#!/bin/bash # # This is a simple example of using Hellen-One scripts for your own board "Hellen999pin", revision "a". # You have to put your folder somewhere outside of the Hellen-One repository. # The folder should have a sub-folder for revision "a" and a sub-folder with all the files for your frame (gerber+BOM+CPL+schematic) # as follows: ../my-boards/hellen999pin/boards/hellen999pin-a/frame/* # For more info, please see: https://github.com/andreika-git/hellen-one/wiki # For board examples and script usage, please see: https://github.com/andreika-git/hellen-boards/ # # The script will create the output files for your board in: # ../my-boards/hellen999pin/boards/hellen999pin-a/board/* # # (R309 and R311 are not populated). # project_base="../my-boards" name="999pin" rev="a" if [[ ! -d ${project_base}/hellen${name}/boards/hellen${name}-${rev}/frame ]]; then echo "The folder not found!" exit 1 fi sh ./bin/create_board.sh "${project_base}" "${name}" "${rev}" "R309=;R311="