A secondary Rev limit engaged by the driver to help launch the vehicle faster
### rpmHardLimit
set rpm_hard_limit X
### engineSnifferRpmThreshold
Engine sniffer would be disabled above this rpm\nset engineSnifferRpmThreshold X
### multisparkMaxRpm
Disable multispark above this engine speed.
### maxAcRpm
Above this RPM, disable AC. Set to 0 to disable check.
### maxAcTps
Above this TPS, disable AC. Set to 0 to disable check.
### maxAcClt
Above this CLT, disable AC to prevent overheating the engine. Set to 0 to disable check.
### multisparkMaxSparkingAngle
This parameter sets the latest that the last multispark can occur after the main ignition event. For example, if the ignition timing is 30 degrees BTDC, and this parameter is set to 45, no multispark will ever be fired after 15 degrees ATDC.
### multisparkMaxExtraSparkCount
Configures the maximum number of extra sparks to fire (does not include main spark)
### injector.flow
This is your injector flow at the fuel pressure used in the vehicle. cc/min, cubic centimetre per minute\nBy the way, g/s = 0.125997881 * (lb/hr)\ng/s = 0.125997881 * (cc/min)/10.5\ng/s = 0.0119997981 * cc/min
This is your injector flow at the fuel pressure used in the vehicle. cc/min, cubic centimetre per minute\nBy the way, g/s = 0.125997881 * (lb/hr)\ng/s = 0.125997881 * (cc/min)/10.5\ng/s = 0.0119997981 * cc/min
On some Ford and Toyota vehicles one of the throttle sensors is not linear on the full range, i.e. in the specific range of the positions we effectively have only one sensor.
Inhibit operation of this fan while the engine is not running.
### disableFan2WhenStopped
Inhibit operation of this fan while the engine is not running.
### enableTrailingSparks
Enable secondary spark outputs that fire after the primary (rotaries, twin plug engines).
### etb_use_two_wires
TLE7209 uses two-wire mode. TLE9201 and VNH2SP30 do NOT use two wire mode.
### isDoubleSolenoidIdle
Subaru/BMW style where default valve position is somewhere in the middle. First solenoid opens it more while second can close it more than default position.
### useEeprom
### useCicPidForIdle
Switch between Industrial and Cic PID implementation
### useTLE8888_cranking_hack
### kickStartCranking
### useSeparateIdleTablesForCrankingTaper
This uses separate ignition timing and VE tables not only for idle conditions, also during the postcranking-to-idle taper transition (See also afterCrankingIACtaperDuration).
For cranking either use the specified fixed base fuel mass, or use the normal running math (VE table).
### displayLogicLevelsInEngineSniffer
Shall we display real life signal or just the part consumed by trigger decoder.\nApplies to both trigger and cam/vvt input.\n\nenable logic_level_trigger
### useTLE8888_stepper
### usescriptTableForCanSniffingFiltering
### verboseCan
Print incoming and outgoing first bus CAN messages in rusEFI console
### artificialTestMisfire
Experimental setting that will cause a misfire\nDO NOT ENABLE.
On some Ford and Toyota vehicles one of the pedal sensors is not linear on the full range, i.e. in the specific range of the positions we effectively have only one sensor.
Base mass of the per-cylinder fuel injected during cranking. This is then modified by the multipliers for CLT, IAT, TPS ect, to give the final cranking pulse width.\nA reasonable starting point is 60mg per liter per cylinder.\nex: 2 liter 4 cyl = 500cc/cyl, so 30mg cranking fuel.
### cranking.rpm
This sets the RPM limit below which the ECU will use cranking fuel and ignition logic, typically this is around 350-450rpm. \nset cranking_rpm X
### ignitionDwellForCrankingMs
Dwell duration while cranking
### etbRevLimitStart
Once engine speed passes this value, start reducing ETB angle.
