
3873 lines
134 KiB

(kicad_sch (version 20230121) (generator eeschema)
(uuid 759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc)
(paper "A4")
(title "MCZ33810 module")
(date "2024-03-07")
(rev "0.1")
(symbol "Device:Q_NIGBT_GCE" (pin_names (offset 0) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "Q" (at 5.08 1.27 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Value" "Q_NIGBT_GCE" (at 5.08 -1.27 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(property "Footprint" "" (at 5.08 2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "transistor IGBT N-IGBT" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "N-IGBT transistor, gate/collector/emitter" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "Q_NIGBT_GCE_0_1"
(xy 0.762 -1.016)
(xy 0.762 -2.032)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.762 0.508)
(xy 0.762 -0.508)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.762 2.032)
(xy 0.762 1.016)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 2.54 -2.413)
(xy 0.762 -1.524)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 2.54 -0.889)
(xy 0.762 0)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 2.54 2.413)
(xy 0.762 1.524)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.254 1.905)
(xy 0.254 -1.905)
(xy 0.254 -1.905)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 1.397 -2.159)
(xy 1.651 -1.651)
(xy 2.54 -2.413)
(xy 1.397 -2.159)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type outline))
(xy 2.159 1.905)
(xy 1.905 2.413)
(xy 1.016 1.651)
(xy 2.159 1.905)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type outline))
(circle (center 1.27 0) (radius 2.8194)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "Q_NIGBT_GCE_1_1"
(pin input line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 5.334)
(name "G" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 2.54 5.08 270) (length 2.54)
(name "C" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 2.54 -5.08 90) (length 2.54)
(name "E" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Device:R_Shunt" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "R" (at -4.445 0 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "R_Shunt" (at -2.54 0 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (at -1.778 0 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "R res shunt resistor" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Shunt resistor" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_fp_filters" "R_*Shunt*" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "R_Shunt_0_1"
(rectangle (start -1.016 -2.54) (end 1.016 2.54)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0 -2.54)
(xy 1.27 -2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 1.27 2.54)
(xy 0 2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "R_Shunt_1_1"
(pin passive line (at 0 5.08 270) (length 2.54)
(name "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 3.81 2.54 180) (length 2.54)
(name "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 3.81 -2.54 180) (length 2.54)
(name "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 0 -5.08 90) (length 2.54)
(name "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Mcz33810:MCZ33810EK" (pin_names (offset 1.016)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "U" (at -1.27 38.1 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
(property "Value" "MCZ33810EK" (at -6.35 35.56 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom))
(property "Footprint" "kicad6-libraries:Mcz33810" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify bottom) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "LCSC" "C3192631" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "MCZ33810EK_0_0"
(pin output line (at 20.32 33.02 180) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT0" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 33.02 0) (length 5.08)
(name "DIN0" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "10" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 30.48 0) (length 5.08)
(name "DIN1" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "11" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 27.94 0) (length 5.08)
(name "DIN2" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "12" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 25.4 0) (length 5.08)
(name "DIN3" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "13" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at 20.32 10.16 180) (length 5.08)
(name "GD1" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "14" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 12.7 180) (length 5.08)
(name "FB1" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "15" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at 20.32 30.48 180) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT1" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "16" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at 20.32 25.4 180) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT3" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "17" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 2.54 180) (length 5.08)
(name "FB3" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "18" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at 20.32 0 180) (length 5.08)
(name "GD3" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "19" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 17.78 180) (length 5.08)
(name "FB0" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 -25.4 0) (length 5.08)
(name "~SPKDUR" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "20" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 0 0) (length 5.08)
(name "GIN3" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "21" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 5.08 0) (length 5.08)
(name "GIN2" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "22" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 10.16 0) (length 5.08)
(name "GIN1" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "23" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 15.24 0) (length 5.08)
(name "GIN0" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "24" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 -20.32 180) (length 5.08)
(name "VPWR" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "25" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 -7.62 180) (length 5.08)
(name "RSP" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "26" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 -12.7 180) (length 5.08)
