# Why Go? Consider this Python script ~~~py print("Hello world") ~~~ You can compile it for Windows like this build_exe --bundle-files 0 --compress --optimize hello.py upx -9 hello.exe and it comes out to 4.16 MB. Now consider this Go script ~~~go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello world") } ~~~ You can compile it like this go build -ldflags -s hello.go upx -9 hello.exe and it comes out to 375 KB. Something else to consider is that Python is built with Visual C++ 2010. That means that the program you create will not work on Windows 7 for example unless the user has installed Visual C++ 2010. Go is built with Visual C++ 6, this means that any programs created with Go will work on Windows 7 as is.