### etbRevLimitRange
This far above 'Soft limiter start', fully close the throttle. At the bottom of the range, throttle control is normal. At the top of the range, the throttle is fully closed.
### map.sensor.lowValue
kPa value at low volts
### map.sensor.highValue
kPa value at high volts
### clt.config.tempC_1
these values are in Celcius
### clt.config.tempC_2
### clt.config.tempC_3
### clt.config.resistance_1
### clt.config.resistance_2
### clt.config.resistance_3
### clt.config.bias_resistor
Pull-up resistor value on your board
### iat.config.tempC_1
these values are in Celcius
### iat.config.tempC_2
### iat.config.tempC_3
### iat.config.resistance_1
### iat.config.resistance_2
### iat.config.resistance_3
### iat.config.bias_resistor
Pull-up resistor value on your board
### launchTimingRetard
### hip9011PrescalerAndSDO
value '6' for 8MHz hw osc\nread hip9011 datasheet for details\ntodo split into two bit fields
Minimum RPM to enable boost control. Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle, and help spool in some cases.
### boostControlMinTps
Minimum TPS to enable boost control. Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle, and help spool in some cases.
### boostControlMinMap
Minimum MAP to enable boost control. Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle, and help spool in some cases.
### crankingTimingAngle
Ignition advance angle used during engine cranking, 5-10 degrees will work as a base setting for most engines.\nThere is tapering towards running timing advance\nset cranking_timing_angle X
### gapTrackingLengthOverride
How many consecutive gap rations have to match expected ranges for sync to happen
### maxIdleVss
Above this speed, disable closed loop idle control. Set to 0 to disable (allow closed loop idle at any speed).
### minOilPressureAfterStart
Expected oil pressure after starting the engine. If oil pressure does not reach this level within 5 seconds of engine start, fuel will be cut. Set to 0 to disable and always allow starting.
### fixedModeTiming
This value is the ignition timing used when in 'fixed timing' mode, i.e. constant timing\nThis mode is useful when adjusting distributor location.
Angle between Top Dead Center (TDC) and the first trigger event.\nPositive value in case of synchronization point before TDC and negative in case of synchronization point after TDC\n.Knowing this angle allows us to control timing and other angles in reference to TDC.\nset global_trigger_offset_angle X
Ratio/coefficient of input voltage dividers on your PCB. For example, use '2' if your board divides 5v into 2.5v. Use '1.66' if your board divides 5v into 3v.
### vbattDividerCoeff
This is the ratio of the resistors for the battery voltage, measure the voltage at the battery and then adjust this number until the gauge matches the reading.
### fanOnTemperature
Cooling fan turn-on temperature threshold, in Celsius
### fanOffTemperature
Cooling fan turn-off temperature threshold, in Celsius
### driveWheelRevPerKm
Number of revolutions per kilometer for the wheels your vehicle speed sensor is connected to. Use an online calculator to determine this based on your tire size.
Duty cycle to use in case of a sensor failure. This duty cycle should produce the minimum possible amount of boost. This duty is also used in case any of the minimum RPM/TPS/MAP conditions are not met.
Ignition timing to remove when a knock event occurs.
### knockRetardReapplyRate
After a knock event, reapply timing at this rate.
### vssFilterReciprocal
Set this so your vehicle speed signal is responsive, but not noisy. Larger value give smoother but slower response.
### vssGearRatio
Number of turns of your vehicle speed sensor per turn of the wheels. For example if your sensor is on the transmission output, enter your axle/differential ratio. If you are using a hub-mounted sensor, enter a value of 1.0.
### vssToothCount
Number of pulses output per revolution of the shaft where your VSS is mounted. For example, GM applications of the T56 output 17 pulses per revolution of the transmission output shaft.
Minimum allowed time for the boost phase. If the boost target current is reached before this time elapses, it is assumed that the injector has failed short circuit.
### acIdleExtraOffset
Additional idle % while A/C is active
### finalGearRatio
Ratio between the wheels and your transmission output.