(name "RSN" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "27" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at -20.32 -27.94 0) (length 5.08)
(name "NOMI" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "28" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 -30.48 0) (length 5.08)
(name "MAXI" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "29" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at 20.32 15.24 180) (length 5.08)
(name "GD0" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "3" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at 20.32 5.08 180) (length 5.08)
(name "GD2" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "30" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at 20.32 7.62 180) (length 5.08)
(name "FB2" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "31" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at 20.32 27.94 180) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT2" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "32" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin passive line (at 20.32 -30.48 180) (length 5.08)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "33" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 -12.7 0) (length 5.08)
(name "~CS" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "4" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 -10.16 0) (length 5.08)
(name "SCLK" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "5" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin input line (at -20.32 -7.62 0) (length 5.08)
(name "SI" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "6" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at -20.32 -15.24 0) (length 5.08)
(name "SO" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "7" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin power_in line (at 20.32 -22.86 180) (length 5.08)
(name "VDD" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "8" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(pin output line (at -20.32 -20.32 0) (length 5.08)
(name "~OUTEN" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(number "9" (effects (font (size 1.016 1.016))))
(symbol "MCZ33810EK_1_0"
(rectangle (start -15.24 35.56) (end 15.24 -33.02)
(stroke (width 0) (type solid))
(fill (type background))
(symbol "hellen-one-common:Cap" (pin_numbers hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "C" (at -3.81 2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "Cap" (at -2.54 -1.27 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "hellen-one-common:C0603" (at -2.54 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at -3.81 0 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "LCSC" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Capacitor" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "Cap_1_0"
(xy -1.27 0)
(xy -0.508 0)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy -0.508 -2.032)
(xy -0.508 2.032)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0.508 2.032)
(xy 0.508 -2.032)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 1.27 0)
(xy 0.508 0)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(pin passive line (at -3.81 0 0) (length 2.54)
(name "" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 3.81 0 180) (length 2.54)
(name "" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "hellen-one-common:Res" (pin_numbers hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "R" (at 3.81 2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "Res" (at 5.08 -2.54 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "hellen-one-common:R0603" (at 3.81 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "LCSC" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "ki_description" "Resistor" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "Res_1_0"
(rectangle (start 2.54 -1.27) (end 7.62 1.27)
(stroke (width 0.254) (type default))
(fill (type background))
(pin passive line (at 0 0 0) (length 2.54)
(name "" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 10.16 0 180) (length 2.54)
(name "" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "mcz33810:Module-mcz33810-0.1" (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "M" (at 1.27 1.27 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Value" "Module-mcz33810-0.1" (at 20.32 1.27 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "hellen-one-mcz33810-0.1:mcz33810" (at 25.4 1.27 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "Module-mcz33810-0.1_1_0"
(rectangle (start 0 0) (end 33.02 -49.53)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type background))
(text "Remove R806, R808, R810, R812, Q801-Q804,\nC806-C809 and install 0 Ohm R814-R817 \nfor use with smart coils" (at 16.51 -48.26 900)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -46.99 0) (length 5.08)
(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "G" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "Module-mcz33810-0.1_1_1"
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -21.59 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_INJ4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "E1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -19.05 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_INJ3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "E2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -13.97 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_INJ1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "E3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -16.51 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_INJ2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "E4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -2.54 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_IGN1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "N1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -5.08 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_IGN2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "N2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -7.62 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_IGN3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "N3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -10.16 0) (length 5.08)
(name "OUT_IGN4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "N4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -21.59 180) (length 5.08)
(name "INJ4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -39.37 180) (length 5.08)
(name "~OUTEN" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S10" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -44.45 180) (length 5.08)
