/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "npdsch_ue_helper.h" #include "srsran/phy/ch_estimation/chest_dl_nbiot.h" #include "srsran/phy/channel/ch_awgn.h" #include "srsran/phy/io/filesink.h" #include "srsran/phy/io/filesource.h" #include "srsran/phy/ue/ue_dl_nbiot.h" #include "srsran/phy/ue/ue_mib_nbiot.h" #include "srsran/phy/ue/ue_sync_nbiot.h" #include "srsran/phy/utils/bit.h" #undef ENABLE_AGC_DEFAULT #ifndef DISABLE_RF #include "srsran/phy/rf/rf.h" #include "srsran/phy/rf/rf_utils.h" #define ENABLE_MANUAL_NSSS_SEARCH 0 #define HAVE_PCAP 1 #if HAVE_PCAP #include "srsran/common/pcap.h" #endif cell_search_cfg_t cell_detect_config = {.max_frames_pbch = SRSRAN_DEFAULT_MAX_FRAMES_NPBCH, .max_frames_pss = SRSRAN_DEFAULT_MAX_FRAMES_NPSS, .nof_valid_pss_frames = SRSRAN_DEFAULT_NOF_VALID_NPSS_FRAMES, .init_agc = 0, .force_tdd = false}; #else #pragma message "Compiling npdsch_ue with no RF support" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GUI #include "srsgui/srsgui.h" void init_plots(); pthread_t plot_thread; sem_t plot_sem; uint32_t plot_sf_idx = 0; bool plot_track = true; #define HAVE_RSRP_PLOT 0 #endif // ENABLE_GUI #define PRINT_CHANGE_SCHEDULIGN #define NPSS_FIND_PLOT_WIDTH 80 //#define CORRECT_SAMPLE_OFFSET static srsran_nbiot_si_params_t sib2_params; /********************************************************************** * Program arguments processing ***********************************************************************/ typedef struct { int nof_subframes; bool disable_plots; bool disable_plots_except_constellation; bool disable_cfo; uint32_t time_offset; int n_id_ncell; bool is_r14; bool skip_sib2; uint16_t rnti; char* input_file_name; int file_offset_time; float file_offset_freq; uint32_t file_nof_prb; uint32_t file_nof_ports; uint32_t file_cell_id; char* rf_dev; char* rf_args; double rf_freq; float rf_gain; } prog_args_t; void args_default(prog_args_t* args) { args->disable_plots = false; args->disable_plots_except_constellation = false; args->nof_subframes = -1; args->rnti = SRSRAN_SIRNTI; args->n_id_ncell = SRSRAN_CELL_ID_UNKNOWN; args->is_r14 = true; args->input_file_name = NULL; args->disable_cfo = false; args->time_offset = 0; args->file_nof_prb = 1; args->file_nof_ports = 0; args->file_cell_id = 0; args->file_offset_time = 0; args->file_offset_freq = 0; args->rf_dev = ""; args->rf_args = ""; args->rf_freq = -1.0; #ifdef ENABLE_AGC_DEFAULT args->rf_gain = -1.0; #else args->rf_gain = 70.0; #endif } void usage(prog_args_t* args, char* prog) { printf("Usage: %s [agpRPoOildtDnrBuHvqwzxc] -f rx_frequency (in Hz) | -i input_file\n", prog); #ifndef DISABLE_RF printf("\t-I RF dev [Default %s]\n", args->rf_dev); printf("\t-a RF args [Default %s]\n", args->rf_args); #ifdef ENABLE_AGC_DEFAULT printf("\t-g RF fix RX gain [Default AGC]\n"); #else printf("\t-g Set RX gain [Default %.1f dB]\n", args->rf_gain); #endif #else printf("\t RF is disabled.\n"); #endif printf("\t-i input_file [Default use RF board]\n"); printf("\t-o offset frequency correction (in Hz) for input file [Default %.1f Hz]\n", args->file_offset_freq); printf("\t-O offset samples for input file [Default %d]\n", args->file_offset_time); printf("\t-p nof_prb for input file [Default %d]\n", args->file_nof_prb); printf("\t-P nof_ports for input file [Default %d]\n", args->file_nof_ports); printf("\t-r RNTI in Hex [Default 0x%x]\n", args->rnti); printf("\t-l n_id_ncell [Default %d]\n", args->n_id_ncell); printf("\t-R Is R14 cell [Default %s]\n", args->is_r14 ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\t-C Disable CFO correction [Default %s]\n", args->disable_cfo ? "Disabled" : "Enabled"); printf("\t-t Add time offset [Default %d]\n", args->time_offset); printf("\t-s Skip SIB2 decoding[Default %d]\n", args->skip_sib2); #ifdef ENABLE_GUI printf("\t-d disable plots [Default enabled]\n"); printf("\t-D disable all but constellation plots [Default enabled]\n"); #else printf("\t plots are disabled. Graphics library not available\n"); #endif // ENABLE_GUI printf("\t-n nof_subframes [Default %d]\n", args->nof_subframes); printf("\t-v [set srsran_verbose to debug, default none]\n"); } void parse_args(prog_args_t* args, int argc, char** argv) { int opt; args_default(args); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "aogRBliIpHPOCtdDsnvrfqwzxc")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': args->input_file_name = argv[optind]; break; case 'p': args->file_nof_prb = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'P': args->file_nof_ports = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'o': args->file_offset_freq = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'O': args->file_offset_time = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'I': args->rf_dev = argv[optind]; break; case 'a': args->rf_args = argv[optind]; break; case 'g': args->rf_gain = strtof(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'C': args->disable_cfo = true; break; case 't': args->time_offset = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'f': args->rf_freq = strtod(argv[optind], NULL); break; case 'n': args->nof_subframes = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'r': args->rnti = strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 16); break; case 'l': args->n_id_ncell = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10); break; case 'R': args->is_r14 = !args->is_r14; break; case 'd': args->disable_plots = true; break; case 's': args->skip_sib2 = !args->skip_sib2; break; case 'D': args->disable_plots_except_constellation = true; break; case 'v': srsran_verbose++; break; default: usage(args, argv[0]); exit(-1); } } if (args->rf_freq < 0 && args->input_file_name == NULL) { usage(args, argv[0]); exit(-1); } } /**********************************************************************/ static uint8_t rx_tb[SRSRAN_MAX_DL_BITS_CAT_NB1]; // Byte buffer for rx'ed transport blocks bool go_exit = false; void sig_int_handler(int signo) { printf("SIGINT received. Exiting...\n"); if (signo == SIGINT) { go_exit = true; } } #if HAVE_PCAP void pcap_pack_and_write(FILE* pcap_file, uint8_t* pdu, uint32_t pdu_len_bytes, uint8_t reTX, bool crc_ok, uint32_t tti, uint16_t crnti, uint8_t direction, uint8_t rnti_type) { MAC_Context_Info_t context = {.radioType = FDD_RADIO, .direction = direction, .rntiType = rnti_type, .rnti = crnti, .ueid = 1, .isRetx = reTX, .crcStatusOK = crc_ok, .sysFrameNumber = (uint16_t)(tti / SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME), .subFrameNumber = (uint16_t)(tti % SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME), .nbiotMode = 1}; if (pdu) { LTE_PCAP_MAC_WritePDU(pcap_file, &context, pdu, pdu_len_bytes); } } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_RF int srsran_rf_recv_wrapper(void* h, void* data, uint32_t nsamples, srsran_timestamp_t* t) { DEBUG(" ---- Receive %d samples ----", nsamples); return srsran_rf_recv_with_time(h, data, nsamples, true, &t->full_secs, &t->frac_secs); } void srsran_rf_set_rx_gain_th_wrapper_(void* h, float f) { srsran_rf_set_rx_gain_th((srsran_rf_t*)h, f); } #endif enum receiver_state { DECODE_MIB, DECODE_SIB, DECODE_NPDSCH } state; static srsran_nbiot_cell_t cell = {}; srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_t ue_dl; srsran_nbiot_ue_sync_t ue_sync; prog_args_t prog_args; bool have_sib1 = false; bool have_sib2 = false; #ifdef ENABLE_GUI #define MAX_MSG_BUF (8192) static char mib_buffer_disp[MAX_MSG_BUF], mib_buffer_decode[MAX_MSG_BUF]; static char sib1_buffer_disp[MAX_MSG_BUF], sib1_buffer_decode[MAX_MSG_BUF]; static char sib2_buffer_disp[MAX_MSG_BUF], sib2_buffer_decode[MAX_MSG_BUF]; #if HAVE_RSRP_PLOT #define RSRP_TABLE_MAX_IDX 1024 static float rsrp_table[RSRP_TABLE_MAX_IDX]; static uint32_t rsrp_table_index = 0; static uint32_t rsrp_num_plot = RSRP_TABLE_MAX_IDX; #endif // HAVE_RSRP_PLOT #endif // ENABLE_GUI static uint32_t system_frame_number = 0; static uint32_t hyper_frame_number = 0; int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ret; int64_t