
399 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Hellen-One: A board rendering script.
# here we produde andreika-git-iBom using gerbers, placement and BOM files as input.
# andreika-git-iBom adds 3D view of the PCB into the original https://github.com/openscopeproject/InteractiveHtmlBom
# (c) andreika <prometheus.pcb@gmail.com>
# based on iBom-template.html produced by https://github.com/openscopeproject/InteractiveHtmlBom
import os, sys
import re
import json, csv
import math, copy
import base64
from datetime import datetime
from lzstring import LZString
if len(sys.argv) < 12:
print "Error! Please specify all the parameters!"
boardName = sys.argv[1]
revision = sys.argv[2]
renderedPcbDpi = sys.argv[3]
keepoutPath = sys.argv[4]
topSilkPath = sys.argv[5]
renderedPcbPath = sys.argv[6]
bomPath = sys.argv[7]
cplPath = sys.argv[8]
footprintsPath = sys.argv[9]
fixRotationsPath = sys.argv[10]
iBomFilePath = sys.argv[11]
htmlFileName = './bin/iBom-template.html'
inch_to_mm = 25.4
def getFormat(xI, xD, yI, yD, yInvert):
print "* Format: ", xI, xD, yI, yD
fmt_pat_x = re.compile(r'^([0-9]{'+xI+'})([0-9]{'+xD+'})$')
fmt_pat_y = re.compile(r'^([0-9]{'+yI+'})([0-9]{'+yD+'})$')
return [fmt_pat_x, fmt_pat_y, yInvert]
def getCoords(pos, format):
x = format[0].match(pos[0])
y = format[1].match(pos[1])
if x and y:
x = float(x.group(1) + "." + x.group(2)) * inch_to_mm
y = float(y.group(1) + "." + y.group(2)) * inch_to_mm
if format[2]:
y = format[2] - y
return [x, y]
sys.exit('Error! Cannot parse position ' + str(pos))
def getSize(size, format):
if type(size) is list:
size = 0.5 * (float(size[0]) + float(size[1]))
return float(size) * inch_to_mm
def readGerber(filePath, yInvert):
json = []
apertList = dict()
apert_circle_pat = re.compile(r'^%ADD([0-9]+)C,([+\-0-9\.]+)(X([+\-0-9\.]+))?\*%$')
apert_rect_pat = re.compile(r'^%ADD([0-9]+)R,([+\-0-9\.]+)(X([+\-0-9\.]+))?(X([+\-0-9\.]+))?\*%$')
op_pat = re.compile(r'^(X([+\-0-9]+))?(Y([+\-0-9]+))?D([0-9]+)\*$')
format_pat = re.compile(r'^%FSLAX([0-9])([0-9])Y([0-9])([0-9])\*%$')
cur_x = "0"
cur_y = "0"
cur_size = "0"
cur_aper_type = ""
inPoly = False
polyStartPos = []
polyOutlines = []
polyPoints = []
minCoord = [ 99999, 99999 ]
maxCoord = [ -99999, -99999 ]
format = getFormat("2", "5", "2", "5", yInvert)
invertedMask = False
with open(filePath, 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
#print line
if line == "%LPC*%":
invertedMask = True
if line == "%LPD*%":
invertedMask = False
fmt = format_pat.match(line)
if fmt:
format = getFormat(fmt.group(1), fmt.group(2), fmt.group(3), fmt.group(4), yInvert)
apertCircle = apert_circle_pat.match(line)
if apertCircle:
apertNum = int(apertCircle.group(1))
apertSize = apertCircle.group(2)
apertList[apertNum] = ["circle", apertSize]
# print "* Aperture C: " + str(apertNum) + " = " + apertSize
apertRect = apert_rect_pat.match(line)
if apertRect:
apertNum = int(apertRect.group(1))
apertSizeX = apertRect.group(2)
apertSizeY = apertRect.group(4)
apertList[apertNum] = ["rect", [apertSizeX, apertSizeY]]
# print "* Aperture R: " + str(apertNum) + " = " + apertSizeX + " " + apertSizeY
op = op_pat.match(line)
if op:
x = op.group(2) or cur_x
y = op.group(4) or cur_y
op = op.group(5)
# draw
if op == "01":
curCoords = getCoords([x, y], format)
minCoord[0] = min(curCoords[0], minCoord[0])
minCoord[1] = min(curCoords[1], minCoord[1])
maxCoord[0] = max(curCoords[0], maxCoord[0])
maxCoord[1] = max(curCoords[1], maxCoord[1])
if inPoly:
jsonLine = {"type": "segment", "width": getSize(cur_size, format), "start": getCoords([cur_x, cur_y], format), "end": curCoords}
# move
if op == "02":
if inPoly and len(polyPoints) > 0:
polyPoints = []
# flash
if op == "03":
curCoords = getCoords([x, y], format)
if cur_aper_type == "circle":