### tcuInputSpeedSensorTeeth
### wastegatePositionMin
Voltage when the wastegate is closed.\nYou probably don't have one of these!
### wastegatePositionMax
Voltage when the wastegate is fully open.\nYou probably don't have one of these!\n1 volt = 1000 units
### idlePositionMin
Voltage when the idle valve is closed.\nYou probably don't have one of these!
### idlePositionMax
Voltage when the idle valve is open.\nYou probably don't have one of these!\n1 volt = 1000 units
### tunerStudioSerialSpeed
Secondary TTL channel baud rate
### compressionRatio
Just for reference really, not taken into account by any logic at this point
CAN broadcast using custom rusEFI protocol\nenable can_broadcast/disable can_broadcast
### etb1configured
### etb2configured
### measureMapOnlyInOneCylinder
Useful for individual intakes
### stepperForceParkingEveryRestart
### isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled
If enabled, try to fire the engine before a full engine cycle has been completed using RPM estimated from the last 90 degrees of engine rotation. As soon as the trigger syncs plus 90 degrees rotation, fuel and ignition events will occur. If disabled, worst case may require up to 4 full crank rotations before any events are scheduled.
### coastingFuelCutEnabled
This setting disables fuel injection while the engine is in overrun, this is useful as a fuel saving measure and to prevent back firing.
### useIacTableForCoasting
Override the IAC position during overrun conditions to help reduce engine breaking, this can be helpful for large engines in light weight cars or engines that have trouble returning to idle.
### useNoiselessTriggerDecoder
### useIdleTimingPidControl
### disableEtbWhenEngineStopped
Allows disabling the ETB when the engine is stopped. You may not like the power draw or PWM noise from the motor, so this lets you turn it off until it's necessary.
### is_enabled_spi_4
### pauseEtbControl
Disable the electronic throttle motor and DC idle motor for testing.\nThis mode is for testing ETB/DC idle position sensors, etc without actually driving the throttle.
How far above idle speed do we consider idling, i.e. coasting detection threshold.\nFor example, if target = 800, this param = 200, then anything below 1000 RPM is considered idle.
Apply nonlinearity correction below a pulse of this duration. Pulses longer than this duration will receive no adjustment.
### stoichRatioSecondary
Stoichiometric ratio for your secondary fuel. This value is used when the Flex Fuel sensor indicates E100, typically 9.0
### etbMaximumPosition
Maximum allowed ETB position. Some throttles go past fully open, so this allows you to limit it to fully open.
### sdCardLogFrequency
Rate the ECU will log to the SD card, in hz (log lines per second).
### mapMinBufferLength
This many MAP samples are used to estimate the current MAP. This many samples are considered, and the minimum taken. Recommended value is 1 for single-throttle engines, and your number of cylinders for individual throttle bodies.
### idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold
Below this throttle position, the engine is considered idling. If you have an electronic throttle, this checks accelerator pedal position instead of throttle position, and should be set to 1-2%.
### stepperParkingExtraSteps
### tps1SecondaryMin
### tps1SecondaryMax
### antiLagRpmTreshold
### startCrankingDuration
Maximum time to crank starter when start/stop button is pressed
If enabled, adjust at a constant rate instead of a rate proportional to the current lambda error. This mode may be easier to tune, and more tolerant of sensor noise.
Below this engine load, the overrun region is active
### stft.minPowerLoad
Above this engine load, the power region is active
### stft.deadband
When close to correct AFR, pause correction. This can improve stability by not changing the adjustment if the error is extremely small, but is not required.
### stft.minClt
Below this temperature, correction is disabled.
### stft.minAfr
Below this AFR, correction is paused
### stft.maxAfr
Above this AFR, correction is paused
### stft.startupDelay
Delay after starting the engine before beginning closed loop correction.
On even fire engines with even number of cylinders we go wasted spark during cranking. Use this setting to disable wasted spark cranking on odd fire engines.
