2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Sun Dec 31 20:18:32 UTC 2023
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
// by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
// begin
# pragma once
# include "rusefi_types.h"
// start of stft_cell_cfg_s
struct stft_cell_cfg_s {
* offset 0
int8_t maxAdd ;
* offset 1
int8_t maxRemove ;
* Time constant for correction while in this cell : this sets responsiveness of the closed loop correction . A value of 5.0 means it will try to make most of the correction within 5 seconds , and a value of 1.0 will try to correct within 1 second .
* offset 2
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > timeConstant ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( stft_cell_cfg_s ) = = 4 ) ;
// start of stft_s
struct stft_s {
* Below this RPM , the idle region is active
* offset 0
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > maxIdleRegionRpm ;
* Below this engine load , the overrun region is active
* offset 1
uint8_t maxOverrunLoad ;
* Above this engine load , the power region is active
* offset 2
uint8_t minPowerLoad ;
* When close to correct AFR , pause correction . This can improve stability by not changing the adjustment if the error is extremely small , but is not required .
* offset 3
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > deadband ;
* Below this temperature , correction is disabled .
* offset 4
int8_t minClt ;
* Below this AFR , correction is paused
* offset 5
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > minAfr ;
* Above this AFR , correction is paused
* offset 6
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > maxAfr ;
* Delay after starting the engine before beginning closed loop correction .
* offset 7
uint8_t startupDelay ;
* offset 8
stft_cell_cfg_s cellCfgs [ STFT_CELL_COUNT ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( stft_s ) = = 24 ) ;
// start of pid_s
struct pid_s {
* offset 0
float pFactor ;
* offset 4
float iFactor ;
* offset 8
float dFactor ;
* Linear addition to PID logic
* offset 12
int16_t offset ;
* PID dTime
* offset 14
int16_t periodMs ;
* Output Min Duty Cycle
* offset 16
int16_t minValue ;
* Output Max Duty Cycle
* offset 18
int16_t maxValue ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( pid_s ) = = 20 ) ;
// start of cranking_parameters_s
struct cranking_parameters_s {
* Base mass of the per - cylinder fuel injected during cranking . This is then modified by the multipliers for CLT , IAT , TPS ect , to give the final cranking pulse width .
* A reasonable starting point is 60 mg per liter per cylinder .
* ex : 2 liter 4 cyl = 500 cc / cyl , so 30 mg cranking fuel .
* offset 0
float baseFuel ;
* This sets the RPM limit below which the ECU will use cranking fuel and ignition logic , typically this is around 350 - 450 rpm .
* set cranking_rpm X
* offset 4
int16_t rpm ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 6
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_6 [ 2 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( cranking_parameters_s ) = = 8 ) ;
// start of gppwm_channel
struct gppwm_channel {
* Select a pin to use for PWM or on - off output .
* offset 0
output_pin_e pin ;
* If an error ( with a sensor , etc ) is detected , this value is used instead of reading from the table .
* This should be a safe value for whatever hardware is connected to prevent damage .
* offset 2
uint8_t dutyIfError ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3 [ 1 ] ;
* Select a frequency to run PWM at .
* Set this to 0 hz to enable on - off mode .
* offset 4
uint16_t pwmFrequency ;
* Hysteresis : in on - off mode , turn the output on when the table value is above this duty .
* offset 6
uint8_t onAboveDuty ;
* Hysteresis : in on - off mode , turn the output off when the table value is below this duty .
* offset 7
uint8_t offBelowDuty ;
* Selects the Y axis to use for the table .
* offset 8
gppwm_channel_e loadAxis ;
* Selects the X axis to use for the table .
* offset 9
gppwm_channel_e rpmAxis ;
* offset 10
scaled_channel < int16_t , 2 , 1 > loadBins [ GPPWM_LOAD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 26
int16_t rpmBins [ GPPWM_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 42
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > table [ GPPWM_LOAD_COUNT ] [ GPPWM_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 106
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_106 [ 2 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( gppwm_channel ) = = 108 ) ;
// start of air_pressure_sensor_config_s
struct air_pressure_sensor_config_s {
* kPa value at low volts
* offset 0
float lowValue ;
* kPa value at high volts
* offset 4
float highValue ;
* offset 8
air_pressure_sensor_type_e type ;
* offset 9
adc_channel_e hwChannel ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 10
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_10 [ 2 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( air_pressure_sensor_config_s ) = = 12 ) ;
// start of MAP_sensor_config_s
struct MAP_sensor_config_s {
* offset 0
float samplingAngleBins [ MAP_ANGLE_SIZE ] ;
* MAP averaging sampling start crank degree angle
* offset 32
float samplingAngle [ MAP_ANGLE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 64
float samplingWindowBins [ MAP_WINDOW_SIZE ] ;
* MAP averaging angle crank degree duration
* offset 96
float samplingWindow [ MAP_WINDOW_SIZE ] ;
* offset 128
air_pressure_sensor_config_s sensor ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( MAP_sensor_config_s ) = = 140 ) ;
* @ brief Thermistor known values
// start of thermistor_conf_s
struct thermistor_conf_s {
* these values are in Celcius
* C
* offset 0
float tempC_1 ;
* C
* offset 4
float tempC_2 ;
* C
* offset 8
float tempC_3 ;
* offset 12
float resistance_1 ;
* offset 16
float resistance_2 ;
* offset 20
float resistance_3 ;
* Pull - up resistor value on your board
* offset 24
float bias_resistor ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( thermistor_conf_s ) = = 28 ) ;
// start of linear_sensor_s
struct linear_sensor_s {
* offset 0
adc_channel_e hwChannel ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1 [ 3 ] ;
* offset 4
float v1 ;
* offset 8
float value1 ;
* offset 12
float v2 ;
* offset 16
float value2 ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( linear_sensor_s ) = = 20 ) ;
// start of ThermistorConf
struct ThermistorConf {
* offset 0
thermistor_conf_s config ;
* offset 28
adc_channel_e adcChannel ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 29
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_29 [ 3 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( ThermistorConf ) = = 32 ) ;
// start of injector_s
struct injector_s {
* This is your injector flow at the fuel pressure used in the vehicle . cc / min , cubic centimetre per minute
* By the way , g / s = 0.125997881 * ( lb / hr )
* g / s = 0.125997881 * ( cc / min ) / 10.5
* g / s = 0.0119997981 * cc / min
cm3 / min
* offset 0
float flow ;
* offset 4
float battLagCorrBins [ VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* ms delay between injector open and close dead times
* offset 36
float battLagCorr [ VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( injector_s ) = = 68 ) ;
// start of trigger_config_s
struct trigger_config_s {
* https : //github.com/rusefi/rusefi/wiki/All-Supported-Triggers
* set trigger_type X
* offset 0
trigger_type_e type ;
* offset 4
int customTotalToothCount ;
* offset 8
int customSkippedToothCount ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( trigger_config_s ) = = 12 ) ;
// start of afr_sensor_s
struct afr_sensor_s {
* offset 0
adc_channel_e hwChannel ;
* offset 1
adc_channel_e hwChannel2 ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 2
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_2 [ 2 ] ;
* offset 4
float v1 ;
* offset 8
float value1 ;
* offset 12
float v2 ;
* offset 16
float value2 ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( afr_sensor_s ) = = 20 ) ;
// start of idle_hardware_s
struct idle_hardware_s {
* offset 0
int solenoidFrequency ;
* offset 4
output_pin_e solenoidPin ;
* offset 6
Gpio stepperDirectionPin ;
* offset 8
Gpio stepperStepPin ;
* offset 10
pin_output_mode_e solenoidPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 11
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_11 [ 1 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( idle_hardware_s ) = = 12 ) ;
// start of dc_io
struct dc_io {
* offset 0
Gpio directionPin1 ;
* offset 2
Gpio directionPin2 ;
* Acts as EN pin in two - wire mode
* offset 4
Gpio controlPin ;
* offset 6
Gpio disablePin ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( dc_io ) = = 8 ) ;
// start of vr_threshold_s
struct vr_threshold_s {
* offset 0
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > rpmBins [ 6 ] ;
* offset 6
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > values [ 6 ] ;
* offset 12
Gpio pin ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 14
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_14 [ 2 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( vr_threshold_s ) = = 16 ) ;
// start of engine_configuration_s
struct engine_configuration_s {
* http : //rusefi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Manual:Engine_Type
* set engine_type X
* offset 0
engine_type_e engineType ;
* offset 2
uint16_t startButtonSuppressOnStartUpMs ;
* Disable sensor sniffer above this rpm
* offset 4
uint16_t sensorSnifferRpmThreshold ;
* A secondary Rev limit engaged by the driver to help launch the vehicle faster
* offset 6
uint16_t launchRpm ;
* set rpm_hard_limit X
* offset 8
uint16_t rpmHardLimit ;
* Engine sniffer would be disabled above this rpm
* set engineSnifferRpmThreshold X
* offset 10
uint16_t engineSnifferRpmThreshold ;
* Disable multispark above this engine speed .
