/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ #include "srsran/common/crash_handler.h" #include "srsran/common/gen_mch_tables.h" #include "srsran/srsran.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UE_CRNTI 0x1234 #define M_CRNTI 0xFFFD #ifndef DISABLE_RF #include "srsran/phy/common/phy_common.h" #include "srsran/phy/rf/rf.h" srsran_rf_t radio; #else #pragma message "Compiling pdsch_ue with no RF support" #endif static char* output_file_name = NULL; #define LEFT_KEY 68 #define RIGHT_KEY 67 #define UP_KEY 65 #define DOWN_KEY 66 #define PAGE_UP 53 #define PAGE_DOWN 54 #define CFR_THRES_UP_KEY 't' #define CFR_THRES_DN_KEY 'g' #define CFR_THRES_STEP 0.05f #define CFR_PAPR_STEP 0.1f static srsran_cell_t cell = { 25, // nof_prb 1, // nof_ports 0, // cell_id SRSRAN_CP_NORM, // cyclic prefix SRSRAN_PHICH_NORM, // PHICH length SRSRAN_PHICH_R_1, // PHICH resources SRSRAN_FDD, }; static int net_port = -1; // -1 generates random dataThat means there is some problem sending samples to the device static uint32_t cfi = 2; static uint32_t mcs_idx = 1, last_mcs_idx = 1; static int nof_frames = -1; static srsran_tm_t transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM1; static uint32_t nof_tb = 1; static uint32_t multiplex_pmi = 0; static uint32_t multiplex_nof_layers = 1; static uint8_t mbsfn_sf_mask = 32; static int mbsfn_area_id = -1; static char* rf_args = ""; static char* rf_dev = ""; static float rf_amp = 0.8, rf_gain = 60.0, rf_freq = 2400000000; static bool enable_256qam = false; static float output_file_snr = +INFINITY; static bool use_standard_lte_rate = false; // CFR runtime control flags static bool cfr_thr_inc = false; static bool cfr_thr_dec = false; typedef struct { int enable; char* mode; float manual_thres; float strength; float auto_target_papr; float ema_alpha; } cfr_args_t; static cfr_args_t cfr_args = {.enable = 0, .mode = "manual", .manual_thres = 1.0f, .strength = 1.0f, .auto_target_papr = 8.0f, .ema_alpha = 1.0f / (float)SRSRAN_CP_NORM_NSYMB}; static bool null_file_sink = false; static srsran_filesink_t fsink; static srsran_ofdm_t ifft[SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS]; static srsran_ofdm_t ifft_mbsfn; static srsran_pbch_t pbch; static srsran_pcfich_t pcfich; static srsran_pdcch_t pdcch; static srsran_pdsch_t pdsch; static srsran_pdsch_cfg_t pdsch_cfg; static srsran_pmch_t pmch; static srsran_pmch_cfg_t pmch_cfg; static srsran_softbuffer_tx_t* softbuffers[SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS]; static srsran_regs_t regs; static srsran_dci_dl_t dci_dl; static int rvidx[SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS] = {0, 0}; static srsran_cfr_cfg_t cfr_config = {}; static cf_t * sf_buffer[SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS] = {NULL}, *output_buffer[SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS] = {NULL}; static uint32_t sf_n_re, sf_n_samples; static pthread_t net_thread; static void* net_thread_fnc(void* arg); static sem_t net_sem; static bool net_packet_ready = false; static srsran_netsource_t net_source; static srsran_netsink_t net_sink; static int prbset_num = 1, last_prbset_num = 1; static int prbset_orig = 0; //#define DATA_BUFF_SZ 1024*128 // uint8_t data[8*DATA_BUFF_SZ], data2[DATA_BUFF_SZ]; // uint8_t data_tmp[DATA_BUFF_SZ]; #define DATA_BUFF_SZ 1024 * 1024 static uint8_t *data_mbms, *data[2], data2[DATA_BUFF_SZ]; static uint8_t data_tmp[DATA_BUFF_SZ]; static void usage(char* prog) { printf("Usage: %s [Iagmfoncvpuxb]\n", prog); #ifndef DISABLE_RF printf("\t-I RF device [Default %s]\n", rf_dev); printf("\t-a RF args [Default %s]\n", rf_args); printf("\t-l RF amplitude [Default %.2f]\n", rf_amp); printf("\t-g RF TX gain [Default %.2f dB]\n", rf_gain); printf("\t-f RF TX frequency [Default %.1f MHz]\n", rf_freq / 1000000); #else printf("\t RF is disabled.