If enabled, use separate temperature multiplier table for cranking idle position.\nIf disabled, use normal running multiplier table applied to the cranking base position.
### useSeparateAdvanceForIdle
This activates a separate ignition timing table for idle conditions, this can help idle stability by using ignition retard and advance either side of the desired idle speed. Extra retard at low idle speeds will prevent stalling and extra advance at high idle speeds can help reduce engine power and slow the idle speed.
### isWaveAnalyzerEnabled
### useSeparateVeForIdle
This activates a separate fuel table for Idle, this allows fine tuning of the idle fuelling.
### verboseTriggerSynchDetails
Verbose info in console below engineSnifferRpmThreshold\nenable trigger_details
### isManualSpinningMode
Usually if we have no trigger events that means engine is stopped\nUnless we are troubleshooting and spinning the engine by hand - this case a longer\ndelay is needed
This is needed if your coils are individually wired (COP) and you wish to use batch ignition (Wasted Spark).
### useFixedBaroCorrFromMap
### useSeparateAdvanceForCranking
In Constant mode, timing is automatically tapered to running as RPM increases.\nIn Table mode, the "Cranking ignition advance" table is used directly.
### useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking
This enables the various ignition corrections during cranking (IAT, CLT, FSIO and PID idle).\nYou probably don't need this.
### flexCranking
Enable a second cranking table to use for E100 flex fuel, interpolating between the two based on flex fuel sensor.
### useIacPidMultTable
This flag allows to use a special 'PID Multiplier' table (0.0-1.0) to compensate for nonlinear nature of IAC-RPM controller
### isBoostControlEnabled
### launchSmoothRetard
Interpolates the Ignition Retard from 0 to 100% within the RPM Range
### isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition
Some engines are OK running semi-random sequential while other engine require phase synchronization
### useCltBasedRpmLimit
If enabled, use a curve for RPM limit (based on coolant temperature) instead of a constant value.
### forceO2Heating
If enabled, don't wait for engine start to heat O2 sensors. WARNING: this will reduce the life of your sensor, as condensation in the exhaust from a cold start can crack the sensing element.
### invertVvtControlIntake
If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'.
### invertVvtControlExhaust
If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'.
### useBiQuadOnAuxSpeedSensors
### sdTriggerLog
'Trigger' mode will write a high speed log of trigger events (warning: uses lots of space!). 'Normal' mode will write a standard MLG of sensors, engine function, etc. similar to the one captured in TunerStudio.
This is the duration in cycles that the IAC will take to reach its normal idle position, it can be used to hold the idle higher for a few seconds after cranking to improve startup.
How long to look back for TPS-based acceleration enrichment. Increasing this time will trigger enrichment for longer when a throttle position change occurs.
### coastingFuelCutVssLow
Below this speed, disable DFCO. Use this to prevent jerkiness from fuel enable/disable in low gears.
### coastingFuelCutVssHigh
Above this speed, allow DFCO. Use this to prevent jerkiness from fuel enable/disable in low gears.
### noFuelTrimAfterDfcoTime
Pause closed loop fueling after deceleration fuel cut occurs. Set this to a little longer than however long is required for normal fueling behavior to resume after fuel cut.
### tpsAccelEnrichmentThreshold
Maximum change delta of TPS percentage over the 'length'. Actual TPS change has to be above this value in order for TPS/TPS acceleration to kick in.
Minimim timing advance allowed. No spark on any cylinder will ever fire after this angle BTDC. For example, setting -10 here means no spark ever fires later than 10 deg ATDC. Note that this only concerns the primary spark: any trailing sparks or multispark may violate this constraint.
### maximumIgnitionTiming
Maximum timing advance allowed. No spark on any cylinder will ever fire before this angle BTDC. For example, setting 45 here means no spark ever fires earlier than 45 deg BTDC
By the way ETB PID runs at 500hz, length in 1/500 of second here.