* offset 12
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > multisparkMaxRpm ;
* Above this RPM , disable AC . Set to 0 to disable check .
* offset 13
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > maxAcRpm ;
* Above this TPS , disable AC . Set to 0 to disable check .
* offset 14
uint8_t maxAcTps ;
* Above this CLT , disable AC to prevent overheating the engine . Set to 0 to disable check .
deg C
* offset 15
uint8_t maxAcClt ;
* offset 16
uint16_t knockNoiseRpmBins [ ENGINE_NOISE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* This parameter sets the latest that the last multispark can occur after the main ignition event . For example , if the ignition timing is 30 degrees BTDC , and this parameter is set to 45 , no multispark will ever be fired after 15 degrees ATDC .
* offset 48
uint8_t multisparkMaxSparkingAngle ;
* Configures the maximum number of extra sparks to fire ( does not include main spark )
* offset 49
uint8_t multisparkMaxExtraSparkCount ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 50
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_50 [ 2 ] ;
* offset 52
injector_s injector ;
* Does the vehicle have a turbo or supercharger ?
offset 120 bit 0 */
bool isForcedInduction : 1 { } ;
* On some Ford and Toyota vehicles one of the throttle sensors is not linear on the full range , i . e . in the specific range of the positions we effectively have only one sensor .
offset 120 bit 1 */
bool useFordRedundantTps : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 2 */
bool enableKline : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 3 */
bool overrideTriggerGaps : 1 { } ;
* Turn on this fan when AC is on .
offset 120 bit 4 */
bool enableFan1WithAc : 1 { } ;
* Turn on this fan when AC is on .
offset 120 bit 5 */
bool enableFan2WithAc : 1 { } ;
* Inhibit operation of this fan while the engine is not running .
offset 120 bit 6 */
bool disableFan1WhenStopped : 1 { } ;
* Inhibit operation of this fan while the engine is not running .
offset 120 bit 7 */
bool disableFan2WhenStopped : 1 { } ;
* Enable secondary spark outputs that fire after the primary ( rotaries , twin plug engines ) .
offset 120 bit 8 */
bool enableTrailingSparks : 1 { } ;
* TLE7209 uses two - wire mode . TLE9201 and VNH2SP30 do NOT use two wire mode .
offset 120 bit 9 */
bool etb_use_two_wires : 1 { } ;
* Subaru / BMW style where default valve position is somewhere in the middle . First solenoid opens it more while second can close it more than default position .
offset 120 bit 10 */
bool isDoubleSolenoidIdle : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 11 */
bool useEeprom : 1 { } ;
* Switch between Industrial and Cic PID implementation
offset 120 bit 12 */
bool useCicPidForIdle : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 13 */
bool useTLE8888_cranking_hack : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 14 */
bool kickStartCranking : 1 { } ;
* This uses separate ignition timing and VE tables not only for idle conditions , also during the postcranking - to - idle taper transition ( See also afterCrankingIACtaperDuration ) .
offset 120 bit 15 */
bool useSeparateIdleTablesForCrankingTaper : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 16 */
bool launchControlEnabled : 1 { } ;
* " Detect double trigger edges "
offset 120 bit 17 */
bool doNotFilterTriggerEdgeNoise : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 18 */
bool antiLagEnabled : 1 { } ;
* For cranking either use the specified fixed base fuel mass , or use the normal running math ( VE table ) .
offset 120 bit 19 */
bool useRunningMathForCranking : 1 { } ;
* Shall we display real life signal or just the part consumed by trigger decoder .
* Applies to both trigger and cam / vvt input .
* enable logic_level_trigger
offset 120 bit 20 */
bool displayLogicLevelsInEngineSniffer : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 21 */
bool useTLE8888_stepper : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 22 */
bool usescriptTableForCanSniffingFiltering : 1 { } ;
* Print incoming and outgoing first bus CAN messages in rusEFI console
offset 120 bit 23 */
bool verboseCan : 1 { } ;
* Experimental setting that will cause a misfire
offset 120 bit 24 */
bool artificialTestMisfire : 1 { } ;
* On some Ford and Toyota vehicles one of the pedal sensors is not linear on the full range , i . e . in the specific range of the positions we effectively have only one sensor .
offset 120 bit 25 */
bool useFordRedundantPps : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 26 */
bool cltSensorPulldown : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 27 */
bool iatSensorPulldown : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 28 */
bool allowIdenticalPps : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 29 */
bool overrideVvtTriggerGaps : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 30 */
bool useSpiImu : 1 { } ;
offset 120 bit 31 */
bool unused31 : 1 { } ;
* Closed throttle , 1 volt = 200 units .
* See also tps1_1AdcChannel
* set tps_min X
* offset 124
int16_t tpsMin ;
* Full throttle .
* See also tps1_1AdcChannel
* set tps_max X
* offset 126
int16_t tpsMax ;
* TPS error detection : what throttle % is unrealistically low ?
* Also used for accelerator pedal error detection if so equiped .
* offset 128
int16_t tpsErrorDetectionTooLow ;
* TPS error detection : what throttle % is unrealistically high ?
* Also used for accelerator pedal error detection if so equiped .
* offset 130
int16_t tpsErrorDetectionTooHigh ;
* offset 132
cranking_parameters_s cranking ;
* Dwell duration while cranking
* offset 140
float ignitionDwellForCrankingMs ;
* Once engine speed passes this value , start reducing ETB angle .
* offset 144
uint16_t etbRevLimitStart ;
* This far above ' Soft limiter start ' , fully close the throttle . At the bottom of the range , throttle control is normal . At the top of the range , the throttle is fully closed .
* offset 146
uint16_t etbRevLimitRange ;
* @ see isMapAveragingEnabled
* offset 148
MAP_sensor_config_s map ;
* todo : merge with channel settings , use full - scale Thermistor here !
* offset 288
ThermistorConf clt ;
* offset 320
ThermistorConf iat ;
* offset 352
int launchTimingRetard ;
* value ' 6 ' for 8 MHz hw osc
* read hip9011 datasheet for details
* todo split into two bit fields
* offset 356
int hip9011PrescalerAndSDO ;
* We calculate knock band based of cylinderBore
* Use this to override - kHz knock band override
* Requires power cycling to effect
* offset 360
float knockBandCustom ;
* Engine displacement in litres
* offset 364
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > displacement ;
* offset 366
uint16_t triggerSimulatorRpm ;
* Number of cylinder the engine has .
* offset 368
uint32_t cylindersCount ;
* offset 372
firing_order_e firingOrder ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 373
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_373 [ 3 ] ;
* Cylinder diameter in mm .
