/* * Copyright 2011 Kestrel Signal Processing, Inc. * Copyright 2011 Range Networks, Inc. * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License. * See the COPYING file in the main directory for details. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "servershare.h" #include "sqlite3.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "SubscriberRegistry.h" using namespace std; extern ConfigurationTable gConfig; // just using this for the database access extern SubscriberRegistry gSubscriberRegistry; ConfigurationKeyMap getConfigurationKeys() { ConfigurationKeyMap map; ConfigurationKey *tmp; tmp = new ConfigurationKey("SIP.Proxy.Registration","", "", ConfigurationKey::CUSTOMERWARN, ConfigurationKey::IPANDPORT, "", false, "The IP host and port of the proxy to be used for registration and authentication. " "This should normally be the subscriber registry SIP interface, not Asterisk." ); map[tmp->getName()] = *tmp; delete tmp; tmp = new ConfigurationKey("SubscriberRegistry.A3A8","/OpenBTS/comp128", "", ConfigurationKey::CUSTOMERWARN, ConfigurationKey::FILEPATH, "", false, "Path to the program that implements the A3/A8 algorithm." ); map[tmp->getName()] = *tmp; delete tmp; tmp = new ConfigurationKey("SubscriberRegistry.db","/var/lib/asterisk/sqlite3dir/sqlite3.db", "", ConfigurationKey::CUSTOMERWARN, ConfigurationKey::FILEPATH, "", false, "The location of the sqlite3 database holding the subscriber registry." ); map[tmp->getName()] = *tmp; delete tmp; tmp = new ConfigurationKey("SubscriberRegistry.Manager.Title","Subscriber Registry", "", ConfigurationKey::CUSTOMER, ConfigurationKey::STRING, "^[[:print:]]+$", false, "Title text to be displayed on the subscriber registry manager." ); map[tmp->getName()] = *tmp; delete tmp; tmp = new ConfigurationKey("SubscriberRegistry.Manager.VisibleColumns","name username type context host", "", ConfigurationKey::CUSTOMERTUNE, ConfigurationKey::STRING, "^(name){0,1} (username){0,1} (type){0,1} (context){0,1} (host){0,1}$", false, "A space separated list of columns to display in the subscriber registry manager." ); map[tmp->getName()] = *tmp; delete tmp; tmp = new ConfigurationKey("SubscriberRegistry.Port","5064", "", ConfigurationKey::CUSTOMERWARN, ConfigurationKey::PORT, "", false, "Port used by the SIP Authentication Server. NOTE: In some older releases (pre-2.8.1) this is called SIP.myPort." ); map[tmp->getName()] = *tmp; delete tmp; tmp = new ConfigurationKey("SubscriberRegistry.UpstreamServer","", "", ConfigurationKey::CUSTOMERWARN, ConfigurationKey::STRING_OPT,// audited "", false, "URL of the subscriber registry HTTP interface on the upstream server. " "By default, this feature is disabled. " "To enable, specify a server URL eg: http://localhost/cgi/subreg.cgi. " "To disable again, execute \"unconfig SubscriberRegistry.UpstreamServer\"." ); map[tmp->getName()] = *tmp; delete tmp; return map; } string imsiGet(string imsi, string key) { string name = imsi.substr(0,4) == "IMSI" ? imsi : "IMSI" + imsi; char *value; if (!sqlite3_single_lookup(gSubscriberRegistry.db(), "sip_buddies", "username", name.c_str(), key.c_str(), value)) { return ""; } if (!value) { return ""; } string retValue = value; free(value); return retValue; } void imsiSet(string imsi, string key, string value) { string name = imsi.substr(0,4) == "IMSI" ? imsi : "IMSI" + imsi; ostringstream os2; os2 << "update sip_buddies set " << key << " = \"" << value << "\" where username = \"" << name << "\""; if (!sqlite3_command(gSubscriberRegistry.db(), os2.str().c_str())) { LOG(ERR) << "sqlite3_command problem"; return; } } void imsiSet(string imsi, string key1, string value1, string key2, string value2) { string name = imsi.substr(0,4) == "IMSI" ? imsi : "IMSI" + imsi; ostringstream os2; os2 << "update sip_buddies set " << key1 << " = \"" << value1 << "\"," << key2 << " = \"" << value2 << "\" where username = \"" << name << "\""; if (!sqlite3_command(gSubscriberRegistry.db(), os2.str().c_str())) { LOG(ERR) << "sqlite3_command problem"; return; } } string soGenerateIt() { ostringstream os; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // if rand() is too slow you can call it fewer times os << hex << (rand() & 0xf); } return os.str(); } // generate a 128' random number string generateRand(string imsi) { string ki = imsiGet(imsi, "ki"); string ret; if (ki.length() != 0) { LOG(INFO) << "ki is known"; // generate and return rand (clear any cached rand or sres) imsiSet(imsi, "rand", "", "sres", ""); ret = soGenerateIt(); } else { string wRand = imsiGet(imsi, "rand"); if (wRand.length() != 0) { LOG(INFO) << "ki is unknown, rand is cached"; // return cached rand ret = wRand; } else { LOG(INFO) << "ki is unknown, rand is not cached"; // generate rand, cache rand, clear sres, and return rand wRand = soGenerateIt(); imsiSet(imsi, "rand", wRand, "sres", ""); ret = wRand; } } return ret; } bool strEqual(string a, string b) { return 0 == strcasecmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()); } bool