/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2014 The libLTE Developers. See the * COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution. * * \section LICENSE * * This file is part of the libLTE library. * * libLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * libLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "liblte/phy/phy.h" #ifndef DISABLE_UHD #include "liblte/cuhd/cuhd.h" void *uhd; #endif #ifndef DISABLE_GRAPHICS #include "liblte/graphics/plot.h" plot_real_t poutfft; plot_complex_t pce; plot_scatter_t pscatrecv, pscatequal; #endif #define MHZ 1000000 #define SAMP_FREQ 1920000 #define FLEN 9600 #define FLEN_PERIOD 0.005 #define NOF_PORTS 2 float find_threshold = 9.0; int max_track_lost = 20, nof_frames = -1; int track_len = 300; char *input_file_name = NULL; int disable_plots = 0; int go_exit = 0; float uhd_freq = 2600000000.0, uhd_gain = 20.0; char *uhd_args = ""; filesource_t fsrc; cf_t *input_buffer, *fft_buffer, *ce[MAX_PORTS]; pbch_t pbch; lte_fft_t fft; chest_t chest; sync_t ssync; cfo_t cfocorr; enum sync_state { FIND, TRACK }; void usage(char *prog) { printf("Usage: %s [iagfndvt]\n", prog); printf("\t-i input_file [Default use USRP]\n"); #ifndef DISABLE_UHD printf("\t-a UHD args [Default %s]\n", uhd_args); printf("\t-g UHD RX gain [Default %.2f dB]\n", uhd_gain); printf("\t-f UHD RX frequency [Default %.1f MHz]\n", uhd_freq / 1000000); #else printf("\t UHD is disabled. CUHD library not available\n"); #endif printf("\t-n nof_frames [Default %d]\n", nof_frames); printf("\t-t PSS threshold [Default %f]\n", find_threshold); #ifndef DISABLE_GRAPHICS printf("\t-d disable plots [Default enabled]\n"); #else printf("\t plots are disabled. Graphics library not available\n"); #endif printf("\t-v [set verbose to debug, default none]\n"); } void parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "iagfndvt")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': input_file_name = argv[optind]; break; case 'a': uhd_args = argv[optind]; break; case 'g': uhd_gain = atof(argv[optind]); break; case 'f': uhd_freq = atof(argv[optind]); break; case 't': find_threshold = atof(argv[optind]); break; case 'n': nof_frames = atoi(argv[optind]); break; case 'd': disable_plots = 1; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; default: usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } } } #ifndef DISABLE_GRAPHICS void init_plots() { plot_init(); plot_real_init(&poutfft); plot_real_setTitle(&poutfft, "Output FFT - Magnitude"); plot_real_setLabels(&poutfft, "Index", "dB"); plot_real_setYAxisScale(&poutfft, -60, 0); plot_real_setXAxisScale(&poutfft, 1, 504); plot_complex_init(&pce); plot_complex_setTitle(&pce, "Channel Estimates"); plot_complex_setYAxisScale(&pce, Ip, -0.01, 0.01); plot_complex_setYAxisScale(&pce, Q, -0.01, 0.01); plot_complex_setYAxisScale(&pce, Magnitude, 0, 0.01); plot_complex_setYAxisScale(&pce, Phase, -M_PI, M_PI); plot_scatter_init(&pscatrecv); plot_scatter_setTitle(&pscatrecv, "Received Symbols"); plot_scatter_setXAxisScale(&pscatrecv, -0.01, 0.01); plot_scatter_setYAxisScale(&pscatrecv, -0.01, 0.01); plot_scatter_init(&pscatequal); plot_scatter_setTitle(&pscatequal, "Equalized Symbols"); plot_scatter_setXAxisScale(&pscatequal, -1, 1); plot_scatter_setYAxisScale(&pscatequal, -1, 1); } #endif int base_init(int frame_length) { int i; #ifndef DISABLE_GRAPHICS if (!disable_plots) { init_plots(); } #else printf("-- PLOTS are disabled. Graphics library not available --\n\n"); #endif if (input_file_name) { if (filesource_init(&fsrc, input_file_name, COMPLEX_FLOAT_BIN)) { return -1; } } else { /* open UHD device */ #ifndef DISABLE_UHD printf("Opening UHD device...