#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################################ # Hellen-One: A script to export module footprints from Kicad module projects. # (c) andreika ############################################################################################ import os, sys, errno import csv, re import glob, shutil if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "Error! Please specify the module project folder, module name and rev." sys.exit(1) project_base = sys.argv[1] name = sys.argv[2] rev = sys.argv[3] base_path = project_base src_path = base_path dst_path = "modules" pat_symbol = re.compile(r'^(\s+)\(symbol\s+\"([^\"]+)\"(.*)$') pat_prop = re.compile(r'^(\s+)\(property\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\s+\"([^\"]*)\"(.*)$') pat_close_symbol = re.compile(r'') pat_footprint = re.compile(r'^(\s+)\(footprint\s+\"([^\"]+)\"(.*)$') pat_zone = re.compile(r'^(\s+)\(zone\s+\(net\s+0\)\s+\(net_name\s+\"\"\)\s+\(layer\s+\"([^\"]+)\"\)(.*)$') pat_text = re.compile(r'^(\s+)\(fp_text\s+([^\s]+)\s+\"([^\"]*)\"(.*)$') replace_props = { "Reference": "M", "Value": "Module-" + name + "-" + rev, "Footprint": "hellen-one-" + name + "-" + rev + ":" + name, } replace_texts = { "reference": "M", "value": "Module-" + name + "-" + rev, } def process_schematic(src_name, dst_name): with open(src_name, 'rt') as src_f, open(dst_name, 'w') as dst_f: in_module = False num_symbols = 1 dst_f.write("(kicad_symbol_lib (version 20201005) (generator kicad_symbol_editor)\n") for line in src_f: m = pat_symbol.match(line) if m: if "Mod-Hellen" in m.group(2) and in_module == False: print ("* Found symbol " + m.group(2)) # the close symbol should have the same indent as the open one pat_close_symbol = re.compile(r'^' + m.group(1) + '\)') line = m.group(1) + "(symbol \"" + name + ":Module-" + name + "-" + rev + "\"" + m.group(3) + "\n" dst_f.write(line[2:]) in_module = True continue if in_module: print ("* replacing symbol " + m.group(2)) line = m.group(1) + "(symbol \"Module-" + name + "-" + rev + "_" + str(num_symbols) + "_0\"" + m.group(3) + "\n" num_symbols += 1 dst_f.write(line[2:]) continue if in_module: p = pat_prop.match(line) if p and p.group(2) in replace_props: r = replace_props[p.group(2)] print ("* setting property " + p.group(2) + " to \"" + r + "\"") line = p.group(1) + "(property \"" + p.group(2) + "\" \"" + r + "\"" + p.group(4) + "\n" dst_f.write(line[2:]) if pat_close_symbol.match(line): in_module = False break dst_f.write(")") def process_pcb(src_name, dst_name): global pat_close_symbol with open(src_name, 'rt') as src_f, open(dst_name, 'w') as dst_f: in_footprint = False in_zone = False for line in src_f: m = pat_footprint.match(line) if m: if ("Mod-Hellen" in m.group(2) or "MOD_Hellen" in m.group(2) or "MOD_HELLEN" in m.group(2)) and in_footprint == False: print ("* Found footprint " + m.group(2)) # the close symbol should have the same indent as the open one pat_close_symbol = re.compile(r'^' + m.group(1) + '\)') line = m.group(1) + "(footprint \"module-" + name + "-" + rev + "\"" + m.group(3) + "\n" dst_f.write(line[2:]) in_footprint = True continue if not in_footprint: z = pat_zone.match(line) if z and in_zone == False: print ("* Found zone " + z.group(2)) in_zone = True if in_footprint: if pat_close_symbol.match(line): in_footprint = False # don't write the footprint close symbol because we might have zones later continue t = pat_text.match(line) if t and t.group(2) in replace_texts: r = replace_texts[t.group(2)] print ("* setting text " + t.group(2) + " to \"" + r + "\"") line = t.group(1) + "(fp_text " + t.group(2) + " \"" + r + "\"" + t.group(4) + "\n" line = re.sub("\(net\s+[0-9]+\s+\"[^\"]*\"\)\s+", "", line) dst_f.write(line[2:]) if in_zone: if pat_close_symbol.match(line): in_zone = False # make sure that the keepout is enabled by default line = line.replace("(copperpour allowed)", "(copperpour not_allowed)") line = line.replace("0.508", "0.2") dst_f.write(line) dst_f.write(")") ################################################# print ("Processing the schematic file...") process_schematic(src_path + "/hellen1-" + name + ".kicad_sch", dst_path + "/" + name + "/" + rev + "/" + name + ".kicad_sym") print ("Processing the pcb file...") process_pcb(src_path + "/hellen1-" + name + ".kicad_pcb", dst_path + "/" + name + "/" + rev + "/" + name + ".kicad_mod") print ("Done!")