* offset 376
float cylinderBore ;
* This setting controls which fuel quantity control algorithm is used .
* Alpha - N means drive by TPS commonly only used for NA engines
* Speed Density requires MAP sensor and is the default choice for may installs
* MAF air charge is a cylinder filling based method that uses a mass air flow sensor .
* offset 380
engine_load_mode_e fuelAlgorithm ;
* offset 381
uint8_t ALSMaxTPS ;
* This is the injection strategy during engine start . See Fuel / Injection settings for more detail . It is suggested to use " Simultaneous " .
* offset 382
injection_mode_e crankingInjectionMode ;
* This is where the fuel injection type is defined : " Simultaneous " means all injectors will fire together at once . " Sequential " fires the injectors on a per cylinder basis , which requires individually wired injectors . " Batched " will fire the injectors in groups .
* offset 383
injection_mode_e injectionMode ;
* Minimum RPM to enable boost control . Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle , and help spool in some cases .
* offset 384
uint16_t boostControlMinRpm ;
* Minimum TPS to enable boost control . Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle , and help spool in some cases .
* offset 386
uint8_t boostControlMinTps ;
* Minimum MAP to enable boost control . Use this to avoid solenoid noise at idle , and help spool in some cases .
* offset 387
uint8_t boostControlMinMap ;
* Ignition advance angle used during engine cranking , 5 - 10 degrees will work as a base setting for most engines .
* There is tapering towards running timing advance
* set cranking_timing_angle X
* offset 388
angle_t crankingTimingAngle ;
* Single coil = distributor
* Individual coils = one coil per cylinder ( COP , coil - near - plug ) , requires sequential mode
* Wasted spark = Fires pairs of cylinders together , either one coil per pair of cylinders or one coil per cylinder
* Two distributors = A pair of distributors , found on some BMW , Toyota and other engines
* set ignition_mode X
* offset 392
ignition_mode_e ignitionMode ;
* How many consecutive gap rations have to match expected ranges for sync to happen
* offset 393
int8_t gapTrackingLengthOverride ;
* Above this speed , disable closed loop idle control . Set to 0 to disable ( allow closed loop idle at any speed ) .
* offset 394
uint8_t maxIdleVss ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 395
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_395 [ 1 ] ;
* Expected oil pressure after starting the engine . If oil pressure does not reach this level within 5 seconds of engine start , fuel will be cut . Set to 0 to disable and always allow starting .
* offset 396
uint16_t minOilPressureAfterStart ;
* Dynamic uses the timing map to decide the ignition timing , Static timing fixes the timing to the value set below ( only use for checking static timing with a timing light ) .
* offset 398
timing_mode_e timingMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 399
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_399 [ 1 ] ;
* This value is the ignition timing used when in ' fixed timing ' mode , i . e . constant timing
* This mode is useful when adjusting distributor location .
* offset 400
angle_t fixedModeTiming ;
* Angle between Top Dead Center ( TDC ) and the first trigger event .
* Positive value in case of synchnization point before TDC and negative in case of synchnization point after TDC
* . Knowing this angle allows us to control timing and other angles in reference to TDC .
* set global_trigger_offset_angle X
deg btdc
* offset 404
angle_t globalTriggerAngleOffset ;
* Ratio / coefficient of input voltage dividers on your PCB . For example , use ' 2 ' if your board divides 5 v into 2.5 v . Use ' 1.66 ' if your board divides 5 v into 3 v .
* offset 408
float analogInputDividerCoefficient ;
* This is the ratio of the resistors for the battery voltage , measure the voltage at the battery and then adjust this number until the gauge matches the reading .
* offset 412
float vbattDividerCoeff ;
* Cooling fan turn - on temperature threshold , in Celsius
deg C
* offset 416
float fanOnTemperature ;
* Cooling fan turn - off temperature threshold , in Celsius
deg C
* offset 420
float fanOffTemperature ;
* offset 424
output_pin_e acrPin ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 426
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_426 [ 2 ] ;
* Number of revolutions per kilometer for the wheels your vehicle speed sensor is connected to . Use an online calculator to determine this based on your tire size .
revs / km
* offset 428
float driveWheelRevPerKm ;
* set can_mode X
* offset 432
can_nbc_e canNbcType ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 433
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_433 [ 3 ] ;
* CANbus thread period in ms
* offset 436
int canSleepPeriodMs ;
* offset 440
uint8_t camDecoder2jzPrecision ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 441
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_441 [ 3 ] ;
* offset 444
int byFirmwareVersion ;
* First throttle body , first sensor . See also pedalPositionAdcChannel
* offset 448
adc_channel_e tps1_1AdcChannel ;
* This is the processor input pin that the battery voltage circuit is connected to , if you are unsure of what pin to use , check the schematic that corresponds to your PCB .
* offset 449
adc_channel_e vbattAdcChannel ;
* This is the processor pin that your fuel level sensor in connected to . This is a non standard input so will need to be user defined .
* offset 450
adc_channel_e fuelLevelSensor ;
* Second throttle body position sensor , single channel so far
* set_analog_input_pin tps2 X
* offset 451
adc_channel_e tps2_1AdcChannel ;
* 0.1 is a good default value
* offset 452
float idle_derivativeFilterLoss ;
* just a temporary solution
* offset 456
int trailingSparkAngle ;
* offset 460
trigger_config_s trigger ;
* Extra air taper amount
* offset 472
float airByRpmTaper ;
* offset 476
spi_device_e hip9011SpiDevice ;
* Duty cycle to use in case of a sensor failure . This duty cycle should produce the minimum possible amount of boost . This duty is also used in case any of the minimum RPM / TPS / MAP conditions are not met .
* offset 477
uint8_t boostControlSafeDutyCycle ;
* offset 478
adc_channel_e mafAdcChannel ;
* offset 479
uint8_t acrRevolutions ;
* offset 480
float globalFuelCorrection ;
* offset 484
float adcVcc ;
* offset 488
float mapCamDetectionAnglePosition ;
* Camshaft input could be used either just for engine phase detection if your trigger shape does not include cam sensor as ' primary ' channel , or it could be used for Variable Valve timing on one of the camshafts .
* offset 492
brain_input_pin_e camInputs [ CAM_INPUTS_COUNT ] ;
* offset 500
afr_sensor_s afr ;
* Electronic throttle pedal position first channel
* See throttlePedalPositionSecondAdcChannel for second channel
* See also tps1_1AdcChannel
* set_analog_input_pin pps X
* See throttlePedalUpVoltage and throttlePedalWOTVoltage
* offset 520
adc_channel_e throttlePedalPositionAdcChannel ;
* TPS / PPS error threshold
* offset 521
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > etbSplit ;
* offset 522
Gpio tle6240_cs ;
* offset 524
pin_output_mode_e tle6240_csPinMode ;
* offset 525
pin_output_mode_e mc33810_csPinMode ;
* Throttle Pedal not pressed switch - used on some older vehicles like early Mazda Miata
* offset 526
switch_input_pin_e throttlePedalUpPin ;
* @ see hasBaroSensor
* offset 528
air_pressure_sensor_config_s baroSensor ;
* offset 540
idle_hardware_s idle ;
* Value between 0 and 100 used in Manual mode
* offset 552
float manIdlePosition ;
* Ignition timing to remove when a knock event occurs .
* offset 556
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > knockRetardAggression ;
* After a knock event , reapply timing at this rate .
deg / s
* offset 557
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > knockRetardReapplyRate ;
* Select which cam is used for engine sync . Other cams will be used only for VVT measurement , but not engine sync .
* offset 558
engineSyncCam_e engineSyncCam ;
* Set this so your vehicle speed signal is responsive , but not noisy . Larger value give smoother but slower response .
* offset 559
uint8_t vssFilterReciprocal ;
* Number of turns of your vehicle speed sensor per turn of the wheels . For example if your sensor is on the transmission output , enter your axle / differential ratio . If you are using a hub - mounted sensor , enter a value of 1.0 .
