/* * Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #ifndef SRSUE_TTCN3_UT_INTERFACE_H #define SRSUE_TTCN3_UT_INTERFACE_H #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include "rapidjson/prettywriter.h" #include "srslte/common/log.h" #include "srslte/common/netsource_handler.h" #include "ttcn3_interfaces.h" using namespace rapidjson; // The UpperTester interface class ttcn3_ut_interface : public ttcn3_port_handler { public: ttcn3_ut_interface() {} ~ttcn3_ut_interface(){}; int init(ss_ut_interface* syssim_, srslte::log* log_, std::string net_ip_, uint32_t net_port_) { syssim = syssim_; log = log_; net_ip = net_ip_; net_port = net_port_; initialized = true; // create socket and return port_listen(); } private: int handle_message(const unique_byte_array_t& rx_buf, const uint32_t n) { Document document; if (document.Parse((char*)rx_buf->begin()).HasParseError() || document.IsObject() == false) { log->error_hex(rx_buf->begin(), n, "Error parsing incoming data.\n"); return SRSLTE_ERROR; } // Pretty-print StringBuffer buffer; PrettyWriter writer(buffer); document.Accept(writer); log->info("Received %d bytes\n%s\n", n, (char*)buffer.GetString()); // check for command assert(document.HasMember("Cmd")); assert(document["Cmd"].IsObject()); // get Cmd const Value& a = document["Cmd"]; if (a.HasMember("MMI")) { assert(a.HasMember("MMI")); // get MMI and make sure it has another Cmd nested const Value& mmi = a["MMI"]; assert(mmi.HasMember("Cmd")); // get MMI cmd const Value& mmi_cmd = mmi["Cmd"]; assert(mmi_cmd.IsString()); // check for CnfRequired assert(document.HasMember("CnfRequired")); if (strcmp(mmi_cmd.GetString(), "POWER_OFF") == 0) { log->info("Received POWER_OFF command.\n"); handle_power_off(document); } else if (strcmp(mmi_cmd.GetString(), "SWITCH_ON") == 0) { log->info("Received SWITCH_ON command.\n"); syssim->switch_on_ue(); } else if (strcmp(mmi_cmd.GetString(), "SWITCH_OFF") == 0) { log->info("Received SWITCH_OFF command.\n"); syssim->switch_off_ue(); } else { log->error("Received unknown command: %s\n", mmi_cmd.GetString()); } } else if (a.HasMember("AT")) { handle_at_command(document); } else if (a.HasMember("TC_START")) { log->info("Received TC_START command.\n"); const Value& cmd = a["TC_START"]; assert(cmd.HasMember("Name")); const Value& tc_name = cmd["Name"]; syssim->tc_start(tc_name.GetString()); } else if (a.HasMember("TC_END")) { log->info("Received TC_END command.\n"); syssim->tc_end(); } else { log->error("Unknown command type.\n"); } return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } void handle_power_off(Document& document) { syssim->power_off_ue(); // Create response Document resp; resp.SetObject(); resp.AddMember("Result", true, resp.GetAllocator()); // Serialize and send to tester StringBuffer buffer; Writer writer(buffer); resp.Accept(writer); log->info("Sending %s to tester (%zd B)\n", buffer.GetString(), buffer.GetSize()); send((const uint8_t*)buffer.GetString(), buffer.GetSize()); } void handle_at_command(Document& document) { // We can assume the doc contains a AT CMD const Value& at = document["Cmd"]["AT"]; // turn off data services if (std::string(at.GetString()) == "AT+CGATT=0") { log->info("Disabling data services\n"); syssim->disable_data(); } else if (std::string(at.GetString()) == "AT+CGATT=1") { log->info("Enabling data services\n"); syssim->enable_data(); } else { log->error("Not handling AT command %s\n", at.GetString()); } } ss_ut_interface* syssim = nullptr; }; #endif // SRSUE_TTCN3_UT_INTERFACE_H