# todo: approximate with poly?
jsonCircle = {"type": "segment", "width": 0.2, "start": curCoords, "radius": getSize(cur_size, format) }
if cur_aper_type == "rect":
xS = getSize(cur_size[0], format) / 2
yS = getSize(cur_size[1], format) / 2
color = "#fff" if invertedMask else "#aa4"
jsonPoly = {"type": "polygon", "pos": curCoords, "angle": 0, "color": color, "polygons": [[[-xS, -yS], [xS, -yS], [xS, yS], [-xS, yS]]]}
if int(op) > 3:
a = int(op)
cur_aper_type = apertList[a][0]
cur_size = apertList[a][1]
# print "* Changing aperture: ", a
cur_x = x
cur_y = y
if line == "G36*": # region begin
polyStartPos = [ cur_x, cur_y ]
polyOutlines = []
polyPoints = []
inPoly = True
if line == "G37*": # region end
color = "#fff" if invertedMask else "#aa4"
jsonPoly = {"type": "polygon", "pos": [0, 0], "angle": 0, "color": color, "polygons": []}
for ol in polyOutlines:
jsonOutline = []
for point in ol:
inPoly = False
return { "json": json, "min": minCoord, "max": maxCoord }
def updateBbox(bbox, padXY, padWH):
bbox[0][0] = min(bbox[0][0], padXY[0] - padWH[0])
bbox[0][1] = min(bbox[0][1], padXY[1] - padWH[1])
bbox[1][0] = max(bbox[1][0], padXY[0] + padWH[0])
bbox[1][1] = max(bbox[1][1], padXY[1] + padWH[1])
return bbox
def readFootprint(fpname, footprintsPath, des):
if not fpname:
return None
pat_module = re.compile(r'\((module|footprint)\s+\"?([\w\-\.\:]+)\"?\s+\(layer\s+\"?([FB])')
pat_pad = re.compile(r'^\s*\(pad\s+\"?([0-9A-Z]+)\"?\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+\(at\s+([+\-0-9e\.]+)\s+([+\-0-9e\.]+)\s*([+\-0-9\.]+)?\)\s+\(size\s+([+\-0-9\.]+)\s+([+\-0-9\.]+)\)(\s*\(drill\s+([+\-0-9\.]+)\))?\s+\(layer[s]?\s+\"?([^\)]+)\)(\s*\(roundrect_rratio\s+([+\-0-9\.]+)\))?')
fpFileName = footprintsPath + "/" + fpname + ".kicad_mod"
print("* Reading " + fpFileName)
if not os.path.isfile(fpFileName):
print("* Error! Footprint NOT FOUND! Skipping " + des)
return None
json = {"drawings": [], "pads": []}
bbox = [[ 9999.0, 9999.0 ], [ -9999.0, -9999.0 ]]
with open(fpFileName, 'rt') as f:
for line in f:
module = pat_module.match(line)
if module:
json["layer"] = module.group(3)
pad = pat_pad.match(line)
if pad:
padIdx = pad.group(1)
padType = pad.group(2)
padShape = pad.group(3)
padX = pad.group(4)
padY = pad.group(5)
padRot = pad.group(6) if pad.group(6) else "0"
padW = pad.group(7)
padH = pad.group(8)
padDrill = pad.group(10) if pad.group(10) else "0"
padLayers = pad.group(11)
padRrect = pad.group(13) if pad.group(13) else "0"
bbox = updateBbox(bbox, [float(padX), float(padY)], [float(padW) * 0.5, float(padH) * 0.5])
pad = {
"layers": ["F"], # todo: parse layers
"type": ("smd" if padType == "smd" else "th"),
"pos": [ float(padX), float(padY) ],
"size": [ float(padW), float(padH) ],
#"offset": [ 0.0, 0.0 ],
"angle": float(padRot),
"shape": padShape
if padIdx == "1":
pad["pin1"] = 1
if padShape == "roundrect":
pad["radius"] = padRrect
if padType != "smd":
pad["drillsize"] = [float(padDrill), float(padDrill)]
json["bbox"] = {
"relpos": bbox[0],
"size": [bbox[1][0] - bbox[0][0], bbox[1][1] - bbox[0][1]],
return json
def getPosValue(c):
return float(c.replace("mm", ""))
def rotate(origin, point, angle):
# the angle is inverted because the Y-axis is inverted
angleRad = math.radians(-angle)
[ox, oy] = origin
[px, py] = point
qx = ox + math.cos(angleRad) * (px - ox) - math.sin(angleRad) * (py - oy)
qy = oy + math.sin(angleRad) * (px - ox) + math.cos(angleRad) * (py - oy)
return [qx, qy]
def readFootprints(bomPath, cplPath, footprintsPath, yInvert):
json = {"footprints": [],
"bom": {
"both": [],
"F": [],
"B": [],
"skipped": []
bom = {}
bomlut = []
footprints = {}
rotations = {}
# read rotations csv (to undo weird JLC's angles which are not footprint-oriented)
with open(fixRotationsPath, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
rotations[row[0]] = float(row[1])
# read BOM csv
with open(bomPath, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
if not row[2]:
print("* Skipping an empty footprint for (" + row[1] + ")...")
