#include #include #include #include #include "../SubscriberRegistry.h" #include "Configuration.h" using namespace std; ConfigurationTable gConfig("test.db"); SubscriberRegistry sr; void foo(uint32_t n, string s) { LOG(INFO) << sr.uintToString(n) << " " << s; } void foo(string s) { uint64_t h; uint64_t l; sr.stringToUint(s, &h, &l); LOG(INFO) << sr.uintToString(h, l) << " " << s; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { gLogInit("SubscriberRegistryTest",gConfig.getStr("Log.Level").c_str(),LOG_LOCAL7); // The idea is just to make sure things are connected right. The important code is shared, and tested elsewhere. // add a user sr.addUser("imsi", "clid"); // testing mappings of known user sr.getCLIDLocal("imsi"); sr.getIMSI("clid"); // test mapping of unknow user (so it won't be found locally) sr.getCLIDLocal("imsi_unknown"); sr.getRandForAuthentication(false, "imsi_r1"); sr.authenticate(false, "imsi_a1","rand_a1","sres_a1"); // but test the conversions foo(0xffffffff, "ffffffff"); foo(0x00000000, "00000000"); foo(0x12345678, "12345678"); foo(0x9abcdef0, "9abcdef0"); foo("ffffffffffffffff0000000000000000"); foo("0000000000000000ffffffffffffffff"); foo("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"); // billing testing - not tested elsewhere sr.setPrepaid("imsi", false); bool b; sr.isPrepaid("imsi", b); LOG(INFO) << "should be false " << b; sr.setPrepaid("imsi", true); sr.isPrepaid("imsi", b); LOG(INFO) << "should be true " << b; sr.setSeconds("imsi", 100); int t; sr.secondsRemaining("imsi", t); LOG(INFO) << "should be 100 " << t; sr.addSeconds("imsi", -50, t); LOG(INFO) << "should be 50 " << t; sr.addSeconds("imsi", -100, t); LOG(INFO) << "should be 0 " << t; }