(name "NOMI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S11" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -46.99 180) (length 5.08)
(name "MAXI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S12" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -34.29 180) (length 5.08)
(name "MISO" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S13" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -26.67 180) (length 5.08)
(name "MOSI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S14" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -29.21 180) (length 5.08)
(name "SCLK" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S15" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -31.75 180) (length 5.08)
(name "~CS" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S16" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -26.67 0) (length 5.08)
(name "12V_IN" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S17" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at -5.08 -29.21 0) (length 5.08)
(name "3V3_IN" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S18" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -19.05 180) (length 5.08)
(name "INJ3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -16.51 180) (length 5.08)
(name "INJ2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -41.91 180) (length 5.08)
(name "~SPKDUR" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -10.16 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IGN4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -7.62 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IGN3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -5.08 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IGN2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -2.54 180) (length 5.08)
(name "IGN1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(pin passive line (at 38.1 -13.97 180) (length 5.08)
(name "INJ1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "S9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "power:+12V" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "#PWR" (at 0 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Value" "+12V" (at 0 3.556 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "global power" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"+12V\"" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "+12V_0_1"
(xy -0.762 1.27)
(xy 0 2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0 0)
(xy 0 2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0 2.54)
(xy 0.762 1.27)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "+12V_1_1"
(pin power_in line (at 0 0 90) (length 0) hide
(name "+12V" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "power:+3V3" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "#PWR" (at 0 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Value" "+3V3" (at 0 3.556 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_keywords" "global power" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"+3V3\"" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "+3V3_0_1"
(xy -0.762 1.27)
(xy 0 2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0 0)
(xy 0 2.54)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(xy 0 2.54)
(xy 0.762 1.27)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "+3V3_1_1"
(pin power_in line (at 0 0 90) (length 0) hide
(name "+3V3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(symbol "power:GND" (power) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)
(property "Reference" "#PWR" (at 0 -6.35 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Value" "GND" (at 0 -3.81 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "ki_description" "Power symbol creates a global label with name \"GND\" , ground" (at 0 0 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(symbol "GND_0_1"
(xy 0 0)
(xy 0 -1.27)
(xy 1.27 -1.27)
(xy 0 -2.54)
(xy -1.27 -1.27)
(xy 0 -1.27)
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(fill (type none))
(symbol "GND_1_1"
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(name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))))
(junction (at 194.31 52.07) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 0370db70-5e6e-4641-9a0e-28c583123084)
(junction (at 144.78 147.32) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 0ee35246-6a36-4402-a1e8-3f8c9576c5f6)
(junction (at 90.17 137.16) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 0fe1d11c-62a1-4990-afc7-f7abf28a6054)
(junction (at 151.13 147.32) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 194.31 62.23) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 171.45 144.78) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 198.12 64.77) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 205.74 115.57) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 199.39 20.32) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 144.78 154.94) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 2eeaf46c-986b-4ba5-94fe-ac19ffdad92b)
(junction (at 205.74 20.32) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 347e9d27-daa1-4bf3-b897-6e5c5f2e9dc9)
(junction (at 151.13 154.94) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 3b6112df-98c6-45e1-bce3-33a0d3d41625)
(junction (at 147.32 154.94) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 4b5f1136-3ad2-4257-838e-3236f2501089)
(junction (at 199.39 52.07) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 4b7c7743-a230-4eae-9e48-c0a11dbaa3f6)
(junction (at 165.1 154.94) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 640815ad-d9cd-497e-9d6c-2c4ffe66ebcf)
(junction (at 205.74 52.07) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 7ed74a99-f36b-4e79-839d-f4a9c130bfd0)
(junction (at 210.82 133.35) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 186.69 93.98) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 87f47ebf-6797-4fd9-bdfa-931823416f4c)
(junction (at 199.39 115.57) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 194.31 125.73) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 194.31 83.82) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 194.31 93.98) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 930b10c1-5d80-4080-85f1-e636f179cd62)
(junction (at 199.39 83.82) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 210.82 69.85) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 9b49a31c-3e2d-4983-91ff-b6157ad93f55)
(junction (at 198.12 96.52) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid 9db95c34-c78c-4a07-9fc2-adb365569900)