\n"); #endif printf("\t-o output_file [Default use RF board]\n"); printf("\t-m MCS index [Default %d]\n", mcs_idx); printf("\t-n number of frames [Default %d]\n", nof_frames); printf("\t-c cell id [Default %d]\n", cell.id); printf("\t-p nof_prb [Default %d]\n", cell.nof_prb); printf("\t-M MBSFN area id [Default %d]\n", mbsfn_area_id); printf("\t-x Transmission mode [1-4] [Default %d]\n", transmission_mode + 1); printf("\t-b Precoding Matrix Index (multiplex mode only)* [Default %d]\n", multiplex_pmi); printf("\t-w Number of codewords/layers (multiplex mode only)* [Default %d]\n", multiplex_nof_layers); printf("\t-u listen TCP/UDP port for input data (if mbsfn is active then the stream is over mbsfn only) (-1 is " "random) [Default %d]\n", net_port); printf("\t-v [set srsran_verbose to debug, default none]\n"); printf("\t-s output file SNR [Default %f]\n", output_file_snr); printf("\t-q Enable/Disable 256QAM modulation (default %s)\n", enable_256qam ? "enabled" : "disabled"); printf("\t-Q Use standard LTE sample rates (default %s)\n", use_standard_lte_rate ? "enabled" : "disabled"); printf("CFR Options:\n"); printf("\t--enable_cfr Enable the CFR (default %s)\n", cfr_args.enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); printf("\t--cfr_mode CFR mode: manual, auto_cma, auto_ema. (default %s)\n", cfr_args.mode); printf("\t--cfr_manual_thres CFR manual threshold (default %.2f)\n", cfr_args.manual_thres); printf("\t--cfr_strength CFR strength (default %.2f)\n", cfr_args.strength); printf("\t--cfr_auto_papr CFR PAPR target for auto modes (default %.2f)\n", cfr_args.auto_target_papr); printf("\t--cfr_ema_alpha CFR alpha parameter for EMA mode (default %.2f)\n", cfr_args.ema_alpha); printf("\n"); printf("\t*: See 3GPP 36.212 Table for more information\n"); } struct option cfr_opts[] = {{"enable_cfr", no_argument, &cfr_args.enable, 1}, {"cfr_mode", required_argument, NULL, 'C'}, {"cfr_manual_thres", required_argument, NULL, 'T'}, {"cfr_strength", required_argument, NULL, 'S'}, {"cfr_auto_papr", required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"cfr_ema_alpha", required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; static void parse_args(int argc, char** argv) { int opt; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "IadglfmoncpqvutxbwMsBQ", cfr_opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'I': rf_dev = argv[optind]; break; case 'a': rf_args = argv[optind]; break; case 'g': rf_gain = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'l': rf_amp = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'f': rf_freq = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'o': output_file_name = argv[optind]; break; case 'm': mcs_idx = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'u': net_port = (int)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'n': nof_frames = (int)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'p': cell.nof_prb = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'c': cell.id = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'x': transmission_mode = (srsran_tm_t)(strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10) - 1); break; case 'b': multiplex_pmi = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'w': multiplex_nof_layers = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'M': mbsfn_area_id = (int)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'v': increase_srsran_verbose_level(); break; case 's': output_file_snr = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'B': mbsfn_sf_mask = (uint8_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'q': enable_256qam ^= true; break; case 'Q': use_standard_lte_rate ^= true; break; case 'E': cell.cp = SRSRAN_CP_EXT; break; case 'C': cfr_args.mode = optarg; break; case 'T': cfr_args.manual_thres = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 'S': cfr_args.strength = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 'P': cfr_args.auto_target_papr = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 'e': cfr_args.ema_alpha = strtof(optarg, NULL); break; case 0: /* getopt_long() set a variable, keep going */ break; default: usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } } #ifdef DISABLE_RF if (!output_file_name) { usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } #endif } static