2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
* @file boards/hellen/hellen_board_id.cpp
* @brief Board-Id detector for Hellen boards
* @author andreika <prometheus.pcb@gmail.com>
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2022
* The main idea is to measure the capacitor charge/discharge time
* through a series resistors using standard digital I/O pins.
* One pin is used to provide a Vcc(3.3) or Vdd(0) voltage to the capacitor
* through a resistor, and another pin is used as a digital input. Then vice versa.
* The algo:
* 1) Completely discharge the capacitor (all pins are low)
* 2) Charge the capacitor until the voltage crosses the 0->1 voltage threshold (Vt) and measure the charging time #1 (Tc1).
* 3) Immediately discharge the capacitor to some unknown low voltage (Vl) - it should be well below the Vt threshold,
* using the same period of time used for charging as the discharge period (Td = Tc1).
* 4) Immediately charge the capacitor again and measure the time crossing the same 0->1 voltage threshold again (Tc2).
* 5) Repeat the procedure several times to get more precise timings.
* 6) Do some math and find the R and C values.
* 7) Board_Id = the unique combination of indices of the "measured" R1 and R2.
* The math proof:
* - Charging formula #1:
2022-04-28 14:32:39 -07:00
* Vt = V<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> * (1 - exp(-Tc1 / RC))
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* - Discharging formula:
* Vl = Vt * exp(-Td / RC)
* - Charging formula #2:
2022-04-28 14:32:39 -07:00
* Vl = V<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> * (1 - exp(-Tl / (RC)))
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* - Where Tl is a charging time from 0 to Vl:
* Tl = Tc1 - Tc2
* - Solve the equations:
2022-04-28 14:32:39 -07:00
* Vl = V<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> * (1 - exp(-Tl / RC)) = Vt * exp(-Td / RC)
* V<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> * (1 - exp(-Tl / RC)) = V<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> * (1 - exp(-Tc1 / RC)) * exp(-Td / RC)
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* (1 - exp(-Tl / RC)) = (1 - exp(-Tc1 / RC)) * exp(-Td / RC)
* - Simplify the equation:
* X = exp(-1/(RC))
* (1 - X^Tc1) * X^Td + X^Tl - 1 = 0
* X^Td - X^(Tc1+Td) + X^(Tc2-Tc1) - 1 = 0
* Td, Tc1 and Tc2 are known.
* - Solve the power function for X and get the desired R or C.
* We use Newton's method (a fast-converging numerical solver when the 1st derivative is known)
* with estimated initial values.
#include "pch.h"
#include "hellen_meta.h"
#include "digital_input_exti.h"
#include "hellen_board_id.h"
/* We use known standard E24 series resistor values (1%) to find the closest match.
The 16 major values should have a guarateed spacing of 15% in a row (1% R tolerance + 10% C tolerance)
These should match the values in the gen_board_id script!
#include "hellen_board_id_resistors.h"
static void hellenBoardIdInputCallback(void *arg, efitick_t nowNt) {
HellenBoardIdFinderState *state = (HellenBoardIdFinderState *)arg;
// Now start discharging immediately! This should be the first command in the interrupt handler.
palClearPad(state->rOutputPinPort, state->rOutputPinIdx);
state->timeChargeNt = nowNt;
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
chibios_rt::CriticalSectionLocker csl;
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
chSemSignalI(&state->boardId_wake); // no need to call chSchRescheduleS() because we're inside the ISR
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */
// Newton's numerical method (x is R and y is C, or vice-versa)
float HellenBoardIdSolver::solve(float Tc1, float Tc2, float x0, float y, float deltaX) {
// the discharge time equals to the charge time
float Td = Tc1;
float iC = -1.0f / y;
k1 = iC * Td;
k2 = iC * (Tc1 + Td);
k3 = iC * (Tc1 - Tc2);
// the same method works for R (if C is known) or C (if R is known)
float Xcur, Xnext;
Xnext = x0;
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
// since we had https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/issues/4084 let's add paranoia check
// All real cases seem to converge in <= 5 iterations, so we don't need to try more than 20.