* offset 560
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > vssGearRatio ;
* Number of pulses output per revolution of the shaft where your VSS is mounted . For example , GM applications of the T56 output 17 pulses per revolution of the transmission output shaft .
* offset 562
uint8_t vssToothCount ;
* Override the Y axis ( load ) value used for only the Idle VE table .
* Advanced users only : If you aren ' t sure you need this , you probably don ' t need this .
* offset 563
ve_override_e idleVeOverrideMode ;
* offset 564
Gpio l9779_cs ;
* offset 566
output_pin_e injectionPins [ MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT ] ;
* offset 590
output_pin_e ignitionPins [ MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT ] ;
* offset 614
pin_output_mode_e injectionPinMode ;
* offset 615
pin_output_mode_e ignitionPinMode ;
* offset 616
output_pin_e fuelPumpPin ;
* offset 618
pin_output_mode_e fuelPumpPinMode ;
* How many consecutive VVT gap rations have to match expected ranges for sync to happen
* offset 619
int8_t gapVvtTrackingLengthOverride ;
* Check engine light , also malfunction indicator light . Always blinks once on boot .
* offset 620
output_pin_e malfunctionIndicatorPin ;
* offset 622
pin_output_mode_e malfunctionIndicatorPinMode ;
* offset 623
pin_output_mode_e fanPinMode ;
* offset 624
output_pin_e fanPin ;
* Some cars have a switch to indicate that clutch pedal is all the way down
* offset 626
switch_input_pin_e clutchDownPin ;
* offset 628
output_pin_e alternatorControlPin ;
* offset 630
pin_output_mode_e alternatorControlPinMode ;
* offset 631
pin_input_mode_e clutchDownPinMode ;
* offset 632
Gpio digitalPotentiometerChipSelect [ DIGIPOT_COUNT ] ;
* offset 640
pin_output_mode_e electronicThrottlePin1Mode ;
* offset 641
spi_device_e max31855spiDevice ;
* offset 642
Gpio debugTriggerSync ;
* Digital Potentiometer is used by stock ECU stimulation code
* offset 644
spi_device_e digitalPotentiometerSpiDevice ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 645
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_645 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 646
Gpio mc33972_cs ;
* offset 648
pin_output_mode_e mc33972_csPinMode ;
* Useful in Research & Development phase
* offset 649
adc_channel_e auxFastSensor1_adcChannel ;
* First throttle body , second sensor .
* offset 650
adc_channel_e tps1_2AdcChannel ;
* Second throttle body , second sensor .
* offset 651
adc_channel_e tps2_2AdcChannel ;
* Electronic throttle pedal position input
* Second channel
* See also tps1_1AdcChannel
* See throttlePedalSecondaryUpVoltage and throttlePedalSecondaryWOTVoltage
* offset 652
adc_channel_e throttlePedalPositionSecondAdcChannel ;
* offset 653
uint8_t fuelLevelValues [ FUEL_LEVEL_TABLE_COUNT ] ;
* AFR , WBO , EGO - whatever you like to call it
* offset 661
ego_sensor_e afr_type ;
* offset 662
Gpio mc33810_cs [ C_MC33810_COUNT ] ;
* 0.1 is a good default value
* offset 664
float idle_antiwindupFreq ;
* offset 668
brain_input_pin_e triggerInputPins [ TRIGGER_INPUT_PIN_COUNT ] ;
* Minimum allowed time for the boost phase . If the boost target current is reached before this time elapses , it is assumed that the injector has failed short circuit .
* offset 672
uint16_t mc33_t_min_boost ;
* offset 674
pin_output_mode_e hip9011CsPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 675
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_675 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 676
output_pin_e tachOutputPin ;
* offset 678
pin_output_mode_e tachOutputPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 679
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_679 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 680
output_pin_e mainRelayPin ;
* offset 682
Gpio sdCardCsPin ;
* set_can_tx_pin X
* offset 684
Gpio canTxPin ;
* set_can_rx_pin X
* offset 686
Gpio canRxPin ;
* offset 688
pin_input_mode_e throttlePedalUpPinMode ;
* Additional idle % while A / C is active
* offset 689
uint8_t acIdleExtraOffset ;
* Ratio between the wheels and your transmission output .
* offset 690
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100 , 1 > finalGearRatio ;
* offset 692
brain_input_pin_e tcuInputSpeedSensorPin ;
* offset 694
uint8_t tcuInputSpeedSensorTeeth ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 695
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_695 [ 1 ] ;
* Voltage when the wastegate is closed .
* You probably don ' t have one of these !
* offset 696
uint16_t wastegatePositionMin ;
* Voltage when the wastegate is fully open .
* You probably don ' t have one of these !
* 1 volt = 1000 units
* offset 698
uint16_t wastegatePositionMax ;
* Voltage when the idle valve is closed .
* You probably don ' t have one of these !
* offset 700
uint16_t idlePositionMin ;
* Voltage when the idle valve is open .
* You probably don ' t have one of these !
* 1 volt = 1000 units
* offset 702
uint16_t idlePositionMax ;
* Secondary TTL channel baud rate
* offset 704
uint32_t tunerStudioSerialSpeed ;
* Just for reference really , not taken into account by any logic at this point
* offset 708
float compressionRatio ;
* Each rusEFI piece can provide synthetic trigger signal for external ECU . Sometimes these wires are routed back into trigger inputs of the same rusEFI board .
* See also directSelfStimulation which is different .
* offset 712
Gpio triggerSimulatorPins [ TRIGGER_SIMULATOR_PIN_COUNT ] ;
g / s
* offset 716
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > fordInjectorSmallPulseSlope ;
* offset 718
pin_output_mode_e triggerSimulatorPinModes [ TRIGGER_SIMULATOR_PIN_COUNT ] ;
* offset 720
adc_channel_e maf2AdcChannel ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 721
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_721 [ 1 ] ;
* On - off O2 sensor heater control . ' ON ' if engine is running , ' OFF ' if stopped or cranking .
* offset 722
output_pin_e o2heaterPin ;
* offset 724
pin_output_mode_e o2heaterPinModeTodO ;
* offset 725
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 100 > lambdaProtectionMinRpm ;
* offset 726
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 10 > lambdaProtectionMinLoad ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 727
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_727 [ 1 ] ;
offset 728 bit 0 */
bool is_enabled_spi_1 : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 1 */
bool is_enabled_spi_2 : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 2 */
bool is_enabled_spi_3 : 1 { } ;
* enable sd / disable sd
offset 728 bit 3 */
bool isSdCardEnabled : 1 { } ;
* Use 11 bit ( standard ) or 29 bit ( extended ) IDs for rusEFI verbose CAN format .
offset 728 bit 4 */
bool rusefiVerbose29b : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 5 */
bool rethrowHardFault : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 6 */
bool isHip9011Enabled : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 7 */
bool requireFootOnBrakeToCrank : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 8 */
bool verboseQuad : 1 { } ;
* This setting should only be used if you have a stepper motor idle valve and a stepper motor driver installed .
offset 728 bit 9 */
bool useStepperIdle : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 10 */
bool enabledStep1Limiter : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 11 */
bool useTpicAdvancedMode : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 12 */
bool lambdaProtectionEnable : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 13 */
bool verboseTLE8888 : 1 { } ;
* CAN broadcast using custom rusEFI protocol
* enable can_broadcast / disable can_broadcast
offset 728 bit 14 */
bool enableVerboseCanTx : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 15 */
bool etb1configured : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 16 */
bool etb2configured : 1 { } ;
* Useful for individual intakes
offset 728 bit 17 */
bool measureMapOnlyInOneCylinder : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 18 */
bool stepperForceParkingEveryRestart : 1 { } ;
* If enabled , try to fire the engine before a full engine cycle has been completed using RPM estimated from the last 90 degrees of engine rotation . As soon as the trigger syncs plus 90 degrees rotation , fuel and ignition events will occur . If disabled , worst case may require up to 4 full crank rotations before any events are scheduled .
