
157 lines
6.8 KiB

Options: -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
Settings: MCLK=DCOCLK 750KHz
*** ChibiOS/RT test suite
*** Kernel: 1.5.4unstable
*** GCC Version: 3.2.3
*** Architecture: MSP430
*** Core Variant: MSP430
*** Platform: MSP430x16x
*** Test Board: Olimex MSP430-P1611
--- Test Case 1.1 (Threads, enqueuing test #1)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.2 (Threads, enqueuing test #2)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.3 (Threads, priority change)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 1.4 (Threads, delays)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.1 (Semaphores, enqueuing)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.2 (Semaphores, timeout)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 2.3 (Semaphores, atomic signal-wait)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.1 (Mutexes, priority enqueuing test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.2 (Mutexes, priority inheritance, simple case)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.3 (Mutexes, priority inheritance, complex case)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.4 (Mutexes, priority return)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.5 (Mutexes, status)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.6 (CondVar, signal test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.7 (CondVar, broadcast test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 3.8 (CondVar, boost test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 4.1 (Messages, loop)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 5.1 (Mailboxes, queuing and timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.1 (Events, registration and dispatch)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.2 (Events, wait and broadcast)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 6.3 (Events, timeouts)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 7.1 (Heap, allocation and fragmentation test)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 8.1 (Memory Pools, queue/dequeue)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.1 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from heap)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 9.2 (Dynamic APIs, threads creation from memory pool)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.1 (Queues, input queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 10.2 (Queues, output queues)
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.1 (Benchmark, messages #1)
--- Score : 1970 msgs/S, 3940 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11. (Benchmark, messages #2)
--- Score : 1624 msgs/S, 3248 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.3 (Benchmark, messages #3)
--- Score : 1624 msgs/S, 3248 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.4 (Benchmark, context switch)
--- Score : 5912 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.5 (Benchmark, threads, full cycle)
--- Score : 1125 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.6 (Benchmark, threads, create only)
--- Score : 1511 threads/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.7 (Benchmark, mass reschedulation, 5 threads)
--- Score : 492 reschedulations/S, 2952 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.8 (Benchmark, round robin context switching)
--- Score : 4256 reschedulations/S, 4256 ctxswc/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.9 (Benchmark, I/O Queues throughput)
--- Score : 5020 bytes/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.10 (Benchmark, virtual timers set/reset)
--- Score : 5626 timers/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.11 (Benchmark, semaphores wait/signal)
--- Score : 13908 wait+signal/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.12 (Benchmark, mutexes lock/unlock)
--- Score : 7524 lock+unlock/S
--- Result: SUCCESS
--- Test Case 11.13 (Benchmark, RAM footprint)
--- System: 220 bytes
--- Thread: 36 bytes
--- Timer : 10 bytes
--- Semaph: 6 bytes
--- EventS: 2 bytes
--- EventL: 6 bytes
--- Mutex : 8 bytes
--- CondV.: 4 bytes
--- Queue : 16 bytes
--- MailB.: 20 bytes
--- Result: SUCCESS
Final result: SUCCESS