
74 lines
2.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-02-14 08:51:14 -08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Hellen-One: A script to create a 3D components view (VRML).
# (c) andreika <prometheus.pcb@gmail.com>
import os, sys, re
import configparser
import gzip
### Unfortunately PyVRML97 (vrml.vrml97) is not capable of properly processing Altium-exported VRML-files...
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "Error! Please specify the place+board files and vrml filename."
mergePlaceFile = sys.argv[1]
mergeBoardFile = sys.argv[2]
fileOutName = sys.argv[3]
# read board config
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# read place file
fragments = []
with open(mergePlaceFile, 'rb') as fmp:
for line in fmp:
m = line.split()
2021-03-21 03:34:52 -07:00
name_and_rot = m[0].split('*rotated') # split the name and rotation parts
name = name_and_rot[0]
rot = name_and_rot[1] if len(name_and_rot) > 1 else "0"
m = {"name": name, "x": m[1], "y": m[2], "rot": rot, "path": config[name]["Prefix"] }
2021-02-14 08:51:14 -08:00
print "* Starting merge of " + str(len(fragments)) + " board fragments..."
outf = gzip.open(fileOutName, 'wb')
outf.write("#VRML V2.0 utf8\n")
pat_hdr = re.compile('^#VRML.*')
pat_idx = re.compile(r'(DEF|USE)\s+(Shape|_)(\w)')
pat_trans = re.compile(r'(translation)\s+([+\-0-9\.]+)\s+([+\-0-9\.]+)')
def trans_repl(m):
x = float(m.group(2))
y = float(m.group(3))
return m.group(1) + " " + str(x + off_x_mm) + " " + str(y + off_y_mm)
fId = 1
for frag in fragments:
# convert to mm
off_x_mm = float(frag["x"]) * 25.4
off_y_mm = float(frag["y"]) * 25.4
2021-03-21 03:34:52 -07:00
# todo: apply module rotations
rot = float(frag["rot"])
2021-02-14 08:51:14 -08:00
fileName = frag["path"] + "-vrml.wrl"
2021-03-21 03:34:52 -07:00
print "* Adding " + frag["name"] + " (" + fileName + ") at (" + str(off_x_mm) + "," + str(off_y_mm) + "), rot=" + str(rot) + "..."
2021-02-14 08:51:14 -08:00
with open(fileName, 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
# skip the headers (we write our own because there should be only 1 header)
if pat_hdr.match(line):
fragId = str(fId).zfill(2)
line = pat_idx.sub(r'\g<1> \g<2>' + fragId + '\g<3>', line)
line = pat_trans.sub(trans_repl, line)
outf.write(line + "\n")
fId = fId + 1
print "Done!"