offset 728 bit 19 */
bool isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled : 1 { } ;
* This setting disables fuel injection while the engine is in overrun , this is useful as a fuel saving measure and to prevent back firing .
offset 728 bit 20 */
bool coastingFuelCutEnabled : 1 { } ;
* Override the IAC position during overrun conditions to help reduce engine breaking , this can be helpful for large engines in light weight cars or engines that have trouble returning to idle .
offset 728 bit 21 */
bool useIacTableForCoasting : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 22 */
bool useNoiselessTriggerDecoder : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 23 */
bool useIdleTimingPidControl : 1 { } ;
* Allows disabling the ETB when the engine is stopped . You may not like the power draw or PWM noise from the motor , so this lets you turn it off until it ' s necessary .
offset 728 bit 24 */
bool disableEtbWhenEngineStopped : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 25 */
bool is_enabled_spi_4 : 1 { } ;
* Disable the electronic throttle motor and DC idle motor for testing .
* This mode is for testing ETB / DC idle position sensors , etc without actually driving the throttle .
offset 728 bit 26 */
bool pauseEtbControl : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 27 */
bool alignEngineSnifferAtTDC : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 28 */
bool verboseKLine : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 29 */
bool idleIncrementalPidCic : 1 { } ;
* AEM X - Series or rusEFI Wideband
offset 728 bit 30 */
bool enableAemXSeries : 1 { } ;
offset 728 bit 31 */
bool unusedBit_226_31 : 1 { } ;
* offset 732
brain_input_pin_e logicAnalyzerPins [ LOGIC_ANALYZER_CHANNEL_COUNT ] ;
* offset 740
pin_output_mode_e mainRelayPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 741
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_741 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 742
Gpio hip9011CsPin ;
* offset 744
Gpio hip9011IntHoldPin ;
* offset 746
pin_output_mode_e hip9011IntHoldPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 747
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_747 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 748
uint32_t verboseCanBaseAddress ;
* Boost Voltage
* offset 752
uint8_t mc33_hvolt ;
* Minimum MAP before closed loop boost is enabled . Use to prevent misbehavior upon entering boost .
* offset 753
uint8_t minimumBoostClosedLoopMap ;
* Optional Radiator Fan used with A / C
* offset 754
output_pin_e acFanPin ;
* offset 756
pin_output_mode_e acFanPinMode ;
* offset 757
spi_device_e l9779spiDevice ;
* offset 758
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > dwellVoltageCorrVoltBins [ DWELL_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 766
imu_type_e imuType ;
* offset 767
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 50 , 1 > dwellVoltageCorrValues [ DWELL_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 775
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_775 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 776
uint16_t vehicleWeight ;
* How far above idle speed do we consider idling , i . e . coasting detection threshold .
* For example , if target = 800 , this param = 200 , then anything below 1000 RPM is considered idle .
* offset 778
int16_t idlePidRpmUpperLimit ;
* Apply nonlinearity correction below a pulse of this duration . Pulses longer than this duration will receive no adjustment .
* offset 780
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > applyNonlinearBelowPulse ;
* offset 782
Gpio lps25BaroSensorScl ;
* offset 784
Gpio lps25BaroSensorSda ;
* offset 786
brain_input_pin_e vehicleSpeedSensorInputPin ;
* Some vehicles have a switch to indicate that clutch pedal is all the way up
* offset 788
switch_input_pin_e clutchUpPin ;
* offset 790
InjectorNonlinearMode injectorNonlinearMode ;
* offset 791
pin_input_mode_e clutchUpPinMode ;
* offset 792
Gpio max31855_cs [ EGT_CHANNEL_COUNT ] ;
* Continental / GM flex fuel sensor , 50 - 150 hz type
* offset 808
brain_input_pin_e flexSensorPin ;
* offset 810
Gpio test557pin ;
* offset 812
pin_output_mode_e stepperDirectionPinMode ;
* offset 813
spi_device_e mc33972spiDevice ;
* Stoichiometric ratio for your secondary fuel . This value is used when the Flex Fuel sensor indicates E100 , typically 9.0
: 1
* offset 814
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > stoichRatioSecondary ;
* Maximum allowed ETB position . Some throttles go past fully open , so this allows you to limit it to fully open .
* offset 815
uint8_t etbMaximumPosition ;
* Rate the ECU will log to the SD card , in hz ( log lines per second ) .
* offset 816
uint16_t sdCardLogFrequency ;
* offset 818
adc_channel_e idlePositionChannel ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 819
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_819 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 820
Gpio debugMapAveraging ;
* offset 822
output_pin_e starterRelayDisablePin ;
* On some vehicles we can disable starter once engine is already running
* offset 824
pin_output_mode_e starterRelayDisablePinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 825
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_825 [ 1 ] ;
* Some Subaru and some Mazda use double - solenoid idle air valve
* offset 826
output_pin_e secondSolenoidPin ;
* See also starterControlPin
* offset 828
switch_input_pin_e startStopButtonPin ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 830
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_830 [ 2 ] ;
* This many MAP samples are used to estimate the current MAP . This many samples are considered , and the minimum taken . Recommended value is 1 for single - throttle engines , and your number of cylinders for individual throttle bodies .
* offset 832
int mapMinBufferLength ;
* Below this throttle position , the engine is considered idling . If you have an electronic throttle , this checks accelerator pedal position instead of throttle position , and should be set to 1 - 2 % .
* offset 836
int16_t idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold ;
* offset 838
int16_t stepperParkingExtraSteps ;
* offset 840
uint16_t tps1SecondaryMin ;
* offset 842
uint16_t tps1SecondaryMax ;
* offset 844
int16_t antiLagRpmTreshold ;
* Maximum time to crank starter when start / stop button is pressed
* offset 846
uint16_t startCrankingDuration ;
* This pin is used for debugging - snap a logic analyzer on it and see if it ' s ever high
* offset 848
Gpio triggerErrorPin ;
* offset 850
pin_output_mode_e triggerErrorPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 851
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_851 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 852
output_pin_e acRelayPin ;
* offset 854
uint8_t lambdaProtectionMinTps ;
* Only respond once lambda is out of range for this period of time . Use to avoid transients triggering lambda protection when not needed
* offset 855
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > lambdaProtectionTimeout ;
* offset 856
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 100 > lambdaProtectionRestoreRpm ;
* offset 857
pin_output_mode_e acRelayPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 858
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_858 [ 2 ] ;
* offset 860
script_setting_t scriptSetting [ SCRIPT_SETTING_COUNT ] ;
* offset 892
Gpio spi1mosiPin ;
* offset 894
Gpio spi1misoPin ;
* offset 896
Gpio spi1sckPin ;
* offset 898
Gpio spi2mosiPin ;
* offset 900
Gpio spi2misoPin ;
* offset 902
Gpio spi2sckPin ;
* offset 904
Gpio spi3mosiPin ;
* offset 906
Gpio spi3misoPin ;
* offset 908
Gpio spi3sckPin ;
* Saab Combustion Detection Module knock signal input pin
* also known as Saab Ion Sensing Module
* offset 910
Gpio cdmInputPin ;
* offset 912
uart_device_e consoleUartDevice ;
* rusEFI console Sensor Sniffer mode
* offset 913
sensor_chart_e sensorChartMode ;
* offset 914
maf_sensor_type_e mafSensorType ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 915
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_915 [ 1 ] ;
offset 916 bit 0 */
bool clutchUpPinInverted : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 1 */
bool clutchDownPinInverted : 1 { } ;
* If enabled we use two H - bridges to drive stepper idle air valve
offset 916 bit 2 */
bool useHbridgesToDriveIdleStepper : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 3 */
bool multisparkEnable : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 4 */
bool enableLaunchRetard : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 5 */
bool canInputBCM : 1 { } ;
* This property is useful if using rusEFI as TCM or BCM only
offset 916 bit 6 */
bool consumeObdSensors : 1 { } ;
* Read VSS from OEM CAN bus according to selected CAN vehicle configuration .