sresEqual(string a, string b) { stringstream ss1; stringstream ss2; uint32_t sres1 = 0xffffffff; uint32_t sres2 = 0xffffffff; if (a.empty() || b.empty()) return false; ss1 << hex << a; ss2 << hex << b; ss1 >> sres1; ss2 >> sres2; LOG(DEBUG) << "sres1 = " << sres1; LOG(DEBUG) << "sres2 = " << sres2; return (sres1 == sres2); } bool randEqual(string a, string b) { uint64_t rand1h = 0; uint64_t rand1l = 0; uint64_t rand2h = 0; uint64_t rand2l = 0; if (a.empty() || b.empty()) return false; gSubscriberRegistry.stringToUint(a, &rand1h, &rand1l); gSubscriberRegistry.stringToUint(b, &rand2h, &rand2l); LOG(DEBUG) << "rand1h = " << rand1h << ", rand1l = " << rand1l; LOG(DEBUG) << "rand2h = " << rand2h << ", rand2l = " << rand2l; return (rand1h == rand2h) && (rand1l == rand2l); } // verify sres given rand and imsi's ki // may set kc // may cache sres and rand bool authenticate(string imsi, string randx, string sres, string *kc) { string ki = imsiGet(imsi, "ki"); bool ret; if (ki.length() == 0) { // Ki is unknown string upstream_server = gConfig.getStr("SubscriberRegistry.UpstreamServer"); if (upstream_server.length()) { LOG(INFO) << "ki unknown, upstream server"; // there's an upstream server for authentication. // TODO - call the upstream server ret = false; } else { // there's no upstream server for authentication. fake it. string sres2 = imsiGet(imsi, "sres"); if (sres2.length() == 0) { LOG(INFO) << "ki unknown, no upstream server, sres not cached"; // first time - cache sres and rand so next time // correct cell phone will calc same sres from same rand imsiSet(imsi, "sres", sres, "rand", randx); ret = true; } else { LOG(INFO) << "ki unknown, no upstream server, sres cached"; // check against cached values of rand and sres string rand2 = imsiGet(imsi, "rand"); // TODO - on success, compute and return kc LOG(DEBUG) << "comparing " << sres << " to " << sres2 << " and " << randx << " to " << rand2; ret = sresEqual(sres, sres2) && randEqual(randx, rand2); } } } else { LOG(INFO) << "ki known"; // Ki is known, so do normal authentication ostringstream os; // per user value from subscriber registry string a3a8 = imsiGet(imsi, "a3_a8"); if (a3a8.length() == 0) { // config value is default a3a8 = gConfig.getStr("SubscriberRegistry.A3A8"); } os << a3a8 << " 0x" << ki << " 0x" << randx; // must not put ki into the log // LOG(INFO) << "running " << os.str(); FILE *f = popen(os.str().c_str(), "r"); if (f == NULL) { LOG(CRIT) << "error: popen failed"; return false; } char sres2[26]; char *str = fgets(sres2, 26, f); if (str != NULL && strlen(str) == 25) str[24] = 0; if (str == NULL || strlen(str) != 24) { LOG(CRIT) << "error: popen result failed"; return false; } int st = pclose(f); if (st == -1) { LOG(CRIT) << "error: pclose failed"; return false; } // first 8 chars are SRES; rest are Kc *kc = sres2+8; sres2[8] = 0; LOG(INFO) << "result = " << sres2; ret = sresEqual(sres, sres2); } LOG(INFO) << "returning = " << ret; return ret; } void decodeQuery(map &args) { string query; // this works for GET or POST. // get the request method char *g = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"); string method = g ? g : ""; LOG(INFO) << "REQUEST_METHOD = " << g; // if POST, then read from stdin the number of bytes specified in CONTENT_LENGTH, and that's the query if (method == "POST") { int lth = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); LOG(INFO) << "CONTENT_LENGTH = " << lth; char *buf = new char[lth+1]; cin.get(buf, lth+1); int nread = cin.gcount(); if (nread != lth) { LOG(ERR) << "content length changed to " << nread; lth = nread; } query = string(buf, lth); LOG(INFO) << "QUERY = " << query; delete[] buf; // if GET, then the query is in the environment variable QUERY_STRING } else if (method == "GET") { char *q = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); query = q ? q : ""; LOG(INFO) << "QUERY_STRING = " << q; } if (query.length() != 0) { // fields of http request are separated with "&" vector fields; split('&', query, &fields); vector::iterator it; for (it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); it++) { string field = *it; size_t p = field.find('='); string key = field.substr(0, p); string value = field.substr(p+1); p = 0; while (1) { size_t q = value.find('%', p); if (q == string::npos) break; string hex = value.substr(q+1, 2); char s[2]; strcpy(s, "x"); int i; sscanf(hex.c_str(), "%x", &i); s[0] = i; string hexx = s; value.replace(q, 3, hexx); } args[key] = value; } } } string join(string separator, vector &strings) { string result(""); vector::iterator it; for (it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); it++) { if (it != strings.begin()) result.append(separator); result.append(*it); } return result; } void split(char separator, string tosplit, vector *fields) { int p = 0; while (1) { size_t q = tosplit.find(separator, p); if (q == string::npos) { fields->push_back(tosplit.substr(p)); break; } fields->push_back(tosplit.substr(p, q-p)); p = q+1; } }