#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################################ # Hellen-One: A board processing script. # (c) andreika ############################################################################################ from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, shutil, errno import csv, re import subprocess if len(sys.argv) < 4: print ("Error! Please specify the project base name, frame name, revision and optional BOM replacement file.") sys.exit(1) project_base_path = sys.argv[1] frame_name = sys.argv[2] frame_rev = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3: bom_replace_csv = sys.argv[4] else: bom_replace_csv = "" board_prefix = "hellen" imageDpi = "600" # these should match the definitions in the parent shell script (create_board.sh)! project_name = board_prefix + frame_name board_name = project_name + "-" + frame_rev project_path = project_base_path + "/boards/" + board_name bom_replace_csv_path = project_base_path + "/" + bom_replace_csv frame_path = project_path + "/frame" board_path = project_path + "/board" board_path_name = board_path + "/" + board_name board_misc_path = board_path + "/misc" board_misc_path_name = board_misc_path + "/" + board_name merged_gerber_path = board_path + "/gerber" board_cfg_path = board_path + "/board.cfg" board_place_path = board_path + "/board_place.txt" board_bom = board_path_name + "-BOM.csv" board_cpl = board_path_name + "-CPL.csv" board_img = board_path_name + ".png" board_img_top = board_misc_path_name + "-top.png" board_img_bottom = board_misc_path_name + "-bottom.png" board_img_outline = board_misc_path_name + "-outline.png" board_img_components = board_misc_path_name + "-components.png" node_bin = "node" rotations = "bin/jlc_kicad_tools/cpl_rotations_db.csv" # the format is: "Module:module_name/module_rev" pat_module = re.compile(r'Module:([\w]+)/([\w\.]+)') ############################################################################################ def write_lines(f, lines): if type(lines) == str: f.write(lines + "\n") else: for l in lines: f.write(l + "\n") def print_module(name, prefix, fileName, flag): with open(fileName, 'a') as file: write_lines(file, [ "[" + name + "]", "Prefix = " + prefix, "*TopCopper=%(prefix)s.GTL", "*TopSoldermask=%(prefix)s.GTS", "*TopSolderPasteMask=%(prefix)s.GTP", "*TopSilkscreen=%(prefix)s.GTO", "*BottomCopper=%(prefix)s.GBL", "*BottomSoldermask=%(prefix)s.GBS", "*BottomSilkscreen=%(prefix)s.GBO", "*Keepout=%(prefix)s.GKO", "Drills=%(prefix)s.DRL"]) if (flag == 1): write_lines(file, [ "ToolList = nul", "Placement = nul", "BoardOutline = nul"]) else: write_lines(file, "BoardOutline=%(prefix)s.GM15") def append_cpl(src_fname, dst_fname, x, y, mrot, suffix = ""): print ("* appending the CPL with offset (" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + ")...") with open(src_fname, 'rb') as src_f, open(dst_fname, 'a') as dst_f: reader = csv.reader(src_f, delimiter=',') i=0 # skip header next(src_f) for row in reader: des = row[0] cxmm = row[1] cymm = row[2] lay = row[3] rot = row[4] # remove module designators if (re.match("^M[0-9]+$", des)): print ("* (skipping " + des + ")") continue # remove "mm" suffix cx = float(cxmm.replace("mm", "")) cy = float(cymm.replace("mm", "")) # rotate the coordinates mrot_idx = int(float(mrot) + 360.0) % 360 # can be negative rxy = { 0: lambda cxy: [cxy[0], cxy[1]], 90: lambda cxy: [-cxy[1], cxy[0]], 180: lambda cxy: [-cxy[0], -cxy[0]], 270: lambda cxy: [cxy[1], -cxy[0]], }[mrot_idx]([cx, cy]) # rotate the footprint rot = float(rot) + float(mrot) rot = str(rot % 360.0) # offset the coordinates x_offset = rxy[0] + float(x) y_offset = rxy[1] + float(y) write_lines(dst_f, des + suffix + "," + str(x_offset) + "mm," + str(y_offset) + "mm," + lay + "," + rot) i = i + 1 print (str(i) + " parts processed...", end = "\r") def append_bom(src_fname, dst_fname, suffix = ""): print ("* appending the BOM...") with open(src_fname, 'rb') as src_f, open(dst_fname, 'a') as dst_f: reader = csv.reader(src_f, delimiter=',') i = 0 # skip header next(src_f) for row in reader: comment = row[0] des = row[1] footprint = row[2] lcsc = row[3] # process designators des_list = des.split(", ") new_des_list = [] for d in des_list: # remove module designators if (re.match("^M[0-9]+$", d)): print ("* (skipping " + d + ")") continue new_des_list.append(d + suffix) if len(new_des_list) < 1: continue des = ", ".join(new_des_list) write_lines(dst_f, "\"" + comment + "\",\"" + des + "\",\"" + footprint + "\",\"" + lcsc + "\"") i = i + 1 print (str(i) + " parts processed...", end = "\r") def mkdir_p(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def print_to_file(fileName, mode, lines): with open(fileName, mode) as f: write_lines(f, lines) def delete_file(fileName): if os.path.exists(fileName): os.remove(fileName) ############################################################################################ print ("Removing old files of the board...") try: if os.path.exists(board_path): shutil.rmtree(board_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: print ("Error: %s - %s." % (e.filename, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) print ("Creating " + board_name + "...") mkdir_p(board_path) mkdir_p(board_misc_path) mkdir_p(merged_gerber_path) # create configs print_to_file(board_cfg_path, "w", [ "[DEFAULT]", "projdir = .", "", "[Options]", "ExcellonLeadingZeros = 0", "MeasurementUnits = inch", "AllowMissingLayers = 1", "FixedRotationOrigin = 1"]) # board gerbers print_module("MergeOutputFiles", merged_gerber_path + "/" + board_name, board_cfg_path, 1) # frame gerbers print_module(frame_name, frame_path + "/" + frame_name, board_cfg_path, 0) # the frame should always have zero coordinates, matching the left-bottom keepout border print_to_file(board_place_path, "w", frame_name + " 0.000 0.000") # add frame's BOM & CPL print_to_file(board_cpl, "w", ["Designator,Mid X,Mid Y,Layer,Rotation"]) print_to_file(board_bom, "w", ["Comment,Designator,Footprint,LCSC Part #"]) append_cpl(frame_path + "/" + frame_name + "-CPL.csv", board_cpl, "0", "0", "0") append_bom(frame_path + "/" + frame_name + "-BOM.csv", board_bom) schem_list = [frame_path + "/" + frame_name + "-schematic.pdf"] print ("Processing modules...") modules_list = {} with open(frame_path + "/" + frame_name + "-BOM.csv", 'r') as bom_f: bom_reader = csv.reader(bom_f, delimiter=',') # skip header next(bom_f) for bom_row in bom_reader: module = bom_row[0] des = bom_row[1] footprint = bom_row[2] # is it a module? mod = pat_module.match(module) if mod: module_name = mod.group(1) module_rev = mod.group(2) des_list = des.split(", ") for des in des_list: print (" ** Inserting " + module + " into " + des + "...") if (module_name in modules_list): modules_list[module_name] += 1 module_suffix = "_" + str(modules_list[module_name]) else: modules_list[module_name] = 1 module_suffix = "" module_unique_name = module_name + module_suffix # get module coords from the CPL file with open(frame_path + "/" + frame_name + "-CPL.csv", 'r') as cpl_f: cpl_reader = csv.reader(cpl_f, delimiter=',') # skip header next(cpl_f) for cpl_row in cpl_reader: if des in cpl_row[0]: cxmm = cpl_row[1] cymm = cpl_row[2] lay = cpl_row[3] rot = cpl_row[4] xmm = cpl_row[5] ymm = cpl_row[6] # remove "mm" suffix x = float(xmm.replace("mm", "")) y = float(ymm.replace("mm", "")) # convert into inches (the gerber coords are imperial) x_inch = x / 25.4 y_inch = y / 25.4 print (" ** adding " + module_unique_name + "/" + module_rev + ", coords: " + str(x_inch) + "\", " + str(y_inch) + "\" (" + str(x) + " mm, " + str(y) + " mm)") # add module gerbers module_path = "modules/" + module_name + "/" + module_rev print_module(module_unique_name, module_path + "/" + module_name, board_cfg_path, 0) irot = int(float(rot) + 360.0) % 360 rotated = ("*rotated" + str(irot)) if (irot != 0) else "" # write abs. coords print_to_file(board_place_path, "a", module_unique_name + rotated + " " + str(x_inch) + " " + str(y_inch)) append_cpl(module_path + "/" + module_name + "-CPL.csv", board_cpl, x, y, rot, module_suffix) append_bom(module_path + "/" + module_name + "-BOM.csv", board_bom, module_suffix) # adding schematics PDF for merging at the end if (module_unique_name == module_name): schem_list.append(module_path + "/" + module_name + "-schematic.pdf") break print ("* Done!") print ("Merging gerbers...") p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "bin/gerbmerge/gerbmerge", "--place-file=" + board_place_path, board_cfg_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) # pass 'y' symbol to the subprocess as if a user pressed 'yes' p.communicate(input='y\n')[0] print ("Post-processing BOM...") try: out = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "bin/process_BOM.py", board_bom, bom_replace_csv_path], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print (out) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: print ("BOM processing error:\n" + e.output) sys.exit(2) print ("Merging Schematics...") subprocess.call([sys.executable, "bin/python-combine-pdfs/python-combinepdf.py"] + schem_list + ["-o", board_path_name + "-schematic.pdf"]) print ("Rendering TOP side image...") subprocess.call([sys.executable, "bin/render_gerber.py", merged_gerber_path, board_img_top, "top", imageDpi]) print ("Rendering BOTTOM side image...") subprocess.call([sys.executable, "bin/render_gerber.py", merged_gerber_path, board_img_bottom, "bottom", imageDpi]) print ("Rendering OUTLINE image...") subprocess.call([sys.executable, "bin/render_gerber.py", merged_gerber_path, board_img_outline, "outline", imageDpi]) print ("Merging 3D-models of components...") subprocess.call([sys.executable, "bin/create_3d_components.py", board_place_path, board_cfg_path, board_misc_path_name + "-3D.wrl.gz"]) print ("Rendering a 3D-model of the board components...") subprocess.call([node_bin, "bin/render_vrml/render_components.js", board_misc_path_name + "-3D.wrl.gz", board_img_components, imageDpi]) print ("Creating a composite board image...") subprocess.call([node_bin, "bin/render_vrml/render_board.js", board_img_top, board_img_outline, board_img_components, board_img, imageDpi]) print ("Creating an interactive html BOM...") subprocess.call([sys.executable, "bin/gen_iBOM.py", project_name, frame_rev, imageDpi, merged_gerber_path + "/" + board_name + ".GKO", merged_gerber_path + "/" + board_name + ".GTO", board_img, board_bom, board_cpl, "./ibom-data", rotations, board_path_name + "-ibom.html"]) print ("Cleaning up...") delete_file(board_cfg_path) delete_file(board_place_path) print ("Creating a zip-archive with gerbers...") shutil.make_archive(board_path_name + "-gerber", "zip", board_path, "gerber") print ("Board processing done!")