int safetyLimit = 20;
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
do {
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
if (safetyLimit-- < 0) {
firmwareError(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, "hellen boardID is broken");
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
Xcur = Xnext;
Xnext = Xcur - fx(Xcur) / dfx(Xcur);
efiPrintf ("* %f", Xnext);
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
} while (absF(Xnext - Xcur) > deltaX);
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2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
return Xnext;
float HellenBoardIdFinderBase::findClosestResistor(float R, bool testOnlyMajorSeries, int *rIdx) {
// the first "major" resistor uses less values (with more spacing between them) so that even less precise method cannot fail.
static const float rOnlyMajorValues[] = {
// the minor resistor is always measured after the major one, when the exact capacitance is already knows,
// so we can use more values and detect them with better precision.
static const float rAllValues[] = {
// these are equal to the major values and should be used first
// these are extended series if 256 board IDs aren't enough (16*16).
size_t rValueSize = testOnlyMajorSeries ? efi::size(rOnlyMajorValues) : efi::size(rAllValues);
*rIdx = -1;
float minDelta = 1.e6f;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rValueSize; i++) {
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
// Find the nearest resistor by least ratio error
float delta = absF(1 - (R / rAllValues[i]));
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
if (delta < minDelta) {
minDelta = delta;
*rIdx = i;
efiPrintf("* [%d] R = %.0f, delta = %f", i, rAllValues[i], delta);
return rAllValues[*rIdx];
float HellenBoardIdFinderBase::calcEstimatedResistance(float Tc1_us, float C) {
constexpr float Vcc = 3.3f - 0.1f; // STM32 digital I/O voltage (adjusted for minor voltage drop)
constexpr float V01 = Vcc * 0.5f; // let it be 1.6 volts (closer to the datasheet value), the exact value doesn't matter
// macos compiler doesn't like log() in constexpr
float log1V01Vcc = log(1.0f - V01 / Vcc);
// this is only an estimated value, we cannot use it for Board-ID detection!
float Rest = -Tc1_us / (C * log1V01Vcc);
return Rest;
float HellenBoardIdFinderBase::calc(float Tc1_us, float Tc2_us, float Rest, float C, bool testOnlyMajorSeries, float *Rmeasured, float *newC, int *rIdx) {
constexpr float Cest = HELLEN_BOARD_ID_CAPACITOR;
// Now calculate the resistance value
HellenBoardIdSolver rSolver;
// solve the equation for R (1 Ohm precision is more than enough)
*Rmeasured = rSolver.solve(Tc1_us, Tc2_us, Rest, C, 1.0f);
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
// add 22 Ohms for pin's internal resistance
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// (according to the STM32 datasheets, the voltage drop on an output pin can be up to 0.4V for 8 mA current)
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
// Actual measured value was is in the low-20s on most chips.
constexpr float Rinternal = 22.0f;
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
float R = findClosestResistor(*Rmeasured - Rinternal, testOnlyMajorSeries, rIdx);
// Find the 'real' capacitance value and use it for the next resistor iteration (gives more precision)
HellenBoardIdSolver cSolver;
// We expect the capacitance to be +-10%
constexpr float capacitorPrecision = 0.1f;
constexpr float Cmin = Cest * (1.0f - capacitorPrecision);
constexpr float Cmax = Cest * (1.0f + capacitorPrecision);
// solve the equation for C (1% precision)
*newC = cSolver.solve(Tc1_us, Tc2_us, Cmin, R + Rinternal, 0.01f);
// in case something went wrong, we must be in the allowed range
*newC = clampF(Cmin, *newC, Cmax);
return R;
template <size_t NumPins>
bool HellenBoardIdFinder<NumPins>::measureChargingTimes(int i, float & Tc1_us, float & Tc2_us) {
chSemReset(&state.boardId_wake, 0);
// full charge/discharge time, and also 'timeout' time
const int Tf_us = 50000; // 50 ms is more than enough to "fully" discharge the capacitor with any two resistors used at the same time.