offset 916 bit 7 */
bool enableCanVss : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 8 */
bool enableInnovateLC2 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 9 */
bool showHumanReadableWarning : 1 { } ;
* If enabled , adjust at a constant rate instead of a rate proportional to the current lambda error . This mode may be easier to tune , and more tolerant of sensor noise . Use of this mode is required if you have a narrowband O2 sensor .
offset 916 bit 10 */
bool stftIgnoreErrorMagnitude : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 11 */
bool vvtBooleanForVerySpecialCases : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 12 */
bool enableSoftwareKnock : 1 { } ;
* Verbose info in console below engineSnifferRpmThreshold
* enable vvt_details
offset 916 bit 13 */
bool verboseVVTDecoding : 1 { } ;
* get invertCamVVTSignal
offset 916 bit 14 */
bool invertCamVVTSignal : 1 { } ;
* In Alpha - N mode , compensate for air temperature .
offset 916 bit 15 */
bool alphaNUseIat : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 16 */
bool knockBankCyl1 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 17 */
bool knockBankCyl2 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 18 */
bool knockBankCyl3 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 19 */
bool knockBankCyl4 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 20 */
bool knockBankCyl5 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 21 */
bool knockBankCyl6 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 22 */
bool knockBankCyl7 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 23 */
bool knockBankCyl8 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 24 */
bool knockBankCyl9 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 25 */
bool knockBankCyl10 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 26 */
bool knockBankCyl11 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 27 */
bool knockBankCyl12 : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 28 */
bool tcuEnabled : 1 { } ;
offset 916 bit 29 */
bool canBroadcastUseChannelTwo : 1 { } ;
* If enabled we use four Push - Pull outputs to directly drive stepper idle air valve coilss
offset 916 bit 30 */
bool useRawOutputToDriveIdleStepper : 1 { } ;
* Print incoming and outgoing second bus CAN messages in rusEFI console
offset 916 bit 31 */
bool verboseCan2 : 1 { } ;
* offset 920
dc_io etbIo [ ETB_COUNT ] ;
* Wastegate control Solenoid
* offset 936
output_pin_e boostControlPin ;
* offset 938
pin_output_mode_e boostControlPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 939
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_939 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 940
switch_input_pin_e ALSActivatePin ;
* offset 942
switch_input_pin_e launchActivatePin ;
* offset 944
pid_s boostPid ;
* offset 964
boostType_e boostType ;
* offset 965
pin_input_mode_e ignitionKeyDigitalPinMode ;
* offset 966
Gpio ignitionKeyDigitalPin ;
* offset 968
int boostPwmFrequency ;
* offset 972
launchActivationMode_e launchActivationMode ;
* offset 973
antiLagActivationMode_e antiLagActivationMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 974
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_974 [ 2 ] ;
* Launch disabled above this speed if setting is above zero
* offset 976
int launchSpeedThreshold ;
* Range from Launch RPM for Timing Retard to activate
* offset 980
int launchTimingRpmRange ;
* Extra Fuel Added
* offset 984
int launchFuelAdded ;
* Duty Cycle for the Boost Solenoid
* offset 988
int launchBoostDuty ;
* Range from Launch RPM to activate Hard Cut
* offset 992
int hardCutRpmRange ;
* offset 996
float turbochargerFilter ;
* offset 1000
int launchTpsThreshold ;
* offset 1004
float launchActivateDelay ;
* offset 1008
stft_s stft ;
* offset 1032
dc_io stepperDcIo [ DC_PER_STEPPER ] ;
* For example , BMW , GM or Chevrolet
* REQUIRED for rusEFI Online
* offset 1048
vehicle_info_t engineMake ;
* For example , LS1 or NB2
* REQUIRED for rusEFI Online
* offset 1080
vehicle_info_t engineCode ;
* For example , Hunchback or Orange Miata
* Vehicle name has to be unique between your vehicles .
* REQUIRED for rusEFI Online
* offset 1112
vehicle_info_t vehicleName ;
* offset 1144
output_pin_e tcu_solenoid [ TCU_SOLENOID_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1156
dc_function_e etbFunctions [ ETB_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1158
spi_device_e drv8860spiDevice ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1159
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1159 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 1160
Gpio drv8860_cs ;
* offset 1162
pin_output_mode_e drv8860_csPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1163
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1163 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 1164
Gpio drv8860_miso ;
* offset 1166
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > fuelLevelBins [ FUEL_LEVEL_TABLE_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1182
output_pin_e luaOutputPins [ LUA_PWM_COUNT ] ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1198
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1198 [ 2 ] ;
* Angle between cam sensor and VVT zero position
* set vvt_offset X
* offset 1200
float vvtOffsets [ CAM_INPUTS_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1216
vr_threshold_s vrThreshold [ VR_THRESHOLD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1248
gppwm_note_t gpPwmNote [ GPPWM_CHANNELS ] ;
* offset 1312
uint16_t tps2SecondaryMin ;
* offset 1314
uint16_t tps2SecondaryMax ;
* Select which bus the wideband controller is attached to .
offset 1316 bit 0 */
bool widebandOnSecondBus : 1 { } ;
* Enables lambda sensor closed loop feedback for fuelling .
offset 1316 bit 1 */
bool fuelClosedLoopCorrectionEnabled : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 2 */
bool oddFireEngine : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 3 */
bool boardUseTachPullUp : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 4 */
bool boardUseTempPullUp : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 5 */
bool yesUnderstandLocking : 1 { } ;
* Sometimes we have a performance issue while printing error
offset 1316 bit 6 */
bool silentTriggerError : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 7 */
bool useLinearCltSensor : 1 { } ;
* enable can_read / disable can_read
offset 1316 bit 8 */
bool canReadEnabled : 1 { } ;
* enable can_write / disable can_write . See also can1ListenMode
offset 1316 bit 9 */
bool canWriteEnabled : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 10 */
bool useLinearIatSensor : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 11 */
bool boardUse2stepPullDown : 1 { } ;
* Treat milliseconds value as duty cycle value , i . e . 0.5 ms would become 50 %
offset 1316 bit 12 */
bool tachPulseDurationAsDutyCycle : 1 { } ;
* This enables smart alternator control and activates the extra alternator settings .
offset 1316 bit 13 */
bool isAlternatorControlEnabled : 1 { } ;
* https : //wiki.rusefi.com/Trigger-Configuration-Guide
* This setting flips the signal from the primary engine speed sensor .
offset 1316 bit 14 */
bool invertPrimaryTriggerSignal : 1 { } ;
* https : //wiki.rusefi.com/Trigger-Configuration-Guide
* This setting flips the signal from the secondary engine speed sensor .
offset 1316 bit 15 */
bool invertSecondaryTriggerSignal : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 16 */
bool cutFuelOnHardLimit : 1 { } ;
* Be careful enabling this : some engines are known to self - disassemble their valvetrain with a spark cut . Fuel cut is much safer .
offset 1316 bit 17 */
bool cutSparkOnHardLimit : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 18 */
bool launchFuelCutEnable : 1 { } ;
* This is the Cut Mode normally used
offset 1316 bit 19 */
bool launchSparkCutEnable : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 20 */
bool boardUseCrankPullUp : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 21 */
bool boardUseCamPullDown : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 22 */
bool boardUseCamVrPullUp : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 23 */
bool boardUseD2PullDown : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 24 */
bool boardUseD3PullDown : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 25 */
bool boardUseD4PullDown : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 26 */
bool boardUseD5PullDown : 1 { } ;
* Are you a developer troubleshooting TS over CAN ISO / TP ?
