
317 lines
10 KiB

ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,
2011,2012 Giovanni Di Sirio.
This file is part of ChibiOS/RT.
ChibiOS/RT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ChibiOS/RT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Coding style global settings.
[#assign indentation = " " /]
[#assign fields_align = 24 /]
[#assign define_value_align = 36 /]
[#assign comments_align = 48 /]
[#assign boundary = 80 /]
-- This macro generates a brief description in DoxyGen format.
[#macro EmitDoxygenBrief object=[]]
[#if object.brief[0]??]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @brief "
" * "
boundary /]
-- This macro generates a detailed description in DoxyGen format.
[#macro EmitDoxygenDetails object=[]]
[#if object.details[0]??]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @details "
" * "
boundary /]
-- This macro generates a notes list in DoxyGen format.
[#macro EmitDoxygenNotes object=[]]
[#list object.* as note]
[#if note?node_name == "note"]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @note "
" * "
boundary /]
-- This macro generates a pre-requisites list in DoxyGen format.
[#macro EmitDoxygenPrerequisites object=[]]
[#list object.* as pre]
[#if pre?node_name == "pre"]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @pre "
" * "
boundary /]
-- This macro generates a post-requisites list in DoxyGen format.
[#macro EmitDoxygenPostrequisites object=[]]
[#list object.* as post]
[#if post?node_name == "post"]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @post "
" * "
boundary /]
-- This macro generates a complete Doxygen documentation comment.
[#macro EmitDoxygenDocumentationComment object=[]]
[@code.EmitDoxygenBrief object /]
[@code.EmitDoxygenDetails object /]
[@code.EmitDoxygenPrerequisites object /]
[@code.EmitDoxygenPostrequisites object /]
[@code.EmitDoxygenNotes object /]
-- This macro generates the parameters description in DoxyGen format.
[#macro EmitDoxygenParams params=[]]
[#list params as param]
[#local name = (param.@name[0]!"no-name")?trim /]
[#local brief = (param.@brief[0]!"")?trim /]
[#local dir = (param.@dir[0]!"boh")?trim?lower_case /]
[#if dir == "in"]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @param[in] "
" * "
utils.IntelligentDot(name + " " + brief?uncap_first)
boundary /]
[#elseif dir == "out"]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @param[out] "
" * "
utils.IntelligentDot(name + " " + brief?uncap_first)
boundary /]
[#elseif dir == "both"]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @param[in,out] "
" * "
utils.IntelligentDot(name + " " + brief?uncap_first)
boundary /]
[#elseif dir == "boh"]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @param "
" * "
utils.IntelligentDot(name + " " + brief?uncap_first)
boundary /]
-- This macro generates a return description followed by a retval list
-- in DoxyGen format.
[#macro EmitDoxygenReturn return=[]]
[#if return[0]?? && ((return[0].@type[0]!"void")?trim != "void")]
[#local brief = (return[0].@brief[0]!"")?trim /]
[#if brief != ""]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @return "
" * "
boundary /]
[#list return[0].value as value]
[#local label = (value.@name[0]!"no-val")?trim /]
[#local brief = (value.@brief[0]!"")?trim /]
[@utils.FormatStringAsText " * @retval "
" * "
utils.WithDot(label + " " + brief?uncap_first)
boundary /]
-- This macro generates the inner function code (if present).
[#macro EmitCode code=[]]
[#if function.code[0]?? && (function.code[0]?trim != "")]
-- Returns true if the module exports some functions.
[#function HasPublicFunctions module=[]]
[#local flag = false /]
[#list module.function as function]
[#if (function.@visibility[0]!"private") == "public"]
[#local flag = true /]
[#return flag /]
-- Returns true if the module has static functions.
[#function HasPrivateFunctions module=[]]
[#local flag = false /]
[#list module.function as function]
[#if (function.@visibility[0]!"private") == "private"]
[#local flag = true /]
[#return flag /]
-- This macro generates a function prototype from an XML "function"
-- node passed as parameter.
-- @note Does not generate the final EOL.
[#macro GeneratePrototype function={}]
[#if function.return?? && function.return[0]??]
[#local rettype = (function.return[0].@type[0]!"void")?trim /]
[#local rettype = "void" /]
[#local name = (function.@name[0]!"no-name")?trim /]
[#local visibility = (function.@visibility[0]!"private")?trim /]
[#if function.param?? && function.param[0]??]
[#-- If the function has parameters then generates the parameters list --]
[#local l1 = rettype + " " + name + "(" /]
[#if visibility == "private"]
[#local l1 = "static " + l1 /]
[#local ln = ""?right_pad(l1?length) /]
[#list function.param as param]
[#local type = (param.@type[0]!"no-type")?trim /]
[#if type?contains("$")]
[#local pstring = type?replace("$", (param.@name[0]!"no-name")?trim) /]
[#local pstring = type + " " + (param.@name[0]!"no-name")?trim /]
[#local dir = (param.@dir[0]!"boh")?trim?lower_case /]
[#if dir == "in"]
[#local pstring = "const " + pstring /]
[#if param_index == 0]
[#local line = l1 + pstring /]
[#if (line + ", " + pstring + " ")?length > boundary]
${line + ","}
[#local line = ln + pstring /]
[#local line = line + ", " + pstring /]
${line + ")"}[#rt]
${rettype + " " + name}(void)[#rt]
-- This macro generates a function (and its Doxygen documentation)
-- from an XML "function" node passed as parameter.
[#macro GenerateFunction function={}]
[@EmitDoxygenBrief function.@brief /]
[@EmitDoxygenDetails function.details /]
[@EmitDoxygenParams function.param /]
[@EmitDoxygenReturn function.return /]
* @note --Implementer notes here (or remove the tag)--
* @bug --Known problems please here (or remove the tag)--
* @todo --Implement this function (then remove the tag)--
[@GeneratePrototype function /] {
[#if function.code[0]??]
[#-- Makes sure to undef the do_code macro --]
[#assign inline = "[#ftl][#macro do_code function][/#macro]"?interpret /]
[@inline /]
[#-- Interprets the code within the code element --]
[#assign inline = function.code[0]?interpret /]
[@inline /]
[@do_code function /]
${indentation}/* ${function.@name[0]!"no-name"}() Implementation here! */
-- Generates the implementations for the private functions in the specified
-- module.
[#macro GeneratePrivateFunctionsImplementations module]
[#list module.function as function]
[#if (function.@visibility[0]!"private") == "private"]
[@code.GenerateFunction function /]
-- Generates the prototypes of the public functions in the specified
-- module.
[#macro GeneratePublicFunctionsPrototypes indentation module]
[#list module.function as function]
[#if (function.@visibility[0]!"private")?trim == "public"]
${indentation}[@code.GeneratePrototype function /];
-- Generates the implementations for the public functions in the specified
-- module.
[#macro GeneratePublicFunctionsImplementations module]
[#list module.function as function]
[#if (function.@visibility[0]!"private") == "public"]
[@code.GenerateFunction function /]