sf_cnt; srsran_ue_mib_nbiot_t ue_mib; #ifndef DISABLE_RF srsran_rf_t rf; #endif uint32_t nof_trials = 0; int n; uint8_t bch_payload[SRSRAN_MIB_NB_LEN] = {}; int sfn_offset; float cfo = 0; parse_args(&prog_args, argc, argv); #if HAVE_PCAP FILE* pcap_file = LTE_PCAP_Open(MAC_LTE_DLT, "/tmp/npdsch.pcap"); #endif sigset_t sigset; sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL); signal(SIGINT, sig_int_handler); cell.base.nof_prb = SRSRAN_NBIOT_DEFAULT_NUM_PRB_BASECELL; cell.nbiot_prb = SRSRAN_NBIOT_DEFAULT_PRB_OFFSET; cell.n_id_ncell = prog_args.n_id_ncell; cell.is_r14 = prog_args.is_r14; #ifndef DISABLE_RF if (!prog_args.input_file_name) { printf("Opening RF device...\n"); if (srsran_rf_open_devname(&rf, prog_args.rf_dev, prog_args.rf_args, 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening rf\n"); exit(-1); } /* Set receiver gain */ if (prog_args.rf_gain > 0) { srsran_rf_set_rx_gain(&rf, prog_args.rf_gain); printf("Set RX gain: %.1f dB\n", prog_args.rf_gain); } else { printf("Starting AGC thread...\n"); if (srsran_rf_start_gain_thread(&rf, false)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening rf\n"); exit(-1); } srsran_rf_set_rx_gain(&rf, 50); cell_detect_config.init_agc = 50; } // set transceiver frequency printf("Set RX freq: %.6f MHz\n", srsran_rf_set_rx_freq(&rf, 0, prog_args.rf_freq) / 1000000); // set sampling frequency int srate = srsran_sampling_freq_hz(cell.base.nof_prb); if (srate != -1) { printf("Setting sampling rate %.2f MHz\n", (float)srate / 1e6); double srate_rf = srsran_rf_set_rx_srate(&rf, srate); printf("Actual sampling rate %.2f MHz\n", srate_rf / 1e6); // We don't check the result rate with requested rate } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of PRB %d\n", cell.base.nof_prb); exit(-1); } INFO("Stopping RF and flushing buffer...\r"); srsran_rf_stop_rx_stream(&rf); #if ENABLE_MANUAL_NSSS_SEARCH // determine n_id_ncell if (prog_args.n_id_ncell == SRSRAN_CELL_ID_UNKNOWN) { srsran_nsss_synch_t nsss; float nsss_peak_value; int input_len = srate * 10 / 1000 * 2; // capture two full frames to make sure we have one NSSS cf_t* buffer = srsran_vec_cf_malloc(input_len * 2); if (!buffer) { perror("malloc"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_nsss_synch_init(&nsss, input_len, srate / 15000)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing NSSS object\n"); exit(-1); } srsran_rf_start_rx_stream(&rf, false); n = srsran_rf_recv(&rf, buffer, input_len, 1); if (n != input_len) { fprintf(stderr, "Error receiving samples\n"); exit(-1); } srsran_rf_stop_rx_stream(&rf); // trying to find NSSS printf("Detecting NSSS signal .. "); fflush(stdout); uint32_t sfn_partial; srsran_nsss_sync_find(&nsss, buffer, &nsss_peak_value, (uint32_t*)&cell.n_id_ncell, &sfn_partial); printf("done!"); srsran_nsss_synch_free(&nsss); free(buffer); } else { cell.n_id_ncell = prog_args.n_id_ncell; } printf("\nSetting n_id_ncell to %d.\n", cell.n_id_ncell); #else if (cell.n_id_ncell == SRSRAN_CELL_ID_UNKNOWN) { uint32_t ntrial = 0; do { ret = rf_cell_search_nbiot(&rf, &cell_detect_config, &cell, &cfo); if (ret != SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { printf("Cell not found after %d trials. Trying again (Press Ctrl+C to exit)\n", ntrial++); } } while (ret != SRSRAN_SUCCESS && !go_exit); } #endif if (go_exit) { exit(0); } } #endif /* If reading from file, go straight to PDSCH decoding. Otherwise, decode MIB first */ if (prog_args.input_file_name) { // set file specific params cell.base.nof_ports = prog_args.file_nof_ports; cell.nof_ports = prog_args.file_nof_ports; if (srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_init_file( &ue_sync, cell, prog_args.input_file_name, prog_args.file_offset_time, prog_args.file_offset_freq)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating ue_sync\n"); exit(-1); } } else { #ifndef DISABLE_RF if (srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_init(&ue_sync, cell, srsran_rf_recv_wrapper, (void*)&rf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating