#!/bin/bash echo "Checking the environment..." unameOut="$(uname -s)" case "${unameOut}" in Linux*) machine=linux;; Darwin*) machine=mac;; CYGWIN*) machine=cygwin;; MSYS*) machine=msys;; MINGW32*) machine=mingw32;; MINGW64*) machine=mingw64;; *) machine=unknown;; esac if [ "${machine}" = "unknown" ] ; then echo "* Warning! Unknown environment: ${unameOut}" else echo "* ${machine} environment detected!" fi if [ "${machine}" = "linux" ] ; then devname="dev" else devname="devel" fi # $1 = url $2 = dst function download_url { url=$1 dst=$2 # check if wget or curl is installed if [ -x "$(command -v wget)" ] ; then echo "Downloading apt-cyg using wget..." wget $url -O $dst elif [ -x "$(command -v curl)" ]; then dirname="${dst%/*}" filename="${dst##*/}" pushd $dirname echo "Downloading apt-cyg using curl..." curl -o $filename -sfL $url popd > /dev/null else echo "Could not find curl or wget! Cannot download and install a package manager!" >&2 exit 1 fi } # $1 = package_name function install_package { # check if the installer (package manager) exists if [ "${machine}" = "cygwin" ] ; then while true; do if [ ! -x "$(command -v apt-cyg --version)" ] ; then # we give it one more chance and try to download the installer echo "Do you want to download the cygwin package manager (apt-cyg) and install the required utilities? (Press 1 or 2)" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) url="andreika-git.github.io/apt-cyg/apt-cyg" dst="/tmp/apt-cyg" download_url $url $dst install $dst /bin rm $dst break;; No ) echo "Please install it manually using you package manager!" >&2 exit 1; esac done else break fi done elif [ "${machine}" = "msys" ] ; then if [ ! -x "$(command -v pacman)" ] ; then echo "Cannot detect pacman manager. Please install it manually using you package manager!" >&2 exit 1; fi fi # now install echo "Do you want to install '$1' now? (Press 1 or 2)" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) break;; No ) if [ "$2" = "optional" ] ; then return 1 fi echo "Please install it manually using your package manager!" >&2 exit 1; esac done if [ "${machine}" = "cygwin" ] ; then apt-cyg install $1 elif [ "${machine}" = "msys" ] ; then pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-$1 elif [ "${machine}" = "linux" ] ; then if ! sudo apt-get install $1; then # try updating the apt repo sudo apt update if ! sudo apt-get install $1; then echo "Error! Cannot install the package $1. Please install it manually using your package manager!" >&2 exit 1; fi fi fi return 0 } echo "Checking the Python version..." # check python version - should be 3.x ONLY # todo: currently Python 3.9 is still buggy, so we use 3.8 python_bin="python3.8" while true; do python_ver=$($python_bin -V 2>&1 | grep -Po '(?<=Python )(.+)') if [[ -z "$python_ver" ]] || [[ ! $python_ver =~ ^3\.[56789].* ]] ; then echo "Error! Python 3.5 or later is required. It should be installed and added to the PATH!" while true; do if ! [ -x "$(command -v wget)" ] ; then echo "Warning! wget is not installed. Using wget is preferred for installing other packages" if ! install_package wget optional; then break fi else break fi done install_package python3 else break fi done # $1 = name, $2 = library name, $3 = package name function check_library { echo "* Checking $1..." while true; do if ! command -v pkg-config >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "* Missing pkg-config" echo "Do you want to download and install it now? (Press 1 or 2)" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) install_package pkg-config; break;; No ) exit 1; esac done fi lib=$(pkg-config --libs $2 2>&1 | grep -Po '(\-l'$1')') if [[ -z "$lib" ]] ; then echo "Error! Library $1 NOT FOUND!" else echo "* Library $1 FOUND!" return fi install_package $3 done } function install_pip3 { pip3installer="https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/get-pip.py" dst="/tmp/get-pip.py" download_url $pip3installer $dst $python_bin $dst rm $dst } function pip3_install_module { # check if pip3 works pip_bin="$python_bin -m pip" while true; do pip3v=$($pip_bin --version 2>&1 | grep -Po '(pip [0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*)') if [[ -z "$pip3v" ]] ; then echo "* Missing pip3" if [ "${machine}" = "linux" ] || [ "${machine}" = "cygwin" ] ; then echo "Do you want to download and install it now? (Press 1 or 2)" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) install_pip3; break;; No ) exit 1; esac done else install_package pip3 fi else break fi done # check if gnu compiler works (needed by some modules) gcc_bin="g++" while true; do gccv=$($gcc_bin -v 2>&1 | grep -Po '(version\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*)') if [[ -z "$gccv" ]] ; then echo "* Missing gcc/g++ compiler" if [ "${machine}" = "cygwin" ] ; then install_package gcc-g++ else install_package gcc fi else break fi done # check if Python-devel is available (needed by some Py modules) while true; do python_dev=0 # check if distutils.sysconfig is usable if $($python_bin -c "from distutils import sysconfig" &> /dev/null); then # get include path for this python version INCLUDE_PY=$($python_bin -c "from distutils import sysconfig as s; print (s.get_config_vars()['INCLUDEPY'])") if [ -f "${INCLUDE_PY}/Python.h" ]; then python_dev=1 echo "* Found python-dev on ${INCLUDE_PY}" fi fi if [ "$python_dev" -eq "0" ] ; then echo "* Missing python-dev" install_package python3-${devname} else break fi done echo "* Installing python module $1 using $pip3v and gcc $gccv..." $pip_bin install $pymodule } echo "* Python $python_ver detected!" echo "Checking git..." git_bin="git" git_ver=0 while true; do git_ver=$($git_bin version 2>&1 | grep -Po '(version [0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*)') if [[ -z "$git_ver" ]] ; then echo "Error! Git not found! We need it to update submodules." install_package git else break fi done echo "* Git $git_ver detected!" echo "Updating git submodules for scripts..." #git submodule update --init -- bin/gerbmerge bin/python-combine-pdfs bin/InteractiveHtmlBom bin/pcb-tools echo "Checking the Python modules..." declare -A modules modules[simpleparse]=simpleparse modules[moderngl]=ModernGL modules[PIL]=Pillow modules[pyrr]=Pyrr modules[numpy]=NumPy modules[vrml.vrml97]=PyVRML97 modules[contextlib2]=contextlib2 modules[PyPDF2]=PyPDF2 modules[gerber]=gerber modules[configparser]=configparser modules[gzip]=gzip modules[cairocffi]=cairocffi # check modules for module in "${!modules[@]}"; do pymodule=${modules[$module]} while true; do module_detected=0 $python_bin -c "import sys, pkgutil; sys.path.append('./bin/pcb-tools'); sys.exit(0 if (pkgutil.find_loader('$module')) else 1)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "* Checking Python module '$pymodule': OK" module_detected=1 else echo "* Checking Python module '$pymodule': ERROR!" echo " Python module '$pymodule' is required and NOT found!" fi # some modules have dependencies if [ "$pymodule" = "cairocffi" ]; then echo "* Checking module dependencies: ffi and cairo" check_library ffi libffi libffi-${devname} check_library cairo cairo libcairo-${devname} fi if [ "$pymodule" = "Pillow" ]; then echo "* Checking module dependencies: jpeg" check_library jpeg libjpeg libjpeg-${devname} fi if [ "$pymodule" = "ModernGL" ]; then echo "* Checking module dependencies: GL" check_library GL GL # libGL-${devname} fi if [ "$module_detected" -eq "0" ] ; then if [ ]; then echo "Please use 'pip3 install $pymodule' to install it manually!" exit 1; else echo "Do you want to download and install it now? (Press 1 or 2)" select yn in "Yes" "No"; do case $yn in Yes ) pip3_install_module $pymodule; break;; No ) exit 1; esac done fi else break fi done done echo "All checks done!" exit 0