// 1. Fully discharge the capacitor through both resistors (faster)
for (size_t k = 0; k < NumPins; k++) {
palClearPad(getBrainPinPort(rPins[k]), getBrainPinIndex(rPins[k]));
palSetPadMode(getBrainPinPort(rPins[k]), getBrainPinIndex(rPins[k]), PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL);
// wait max. time because we don't know the resistor values yet
// use one pin as an charge/discharge controlling output
state.rOutputPinPort = getBrainPinPort(rPins[i]);
state.rOutputPinIdx = getBrainPinIndex(rPins[i]);
palSetPadMode(state.rOutputPinPort, state.rOutputPinIdx, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL);
// use another pin as an input to detect 0->1 crossings
int inputIdx = 1 - i;
state.rInputPinPort = getBrainPinPort(rPins[inputIdx]);
state.rInputPinIdx = getBrainPinIndex(rPins[inputIdx]);
// set only high-Z input mode, no pull-ups/pull-downs allowed!
palSetPadMode(state.rInputPinPort, state.rInputPinIdx, PAL_MODE_INPUT);
efiExtiEnablePin("boardId", rPins[inputIdx], PAL_EVENT_MODE_RISING_EDGE, hellenBoardIdInputCallback, (void *)&state);
int pinState = palReadPad(state.rInputPinPort, state.rInputPinIdx);
if (pinState != 0) {
// the input pin state should be low when the capacitor is fully discharged
efiPrintf("* Board detection error!");
return false;
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
// Timestamps:
// t1 = Starts charging from 0v
// t2 = Threshold reached, starts discharging
// t3 = Random voltage reached, starts charging again
// t4 = Threshold reached again, process finished.
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// 2. Start charging until the input pin triggers (V01 threshold is reached)
state.timeChargeNt = 0;
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
efitick_t t1 = getTimeNowNt();
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
palSetPad(state.rOutputPinPort, state.rOutputPinIdx);
chSemWaitTimeout(&state.boardId_wake, TIME_US2I(Tf_us));
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
efitick_t t2 = state.timeChargeNt;
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// 3. At the moment, the discharging has already been started!
// Meanwhile we need to do some checks - until some pre-selected voltage is presumably reached.
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// if voltage didn't change on the input pin (or changed impossibly fast), then the charging didn't start,
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// meaning there's no capacitor and/or resistors on these pins.
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if (t2 - t1 < US2NT(100)) {
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
efiPrintf("* Hellen Board ID circuitry wasn't detected! Aborting!");
return false;
// 4. calculate the first charging time
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
efitick_t Tc1_nt = t2 - t1;
Tc1_us = NT2USF(Tc1_nt);
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// We use the same 'charging time' to discharge the capacitor to some random voltage below the threshold voltage.
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efitick_t Td_nt = Tc1_nt;
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// 5. And now just wait for the rest of the discharge process...
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
// Spin wait since chThdSleepMicroseconds() lacks the resolution we need
efitick_t t3 = t2 + Td_nt;
while (getTimeNowNt() < t3) ;
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
// the input pin state should be low when the capacitor is discharged to Vl
pinState = palReadPad(state.rInputPinPort, state.rInputPinIdx);
// 6. And immediately begin charging again until the threshold voltage is reached!