(junction (at 83.82 144.78) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 198.12 128.27) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 165.1 144.78) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 210.82 101.6) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid ac4f4f30-791d-493b-8c2b-f9e822aa860f)
(junction (at 157.48 130.81) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 194.31 20.32) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid afef8bc2-c0c2-46d7-afb5-ef5fa80233b0)
(junction (at 83.82 120.65) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid b0316aa3-d5ae-4732-81d1-3803bddf41eb)
(junction (at 205.74 83.82) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid b2145aaa-e584-430a-96ec-4720ab47fd02)
(junction (at 157.48 138.43) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid b371fabc-03f0-463a-9ebf-80ef5cf2a4e0)
(junction (at 194.31 30.48) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 194.31 115.57) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
(uuid bf10e77f-268e-4ed9-abfa-7e8d54d6ffb2)
(junction (at 186.69 62.23) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 186.69 30.48) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 186.69 125.73) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(junction (at 198.12 33.02) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0)
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(wire (pts (xy 194.31 130.81) (xy 194.31 125.73))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 027d0d6d-4e64-4bd5-afd4-fd27d51d6b21)
(wire (pts (xy 194.31 35.56) (xy 194.31 30.48))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 186.69 83.82) (xy 186.69 86.36))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 061c30c5-f14d-466e-8ec5-335a4e915b66)
(wire (pts (xy 205.74 20.32) (xy 223.52 20.32))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 189.23 147.32) (xy 210.82 147.32))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 186.69 115.57) (xy 194.31 115.57))
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(wire (pts (xy 163.83 109.22) (xy 163.83 33.02))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 194.31 99.06) (xy 194.31 93.98))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 127b4806-2c22-4ac1-a894-bdd34e7c918b)
(wire (pts (xy 68.58 139.7) (xy 102.87 139.7))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 171.45 93.98) (xy 186.69 93.98))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 1484247f-3632-41e5-a029-efe8ae8e18b2)
(wire (pts (xy 194.31 20.32) (xy 186.69 20.32))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 14869afb-e1ba-48bc-87ce-625dcb9589d0)
(wire (pts (xy 68.58 91.44) (xy 102.87 91.44))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 177.8 124.46) (xy 177.8 128.27))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 151.13 154.94) (xy 165.1 154.94))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 198.12 125.73) (xy 198.12 128.27))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 171.45 144.78) (xy 173.99 144.78))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 191949cb-628a-4034-a959-de9d4ae672ae)
(wire (pts (xy 210.82 69.85) (xy 210.82 101.6))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 93.98) (xy 102.87 93.98))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 1ba674e9-32ac-40ac-bf09-17946c9f0b8a)
(wire (pts (xy 166.37 62.23) (xy 186.69 62.23))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 1cfa8ee3-94db-4980-b6ea-e7c5bb930368)
(wire (pts (xy 163.83 33.02) (xy 198.12 33.02))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
(uuid 221a1819-ab09-43b9-97ad-4f8db06cebd6)
(wire (pts (xy 146.05 137.16) (xy 143.51 137.16))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 199.39 83.82) (xy 205.74 83.82))
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(wire (pts (xy 210.82 133.35) (xy 210.82 147.32))
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(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 168.91 64.77) (xy 198.12 64.77))
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 149.86) (xy 102.87 149.86))
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(wire (pts (xy 186.69 52.07) (xy 186.69 54.61))
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 96.52) (xy 102.87 96.52))
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(wire (pts (xy 102.87 119.38) (xy 97.79 119.38))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 143.51 116.84) (xy 171.45 116.84))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 173.99 119.38) (xy 143.51 119.38))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 143.51 121.92) (xy 180.34 121.92))
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 114.3) (xy 97.79 114.3))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 100.33 114.3) (xy 100.33 111.76))
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 137.16) (xy 90.17 137.16))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(wire (pts (xy 68.58 109.22) (xy 102.87 109.22))
(stroke (width 0) (type default))
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(path "/673ceef2-a824-4aeb-8c7e-ce9fe0eb349d"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497"
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
(reference "#PWR?") (unit 1)
(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
(reference "#PWR?") (unit 1)
(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/0c617583-4e3e-4059-8607-2ed650d520f4"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/56629487-12bb-4ea4-9c4b-d3a7d652a8b0"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced)
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
(reference "#PWR?") (unit 1)
(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/0c617583-4e3e-4059-8607-2ed650d520f4"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/0c617583-4e3e-4059-8607-2ed650d520f4"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(property "Reference" "M801" (at 62.23 20.32 0)
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497"
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(path "/feee693e-e752-43b6-82de-bf1e990fd6ba"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
(reference "C25") (unit 1)
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(project "MCZ33810_0.1"
(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
(reference "C25") (unit 1)
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/0c617583-4e3e-4059-8607-2ed650d520f4"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/56629487-12bb-4ea4-9c4b-d3a7d652a8b0"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid cb4c73c3-d7cc-4d2d-8065-b57c9a31d97c)