\n"); if (cuhd_open(uhd_args, &uhd)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening uhd\n"); return -1; } #else printf("Error UHD not available. Select an input file\n"); return -1; #endif } input_buffer = (cf_t*) malloc(frame_length * sizeof(cf_t)); if (!input_buffer) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } fft_buffer = (cf_t*) malloc(CPNORM_NSYMB * 72 * sizeof(cf_t)); if (!fft_buffer) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) { ce[i] = (cf_t*) malloc(CPNORM_NSYMB * 72 * sizeof(cf_t)); if (!ce[i]) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } } if (sync_init(&ssync, FLEN)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating PSS/SSS\n"); return -1; } if (chest_init(&chest, LINEAR, CPNORM, 6, NOF_PORTS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing equalizer\n"); return -1; } if (cfo_init(&cfocorr, FLEN)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating CFO\n"); return -1; } if (lte_fft_init(&fft, CPNORM, 6)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing FFT\n"); return -1; } return 0; } void base_free() { int i; if (input_file_name) { filesource_free(&fsrc); } else { #ifndef DISABLE_UHD cuhd_close(uhd); #endif } #ifndef DISABLE_GRAPHICS plot_exit(); #endif sync_free(&ssync); lte_fft_free(&fft); chest_free(&chest); cfo_free(&cfocorr); free(input_buffer); free(fft_buffer); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PORTS; i++) { free(ce[i]); } } int mib_decoder_init(int cell_id) { lte_cell_t cell; cell.id = cell_id; cell.nof_ports = MAX_PORTS; cell.nof_prb = 6; cell.cp = CPNORM; if (chest_ref_LTEDL(&chest, cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing reference signal\n"); return -1; } if (pbch_init(&pbch, cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating PBCH\n"); return -1; } DEBUG("PBCH initiated cell_id=%d\n", cell.id); return 0; } int mib_decoder_run(cf_t *input, pbch_mib_t *mib) { int i, n; lte_fft_run_slot(&fft, input, fft_buffer); /* Get channel estimates for each port */ for (i = 0; i < NOF_PORTS; i++) { chest_ce_slot_port(&chest, fft_buffer, ce[i], 1, i); } DEBUG("Decoding PBCH\n", 0); n = pbch_decode(&pbch, fft_buffer, ce, mib); #ifndef DISABLE_GRAPHICS float tmp[72 * 7]; if (!disable_plots) { for (i = 0; i < 72 * 7; i++) { tmp[i] = 10 * log10f(cabsf(fft_buffer[i])); if (isinf(tmp[i])) { tmp[i] = -80; } } plot_real_setNewData(&poutfft, tmp, 72 * 7); plot_complex_setNewData(&pce, ce[0], 72 * 7); plot_scatter_setNewData(&pscatrecv, pbch.pbch_symbols[0], pbch.nof_symbols); if (n) { plot_scatter_setNewData(&pscatequal, pbch.pbch_d, pbch.nof_symbols); } } #endif return n; } void sigintHandler(int sig_num) { go_exit = 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int frame_cnt; int cell_id; int find_idx, track_idx, last_found; enum sync_state state; int nslot; pbch_mib_t mib; float cfo; int n; int nof_found_mib = 0; float timeoffset = 0; #ifdef DISABLE_UHD if (argc < 3) { usage(argv[0]); exit(-1); } #endif parse_args(argc, argv); if (base_init(FLEN)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing memory\n"); exit(-1); } sync_pss_det_peak_to_avg(&ssync); if (!input_file_name) { #ifndef DISABLE_UHD INFO("Setting sampling frequency %.2f MHz\n", (float) SAMP_FREQ/MHZ); cuhd_set_rx_srate(uhd, SAMP_FREQ); cuhd_set_rx_gain(uhd, uhd_gain); /* set uhd_freq */ cuhd_set_rx_freq(uhd, (double) uhd_freq); cuhd_rx_wait_lo_locked(uhd); DEBUG("Set uhd_freq to %.3f MHz\n", (double ) uhd_freq); DEBUG("Starting receiver...