
143 lines
4.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Hellen-One: A new Board-ID generation script. The result is stored in 'generated' folder.
# (c) andreika <prometheus.pcb@gmail.com>
import csv, sys, re
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print ("Error! Please specify a Board+rev name.")
boardName = sys.argv[1]
board_ids_csv = "board_ids.csv"
resistor_list_csv = "resistors.csv"
# todo: these should match used in gen_hellen_board_id_resistors.py, the firmware and mcu modules
r1 = "R133"
r2 = "R134"
r1_mult = 100
repl_csv = "generated/board_id_" + boardName + ".csv"
def getBoardIdFromResistorIndices(rIdx1, rIdx2):
global r1_mult
return rIdx1 * r1_mult + rIdx2
# board_id = R1_IDX * 100 + R2_IDX
def getResistorIndicesFromBoardId(board_id):
global r1_mult
rIdx1 = int(board_id / r1_mult)
rIdx2 = int(board_id % r1_mult)
return [rIdx1, rIdx2]
def getResistorFromIndex(idx):
global resistorList
return resistorList[idx][1]
def getIndexFromResistor(r):
global resistorList
for i,row in enumerate(resistorList):
if (int(row[1]) == r):
return i
return -1
def calcNextId(lastId, resistorList):
global numMajorResistors
[rIdx1, rIdx2] = getResistorIndicesFromBoardId(lastId)
rIdx2 += 1
# todo: add support for the minor resistor series
if (rIdx2 >= numMajorResistors):
rIdx1 += 1
rIdx2 = 0
if (rIdx1 >= numMajorResistors):
print ("The limit of Board IDs is reached! Cannot add a new Board ID.")
newId = getBoardIdFromResistorIndices(rIdx1, rIdx2)
return newId
def addNew(boardIdList, boardId, boardName):
global resistorList, r1, r2
[rIdx1, rIdx2] = getResistorIndicesFromBoardId(boardId)
r1Value = getResistorFromIndex(rIdx1)
r2Value = getResistorFromIndex(rIdx2)
row = [boardId, r1Value, r2Value, boardName]
r1Row = resistorList[rIdx1]
r2Row = resistorList[rIdx2]
repl = list()
repl.insert(0, ["# resistor | value | footprint | part_number"])
repl.append([ r1, r1Row[1], r1Row[2], r1Row[3] ])
repl.append([ r2, r2Row[1], r2Row[2], r2Row[3] ])
return repl
def readCsv(fileName):
rows = list()
with open(fileName, 'rt') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
# skip empty lines and comments (this is not strictly CSV-compliant, but useful for our purposes)
if (len(row) < 1 or row[0].startswith("#")):
return rows
def saveCsv(fileName, rows):
rowIdx = 0
with open (fileName, 'wt') as new_f:
for row in rows:
if rowIdx == 0:
writer = csv.writer(new_f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='"', delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n')
elif rowIdx == 1:
writer = csv.writer(new_f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, quotechar='"', delimiter=',', lineterminator='\n')
rowIdx += 1
print ("Reading board ID list from " + board_ids_csv + "...")
boardIdList = readCsv(board_ids_csv)
print ("Reading resistor list " + resistor_list_csv + "...")
resistorList = readCsv(resistor_list_csv)
numMajorResistors = 0
for row in resistorList:
# count major resistors
if (int(row[0]) == 0):
numMajorResistors += 1
print ("Searching for board IDs...")
lastId = 0
for row in boardIdList:
bid = int(row[0].strip())
r1Value = int(row[1].strip())
r2Value = int(row[2].strip())
bname = row[3].strip()
rIdx1 = getIndexFromResistor(r1Value)
rIdx2 = getIndexFromResistor(r2Value)
checkBoardId = getBoardIdFromResistorIndices(rIdx1, rIdx2)
# check integrity & validate resistors
if (rIdx1 < 0 or rIdx2 < 0 or bid != checkBoardId):
print ("Wrong boardId #" + str(bid) + " found in the stored list! Please fix the list before adding new records. Aborting...")
# maintain uniqueness
if (bname.lower() == boardName.lower()):
print ("The board name " + boardName + " already exists in the list! Aborting...")
if (bid > lastId):
lastId = bid
newId = calcNextId(lastId, resistorList)
print ("Created a new board id for " + boardName + ": #" + str(newId))
print ("Adding a new board id to the list...")
repl = addNew(boardIdList, newId, boardName)
print ("Saving the list...")
boardIdList.insert(0, ["# board_id | R1 | R2 | board_name"])
saveCsv(board_ids_csv, boardIdList)
print ("Saving the replacement board id file...")
saveCsv(repl_csv, repl)
print ("Done!")