#!/bin/bash # apt-cyg: install tool for Cygwin similar to debian apt-get # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2013 Trans-code Design # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # this script requires some packages if ! type awk bzip2 tar wget xz &>/dev/null then echo You must install wget, tar, gawk, xz and bzip2 to use apt-cyg. exit 1 fi [ $HOSTTYPE = x86_64 ] && ARCH=x86_64 || ARCH=x86 function usage () { rw=( 'usage: apt-cyg [command] [options] [packages]' '' 'Commands:' ' install install packages' ' remove remove packages' ' update update setup.ini' ' list [patterns] list packages matching given pattern. If no' ' pattern is given, list all installed packages.' ' listfiles list files owned by packages' ' show Displays the package records for the named' ' packages' ' depends performs recursive dependency listings' ' rdepends Display packages which require X to be installed,' ' AKA show reverse dependencies' ' search search for a filename from installed packages' ' searchall search for a filename from all available packages' '' 'Options:' ' -c, --cache set cache' ' -f, --file read package names from file' ' -m, --mirror set mirror' ' --help' ' --version' ) printf '%s\n' "${rw[@]}" } function version() { echo apt-cyg version 0.59 echo Written by Stephen Jungels echo echo 'Copyright (c) 2005-9 Stephen Jungels. Released under the GPL.' } function findworkspace() { # default working directory and mirror mirror=http://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin cache=/var/cache # work wherever setup worked last, if possible if [ -e /etc/setup/last-cache ] then cache=$(cygpath -f /etc/setup/last-cache) fi if [ -e /etc/setup/last-mirror ] then mirror=$(sed 's./$..' /etc/setup/last-mirror) fi mirrordir=$(sed ' s / %2f g s : %3a g ' <<< "$mirror") mkdir -p "$cache/$mirrordir/$ARCH" cd "$cache/$mirrordir/$ARCH" [ -e setup.ini ] || getsetup } getsetup() { touch setup.ini mv setup.ini setup.ini-save wget -N $mirror/$ARCH/setup.bz2 if [ -e setup.bz2 ] then bunzip2 setup.bz2 mv setup setup.ini echo Updated setup.ini else echo Error updating setup.ini, reverting mv setup.ini-save setup.ini fi } function checkpackages() { if [[ $packages ]] then return 0 else echo Nothing to do. return 1 fi } apt-update () { findworkspace getsetup } apt-list () { if checkpackages then findworkspace for pkg in $packages do echo echo Searching for installed packages matching $pkg: awk 'NR>1 && $1~query && $0=$1' query="$pkg" /etc/setup/installed.db echo echo Searching for installable packages matching $pkg: awk '$1 ~ query && $0 = $1' RS='\n\n@ ' FS='\n' query="$pkg" setup.ini done else echo The following packages are installed: >&2 awk 'NR>1 && $0=$1' /etc/setup/installed.db fi } apt-listfiles () { checkpackages findworkspace local pkg for pkg in $packages do (( notfirst++ )) && echo if [ ! -e /etc/setup/"$pkg".lst.gz ] then download "$pkg" || continue fi gzip -cd /etc/setup/"$pkg".lst.gz done } apt-show () { findworkspace checkpackages for pkg in $packages do (( notfirst++ )) && echo awk ' $1 == query { print fd++ } END { if (! fd) print "Unable to locate package " query } ' RS='\n\n@ ' FS='\n' query="$pkg" setup.ini done } apt-depends () { findworkspace checkpackages for pkg in $packages do (( sq++ )) && echo awk ' $1 == "@" { pkg = $2 } $1 == "requires:" { for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) reqs[pkg][i-1]=$i } END { setMinDepth(query) prtPkg(query) } function prtPkg(pkg, req, i) { depth++ if ( depth == mn[pkg] && !seen[pkg]++ ) { printf "%*s%s\n", indent, "", pkg indent += 2 if (pkg in reqs) for (i=1; i in reqs[pkg]; i++) { req = reqs[pkg][i] prtPkg(req) } indent -= 2 } depth-- } function setMinDepth(pkg, req, i) { depth++ mn[pkg] = !(pkg in mn) || depth < mn[pkg] ? depth : mn[pkg] if (depth == mn[pkg]) { if (pkg in reqs) for (i=1; i in reqs[pkg]; i++) { req = reqs[pkg][i] setMinDepth(req) } } depth-- } ' query="$pkg" setup.ini done } apt-rdepends () { findworkspace for pkg in $packages do awk ' /^@ / { pn = $2 } $0 ~ "^requires: .