bb = row[1].split(", ")
bomlut.append({ "value": row[0], "fp": row[2], "refs": [] })
idx = len(bomlut) - 1
for b in bb:
bom[b] = { "fp": row[2], "idx": idx }
# read CPL csv
with open(cplPath, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
if row[0] in bom:
fpname = bom[row[0]]["fp"]
idx = bom[row[0]]["idx"]
# search the stored footprint or load a new one
if fpname in footprints:
fprint = footprints[fpname]
fprint = readFootprint(fpname, footprintsPath, row[0])
# if the footprint is not found, we cannot add it to the iBOM
if not fprint:
if idx in bomlut:
del bom[row[0]]
footprints[fpname] = fprint
fpr = copy.deepcopy(fprint)
fpr["ref"] = row[0]
fpr["bbox"]["pos"] = [ getPosValue(row[1]), getPosValue(row[2]) ]
fpr["bbox"]["angle"] = float(row[4])
origin = [0, 0]
rotation = 0
# reverse the JLC's rotation if this is one of 'special' corrected footprints
for rot in rotations:
if re.match(rot, fpname):
rotation = -rotations[rot]
fpr["bbox"]["angle"] += rotation
fpr["bbox"]["pos"][1] = yInvert - fpr["bbox"]["pos"][1]
for p in range(len(fpr["pads"])):
# move and rotate the pads according to the CPL data
fpr["pads"][p]["pos"] = rotate(origin, fpr["pads"][p]["pos"], fpr["bbox"]["angle"])
fpr["pads"][p]["pos"][0] += fpr["bbox"]["pos"][0]
fpr["pads"][p]["pos"][1] += fpr["bbox"]["pos"][1]
fpr["pads"][p]["angle"] += fpr["bbox"]["angle"]
fid = len(json["footprints"]) - 1
bomlut[idx]["refs"].append([row[0], fid])
for b in bomlut:
refs = b["refs"]
if len(refs) < 1:
print ("* Skipping DNP component: " + b["value"])
bomItem = [
# todo: handle layers
return json
with open(htmlFileName, 'rb') as f:
html = f.read()
data = {
"footprints": [ ],
"edges": [],
"ibom_version": "v2.3",
"bom": { },
"silkscreen": { "B": [], "F": [] },
"edges_bbox": { },
"font_data": { },
"metadata": { "date": datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S"), "company": "rusEFI", "revision": revision, "title": "Hellen One: " + boardName }
# first, get yInvert
keepout = readGerber(keepoutPath, None)
yInvert = keepout["min"][1] + keepout["max"][1]
keepout = readGerber(keepoutPath, yInvert)
#print json.dumps(edges)
data["edges"] = keepout["json"]
data["edges_bbox"]["minx"] = keepout["min"][0]
data["edges_bbox"]["miny"] = keepout["min"][1]
data["edges_bbox"]["maxx"] = keepout["max"][0]
data["edges_bbox"]["maxy"] = keepout["max"][1]
topSilk = readGerber(topSilkPath, yInvert)
data["silkscreen"]["F"] = topSilk["json"]
footprints = readFootprints(bomPath, cplPath, footprintsPath, yInvert)
data["footprints"] = footprints["footprints"]
data["bom"] = footprints["bom"]
print("* Compressing the data...")
jsonText = json.dumps(data)
print("* Adding the pcb image...")
with open(renderedPcbPath, mode='rb') as f:
renderedPcb = f.read()
html = html.replace('___PCBDPI___', renderedPcbDpi)
html = html.replace('___PCBIMAGE___', 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64.b64encode(renderedPcb))
print("* Adding the BOM data...")
jsonBase64 = LZString().compress_to_base64(jsonText)
html = html.replace('___PCBDATA___', jsonBase64)
print("* Writing the output BOM file...")
with open(iBomFilePath, "wt") as wf:
print "Done!"