/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ #ifndef SRSLTE_CHEST_SL_H #define SRSLTE_CHEST_SL_H #include #include "srslte/phy/common/phy_common_sl.h" #include "srslte/phy/resampling/interp.h" #define SRSLTE_SL_N_RU_SEQ (30) #define SRSLTE_SL_MAX_DMRS_SYMB (4) #define SRSLTE_SL_DEFAULT_NOF_DMRS_CYCLIC_SHIFTS (1) #define SRSLTE_SL_MAX_PSCCH_NOF_DMRS_CYCLIC_SHIFTS (4) // Base Sequence Number - always 0 for sidelink: 3GPP TS 36.211 version 15.6.0 Release 15 Sec. #define SRSLTE_SL_BASE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0 #define SRSLTE_SL_MAX_DMRS_PERIOD_LENGTH 320 typedef struct SRSLTE_API { uint32_t prb_start_idx; // PRB start idx to map RE from RIV uint32_t nof_prb; // PSSCH nof_prb, Length of continuous PRB to map RE (in the pool) from RIV uint32_t N_x_id; uint32_t sf_idx; // PSSCH sf_idx uint32_t cyclic_shift; } srslte_chest_sl_cfg_t; typedef struct SRSLTE_API { srslte_sl_channels_t channel; srslte_cell_sl_t cell; srslte_sl_comm_resource_pool_t sl_comm_resource_pool; srslte_chest_sl_cfg_t chest_sl_cfg; uint32_t sf_n_re; uint32_t M_sc_rs; int8_t nof_dmrs_symbols; // Orthogonal Sequence (W) Transmission Mode 1, 2 and PSBCH int8_t w[SRSLTE_SL_MAX_DMRS_SYMB]; // Cyclic Shift Values int8_t n_CS[SRSLTE_SL_MAX_DMRS_SYMB]; // Reference Signal Cyclic Shift float alpha[SRSLTE_SL_MAX_DMRS_SYMB]; // Group Hopping Flag uint32_t* f_gh_pattern; cf_t* r_sequence[SRSLTE_SL_MAX_DMRS_SYMB][SRSLTE_SL_MAX_PSCCH_NOF_DMRS_CYCLIC_SHIFTS]; cf_t* r_sequence_rx[SRSLTE_SL_MAX_DMRS_SYMB]; cf_t* ce; cf_t* ce_average; cf_t* noise_tmp; float noise_estimated; srslte_interp_linsrslte_vec_t lin_vec_sl; bool sync_error_enable; bool rsrp_enable; float sync_err; float rsrp_corr; } srslte_chest_sl_t; SRSLTE_API int srslte_chest_sl_init(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, srslte_sl_channels_t channel, srslte_cell_sl_t cell, srslte_sl_comm_resource_pool_t sl_comm_resource_pool); SRSLTE_API int srslte_chest_sl_set_cell(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, srslte_cell_sl_t cell); SRSLTE_API int srslte_chest_sl_set_cfg(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, srslte_chest_sl_cfg_t chest_sl_cfg); SRSLTE_API float srslte_chest_sl_get_sync_error(srslte_chest_sl_t* q); SRSLTE_API float srslte_chest_sl_estimate_noise(srslte_chest_sl_t* q); SRSLTE_API float srslte_chest_sl_get_rsrp(srslte_chest_sl_t* q); SRSLTE_API int srslte_chest_sl_put_dmrs(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, cf_t* sf_buffer); SRSLTE_API int srslte_chest_sl_get_dmrs(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, cf_t* sf_buffer, cf_t** dmrs_received); SRSLTE_API void srslte_chest_sl_ls_estimate(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, cf_t* sf_buffer); SRSLTE_API void srslte_chest_sl_ls_equalize(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, cf_t* sf_buffer, cf_t* equalized_sf_buffer); SRSLTE_API void srslte_chest_sl_ls_estimate_equalize(srslte_chest_sl_t* q, cf_t* sf_buffer, cf_t* equalized_sf_buffer); SRSLTE_API void srslte_chest_sl_free(srslte_chest_sl_t* q); #endif