(property "Reference" "R140" (at 191.6653 104.4604 0)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
(reference "R811") (unit 1)
(project "hellen-112-mg1"
(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid cd31d1a5-f063-4e07-b401-bdee349c27ea)
(property "Reference" "R6" (at 196.7453 57.4704 0)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 199.39 52.07 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(pin "2" (uuid de690490-a653-4816-b8fa-b2fc1413c76d))
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(path "/23920151-d749-4d71-af05-24269e489e7d/52b80218-1fbe-4438-a84f-ef1027b777e6"
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(path "/23920151-d749-4d71-af05-24269e489e7d/731feccd-ffc7-4031-b50e-5cd5b5117689"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/c9243343-f56b-49d3-82f5-dfe50b9f59a0"
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(path "/673ceef2-a824-4aeb-8c7e-ce9fe0eb349d"
(reference "R3") (unit 1)
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid cf35a6b6-3014-422d-a8b6-3286fd75b706)
(property "Reference" "R138" (at 191.6653 89.2204 0)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(pin "2" (uuid a434d7a6-21fa-4232-b2e5-205d7faa1a02))
(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
(reference "R138") (unit 1)
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(project "hellen1-mcz33810"
(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
(reference "R80") (unit 1)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid df661019-7e2b-48b4-9664-56bbcc81451b)
(property "Reference" "R137" (at 87.63 125.73 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(pin "2" (uuid 5bd15baf-c641-472c-bcfb-aaf6b0ad1fd1))
(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid e44f6322-afc9-4bab-9ede-42e55663f7e2)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(pin "2" (uuid 455da893-f5a7-45fa-bb9e-512b9246cf89))
(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/0c617583-4e3e-4059-8607-2ed650d520f4"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/56629487-12bb-4ea4-9c4b-d3a7d652a8b0"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 194.31 77.47 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(pin "1" (uuid a19c94f3-3665-4d76-8e95-308eefd1082f))
(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
(reference "#PWR0157") (unit 1)
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
(reference "#PWR?") (unit 1)
(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/0c617583-4e3e-4059-8607-2ed650d520f4"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/56629487-12bb-4ea4-9c4b-d3a7d652a8b0"
(reference "#PWR076") (unit 1)
(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
(reference "#PWR020") (unit 1)
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid ecf9c337-0838-4c97-ac4e-1c6846c42052)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "kicad6-libraries:Shunt_1206" (at 168.148 134.62 90)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "~" (at 166.37 134.62 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(project "MCZ33810_0.1"
(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid ef24afb1-fb40-4ad2-8540-8c4ee67b51c4)
(property "Reference" "R6" (at 196.7453 120.9704 0)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
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(path "/23920151-d749-4d71-af05-24269e489e7d/731feccd-ffc7-4031-b50e-5cd5b5117689"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/c9243343-f56b-49d3-82f5-dfe50b9f59a0"
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(path "/673ceef2-a824-4aeb-8c7e-ce9fe0eb349d"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid f02fb9aa-932b-47ed-84d1-a34e2b95aeb7)
(property "Reference" "R137" (at 151.13 129.54 0)
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(pin "2" (uuid c43c6658-8a1d-482f-8b86-e5b0ff90c812))
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
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(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
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(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid fcf70121-0370-4782-a445-ad43c2f144c3)
(property "Reference" "R137" (at 151.13 134.62 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
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(pin "2" (uuid 8bde688a-00e7-481c-8773-299215e4391c))
(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
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(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
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(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
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(project "hellen1-mcz33810"
(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
(reference "R804") (unit 1)
(project "hellen-112-mg1"
(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
(reference "R74") (unit 1)
(symbol (lib_id "power:GND") (at 147.32 154.94 0) (unit 1)
(in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no)
(uuid ff883646-23d0-4799-8d88-677dc4b1e91c)
(property "Reference" "#PWR0154" (at 147.32 161.29 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Value" "GND" (at 147.3708 158.8834 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))
(property "Footprint" "" (at 147.32 154.94 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(property "Datasheet" "" (at 147.32 154.94 0)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide)
(pin "1" (uuid 33c98b38-e536-4889-b212-66d5fca183eb))
(project "MC33810-breakout"
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17"
(reference "#PWR0154") (unit 1)
(path "/03caada9-9e22-4e2d-9035-b15433dfbb17/6974c204-4723-4ff4-849b-519f8c359510"
(reference "#PWR04") (unit 1)
(project "MCZ33810_0.1"
(path "/55da8078-ddc2-4ad5-8b9d-64e3d9682bd8"
(reference "#PWR0154") (unit 1)
(project "hd81"
(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460"
(reference "#PWR?") (unit 1)
(path "/63d2dd9f-d5ff-4811-a88d-0ba932475460/acfc947e-83f8-4337-8875-0b5803a46f9e"
(reference "#PWR088") (unit 1)
(project "hellen1-mcz33810"
(path "/759a7f60-bcfd-4446-a468-fcc3b8c86cdc"
(reference "#PWR0805") (unit 1)
(project "hellen-112-mg1"
(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/0c617583-4e3e-4059-8607-2ed650d520f4"
(reference "#PWR0148") (unit 1)
(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/56629487-12bb-4ea4-9c4b-d3a7d652a8b0"
(reference "#PWR076") (unit 1)
(path "/ac264c30-3e9a-4be2-b97a-9949b68bd497/c2762d2b-aede-446e-934c-a817ad3a02f0"
(reference "#PWR016") (unit 1)
(path "/" (page "1"))