offset 1316 bit 27 */
bool verboseIsoTp : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 28 */
bool engineSnifferFocusOnInputs : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 29 */
bool launchActivateInverted : 1 { } ;
offset 1316 bit 30 */
bool twoStroke : 1 { } ;
* Where is your primary skipped wheel located ?
offset 1316 bit 31 */
bool skippedWheelOnCam : 1 { } ;
* offset 1320
adc_channel_e hipOutputChannel ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1321
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1321 [ 1 ] ;
* A / C button input
* offset 1322
switch_input_pin_e acSwitch ;
* offset 1324
adc_channel_e vRefAdcChannel ;
* Expected neutral position
* offset 1325
uint8_t etbNeutralPosition ;
* See also idleRpmPid
* offset 1326
idle_mode_e idleMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1327
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1327 [ 1 ] ;
offset 1328 bit 0 */
bool isInjectionEnabled : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 1 */
bool isIgnitionEnabled : 1 { } ;
* When enabled if TPS is held above 95 % no fuel is injected while cranking to clear excess fuel from the cylinders .
offset 1328 bit 2 */
bool isCylinderCleanupEnabled : 1 { } ;
* Should we use tables to vary tau / beta based on CLT / MAP , or just with fixed values ?
offset 1328 bit 3 */
bool complexWallModel : 1 { } ;
* RPM is measured based on last 720 degrees while instant RPM is measured based on the last 90 degrees of crank revolution
offset 1328 bit 4 */
bool alwaysInstantRpm : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 5 */
bool isMapAveragingEnabled : 1 { } ;
* If enabled , use separate temperature multiplier table for cranking idle position .
* If disabled , use normal running multiplier table applied to the cranking base position .
offset 1328 bit 6 */
bool overrideCrankingIacSetting : 1 { } ;
* This activates a separate ignition timing table for idle conditions , this can help idle stability by using ignition retard and advance either side of the desired idle speed . Extra retard at low idle speeds will prevent stalling and extra advance at high idle speeds can help reduce engine power and slow the idle speed .
offset 1328 bit 7 */
bool useSeparateAdvanceForIdle : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 8 */
bool isWaveAnalyzerEnabled : 1 { } ;
* This activates a separate fuel table for Idle , this allows fine tuning of the idle fuelling .
offset 1328 bit 9 */
bool useSeparateVeForIdle : 1 { } ;
* Verbose info in console below engineSnifferRpmThreshold
* enable trigger_details
offset 1328 bit 10 */
bool verboseTriggerSynchDetails : 1 { } ;
* Usually if we have no trigger events that means engine is stopped
* Unless we are troubleshooting and spinning the engine by hand - this case a longer
* delay is needed
offset 1328 bit 11 */
bool isManualSpinningMode : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 12 */
bool cutFuelInAcr : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 13 */
bool hondaK : 1 { } ;
* This is needed if your coils are individually wired ( COP ) and you wish to use batch ignition ( Wasted Spark ) .
offset 1328 bit 14 */
bool twoWireBatchIgnition : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 15 */
bool useFixedBaroCorrFromMap : 1 { } ;
* In Constant mode , timing is automatically tapered to running as RPM increases .
* In Table mode , the " Cranking ignition advance " table is used directly .
offset 1328 bit 16 */
bool useSeparateAdvanceForCranking : 1 { } ;
* This enables the various ignition corrections during cranking ( IAT , CLT , FSIO and PID idle ) .
* You probably don ' t need this .
offset 1328 bit 17 */
bool useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking : 1 { } ;
* Enable a second cranking table to use for E100 flex fuel , interpolating between the two based on flex fuel sensor .
offset 1328 bit 18 */
bool flexCranking : 1 { } ;
* This flag allows to use a special ' PID Multiplier ' table ( 0.0 - 1.0 ) to compensate for nonlinear nature of IAC - RPM controller
offset 1328 bit 19 */
bool useIacPidMultTable : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 20 */
bool isBoostControlEnabled : 1 { } ;
* Interpolates the Ignition Retard from 0 to 100 % within the RPM Range
offset 1328 bit 21 */
bool launchSmoothRetard : 1 { } ;
* Some engines are OK running semi - random sequential while other engine require phase synchronization
offset 1328 bit 22 */
bool isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition : 1 { } ;
* If enabled , use a curve for RPM limit ( based on coolant temperature ) instead of a constant value .
offset 1328 bit 23 */
bool useCltBasedRpmLimit : 1 { } ;
* If enabled , don ' t wait for engine start to heat O2 sensors . WARNING : this will reduce the life of your sensor , as condensation in the exhaust from a cold start can crack the sensing element .
offset 1328 bit 24 */
bool forceO2Heating : 1 { } ;
* If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle , set this to ' advance ' . If it decreases , set this to ' retard ' . Most intake cams use ' advance ' , and most exhaust cams use ' retard ' .
offset 1328 bit 25 */
bool invertVvtControlIntake : 1 { } ;
* If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle , set this to ' advance ' . If it decreases , set this to ' retard ' . Most intake cams use ' advance ' , and most exhaust cams use ' retard ' .
offset 1328 bit 26 */
bool invertVvtControlExhaust : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 27 */
bool useBiQuadOnAuxSpeedSensors : 1 { } ;
* ' Trigger ' mode will write a high speed log of trigger events ( warning : uses lots of space ! ) . ' Normal ' mode will write a standard MLG of sensors , engine function , etc . similar to the one captured in TunerStudio .
offset 1328 bit 28 */
bool sdTriggerLog : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 29 */
bool ALSActivateInverted : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 30 */
bool stepper_dc_use_two_wires : 1 { } ;
offset 1328 bit 31 */
bool watchOutForLinearTime : 1 { } ;
* offset 1332
uint32_t engineChartSize ;
* offset 1336
float turboSpeedSensorMultiplier ;
* offset 1340
Gpio camInputsDebug [ CAM_INPUTS_COUNT ] ;
* Idle target speed when A / C is enabled . Some cars need the extra speed to keep the AC efficient while idling .
* offset 1348
int16_t acIdleRpmTarget ;
* set warningPeriod X
* offset 1350
int16_t warningPeriod ;
* offset 1352
float knockDetectionWindowStart ;
* offset 1356
float knockDetectionWindowEnd ;
* offset 1360
float idleStepperReactionTime ;
* offset 1364
int idleStepperTotalSteps ;
* TODO : finish this # 413
* offset 1368
float noAccelAfterHardLimitPeriodSecs ;
* At what trigger index should some MAP - related math be executed ? This is a performance trick to reduce load on synchronization trigger callback .
* offset 1372
int mapAveragingSchedulingAtIndex ;
* Duration in ms or duty cycle depending on selected mode
* offset 1376
float tachPulseDuractionMs ;
* Length of time the deposited wall fuel takes to dissipate after the start of acceleration .
* offset 1380
float wwaeTau ;
* offset 1384
pid_s alternatorControl ;
* offset 1404
pid_s etb ;
* offset 1424
Gpio triggerInputDebugPins [ TRIGGER_INPUT_PIN_COUNT ] ;
* RPM range above upper limit for extra air taper
* offset 1428
int16_t airTaperRpmRange ;
* offset 1430
brain_input_pin_e turboSpeedSensorInputPin ;
* Closed throttle # 2. todo : extract these two fields into a structure
* See also tps2_1AdcChannel
* set tps2_min X
* offset 1432
int16_t tps2Min ;
* Full throttle # 2. tpsMax value as 10 bit ADC value . Not Voltage !
