// TRANNY TYPES REFERENCES : //0 = 'Y21/Y80/S80' //1 = 'ITR S80 JDM 98-01' //2 = 'ITR S80 USDM 97-01 ' //3 = 'Z6/Y8' //4 = 'GSR' //5 = 'LS/RS/GS/SE' //6 = 'H22 JDM' //7 = 'H22 USDM/H23 JDM' //8 = 'H23 USDM' //9 = 'D16Y7' // O2 REFERENCES // o2Input, eldInput, egrInput, b6Input //MAPS REFERENCES : // mBar, Bar, inHgG, inHg, psi, kPa (type it with specifics caps) void DisplayOptions() { for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { String Text = ""; if (i == 0) Text += " INJ:" + String(Injectors_Size); if (i == 1) Text += " TRANNY:" + String(GetTrannyStr()); if (i == 2) Text += " O2IN:" + String(GetO2Str()); if (i == 3) Text += " MAP:" + String(GetMapStr()); if (i == 4) Text += " TEMP:" + String(GetTempCelcius()); if (i == 5) Text += " SPEED:" + String(GetKMH()); if (i == 6) Text += " T/O:" + String(Timeout) + "ms"; if (i == 7) Text += " SLVL:" + String(mBarSeaLevel); } String T1 = " YOU WILL NOT"; String T2 = " FIND YOUR"; String T3 = " BEER AND TITTIES"; String T4 = " ERROR HERE !"; lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(T1); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(T2); lcd.setCursor(0,2); lcd.print(T3); lcd.setCursor(0,3); lcd.print(T4); } String GetTrannyStr() { String Str = ""; if (TrannyType == 0) Str = "Y21/80"; if (TrannyType == 1) Str = "S80J"; if (TrannyType == 2) Str = "S80U"; if (TrannyType == 3) Str = "Z6/Y8"; if (TrannyType == 4) Str = "GSR"; if (TrannyType == 5) Str = "RS"; if (TrannyType == 6) Str = "H22J"; if (TrannyType == 7) Str = "H23U"; if (TrannyType == 8) Str = "H22U"; if (TrannyType == 9) Str = "Y7"; return Str; } String GetO2Str() { String Str = ""; if (O2Input == 0) Str = "O2"; if (O2Input == 1) Str = "ELD"; if (O2Input == 2) Str = "EGR"; if (O2Input == 3) Str = "B6"; } String GetMapStr() { String Str = ""; if (MapValue == 0) Str = "mBar"; if (MapValue == 1) Str = "Bar"; if (MapValue == 2) Str = "inHgG"; if (MapValue == 3) Str = "inHg"; if (MapValue == 4) Str = "psi"; if (MapValue == 5) Str = "kPa"; } String GetTempCelcius() { String Str = ""; if (UseCelcius == 1) Str = "CEL"; if (UseCelcius == 0) Str = "FAR"; } String GetKMH() { String Str = ""; if (UseKMH == 1) Str = "KMH"; if (UseKMH == 0) Str = "MPH"; } void SaveOptions() { for (int i=0; i < 9; i++) { int Addr = i * 10; if (i == 0) EEPROM.put(Addr, Timeout); if (i == 1) EEPROM.put(Addr, Injectors_Size); if (i == 2) EEPROM.put(Addr, mBarSeaLevel); if (i == 3) EEPROM.put(Addr, TrannyType); if (i == 4) EEPROM.put(Addr, O2Input); if (i == 5) EEPROM.put(Addr, MapValue); if (i == 6) EEPROM.put(Addr, UseCelcius); if (i == 7) EEPROM.put(Addr, UseKMH); if (i == 8) EEPROM.put(Addr, ScreenIndex); //Write 3 at the last location to tell data ever get saved EEPROM.write(1023, 3); } } void LoadOptions() { if (EEPROM.read(1023) == 3) { for (int i=0; i < 9; i++) { int Addr = i * 10; if (i == 0) EEPROM.get(Addr, Timeout); if (i == 1) EEPROM.get(Addr, Injectors_Size); if (i == 2) EEPROM.get(Addr, mBarSeaLevel); if (i == 3) EEPROM.get(Addr, TrannyType); if (i == 4) EEPROM.get(Addr, O2Input); if (i == 5) EEPROM.get(Addr, MapValue); if (i == 6) EEPROM.get(Addr, UseCelcius); if (i == 7) EEPROM.get(Addr, UseKMH); if (i == 8) EEPROM.get(Addr, ScreenIndex); } } else SaveOptions(); }