*"query { print pn } ' query="$pkg" setup.ini done } download () { local pkg install file digest digactual pkg=$1 # look for package and save desc file mkdir -p release/"$pkg" awk '$1 == pc' RS='\n\n@ ' FS='\n' pc=$pkg setup.ini > release/$pkg/desc if [ ! -s release/$pkg/desc ] then echo Package $pkg not found or ambiguous name rm -r release/"$pkg" return 1 fi echo Found package $pkg >&2 # download and unpack the bz2 or xz file # pick the latest version, which comes first install=$(awk '/^install: / {print $2; exit}' release/"$pkg"/desc) if [[ ! $install ]] then echo 'Could not find "install" in package description: obsolete package?' exit 1 fi file=$(basename $install) cd release/"$pkg" wget -nc $mirror/$install # check the md5 digest=$(awk '/^install: / {print $4; exit}' desc) digactual=$(md5sum $file | awk NF=1) if [ $digest != $digactual ] then echo MD5 sum did not match, exiting exit 1 fi tar tf $file | gzip > /etc/setup/"$pkg".lst.gz echo $file } apt-search () { checkpackages for pkg in $packages do key=$(type -P "$pkg" | sed s./..) [[ $key ]] || key=$pkg for manifest in /etc/setup/*.lst.gz do if gzip -cd $manifest | grep -q "$key" then package=$(sed ' s,/etc/setup/,, s,.lst.gz,, ' <<< $manifest) echo Found $key in the package $package fi done done } apt-searchall () { for pkg in $packages do printf -v qs 'text=1&arch=%s&grep=%s' $ARCH "$pkg" cd /tmp wget -O matches cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-grep.cgi?"$qs" awk ' NR == 1 {next} /-doc-/ {next} /-debuginfo-/ {next} /-devel-/ && pkg~/\.exe$/ {next} /-src\t$/ {next} mc[$2]++ {next} $0 = $2 ' FS=/ pkg="$pkg" matches done } apt-install () { findworkspace checkpackages local pkg file requires warn package script for pkg in $packages do if grep -q "^$pkg " /etc/setup/installed.db then echo Package $pkg is already installed, skipping continue fi echo echo Installing $pkg file=$(download $pkg) || continue cd release/$pkg echo Unpacking... tar -x -C / -f $file # update the package database awk ' ins != 1 && pkg < $1 { print pkg, bz, 0 ins = 1 } 1 END { if (ins != 1) print pkg, bz, 0 } ' pkg="$pkg" bz=$file /etc/setup/installed.db > /tmp/awk.$$ mv /etc/setup/installed.db /etc/setup/installed.db-save mv /tmp/awk.$$ /etc/setup/installed.db # recursively install required packages requires=$(awk '$1=="requires", $0=$2' FS=': ' desc) cd ~- warn=0 if [[ $requires ]] then echo Package $pkg requires the following packages, installing: echo $requires for package in $requires do if grep -q "^$package " /etc/setup/installed.db then echo Package $package is already installed, skipping continue fi apt-cyg install --noscripts $package || (( warn++ )) done fi if (( warn )) then echo 'Warning: some required packages did not install, continuing' fi # run all postinstall scripts (( noscripts )) && continue find /etc/postinstall -name '*.sh' | while read script do echo Running $script $script mv $script $script.done done echo Package $pkg installed done } apt-remove () { checkpackages for pkg in $packages do if ! grep -q "^$pkg " /etc/setup/installed.db then echo Package $pkg is not installed, skipping continue fi cygcheck awk bash bunzip2 grep gzip mv sed tar xargs xz | awk ' /bin/ && ! fd[$NF]++ && $0 = $NF ' FS='\\' > /tmp/cygcheck.txt apt-cyg listfiles $pkg | awk ' $0 = $NF ' FS=/ > /tmp/listfiles.txt if grep -xf /tmp/cygcheck.txt /tmp/listfiles.txt then echo apt-cyg cannot remove package $pkg, exiting exit 1 fi if [ ! -e /etc/setup/"$pkg".lst.gz ] then echo Package manifest missing, cannot remove $pkg. Exiting exit 1 fi echo Removing $pkg # run preremove scripts if [ -e /etc/preremove/"$pkg".sh ] then /etc/preremove/"$pkg".sh rm /etc/preremove/"$pkg".sh fi gzip -cd /etc/setup/"$pkg".lst.gz | sed '\./$.d;s.^./.' | xargs rm -f rm /etc/setup/"$pkg".lst.gz rm -f /etc/postinstall/$pkg.sh.done awk '$1 != pkg' pkg="$pkg" /etc/setup/installed.db > /tmp/awk.$$ mv /etc/setup/installed.db /etc/setup/installed.db-save mv /tmp/awk.$$ /etc/setup/installed.db echo Package $pkg removed done } # process options dofile=0 command='' file='' filepackages='' packages='' while (( $# )) do case "$1" in --mirror | -m) echo "$2" > /etc/setup/last-mirror shift 2 ;; --cache | -c) cygpath -aw "$2" > /etc/setup/last-cache shift 2 ;; --noscripts) noscripts=1 shift ;; --help) usage exit 0 ;; --version) version exit 0 ;; --file | -f) if [[ $2 ]] then file=$2 dofile=1 shift else echo No file name provided, ignoring $1 >&2 fi shift ;; update) command=$1 shift ;; install \ | list \ | listfiles \ | depends \ | rdepends \ | search \ | searchall \ | remove \ | show) if [[ $command ]] then packages+=" $1" else command=$1 fi shift ;; *) packages+=" $1" shift ;; esac done if (( dofile )) then if [ -f "$file" ] then filepackages+=$(awk '{printf " %s", $0}' "$file") else echo File $file not found, skipping fi packages+=" $filepackages" fi if type -t apt-$command | grep -q function then apt-$command else usage fi