state.timeChargeNt = 0;
palSetPad(state.rOutputPinPort, state.rOutputPinIdx);
// Wait for the charging completion
chSemReset(&state.boardId_wake, 0);
chSemWaitTimeout(&state.boardId_wake, TIME_US2I(Tf_us));
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
efitick_t t4 = state.timeChargeNt;
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// 7. calculate the second charge time
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
Tc2_us = NT2USF(t4 - t3);
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
efitick_t nowNt4 = getTimeNowNt();
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
efiPrintf("* dTime2-1 = %d", (int)(t2 - t1));
efiPrintf("* dTime3-2 = %d", (int)(t3 - t2));
efiPrintf("* dTime4-3 = %d", (int)(t4 - t3));
efiPrintf("* Tc1 = %f, Tc2 = %f, Td = %f", Tc1_us, Tc2_us, Td_us);
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
// sanity checks
if (pinState != 0) {
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
float Td_us = NT2USF(Td_nt);
efiPrintf("* Board detection error! (Td=%f is too small)", Td_us);
return false;
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
if (t4 <= t3) {
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
efiPrintf("* Estimates are out of limit! Something went wrong. Aborting!");
return false;
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */
return true;
template <size_t NumPins>
bool HellenBoardIdFinder<NumPins>::measureChargingTimesAveraged(int i, float & Tc1_us, float & Tc2_us) {
const int numTries = 3;
Tc1_us = 0;
Tc2_us = 0;
for (int tries = 0; tries < numTries; tries++) {
// get the charging times
float Tc1i_us = 0, Tc2i_us = 0;
if (!measureChargingTimes(i, Tc1i_us, Tc2i_us))
return false;
Tc1_us += Tc1i_us;
Tc2_us += Tc2i_us;
// averaging
Tc1_us /= numTries;
Tc2_us /= numTries;
return true;
int detectHellenBoardId() {
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
int boardId = -1;
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
efiPrintf("Starting Hellen Board ID detection...");
efitick_t beginNt = getTimeNowNt();
2022-04-28 14:32:39 -07:00
// Hellen boards use Gpio::F0 and Gpio::F1.
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
const int numPins = 2;
2022-04-28 14:32:39 -07:00
Gpio rPins[numPins] = { Gpio::F0, Gpio::F1 };
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
// We start from the estimated capacitance, but the real one can be +-10%
// we need to find the resistor values connected to the mcu pins and to the capacitor.
float R[numPins] = { 0 };
int rIdx[numPins] = { 0 };
HellenBoardIdFinder<numPins> finder(rPins);
// init some ChibiOs objects
chSemObjectInit(&finder.state.boardId_wake, 0);
// R1 is the first, R2 is the second
for (int i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
efiPrintf("*** Resistor R%d...", i + 1);
float Tc1_us = 0, Tc2_us = 0;
// We need several measurements for each resistor to increase the presision.
// But if any of the measurements fails, then abort!
if (!finder.measureChargingTimesAveraged(i, Tc1_us, Tc2_us))
// Now roughly estimate the resistor value using the approximate threshold voltage.
float Rest = finder.calcEstimatedResistance(Tc1_us, C);
// check if we are inside the range
if (Rest < 300.0f || Rest > 15000.0f) {
efiPrintf("* Unrealistic estimated resistor value (%f)! Aborting!", Rest);
// for the first resistor, we test only "major" values because we don't know the exact capacitance yet
bool testOnlyMajorSeries = (i == 0);
float Rmeasured, newC;
// Now calculate the R and C
R[i] = finder.calc(Tc1_us, Tc2_us, Rest, C, testOnlyMajorSeries, &Rmeasured, &newC, &rIdx[i]);
C = newC;
efiPrintf("* R = %f, Rmeasured = %f, Rest = %f, Creal = %f", R[i], Rmeasured, Rest, C);
// in case the process was aborted
for (size_t k = 0; k < numPins; k++) {
// release the pins
palSetPadMode(getBrainPinPort(rPins[k]), getBrainPinIndex(rPins[k]), PAL_MODE_RESET);
efitick_t endNt = getTimeNowNt();
int elapsed_Ms = US2MS(NT2US(endNt - beginNt));
2022-07-02 02:19:02 -07:00
// Check that all resistors were actually detected
bool allRValid = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numPins; i++) {
allRValid &= R[i] != 0;
// Decode board ID only if all resistors could be decoded, otherwise we return -1
if (allRValid) {
boardId = HELLEN_GET_BOARD_ID(rIdx[0], rIdx[1]);
} else {
boardId = -1;
2022-03-12 12:40:13 -08:00
efiPrintf("* RESULT: BoardId = %d, R1 = %.0f, R2 = %.0f (Elapsed time: %d ms)", boardId, R[0], R[1], elapsed_Ms);
2022-02-03 08:24:31 -08:00
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */
return boardId;