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ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Giovanni Di Sirio.
This file is part of ChibiOS/RT.
ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @file threads.h
* @brief Threads macros and structures.
* @addtogroup threads
* @{
#ifndef _THREADS_H_
#define _THREADS_H_
* @brief Structure representing a thread.
* @extends ThreadsQueue
* @note Not all the listed fields are always needed, by switching off some
* not needed ChibiOS/RT subsystems it is possible to save RAM space by
* shrinking the @p Thread structure.
struct Thread {
Thread *p_next; /**< Next @p Thread in the threads
/* End of the fields shared with the ThreadsList structure. */
Thread *p_prev; /**< Previous @p Thread in the threads
/* End of the fields shared with the ThreadsQueue structure. */
tprio_t p_prio; /**< Thread priority.*/
/* End of the fields shared with the ReadyList structure. */
tstate_t p_state; /**< Current thread state.*/
tmode_t p_flags; /**< Various flags.*/
struct context p_ctx; /**< Processor context.*/
cnt_t p_locks; /**< Number of nested locks.*/
volatile systime_t p_time; /**< Consumed time.
@note This field can overflow.*/
* The following fields are merged in unions because they are all
* state-specific fields. This trick saves some extra space for each
* thread in the system.
union {
msg_t p_rdymsg; /**< Thread wakeup code.*/
msg_t p_exitcode; /**< The thread exit code
(@p PREXIT state).*/
void *p_wtobjp; /**< Generic kernel object pointer used
for opaque access.*/
Semaphore *p_wtsemp; /**< Semaphore where the thread is
waiting on (@p PRWTSEM state).*/
Mutex *p_wtmtxp; /**< Mutex where the thread is waiting
on (@p PRWTMTX state).*/
CondVar *p_wtcondp; /**< CondVar where the thread is
waiting on (@p PRWTCOND state).*/
Thread *p_wtthdp; /**< Destination thread for message
send @p PRSNDMSG state).*/
eventmask_t p_ewmask; /**< Enabled events mask (@p PRWTOREVT
or @p PRWTANDEVT states).*/
* Start of the optional fields.
Thread *p_waiting; /**< Thread waiting for termination.*/
ThreadsQueue p_msgqueue; /**< Message queue.*/
msg_t p_msg; /**< The message.*/
eventmask_t p_epending; /**< Pending events mask.*/
Mutex *p_mtxlist; /**< List of the mutexes owned by this
thread, @p NULL terminated.*/
tprio_t p_realprio; /**< Thread's own, non-inherited,
void *p_mpool; /**< Memory Pool where the thread
workspace is returned.*/
/* Extra fields defined in chconf.h */
/** Thread state: Ready to run, waiting on the ready list.*/
#define PRREADY 0
/** Thread state: Currently running. */
#define PRCURR 1
/** Thread state: Thread created in suspended state. */
/** Thread state: Waiting on a semaphore. */
#define PRWTSEM 3
/** Thread state: Waiting on a mutex. */
#define PRWTMTX 4
/** Thread state: Waiting in @p chThdSleep() or @p chThdSleepUntil(). */
#define PRWTCOND 5
/** Thread state: Waiting in @p chCondWait(). */
#define PRSLEEP 6
/** Thread state: Waiting in @p chThdWait(). */
#define PRWAIT 7
/** Thread state: Waiting in @p chEvtWaitOneTimeout() or
@p chEvtWaitAnyTimeout(). */
#define PRWTOREVT 8
/** Thread state: Waiting in @p chEvtWaitAllTimeout(). */
#define PRWTANDEVT 9
/** Thread state: Waiting in @p chMsgSend(). */
#define PRSNDMSG 10
/** Thread state: Waiting in @p chMsgWait(). */
#define PRWTMSG 11
/** Thread state: After termination.*/
#define PREXIT 12
* Various flags into the thread p_flags field.
#define P_MEM_MODE_MASK 3 /* Thread memory mode mask. */
#define P_MEM_MODE_STATIC 0 /* Thread memory mode: static. */
#define P_MEM_MODE_HEAP 1 /* Thread memory mode: heap. */
#define P_MEM_MODE_MEMPOOL 2 /* Thread memory mode: mempool. */
#define P_TERMINATE 4 /* Termination requested. */
/* Not an API, don't use into the application code.*/
Thread *init_thread(Thread *tp, tprio_t prio);
/** Thread function.*/
typedef msg_t (*tfunc_t)(void *);
* Threads APIs.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Thread *chThdInit(void *wsp, size_t size,
tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg);
Thread *chThdCreateStatic(void *wsp, size_t size,
tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg);
Thread *chThdCreateFromHeap(size_t size, tprio_t prio,
tfunc_t pf, void *arg);
Thread *chThdCreateFromMemoryPool(MemoryPool *mp, tprio_t prio,
tfunc_t pf, void *arg);
tprio_t chThdSetPriority(tprio_t newprio);
Thread *chThdResume(Thread *tp);
void chThdTerminate(Thread *tp);
void chThdSleep(systime_t time);
void chThdSleepUntil(systime_t time);
void chThdExit(msg_t msg);
msg_t chThdWait(Thread *tp);
void chThdYield(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** Returns the pointer to the @p Thread currently in execution.*/
#define chThdSelf() currp
/** Returns the current thread priority.*/
#define chThdGetPriority() (currp->p_prio)
/** Returns the pointer to the @p Thread local storage area, if any.*/
#define chThdLS() (void *)(currp + 1)
* Verifies if the specified thread is in the @p PREXIT state.
* @param[in] tp the pointer to the thread
* @retval TRUE thread terminated.
* @retval FALSE thread not terminated.
#define chThdTerminated(tp) ((tp)->p_state == PREXIT)
* Verifies if the current thread has a termination request pending.
* @retval TRUE termination request pended.
* @retval FALSE termination request not pended.
#define chThdShouldTerminate() (currp->p_flags & P_TERMINATE)
* Resumes a thread created with @p chThdInit().
* @param[in] tp the pointer to the thread
#define chThdResumeI(tp) chSchReadyI(tp)
* Suspends the invoking thread for the specified time.
* @param[in] time the delay in system ticks, the special values are handled as
* follow:
* - @a TIME_INFINITE the thread enters an infinite sleep
* state.
* - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE this value is accepted but interpreted
* as a normal time specification not as an immediate timeout
* specification.
* .
#define chThdSleepS(time) chSchGoSleepTimeoutS(PRSLEEP, time)
* Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of seconds.
* @param[in] sec the time in seconds
* @note The specified time is rounded up to a value allowed by the real
* system clock.
* @note The maximum specified value is implementation dependent.
#define chThdSleepSeconds(sec) chThdSleep(S2ST(sec))
* Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of milliseconds.
* @param[in] msec the time in milliseconds
* @note The specified time is rounded up to a value allowed by the real
* system clock.
* @note The maximum specified value is implementation dependent.
#define chThdSleepMilliseconds(msec) chThdSleep(MS2ST(msec))
* Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of microseconds.
* @param[in] usec the time in microseconds
* @note The specified time is rounded up to a value allowed by the real
* system clock.
* @note The maximum specified value is implementation dependent.
#define chThdSleepMicroseconds(usec) chThdSleep(US2ST(usec))
#endif /* _THREADS_H_ */
/** @} */