int parse_cfr_args() { cfr_config.cfr_enable = cfr_args.enable; cfr_config.manual_thr = cfr_args.manual_thres; cfr_config.max_papr_db = cfr_args.auto_target_papr; cfr_config.alpha = cfr_args.strength; cfr_config.ema_alpha = cfr_args.ema_alpha; cfr_config.cfr_mode = srsran_cfr_str2mode(cfr_args.mode); if (cfr_config.cfr_mode == SRSRAN_CFR_THR_INVALID) { ERROR("CFR mode not recognised"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } if (!srsran_cfr_params_valid(&cfr_config)) { ERROR("Invalid CFR parameters"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } static void base_init() { int i; /* Configure cell and PDSCH in function of the transmission mode */ switch (transmission_mode) { case SRSRAN_TM1: cell.nof_ports = 1; break; case SRSRAN_TM2: case SRSRAN_TM3: case SRSRAN_TM4: cell.nof_ports = 2; break; default: ERROR("Transmission mode %d not implemented or invalid", transmission_mode); exit(-1); } /* Allocate memory */ for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; i++) { data[i] = srsran_vec_u8_malloc(SOFTBUFFER_SIZE); if (!data[i]) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } bzero(data[i], sizeof(uint8_t) * SOFTBUFFER_SIZE); } data_mbms = srsran_vec_u8_malloc(SOFTBUFFER_SIZE); /* init memory */ for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS; i++) { sf_buffer[i] = srsran_vec_cf_malloc(sf_n_re); if (!sf_buffer[i]) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } } for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS; i++) { output_buffer[i] = srsran_vec_cf_malloc(sf_n_samples); if (!output_buffer[i]) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } srsran_vec_cf_zero(output_buffer[i], sf_n_samples); } /* open file or USRP */ if (output_file_name) { if (strcmp(output_file_name, "NULL")) { if (srsran_filesink_init(&fsink, output_file_name, SRSRAN_COMPLEX_FLOAT_BIN)) { ERROR("Error opening file %s", output_file_name); exit(-1); } null_file_sink = false; } else { null_file_sink = true; } } else { #ifndef DISABLE_RF printf("Opening RF device...\n"); if (srsran_rf_open_devname(&radio, rf_dev, rf_args, cell.nof_ports)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening rf\n"); exit(-1); } #else printf("Error RF not available. Select an output file\n"); exit(-1); #endif } if (net_port > 0) { if (srsran_netsource_init(&net_source, "", net_port, SRSRAN_NETSOURCE_UDP)) { ERROR("Error creating input UDP socket at port %d", net_port); exit(-1); } if (null_file_sink) { if (srsran_netsink_init(&net_sink, "", net_port + 1, SRSRAN_NETSINK_TCP)) { ERROR("Error sink"); exit(-1); } } if (sem_init(&net_sem, 0, 1)) { perror("sem_init"); exit(-1); } } /* create ifft object */ for (i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { if (srsran_ofdm_tx_init(&ifft[i], cell.cp, sf_buffer[i], output_buffer[i], cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error creating iFFT object"); exit(-1); } srsran_ofdm_set_normalize(&ifft[i], true); if (srsran_ofdm_set_cfr(&ifft[i], &cfr_config)) { ERROR("Error setting CFR object"); exit(-1); } } if (srsran_ofdm_tx_init_mbsfn(&ifft_mbsfn, SRSRAN_CP_EXT, sf_buffer[0], output_buffer[0], cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error creating iFFT object"); exit(-1); } srsran_ofdm_set_non_mbsfn_region(&ifft_mbsfn, 2); srsran_ofdm_set_normalize(&ifft_mbsfn, true); if (srsran_ofdm_set_cfr(&ifft_mbsfn, &cfr_config)) { ERROR("Error setting CFR object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pbch_init(&pbch)) { ERROR("Error creating PBCH object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pbch_set_cell(&pbch, cell)) { ERROR("Error creating PBCH object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_regs_init(®s, cell)) { ERROR("Error initiating regs"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pcfich_init(&pcfich, 1)) { ERROR("Error creating PBCH object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pcfich_set_cell(&pcfich, ®s, cell)) { ERROR("Error creating PBCH object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pdcch_init_enb(&pdcch, cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error