ue_sync\n"); exit(-1); } // reduce AGC period to every 10th frame srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_set_agc_period(&ue_sync, 10); #endif } // Allocate memory to fit a full frame (needed for time re-alignment) cf_t* buff_ptrs[SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS] = {NULL}; buff_ptrs[0] = srsran_vec_cf_malloc(SRSRAN_SF_LEN_PRB_NBIOT * 10); if (srsran_ue_mib_nbiot_init(&ue_mib, buff_ptrs, SRSRAN_NBIOT_MAX_PRB)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initaiting UE MIB decoder\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_ue_mib_nbiot_set_cell(&ue_mib, cell) != SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Error setting cell configuration in UE MIB decoder\n"); exit(-1); } // Initialize subframe counter sf_cnt = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (!prog_args.disable_plots) { init_plots(); } #endif // ENABLE_GUI #ifndef DISABLE_RF if (!prog_args.input_file_name) { srsran_rf_start_rx_stream(&rf, false); } #endif // Variables for measurements uint32_t nframes = 0; float rsrp = 0.0, rsrq = 0.0, noise = 0.0; #ifndef DISABLE_RF if (prog_args.rf_gain < 0) { srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_start_agc(&ue_sync, srsran_rf_set_rx_gain_th_wrapper_, cell_detect_config.init_agc); } #endif #ifdef PRINT_CHANGE_SCHEDULIGN srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_t old_dl_dci; bzero(&old_dl_dci, sizeof(srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_t)); #endif ue_sync.correct_cfo = !prog_args.disable_cfo; // Set initial CFO for ue_sync srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_set_cfo(&ue_sync, cfo); srsran_npbch_decode_reset(&ue_mib.npbch); INFO("\nEntering main loop..."); while (!go_exit && (sf_cnt < prog_args.nof_subframes || prog_args.nof_subframes == -1)) { ret = srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_zerocopy_multi(&ue_sync, buff_ptrs); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error calling srsran_nbiot_ue_sync_zerocopy_multi()\n"); break; } #ifdef CORRECT_SAMPLE_OFFSET float sample_offset = (float)srsran_ue_sync_get_last_sample_offset(&ue_sync) + srsran_ue_sync_get_sfo(&ue_sync) / 1000; srsran_ue_dl_set_sample_offset(&ue_dl, sample_offset); #endif // srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_zerocopy_multi() returns 1 if successfully read 1 aligned subframe if (ret == 1) { switch (state) { case DECODE_MIB: if (srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync) == 0) { n = srsran_ue_mib_nbiot_decode(&ue_mib, buff_ptrs[0], bch_payload, &cell.nof_ports, &sfn_offset); if (n < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding UE MIB\n"); exit(-1); } else if (n == SRSRAN_UE_MIB_NBIOT_FOUND) { printf("MIB received (CFO: %+6.2f kHz)\n", srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_cfo(&ue_sync) / 1000); srsran_mib_nb_t mib; srsran_npbch_mib_unpack(bch_payload, &mib); // update SFN and set deployment mode system_frame_number = (mib.sfn + sfn_offset) % 1024; cell.mode = mib.mode; // set number of ports of base cell to that of NB-IoT cell (TODO: read eutra-NumCRS-Ports-r13) cell.base.nof_ports = cell.nof_ports; if (cell.mode == SRSRAN_NBIOT_MODE_INBAND_SAME_PCI) { cell.base.id = cell.n_id_ncell; } if (SRSRAN_VERBOSE_ISINFO()) { srsran_mib_nb_printf(stdout, cell, &mib); } // Initialize DL if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_init(&ue_dl, buff_ptrs, SRSRAN_NBIOT_MAX_PRB, SRSRAN_NBIOT_NUM_RX_ANTENNAS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating UE downlink processing module\n"); exit(-1); } if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_set_cell(&ue_dl, cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "Configuring cell in UE DL\n"); exit(-1); } // Configure downlink receiver with the MIB params and the RNTI we use srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_set_mib(&ue_dl, mib); srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_set_rnti(&ue_dl, prog_args.rnti); // Pretty-print