\n", 0); cuhd_start_rx_stream(uhd); #endif } printf("\n --- Press Ctrl+C to exit --- \n"); signal(SIGINT, sigintHandler); state = FIND; nslot = 0; find_idx = 0; cfo = 0; mib.sfn = -1; frame_cnt = 0; last_found = 0; sync_set_threshold(&ssync, find_threshold); while (!go_exit && (frame_cnt < nof_frames || nof_frames == -1)) { INFO(" ----- RECEIVING %d SAMPLES ---- \n", FLEN); if (input_file_name) { n = filesource_read(&fsrc, input_buffer, FLEN); if (n == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file\n"); exit(-1); } else if (n < FLEN) { filesource_seek(&fsrc, 0); filesource_read(&fsrc, input_buffer, FLEN); } } else { #ifndef DISABLE_UHD cuhd_recv(uhd, input_buffer, FLEN, 1); #endif } switch (state) { case FIND: /* find peak in all frame */ find_idx = sync_find(&ssync, input_buffer); INFO("FIND %3d:\tPAR=%.2f\n", frame_cnt, sync_get_peak_to_avg(&ssync)); if (find_idx != -1) { /* if found peak, go to track and set track threshold */ cell_id = sync_get_cell_id(&ssync); if (cell_id != -1) { frame_cnt = -1; last_found = 0; mib_decoder_init(cell_id); nof_found_mib = 0; nslot = sync_get_slot_id(&ssync); nslot = (nslot + 10) % 20; cfo = 0; timeoffset = 0; printf("\n"); state = TRACK; } else { printf("cellid=-1\n"); } } if (verbose == VERBOSE_NONE) { printf("Finding PSS... PAR=%.2f\r", sync_get_peak_to_avg(&ssync)); } break; case TRACK: /* Find peak around known position find_idx */ INFO("TRACK %3d: PSS find_idx %d offset %d\n", frame_cnt, find_idx, find_idx - track_len); track_idx = sync_track(&ssync, &input_buffer[find_idx - track_len]); if (track_idx != -1) { /* compute cumulative moving average CFO */ cfo = (sync_get_cfo(&ssync) + frame_cnt * cfo) / (frame_cnt + 1); /* compute cumulative moving average time offset */ timeoffset = (float) (track_idx - track_len + timeoffset * frame_cnt) / (frame_cnt + 1); last_found = frame_cnt; find_idx = (find_idx + track_idx - track_len) % FLEN; } else { /* if sync not found, adjust time offset with the averaged value */ find_idx = (find_idx + (int) timeoffset) % FLEN; } /* if we missed too many PSS go back to FIND */ if (frame_cnt - last_found > max_track_lost) { INFO("%d frames lost. Going back to FIND", frame_cnt - last_found); printf("\r\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("\r\n"); state = FIND; } // Correct CFO INFO("Correcting CFO=%.4f\n", cfo); cfo_correct(&cfocorr, input_buffer, -cfo / 128); if (nslot == 0 && find_idx + 960 < FLEN) { INFO("Finding MIB at idx %d\n", find_idx); if (mib_decoder_run(&input_buffer[find_idx], &mib)) { INFO("MIB detected attempt=%d\n", frame_cnt); if (verbose == VERBOSE_NONE) { if (!nof_found_mib) { printf("\r\n"); fflush(stdout); printf("\r\n"); printf(" - Phy. CellId:\t%d\n", cell_id); pbch_mib_fprint(stdout, &mib); } } nof_found_mib++; } else { INFO("MIB not found attempt %d\n", frame_cnt); } if (frame_cnt) { printf( "SFN: %4d, CFO: %+.4f KHz, SFO: %+.4f Khz, TimeOffset: %4d, Errors: %4d/%4d, ErrorRate: %.1e\r", mib.sfn, cfo * 15, timeoffset / 5, find_idx, frame_cnt - 2 * (nof_found_mib - 1), frame_cnt, (float) (frame_cnt - 2 * (nof_found_mib - 1)) / frame_cnt); fflush(stdout); } } if (input_file_name) { usleep(5000); } nslot = (nslot + 10) % 20; break; } frame_cnt++; } base_free(); printf("\nBye\n"); exit(0); }