creating PDCCH object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pdcch_set_cell(&pdcch, ®s, cell)) { ERROR("Error creating PDCCH object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pdsch_init_enb(&pdsch, cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error creating PDSCH object"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_pdsch_set_cell(&pdsch, cell)) { ERROR("Error creating PDSCH object"); exit(-1); } if (mbsfn_area_id > -1) { if (srsran_pmch_init(&pmch, cell.nof_prb, 1)) { ERROR("Error creating PMCH object"); } srsran_pmch_set_area_id(&pmch, mbsfn_area_id); } for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; i++) { softbuffers[i] = calloc(sizeof(srsran_softbuffer_tx_t), 1); if (!softbuffers[i]) { ERROR("Error allocating soft buffer"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_softbuffer_tx_init(softbuffers[i], cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error initiating soft buffer"); exit(-1); } } } static void base_free() { int i; for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; i++) { srsran_softbuffer_tx_free(softbuffers[i]); if (softbuffers[i]) { free(softbuffers[i]); } } srsran_pdsch_free(&pdsch); srsran_pdcch_free(&pdcch); srsran_regs_free(®s); srsran_pbch_free(&pbch); if (mbsfn_area_id > -1) { srsran_pmch_free(&pmch); } srsran_ofdm_tx_free(&ifft_mbsfn); for (i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { srsran_ofdm_tx_free(&ifft[i]); } for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; i++) { if (data[i]) { free(data[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS; i++) { if (sf_buffer[i]) { free(sf_buffer[i]); } if (output_buffer[i]) { free(output_buffer[i]); } } if (output_file_name) { if (!null_file_sink) { srsran_filesink_free(&fsink); } } else { #ifndef DISABLE_RF srsran_rf_close(&radio); #endif } if (net_port > 0) { srsran_netsource_free(&net_source); sem_close(&net_sem); } } bool go_exit = false; #ifndef DISABLE_RF static void sig_int_handler(int signo) { printf("SIGINT received. Exiting...\n"); if (signo == SIGINT) { go_exit = true; } } #endif /* DISABLE_RF */ static unsigned int reverse(register unsigned int x) { x = (((x & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | ((x & 0x55555555) << 1)); x = (((x & 0xcccccccc) >> 2) | ((x & 0x33333333) << 2)); x = (((x & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4) | ((x & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4)); x = (((x & 0xff00ff00) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00ff00ff) << 8)); return ((x >> 16) | (x << 16)); } static uint32_t prbset_to_bitmask() { uint32_t mask = 0; int nb = (int)ceilf((float)cell.nof_prb / srsran_ra_type0_P(cell.nof_prb)); for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) { if (i >= prbset_orig && i < prbset_orig + prbset_num) { mask = mask | (0x1 << i); } } return reverse(mask) >> (32 - nb); } static int update_radl() { ZERO_OBJECT(dci_dl); int ret = SRSRAN_ERROR; /* Configure cell and PDSCH in function of the transmission mode */ switch (transmission_mode) { case SRSRAN_TM1: case SRSRAN_TM2: nof_tb = 1; dci_dl.format = SRSRAN_DCI_FORMAT1; break; case SRSRAN_TM3: dci_dl.format = SRSRAN_DCI_FORMAT2A; nof_tb = 2; break; case SRSRAN_TM4: dci_dl.format = SRSRAN_DCI_FORMAT2; nof_tb = multiplex_nof_layers; if (multiplex_nof_layers == 1) { dci_dl.pinfo = (uint8_t)(multiplex_pmi + 1); } else { dci_dl.pinfo = (uint8_t)multiplex_pmi; } break; default: ERROR("Transmission mode not implemented."); goto exit; } dci_dl.rnti = UE_CRNTI; dci_dl.pid = 0; dci_dl.tb[0].mcs_idx = mcs_idx; dci_dl.tb[0].ndi = 0; dci_dl.tb[0].rv = rvidx[0]; dci_dl.tb[0].cw_idx = 0; dci_dl.alloc_type = SRSRAN_RA_ALLOC_TYPE0; dci_dl.type0_alloc.rbg_bitmask = prbset_to_bitmask(); if (nof_tb > 1) { dci_dl.tb[1].mcs_idx = mcs_idx; dci_dl.tb[1].ndi = 0; dci_dl.tb[1].rv = rvidx[1]; dci_dl.tb[1].cw_idx = 1; } else { SRSRAN_DCI_TB_DISABLE(dci_dl.tb[1]); } // Increase the CFR threshold or target PAPR if (cfr_thr_inc) { cfr_thr_inc = false; // Reset the flag if (cfr_config.cfr_enable && cfr_config.cfr_mode == SRSRAN_CFR_THR_MANUAL) { cfr_config.manual_thr += CFR_THRES_STEP; for (int i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { if (srsran_cfr_set_threshold(&ifft[i].tx_cfr, cfr_config.manual_thr) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } } if (srsran_cfr_set_threshold(&ifft_mbsfn.tx_cfr, cfr_config.manual_thr) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } printf("CFR Thres. set to %.3f\n", cfr_config.manual_thr); } else if (cfr_config.cfr_enable && cfr_config.cfr_mode != SRSRAN_CFR_THR_MANUAL) { cfr_config.max_papr_db += CFR_PAPR_STEP; for (int i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { if (srsran_cfr_set_papr(&ifft[i].tx_cfr, cfr_config.max_papr_db) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } } if (srsran_cfr_set_papr(&ifft_mbsfn.tx_cfr, cfr_config.max_papr_db) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } printf("CFR target PAPR set to %.3f\n", cfr_config.max_papr_db); } } // Decrease the CFR threshold or target PAPR if (cfr_thr_dec) { cfr_thr_dec = false; // Reset the flag if (cfr_config.cfr_enable && cfr_config.cfr_mode == SRSRAN_CFR_THR_MANUAL) { if (cfr_config.manual_thr - CFR_THRES_STEP >= 0) { cfr_config.manual_thr -= CFR_THRES_STEP; for (int i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { if (srsran_cfr_set_threshold(&ifft[i].tx_cfr, cfr_config.manual_thr) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } } if (srsran_cfr_set_threshold(&ifft_mbsfn.tx_cfr, cfr_config.manual_thr) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } printf("CFR Thres. set to %.3f\n", cfr_config.manual_thr); } } else if (cfr_config.cfr_enable && cfr_config.cfr_mode != SRSRAN_CFR_THR_MANUAL) { if (cfr_config.max_papr_db - CFR_PAPR_STEP >= 0) { cfr_config.max_papr_db -= CFR_PAPR_STEP; for (int i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { if (srsran_cfr_set_papr(&ifft[i].tx_cfr, cfr_config.max_papr_db) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } } if (srsran_cfr_set_papr(&ifft_mbsfn.tx_cfr, cfr_config.max_papr_db) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Setting the CFR"); goto exit; } printf("CFR target PAPR set to %.3f\n", cfr_config.max_papr_db); } } } srsran_dci_dl_fprint(stdout, &dci_dl, cell.nof_prb); printf("\nCFR controls:\n"); printf(" Param | INC | DEC |\n"); printf("------------+-----+-----+\n"); printf(" Thres/PAPR | %c | %c |\n", CFR_THRES_UP_KEY, CFR_THRES_DN_KEY); printf("\n"); if (transmission_mode != SRSRAN_TM1) { printf("\nTransmission mode key table:\n"); printf(" Mode | 1TB | 2TB |\n"); printf("----------+---------+-----+\n"); printf("Diversity | x | |\n"); printf(" CDD | | z |\n"); printf("Multiplex | q,w,e,r | a,s |\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Type new MCS index (0-28) or cfr/mode key and press Enter: "); } else { printf("Type new MCS index (0-28) or cfr key and press Enter: "); } fflush(stdout); ret = SRSRAN_SUCCESS; exit: return ret; } /* Read new MCS from stdin */ static int update_control() { char input[128]; fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(0, &set); struct timeval to; to.tv_sec = 0; to.tv_usec = 0; int n = select(1, &set, NULL, NULL, &to); if (n == 1) { // stdin ready if (fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin)) { if (input[0] == 27) { switch (input[2]) { case RIGHT_KEY: if (prbset_orig + prbset_num < (int)ceilf((float)cell.nof_prb / srsran_ra_type0_P(cell.nof_prb))) prbset_orig++; break; case LEFT_KEY: if (prbset_orig > 0) prbset_orig--; break; case UP_KEY: if (prbset_num < (int)ceilf((float)cell.nof_prb / srsran_ra_type0_P(cell.nof_prb))) prbset_num++; break; case DOWN_KEY: last_prbset_num = prbset_num; if (prbset_num > 0) prbset_num--; break; #ifndef DISABLE_RF case PAGE_UP: if (!output_file_name) { rf_gain++; srsran_rf_set_tx_gain(&radio, rf_gain); printf("Set TX gain: %.1f dB\n", srsran_rf_get_tx_gain(&radio)); } break; case PAGE_DOWN: if (!output_file_name) { rf_gain--; srsran_rf_set_tx_gain(&radio, rf_gain); printf("Set TX gain: %.1f dB\n", srsran_rf_get_tx_gain(&radio)); } break; #endif } } else { switch (input[0]) { case 'q': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM4; multiplex_pmi = 0; multiplex_nof_layers = 1; break; case 'w': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM4; multiplex_pmi = 1; multiplex_nof_layers = 1; break; case 'e': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM4; multiplex_pmi = 2; multiplex_nof_layers = 1; break; case 'r': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM4; multiplex_pmi = 3; multiplex_nof_layers = 1; break; case 'a': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM4; multiplex_pmi = 0; multiplex_nof_layers = 2; break; case 's': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM4; multiplex_pmi = 1; multiplex_nof_layers = 2; break; case 'z': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM3; break; case 'x': transmission_mode = SRSRAN_TM2; break; case CFR_THRES_UP_KEY: cfr_thr_inc = true; break; case CFR_THRES_DN_KEY: cfr_thr_dec = true; break; default: last_mcs_idx = mcs_idx; mcs_idx = strtol(input, NULL, 10); } } bzero(input, sizeof(input)); if (update_radl()) { printf("Trying with last known MCS index\n"); mcs_idx = last_mcs_idx; prbset_num = last_prbset_num; return update_radl(); } } return 0; } else if (n < 0) { // error perror("select"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } else { return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } } /** Function run in a separate thread to receive UDP data */ static void* net_thread_fnc(void* arg) { int n; int rpm = 0, wpm = 0; do { n = srsran_netsource_read(&net_source, &data2[rpm], DATA_BUFF_SZ - rpm); if (n > 0) { // TODO: I assume that both transport blocks have same size in case of 2 tb are active int nbytes = 1 + (((mbsfn_area_id > -1) ? (pmch_cfg.pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[0].tbs) : (pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[0].tbs + pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[1].tbs)) - 1) / 8; rpm += n; INFO("received %d bytes. rpm=%d/%d", n, rpm, nbytes); wpm = 0; while (rpm >= nbytes) { // wait for packet to be transmitted sem_wait(&net_sem); if (mbsfn_area_id > -1) { memcpy(data_mbms, &data2[wpm], nbytes); } else { memcpy(data[0], &data2[wpm], nbytes / (size_t)2); memcpy(data[1], &data2[wpm], nbytes / (size_t)2); } INFO("Sent %d/%d bytes ready", nbytes, rpm); rpm -= nbytes; wpm += nbytes; net_packet_ready = true; } if (wpm > 0) { INFO("%d bytes left in buffer for next packet", rpm); memcpy(data2, &data2[wpm], rpm * sizeof(uint8_t)); } } else if (n == 0) { rpm = 0; } else { ERROR("Error receiving from network"); exit(-1); } } while (true); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int nf = 0, sf_idx = 0, N_id_2 = 0; cf_t pss_signal[SRSRAN_PSS_LEN]; float sss_signal0[SRSRAN_SSS_LEN]; // for subframe 0 float sss_signal5[SRSRAN_SSS_LEN]; // for subframe 5 uint8_t bch_payload[SRSRAN_BCH_PAYLOAD_LEN]; int i; cf_t* sf_symbols[SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS]; srsran_dci_msg_t dci_msg; srsran_dci_location_t locations[SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME][30]; uint32_t sfn; srsran_refsignal_t csr_refs; srsran_refsignal_t mbsfn_refs; srsran_debug_handle_crash(argc, argv); #ifdef DISABLE_RF if (argc < 3) { usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } #endif parse_args(argc, argv); if (parse_cfr_args() < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error parsing CFR args"); exit(-1); } srsran_use_standard_symbol_size(use_standard_lte_rate); uint8_t mch_table[10]; bzero(&mch_table[0], sizeof(uint8_t) * 10); if (mbsfn_area_id > -1) { generate_mcch_table(mch_table, mbsfn_sf_mask); } N_id_2 = cell.id % 3; sf_n_re = SRSRAN_SF_LEN_RE(cell.nof_prb, cell.cp); sf_n_samples = 2 * SRSRAN_SLOT_LEN(srsran_symbol_sz(cell.nof_prb)); cell.phich_length = SRSRAN_PHICH_NORM; cell.phich_resources = SRSRAN_PHICH_R_1; sfn = 0; prbset_num = (int)ceilf((float)cell.nof_prb / srsran_ra_type0_P(cell.nof_prb)); last_prbset_num = prbset_num; /* this *must* be called after setting slot_len_* */ base_init(); /* Generate PSS/SSS signals */ srsran_pss_generate(pss_signal, N_id_2); srsran_sss_generate(sss_signal0, sss_signal5, cell.id); /* Generate reference signals */ if (srsran_refsignal_cs_init(&csr_refs, cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error initializing equalizer"); exit(-1); } if (mbsfn_area_id > -1) { if (srsran_refsignal_mbsfn_init(&mbsfn_refs, cell.nof_prb)) { ERROR("Error initializing equalizer"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_refsignal_mbsfn_set_cell(&mbsfn_refs, cell, mbsfn_area_id)) { ERROR("Error initializing MBSFNR signal"); exit(-1); } } if (srsran_refsignal_cs_set_cell(&csr_refs, cell)) { ERROR("Error setting cell"); exit(-1); } for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS; i++) { sf_symbols[i] = sf_buffer[i % cell.nof_ports]; } #ifndef DISABLE_RF sigset_t sigset; sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL); signal(SIGINT, sig_int_handler); if (!output_file_name) { int srate = srsran_sampling_freq_hz(cell.nof_prb); if (srate != -1) { printf("Setting sampling rate %.2f MHz\n", (float)srate / 1000000); float srate_rf = srsran_rf_set_tx_srate(&radio, (double)srate); if (srate_rf != srate) { ERROR("Could not set sampling rate"); exit(-1); } } else { ERROR("Invalid number of PRB %d", cell.nof_prb); exit(-1); } srsran_rf_set_tx_gain(&radio, rf_gain); printf("Set TX gain: %.1f dB\n", srsran_rf_get_tx_gain(&radio)); printf("Set TX freq: %.2f MHz\n", srsran_rf_set_tx_freq(&radio, cell.nof_ports, rf_freq) / 1000000); } #endif if (update_radl()) { exit(-1); } if (net_port > 0) { if (pthread_create(&net_thread, NULL, net_thread_fnc, NULL)) { perror("pthread_create"); exit(-1); } } pmch_cfg.pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[0].tbs = 1096; srsran_dl_sf_cfg_t dl_sf; ZERO_OBJECT(dl_sf); /* Initiate valid DCI locations */ for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME; i++) { dl_sf.cfi = cfi; dl_sf.tti = i; srsran_pdcch_ue_locations(&pdcch, &dl_sf, locations[i], 30, UE_CRNTI); } nf = 0; bool send_data = false; for (i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; i++) { srsran_softbuffer_tx_reset(softbuffers[i]); } #ifndef DISABLE_RF bool start_of_burst = true; #endif ZERO_OBJECT(pdsch_cfg); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; j++) { pdsch_cfg.softbuffers.tx[j] = softbuffers[j]; } pdsch_cfg.rnti = UE_CRNTI; pmch_cfg.pdsch_cfg = pdsch_cfg; while ((nf < nof_frames || nof_frames == -1) && !go_exit) { for (sf_idx = 0; sf_idx < SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME && (nf < nof_frames || nof_frames == -1) && !go_exit; sf_idx++) { /* Set Antenna port resource elements to zero */ srsran_vec_cf_zero(sf_symbols[0], sf_n_re); if (sf_idx == 0 || sf_idx == 5) { srsran_pss_put_slot(pss_signal, sf_symbols[0], cell.nof_prb, cell.cp); srsran_sss_put_slot(sf_idx ? sss_signal5 : sss_signal0, sf_symbols[0], cell.nof_prb, cell.cp); } /* Copy zeros, SSS, PSS into the rest of antenna ports */ for (i = 1; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { memcpy(sf_symbols[i], sf_symbols[0], sizeof(cf_t) * sf_n_re); } if (mch_table[sf_idx] == 1 && mbsfn_area_id > -1) { srsran_refsignal_mbsfn_put_sf(cell, 0, csr_refs.pilots[0][sf_idx], mbsfn_refs.pilots[0][sf_idx], sf_symbols[0]); } else { dl_sf.tti = nf * 10 + sf_idx; for (i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { srsran_refsignal_cs_put_sf(&csr_refs, &dl_sf, (uint32_t)i, sf_symbols[i]); } } srsran_pbch_mib_pack(&cell, sfn, bch_payload); if (sf_idx == 0) { srsran_pbch_encode(&pbch, bch_payload, sf_symbols, nf % 4); } dl_sf.tti = nf * 10 + sf_idx; dl_sf.cfi = cfi; srsran_pcfich_encode(&pcfich, &dl_sf, sf_symbols); /* Update DL resource allocation from control port */ if (update_control() < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { ERROR("Error updating parameters from control port"); } /* Transmit PDCCH + PDSCH only when there is data to send */ if ((net_port > 0) && (mch_table[sf_idx] == 1 && mbsfn_area_id > -1)) { send_data = net_packet_ready; if (net_packet_ready) { INFO("Transmitting packet from port"); } } else { INFO("SF: %d, Generating %d random