task, std::move(sdu))).has_value();
if (not ret) { if (not ret) {"GW SDU with lcid=%d was discarded.", lcid);"GW SDU with lcid=%d was discarded.", lcid);
ul_dropped_sdus++; ul_dropped_sdus++;

View File

@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ void ue_stack_nr::run_thread()
void ue_stack_nr::write_sdu(uint32_t lcid, srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t sdu) void ue_stack_nr::write_sdu(uint32_t lcid, srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t sdu)
{ {
if (pdcp != nullptr) { if (pdcp != nullptr) {
std::pair<bool, move_task_t> ret = gw_task_queue.try_push(std::bind( auto ret = gw_task_queue.try_push(std::bind(
[this, lcid](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& sdu) { pdcp->write_sdu(lcid, std::move(sdu)); }, std::move(sdu))); [this, lcid](srsran::unique_byte_buffer_t& sdu) { pdcp->write_sdu(lcid, std::move(sdu)); }, std::move(sdu)));
if (not ret.first) { if (ret.is_error()) {
pdcp_logger.warning("GW SDU with lcid=%d was discarded.", lcid); pdcp_logger.warning("GW SDU with lcid=%d was discarded.", lcid);
} }
} }