create table dialdata_table ( id INTEGER, exten VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', dial VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); -- INSERT INTO dialdata_table (exten, dial) VALUES ('1000', '1000'); -- INSERT INTO dialdata_table (exten, dial) VALUES ('1001', '1001'); CREATE TABLE 'sip_buddies' ( id integer, name VARCHAR(80) unique not null, context VARCHAR(80), callingpres VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'allowed_not_screened', deny VARCHAR(95), permit VARCHAR(95), secret VARCHAR(80), md5secret VARCHAR(80), remotesecret VARCHAR(250), transport VARCHAR(10), host VARCHAR(31) DEFAULT '' not null, nat VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT 'no' not null, type VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'friend' not null, accountcode VARCHAR(20), amaflags VARCHAR(13), callgroup VARCHAR(10), callerid VARCHAR(80), defaultip VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT '', dtmfmode VARCHAR(7) DEFAULT 'rfc2833', fromuser VARCHAR(80), fromdomain VARCHAR(80), insecure VARCHAR(4), language CHAR(2), mailbox VARCHAR(50), pickupgroup VARCHAR(10), qualify CHAR(3), regexten VARCHAR(80), rtptimeout CHAR(3), rtpholdtimeout CHAR(3), setvar VARCHAR(100), disallow VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'all', allow VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'ulaw' not null, fullcontact VARCHAR(80), ipaddr VARCHAR(40), port int(5) DEFAULT 0, username VARCHAR(80), defaultuser VARCHAR(80), subscribecontext VARCHAR(80), directmedia VARCHAR(3), trustrpid VARCHAR(3), sendrpid VARCHAR(3), progressinband VARCHAR(5), promiscredir VARCHAR(3), useclientcode VARCHAR(3), callcounter VARCHAR(3), busylevel int(11), allowoverlap VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes', allowsubscribe VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes', allowtransfer VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes', ignoresdpversion VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'no', template VARCHAR(100), videosupport VARCHAR(6) DEFAULT 'no', maxcallbitrate int(11), rfc2833compensate VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes', 'session-timers' VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'accept', 'session-expires' int(6) DEFAULT 1800, 'session-minse' int(6) DEFAULT 90, 'session-refresher' VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'uas', t38pt_usertpsource VARCHAR(3), outboundproxy VARCHAR(250), callbackextension VARCHAR(250), registertrying VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes', timert1 int(6) DEFAULT 500, timerb int(9), qualifyfreq int(6) DEFAULT 120, contactpermit VARCHAR(250), contactdeny VARCHAR(250), lastms int(11) DEFAULT 0 not null, regserver VARCHAR(100), regseconds int(11) DEFAULT 0 not null, useragent VARCHAR(100), cancallforward CHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes' not null, canreinvite CHAR(3) DEFAULT 'yes' not null, mask VARCHAR(95), musiconhold VARCHAR(100), restrictcid CHAR(3), calllimit int(5), ki VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT '' not null, rand VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT '' not null, sres VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT '' not null, prepaid int(1), secondsRemaining int(11), primary key(id) ) ; -- insert into sip_buddies (name,username,type,context,host) values ('1000','1000','friend','phones','dynamic'); -- insert into sip_buddies (name,username,type,context,host) values ('1001','1001','friend','phones','dynamic'); -- insert into sip_buddies (name,ipaddr) values ('imsi2','imsi2ipaddr'); -- insert into sip_buddies (name) values('imsi_r1'); -- rand should generate -- insert into sip_buddies (name,rand) values('imsi_r2','12345678901234567890123456789012'); -- rand should return this -- insert into sip_buddies (name,ki) values ('imsi_a1','7f4d7fbff290e20e60466bc7b5b08e4b'); -- auth should calc -- insert into sip_buddies (name) values ('imsi_a2'); -- auth should save passed rand and sres -- insert into sip_buddies (name,rand,sres) values ('imsi_a3','123456789012345678901234567890a3','1234567890123456789012a3'); -- auth should verify rand and sres