MIB srsran_bit_pack_vector(bch_payload, rx_tb, SRSRAN_MIB_NB_CRC_LEN); #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (bcch_bch_to_pretty_string( rx_tb, SRSRAN_MIB_NB_CRC_LEN, mib_buffer_decode, sizeof(mib_buffer_decode))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding MIB\n"); } #endif #if HAVE_PCAP // write to PCAP pcap_pack_and_write(pcap_file, rx_tb, SRSRAN_MIB_NB_CRC_LEN, 0, true, system_frame_number * SRSRAN_NOF_SF_X_FRAME, 0, DIRECTION_DOWNLINK, NO_RNTI); #endif // activate SIB1 decoding srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_sib1(&ue_dl, system_frame_number); state = DECODE_SIB; } } break; case DECODE_SIB: if (!have_sib1) { int dec_ret = srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_npdsch(&ue_dl, &buff_ptrs[0][prog_args.time_offset], rx_tb, system_frame_number, srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), SRSRAN_SIRNTI); if (dec_ret == SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { printf("SIB1 received\n"); srsran_sys_info_block_type_1_nb_t sib = {}; srsran_npdsch_sib1_unpack(rx_tb, &sib); hyper_frame_number = sib.hyper_sfn; have_sib1 = true; #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (bcch_dl_sch_to_pretty_string( rx_tb, ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8, sib1_buffer_decode, sizeof(sib1_buffer_decode))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding SIB1\n"); } #endif // Decode SIB1 and extract SIB2 scheduling params get_sib2_params(rx_tb, ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8, &sib2_params); // Activate SIB2 decoding srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_sib( &ue_dl, hyper_frame_number, system_frame_number, SRSRAN_NBIOT_SI_TYPE_SIB2, sib2_params); #if HAVE_PCAP pcap_pack_and_write(pcap_file, rx_tb, ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8, 0, true, system_frame_number * 10 + srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), SRSRAN_SIRNTI, DIRECTION_DOWNLINK, SI_RNTI); #endif // if SIB1 was decoded in this subframe, skip processing it further break; } else if (dec_ret == SRSRAN_ERROR) { // reactivate SIB1 grant if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_has_grant(&ue_dl) == false) { srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_sib1(&ue_dl, system_frame_number); } } } else if (!have_sib2 && !srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_is_sib1_sf( &ue_dl, system_frame_number, srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync))) { // SIB2 is transmitted over multiple subframes, so this needs to be called more than once .. int dec_ret = srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_npdsch(&ue_dl, &buff_ptrs[0][prog_args.time_offset], rx_tb, system_frame_number, srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), SRSRAN_SIRNTI); if (dec_ret == SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { printf("SIB2 received\n"); have_sib2 = true; #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (bcch_dl_sch_to_pretty_string( rx_tb, ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8, sib2_buffer_decode, sizeof(sib2_buffer_decode))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding SIB2\n"); } #endif #if HAVE_PCAP pcap_pack_and_write(pcap_file, rx_tb, ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8, 0, true, system_frame_number * 10 + srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), SRSRAN_SIRNTI, DIRECTION_DOWNLINK, SI_RNTI); #endif } else { // reactivate SIB2 grant if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_has_grant(&ue_dl) == false) { srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_sib( &ue_dl, hyper_frame_number, system_frame_number, SRSRAN_NBIOT_SI_TYPE_SIB2, sib2_params); } } } if (have_sib1 && (have_sib2 || prog_args.skip_sib2)) { if (prog_args.rnti == SRSRAN_SIRNTI) { srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_sib1(&ue_dl, system_frame_number); } state = DECODE_NPDSCH; } break; case DECODE_NPDSCH: if (prog_args.rnti != SRSRAN_SIRNTI) { if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_has_grant(&ue_dl)) { // attempt to decode NPDSCH n = srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_npdsch(&ue_dl, &buff_ptrs[0][prog_args.time_offset], rx_tb, system_frame_number, srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), prog_args.rnti); if (n == SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { INFO("NPDSCH decoded ok."); } } else { // decode NPDCCH srsran_dci_msg_t dci_msg; n = srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_npdcch(&ue_dl, &buff_ptrs[0][prog_args.time_offset], system_frame_number, srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), prog_args.rnti, &dci_msg); if (n == SRSRAN_NBIOT_UE_DL_FOUND_DCI) { INFO("DCI found for rnti=%d", prog_args.rnti); // convert DCI to grant srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_dci_t dci_unpacked; srsran_ra_nbiot_dl_grant_t grant; if (srsran_nbiot_dci_msg_to_dl_grant(&dci_msg, prog_args.rnti, &dci_unpacked, &grant, system_frame_number, srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), 64 /* TODO: remove */, cell.mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error unpacking DCI\n"); return SRSRAN_ERROR; } // activate grant srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_set_grant(&ue_dl, &grant); } } } else { // decode SIB1 over and over again n = srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_npdsch(&ue_dl, &buff_ptrs[0][prog_args.time_offset], rx_tb, system_frame_number, srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync), prog_args.rnti); #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (n == SRSRAN_SUCCESS) { if (bcch_dl_sch_to_pretty_string( rx_tb, ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.grant.mcs[0].tbs / 8, sib1_buffer_decode, sizeof(sib1_buffer_decode))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding SIB1\n"); } } #endif // ENABLE_GUI // reactivate SIB1 grant if (srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_has_grant(&ue_dl) == false) { srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_decode_sib1(&ue_dl, system_frame_number); } } nof_trials++; rsrq = SRSRAN_VEC_EMA(srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_get_rsrq(&ue_dl.chest), rsrq, 0.1); rsrp = SRSRAN_VEC_EMA(srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_get_rsrp(&ue_dl.chest), rsrp, 0.05); noise = SRSRAN_VEC_EMA(srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_get_noise_estimate(&ue_dl.chest), noise, 0.05); nframes++; if (isnan(rsrq)) { rsrq = 0; } if (isnan(noise)) { noise = 0; } if (isnan(rsrp)) { rsrp = 0; } // Plot and Printf if (srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync) == 5) { float gain = prog_args.rf_gain; if (gain < 0) { gain = 10 * log10(srsran_agc_get_gain(&ue_sync.agc)); } printf( "CFO: %+6.2f kHz, RSRP: %4.1f dBm " "SNR: %4.1f dB, RSRQ: %4.1f dB, " "NPDCCH detected: %d, NPDSCH-BLER: %5.2f%% (%d of total %d), NPDSCH-Rate: %5.2f kbit/s\r", srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_cfo(&ue_sync) / 1000, 10 * log10(rsrp), 10 * log10(rsrp / noise), 10 * log10(rsrq), ue_dl.nof_detected, (float)100 * ue_dl.pkt_errors / ue_dl.pkts_total, ue_dl.pkt_errors, ue_dl.pkts_total, (ue_dl.bits_total / ((system_frame_number * 10 + srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync)) / 1000.0)) / 1000.0); } break; } if (srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync) == 9) { system_frame_number++; if (system_frame_number == 1024) { system_frame_number = 0; hyper_frame_number++; printf("\n"); // don't reset counter when reading from file to maintain complete stats if (!prog_args.input_file_name) { ue_dl.pkt_errors = 0; ue_dl.pkts_total = 0; ue_dl.nof_detected = 0; ue_dl.bits_total = 0; nof_trials = 0; } } } #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (!prog_args.disable_plots) { if ((system_frame_number % 4) == 0) { plot_sf_idx = srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync); plot_track = true; sem_post(&plot_sem); } } #endif // ENABLE_GUI } else if (ret == 0) { state = DECODE_MIB; printf("Finding PSS... Peak: %8.1f, FrameCnt: %d, State: %d\r", srsran_sync_nbiot_get_peak_value(&ue_sync.sfind), ue_sync.frame_total_cnt, ue_sync.state); #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (!prog_args.disable_plots) { plot_sf_idx = srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_get_sfidx(&ue_sync); plot_track = false; sem_post(&plot_sem); } #endif // ENABLE_GUI } sf_cnt++; } // Main loop // print statistics if (prog_args.input_file_name) { printf("pkt_total=%d\n", ue_dl.pkts_total); printf("pkt_ok=%d\n", ue_dl.pkts_total - ue_dl.pkt_errors); printf("pkt_errors=%d\n", ue_dl.pkt_errors); printf("bler=%.2f\n", ue_dl.pkts_total ? (float)100 * ue_dl.pkt_errors / ue_dl.pkts_total : 0); printf("rate=%.2f\n", ((ue_dl.bits_total / ((sf_cnt) / 1000.0)) / 1000.0)); printf("dci_detected=%d\n", ue_dl.nof_detected); } srsran_nbiot_ue_dl_free(&ue_dl); srsran_ue_sync_nbiot_free(&ue_sync); #if HAVE_PCAP printf("Saving PCAP file\n"); LTE_PCAP_Close(pcap_file); #endif #ifndef DISABLE_RF if (!prog_args.input_file_name) { srsran_ue_mib_nbiot_free(&ue_mib); srsran_rf_close(&rf); for (int i = 0; i < SRSRAN_MAX_PORTS; i++) { if (buff_ptrs[i] != NULL) free(buff_ptrs[i]); } } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_GUI if (!prog_args.disable_plots) { sem_post(&plot_sem); if (!pthread_kill(plot_thread, 0)) { pthread_kill(plot_thread, SIGHUP); pthread_join(plot_thread, NULL); } } #endif // ENABLE_GUI printf("\nBye\n"); return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * Plotting Functions ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef ENABLE_GUI plot_real_t p_sync, pce; #if HAVE_RSRP_PLOT plot_real_t rsrp_plot; #endif plot_scatter_t constellation_plot; text_edit_t miblog, sib1log, sib2log; key_value_t id_label, mode_label, hfn_label; #define LABLE_MAX_LEN (10) static char lable_buf[LABLE_MAX_LEN]; float tmp_plot[110 * 15 * 2048]; float tmp_plot2[110 * 15 * 2048]; void* plot_thread_run(void* arg) { uint32_t nof_re = SRSRAN_SF_LEN_RE(ue_dl.cell.base.nof_prb, ue_dl.cell.base.cp); #if HAVE_RSRP_PLOT float rsrp_lin = 0; #endif sdrgui_init_title("Software Radio Systems NB-IoT Receiver"); plot_scatter_init(&constellation_plot); plot_scatter_setTitle(&constellation_plot, "NPDCCH/NPDSCH - Equalized Symbols"); plot_scatter_setXAxisScale(&constellation_plot, -2, 2); plot_scatter_setYAxisScale(&constellation_plot, -2, 2); plot_scatter_addToWindowGrid(&constellation_plot, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 1, 0); if (!prog_args.disable_plots_except_constellation) { plot_real_init(&pce); plot_real_setTitle(&pce, "Channel Response - Magnitude"); plot_real_setLabels(&pce, "Index", "dB"); plot_real_setYAxisScale(&pce, -40, 40); plot_real_init(&p_sync); plot_real_setTitle(&p_sync, "NPSS Cross-Corr abs value"); plot_real_setYAxisScale(&p_sync, 0, 1); #if HAVE_RSRP_PLOT plot_real_init(&rsrp_plot); plot_real_setTitle(&rsrp_plot, "RSRP"); plot_real_setLabels(&rsrp_plot, "subframe index", "dBm"); plot_real_setYAxisScale(&rsrp_plot, 20, 50); #endif plot_real_addToWindowGrid(&pce, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 1, 2); plot_real_addToWindowGrid(&p_sync, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 1, 1); #if HAVE_RSRP_PLOT plot_real_addToWindowGrid(&rsrp_plot, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 1, 3); #endif // add log text_edit_init(&miblog); text_edit_addToWindowGrid(&miblog, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 2, 0); text_edit_setTitle(&miblog, "Master Information Block - NB"); text_edit_init(&sib1log); text_edit_addToWindowGrid(&sib1log, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 2, 1); text_edit_setTitle(&sib1log, "System Information Block 1 - NB"); text_edit_init(&sib2log); text_edit_addToWindowGrid(&sib2log, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 2, 2); text_edit_setTitle(&sib2log, "System Information - NB"); key_value_init(&id_label); text_edit_addToWindowGrid(&id_label, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 0, 0); key_value_setKeyText(&id_label, "Cell ID:"); key_value_init(&mode_label); text_edit_addToWindowGrid(&mode_label, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 0, 1); key_value_setKeyText(&mode_label, "Operation Mode:"); key_value_init(&hfn_label); text_edit_addToWindowGrid(&hfn_label, (char*)"npdsch_ue", 0, 2); key_value_setKeyText(&hfn_label, "Hyper/System Frame Number:"); } while (!go_exit) { sem_wait(&plot_sem); if (!prog_args.disable_plots_except_constellation) { for (int i = 0; i < nof_re; i++) { tmp_plot[i] = 20 * log10f(cabsf(ue_dl.sf_symbols[i])); if (isinf(tmp_plot[i])) { tmp_plot[i] = -80; } } int numpoints = SRSRAN_NRE * 2; bzero(tmp_plot2, sizeof(float) * numpoints); int g = (numpoints - SRSRAN_NRE) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < 12 * ue_dl.cell.base.nof_prb; i++) { tmp_plot2[g + i] = 20 * log10(cabsf(ue_dl.ce[0][i])); if (isinf(tmp_plot2[g + i])) { tmp_plot2[g + i] = -80; } } plot_real_setNewData(&pce, tmp_plot2, numpoints); if (!prog_args.input_file_name) { if (plot_track) { srsran_npss_synch_t* pss_obj = &ue_sync.strack.npss; int max = srsran_vec_max_fi(pss_obj->conv_output_avg, pss_obj->frame_size + pss_obj->fft_size - 1); srsran_vec_sc_prod_fff(pss_obj->conv_output_avg, 1 / pss_obj->conv_output_avg[max], tmp_plot2, pss_obj->frame_size + pss_obj->fft_size - 1); plot_real_setNewData(&p_sync, &tmp_plot2[max - NPSS_FIND_PLOT_WIDTH / 2], NPSS_FIND_PLOT_WIDTH); } else { int len = SRSRAN_NPSS_CORR_FILTER_LEN + ue_sync.sfind.npss.frame_size - 1; int max = srsran_vec_max_fi(ue_sync.sfind.npss.conv_output_avg, len); srsran_vec_sc_prod_fff( ue_sync.sfind.npss.conv_output_avg, 1 / ue_sync.sfind.npss.conv_output_avg[max], tmp_plot2, len); plot_real_setNewData(&p_sync, tmp_plot2, len); } } #if HAVE_RSRP_PLOT // get current RSRP estimate rsrp_lin = SRSRAN_VEC_EMA(srsran_chest_dl_nbiot_get_rsrp(&ue_dl.chest), rsrp_lin, 0.05); rsrp_table[rsrp_table_index++] = 10 * log10(rsrp_lin); if (rsrp_table_index == rsrp_num_plot) { rsrp_table_index = 0; } plot_real_setNewData(&rsrp_plot, rsrp_table, rsrp_num_plot); #endif // update MIB and SIB widget only if their content changed if (memcmp(mib_buffer_disp, mib_buffer_decode, sizeof(mib_buffer_disp)) != 0) { memcpy(mib_buffer_disp, mib_buffer_decode, sizeof(mib_buffer_disp)); text_edit_setMessage(&miblog, mib_buffer_disp); } if (memcmp(sib1_buffer_disp, sib1_buffer_decode, sizeof(sib1_buffer_disp)) != 0) { memcpy(sib1_buffer_disp, sib1_buffer_decode, sizeof(sib1_buffer_disp)); text_edit_setMessage(&sib1log, sib1_buffer_disp); } if (memcmp(sib2_buffer_disp, sib2_buffer_decode, sizeof(sib2_buffer_disp)) != 0) { memcpy(sib2_buffer_disp, sib2_buffer_decode, sizeof(sib2_buffer_disp)); text_edit_setMessage(&sib2log, sib2_buffer_disp); } snprintf(lable_buf, LABLE_MAX_LEN, "%d", cell.n_id_ncell); key_value_setValueText(&id_label, lable_buf); key_value_setValueText(&mode_label, srsran_nbiot_mode_string(cell.mode)); snprintf(lable_buf, LABLE_MAX_LEN, "%d / %d", hyper_frame_number, system_frame_number); key_value_setValueText(&hfn_label, lable_buf); } // check if NPDSCH or NPDCCH has been received if (ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.nbits.nof_re) { // plot NPDSCH plot_scatter_setNewData(&constellation_plot, ue_dl.npdsch.d, ue_dl.npdsch_cfg.nbits.nof_re); } else if (ue_dl.npdcch.num_decoded_symbols) { // plot NPDCCH plot_scatter_setNewData(&constellation_plot, ue_dl.npdcch.d, ue_dl.npdcch.num_decoded_symbols); } } return NULL; } void init_plots() { if (sem_init(&plot_sem, 0, 0)) { perror("sem_init"); exit(-1); } pthread_attr_t attr; struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = 0; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_OTHER); pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, ¶m); if (pthread_create(&plot_thread, NULL, plot_thread_run, NULL)) { perror("pthread_create"); exit(-1); } } #endif // ENABLE_GUI