### coastingFuelCutRpmHigh
This sets the RPM above which fuel cut is active.
### coastingFuelCutRpmLow
This sets the RPM below which fuel cut is deactivated, this prevents jerking or issues transitioning to idle
### coastingFuelCutTps
Throttle position below which fuel cut is active. With an electronic throttle enabled, this checks against pedal position.
### coastingFuelCutClt
Fuel cutoff is disabled when the engine is cold.
### pidExtraForLowRpm
Increases PID reaction for RPM<targetbyaddingextrapercenttoPID-error
### coastingFuelCutMap
MAP value above which fuel injection is re-enabled.
### highPressureFuel.v1
### highPressureFuel.value1
### highPressureFuel.v2
### highPressureFuel.value2
### lowPressureFuel.v1
### lowPressureFuel.value1
### lowPressureFuel.v2
### lowPressureFuel.value2
### tChargeAirCoefMin
Heat transfer coefficient at zero flow.\n0 means the air charge is fully heated to the same temperature as CLT.\n1 means the air charge gains no heat, and enters the cylinder at the temperature measured by IAT.
### tChargeAirCoefMax
Heat transfer coefficient at high flow, as defined by "max air flow".\n0 means the air charge is fully heated to the same temperature as CLT.\n1 means the air charge gains no heat, and enters the cylinder at the temperature measured by IAT.
### tChargeAirFlowMax
High flow point for heat transfer estimation.\nSet this to perhaps 50-75% of your maximum airflow at wide open throttle.
### tChargeAirIncrLimit
Maximum allowed rate of increase allowed for the estimated charge temperature
### tChargeAirDecrLimit
Maximum allowed rate of decrease allowed for the estimated charge temperature
By the way ETB PID runs at 500hz, length in 1/500 of second here.
### tpsAccelFractionPeriod
A delay in cycles between fuel-enrich. portions
### tpsAccelFractionDivisor
A fraction divisor: 1 or less = entire portion at once, or split into diminishing fractions
### idlerpmpid_iTermMin
iTerm min value
### stoichRatioPrimary
Stoichiometric ratio for your primary fuel. When Flex Fuel is enabled, this value is used when the Flex Fuel sensor indicates E0.\nE0 = 14.7\nE10 = 14.1\nE85 = 9.9\nE100 = 9.0
### idlerpmpid_iTermMax
iTerm max value
### etbIdleThrottleRange
This sets the range of the idle control on the ETB. At 100% idle position, the value specified here sets the base ETB position.
Maximum allowed boost phase time. If the injector current doesn't reach the threshold before this time elapses, it is assumed that the injector is missing or has failed open circuit.
Below this RPM, use camshaft information to synchronize the crank's position for full sequential operation. Use this if your cam sensor does weird things at high RPM. Set to 0 to disable, and always use cam to help sync crank.
### dfcoDelay
Delay before cutting fuel. Set to 0 to cut immediately with no delay. May cause rumbles and pops out of your exhaust...
### acDelay
Delay before engaging the AC compressor. Set to 0 to engage immediately with no delay. Use this to prevent bogging at idle when AC engages.
Window that the correction will be added throughout (example, if rpm limit is 7000, and rpmSoftLimitWindowSize is 200, the corrections activate at 6800RPM, creating a 200rpm window)
### rpmSoftLimitTimingRetard
Degrees of timing REMOVED from actual timing during soft RPM limit window
### rpmSoftLimitFuelAdded
% of fuel ADDED during window
### rpmHardLimitHyst
Hysterisis: if the hard limit is 7200rpm and rpmHardLimitHyst is 200rpm, then when the ECU sees 7200rpm, fuel/ign will cut, and stay cut until 7000rpm (7200-200) is reached
Hysterisis: if hard cut is 240kpa, and boostCutPressureHyst is 20, when the ECU sees 240kpa, fuel/ign will cut, and stay cut until 240-20=220kpa is reached