bits", sf_idx, pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[0].tbs + pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[1].tbs); for (uint32_t tb = 0; tb < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; tb++) { if (pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[tb].enabled) { for (i = 0; i < pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[tb].tbs / 8; i++) { data[tb][i] = (uint8_t)rand(); } } } /* Uncomment this to transmit on sf 0 and 5 only */ if (sf_idx != 0 && sf_idx != 5) { send_data = true; } else { send_data = false; } } if (send_data) { if (mch_table[sf_idx] == 0 || mbsfn_area_id < 0) { // PDCCH + PDSCH dl_sf.sf_type = SRSRAN_SF_NORM; /* Encode PDCCH */ INFO("Putting DCI to location: n=%d, L=%d", locations[sf_idx][0].ncce, locations[sf_idx][0].L); srsran_dci_msg_pack_pdsch(&cell, &dl_sf, NULL, &dci_dl, &dci_msg); dci_msg.location = locations[sf_idx][0]; if (srsran_pdcch_encode(&pdcch, &dl_sf, &dci_msg, sf_symbols)) { ERROR("Error encoding DCI message"); exit(-1); } /* Configure pdsch_cfg parameters */ if (srsran_ra_dl_dci_to_grant(&cell, &dl_sf, transmission_mode, enable_256qam, &dci_dl, &pdsch_cfg.grant)) { ERROR("Error configuring PDSCH"); exit(-1); } /* Encode PDSCH */ if (srsran_pdsch_encode(&pdsch, &dl_sf, &pdsch_cfg, data, sf_symbols)) { ERROR("Error encoding PDSCH"); exit(-1); } if (net_port > 0 && net_packet_ready) { if (null_file_sink) { for (uint32_t tb = 0; tb < SRSRAN_MAX_CODEWORDS; tb++) { srsran_bit_pack_vector(data[tb], data_tmp, pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[tb].tbs); if (srsran_netsink_write(&net_sink, data_tmp, 1 + (pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[tb].tbs - 1) / 8) < 0) { ERROR("Error sending data through UDP socket"); } } } if (mbsfn_area_id < 0) { net_packet_ready = false; sem_post(&net_sem); } } } else { // We're sending MCH on subframe 1 - PDCCH + PMCH dl_sf.sf_type = SRSRAN_SF_MBSFN; /* Force 1 word and MCS 2 */ dci_dl.rnti = SRSRAN_MRNTI; dci_dl.alloc_type = SRSRAN_RA_ALLOC_TYPE0; dci_dl.type0_alloc.rbg_bitmask = 0xffffffff; dci_dl.tb[0].mcs_idx = 2; dci_dl.format = SRSRAN_DCI_FORMAT1; /* Configure pdsch_cfg parameters */ if (srsran_ra_dl_dci_to_grant(&cell, &dl_sf, SRSRAN_TM1, enable_256qam, &dci_dl, &pmch_cfg.pdsch_cfg.grant)) { ERROR("Error configuring PDSCH"); exit(-1); } for (int j = 0; j < pmch_cfg.pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[0].tbs / 8; j++) { data_mbms[j] = j % 255; } pmch_cfg.area_id = mbsfn_area_id; /* Encode PMCH */ if (srsran_pmch_encode(&pmch, &dl_sf, &pmch_cfg, data_mbms, sf_symbols)) { ERROR("Error encoding PDSCH"); exit(-1); } if (net_port > 0 && net_packet_ready) { if (null_file_sink) { srsran_bit_pack_vector(data[0], data_tmp, pmch_cfg.pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[0].tbs); if (srsran_netsink_write(&net_sink, data_tmp, 1 + (pmch_cfg.pdsch_cfg.grant.tb[0].tbs - 1) / 8) < 0) { ERROR("Error sending data through UDP socket"); } } net_packet_ready = false; sem_post(&net_sem); } } } /* Transform to OFDM symbols */ if (mch_table[sf_idx] == 0 || mbsfn_area_id < 0) { for (i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { srsran_ofdm_tx_sf(&ifft[i]); } } else { srsran_ofdm_tx_sf(&ifft_mbsfn); } /* send to file or usrp */ if (output_file_name) { if (!null_file_sink) { /* Apply AWGN */ if (output_file_snr != +INFINITY) { float var = srsran_convert_dB_to_power(-output_file_snr); for (int k = 0; k < cell.nof_ports; k++) { srsran_ch_awgn_c(output_buffer[k], output_buffer[k], var, sf_n_samples); } } srsran_filesink_write_multi(&fsink, (void**)output_buffer, sf_n_samples, cell.nof_ports); } usleep(1000); } else { #ifndef DISABLE_RF float norm_factor = (float)cell.nof_prb / 15 / sqrtf(pdsch_cfg.grant.nof_prb); for (i = 0; i < cell.nof_ports; i++) { srsran_vec_sc_prod_cfc( output_buffer[i], rf_amp * norm_factor, output_buffer[i], SRSRAN_SF_LEN_PRB(cell.nof_prb)); } srsran_rf_send_multi(&radio, (void**)output_buffer, sf_n_samples, true, start_of_burst, false); start_of_burst = false; #endif } } nf++; sfn = (sfn + 1) % 1024; } base_free(); printf("Done\n"); exit(0); }