* See also tps1_1AdcChannel
* set tps2_max X
* offset 1434
int16_t tps2Max ;
* See also startStopButtonPin
* offset 1436
output_pin_e starterControlPin ;
* offset 1438
pin_input_mode_e startStopButtonMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1439
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1439 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 1440
Gpio mc33816_flag0 ;
* offset 1442
uint8_t tachPulsePerRev ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1443
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1443 [ 1 ] ;
* kPa value which is too low to be true
* offset 1444
float mapErrorDetectionTooLow ;
* kPa value which is too high to be true
* offset 1448
float mapErrorDetectionTooHigh ;
* How long to wait for the spark to fire before recharging the coil for another spark .
* offset 1452
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > multisparkSparkDuration ;
* This sets the dwell time for subsequent sparks . The main spark ' s dwell is set by the dwell table .
* offset 1454
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > multisparkDwell ;
* See cltIdleRpmBins
* offset 1456
pid_s idleRpmPid ;
* 0 = No fuel settling on port walls 1 = All the fuel settling on port walls setting this to 0 disables the wall wetting enrichment .
* offset 1476
float wwaeBeta ;
* offset 1480
Gpio binarySerialTxPin ;
* offset 1482
Gpio binarySerialRxPin ;
* offset 1484
Gpio auxValves [ AUX_DIGITAL_VALVE_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1488
switch_input_pin_e tcuUpshiftButtonPin ;
* offset 1490
switch_input_pin_e tcuDownshiftButtonPin ;
* offset 1492
float throttlePedalUpVoltage ;
* Pedal in the floor
* offset 1496
float throttlePedalWOTVoltage ;
* on IGN voltage detection turn fuel pump on to build fuel pressure
* offset 1500
int16_t startUpFuelPumpDuration ;
* If the RPM closer to target than this value , disable closed loop idle correction to prevent oscillation
* offset 1502
int16_t idlePidRpmDeadZone ;
* This is the target battery voltage the alternator PID control will attempt to maintain
* offset 1504
float targetVBatt ;
* offset 1508
uint32_t unused1372 ;
* This is the duration in cycles that the IAC will take to reach its normal idle position , it can be used to hold the idle higher for a few seconds after cranking to improve startup .
* offset 1512
int16_t afterCrankingIACtaperDuration ;
* IAC Value added when coasting and transitioning into idle .
* offset 1514
int16_t iacByTpsTaper ;
* Auxiliary sensor serial , not to be confused with secondary calibration serial
* offset 1516
Gpio auxSerialTxPin ;
* Auxiliary sensor serial , not to be confused with secondary calibration serial
* offset 1518
Gpio auxSerialRxPin ;
* offset 1520
Gpio accelerometerCsPin ;
* How long to look back for TPS - based acceleration enrichment . Increasing this time will trigger enrichment for longer when a throttle position change occurs .
* offset 1522
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 20 , 1 > tpsAccelLookback ;
* Below this speed , disable DFCO . Use this to prevent jerkiness from fuel enable / disable in low gears .
* offset 1523
uint8_t coastingFuelCutVssLow ;
* Above this speed , allow DFCO . Use this to prevent jerkiness from fuel enable / disable in low gears .
* offset 1524
uint8_t coastingFuelCutVssHigh ;
* Pause closed loop fueling after deceleration fuel cut occurs . Set this to a little longer than however long is required for normal fueling behavior to resume after fuel cut .
* offset 1525
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > noFuelTrimAfterDfcoTime ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1526
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1526 [ 2 ] ;
* Maximum change delta of TPS percentage over the ' length ' . Actual TPS change has to be above this value in order for TPS / TPS acceleration to kick in .
* offset 1528
float tpsAccelEnrichmentThreshold ;
* offset 1532
brain_input_pin_e auxSpeedSensorInputPin [ AUX_SPEED_SENSOR_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1536
uint8_t totalGearsCount ;
* Sets what part of injection ' s is controlled by the injection phase table .
* offset 1537
InjectionTimingMode injectionTimingMode ;
* See http : //rusefi.com/s/debugmode
* offset 1538
debug_mode_e debugMode ;
* Additional idle % when fan # 1 is active
* offset 1539
uint8_t fan1ExtraIdle ;
* Band rate for primary TTL
* offset 1540
uint32_t uartConsoleSerialSpeed ;
* For decel we simply multiply delta of TPS and tFor decel we do not use table ? !
* offset 1544
float tpsDecelEnleanmentThreshold ;
* Magic multiplier , we multiply delta of TPS and get fuel squirt duration
* offset 1548
float tpsDecelEnleanmentMultiplier ;
* offset 1552
uint32_t auxSerialSpeed ;
* offset 1556
float throttlePedalSecondaryUpVoltage ;
* Pedal in the floor
* offset 1560
float throttlePedalSecondaryWOTVoltage ;
* set can_baudrate
* offset 1564
can_baudrate_e canBaudRate ;
* Override the Y axis ( load ) value used for the VE table .
* Advanced users only : If you aren ' t sure you need this , you probably don ' t need this .
* offset 1565
ve_override_e veOverrideMode ;
* offset 1566
can_baudrate_e can2BaudRate ;
* Override the Y axis ( load ) value used for the AFR table .
* Advanced users only : If you aren ' t sure you need this , you probably don ' t need this .
* offset 1567
load_override_e afrOverrideMode ;
* offset 1568
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > mc33_hpfp_i_peak ;
* offset 1569
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > mc33_hpfp_i_hold ;
* How long to deactivate power when hold current is reached before applying power again
* offset 1570
uint8_t mc33_hpfp_i_hold_off ;
* Maximum amount of time the solenoid can be active before assuming a programming error
* offset 1571
uint8_t mc33_hpfp_max_hold ;
* Enable if DC - motor driver ( H - bridge ) inverts the signals ( eg . RZ7899 on Hellen boards )
offset 1572 bit 0 */
bool stepperDcInvertedPins : 1 { } ;
* Allow OpenBLT on Primary CAN
offset 1572 bit 1 */
bool canOpenBLT : 1 { } ;
* Allow OpenBLT on Secondary CAN
offset 1572 bit 2 */
bool can2OpenBLT : 1 { } ;
* Select whether to configure injector flow in volumetric flow ( defualt , cc / min ) or mass flow ( g / s ) .
offset 1572 bit 3 */
bool injectorFlowAsMassFlow : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 4 */
bool boardUseCanTerminator : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 5 */
bool kLineDoHondaSend : 1 { } ;
* ListenMode is about acknowledging CAN traffic on the protocol level . Different from canWriteEnabled
offset 1572 bit 6 */
bool can1ListenMode : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 7 */
bool can2ListenMode : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 8 */
bool unusedBit_528_8 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 9 */
bool unusedBit_528_9 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 10 */
bool unusedBit_528_10 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 11 */
bool unusedBit_528_11 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 12 */
bool unusedBit_528_12 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 13 */
bool unusedBit_528_13 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 14 */
bool unusedBit_528_14 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 15 */
bool unusedBit_528_15 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 16 */
bool unusedBit_528_16 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 17 */
bool unusedBit_528_17 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 18 */
bool unusedBit_528_18 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 19 */
bool unusedBit_528_19 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 20 */
bool unusedBit_528_20 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 21 */
bool unusedBit_528_21 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 22 */
bool unusedBit_528_22 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 23 */
bool unusedBit_528_23 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 24 */
bool unusedBit_528_24 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 25 */
bool unusedBit_528_25 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 26 */
bool unusedBit_528_26 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 27 */
bool unusedBit_528_27 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 28 */
bool unusedBit_528_28 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 29 */
bool unusedBit_528_29 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 30 */
bool unusedBit_528_30 : 1 { } ;
offset 1572 bit 31 */
bool unusedBit_528_31 : 1 { } ;
* offset 1576
uint8_t camDecoder2jzPosition ;
* offset 1577
2023-12-26 16:57:42 -08:00
uint8_t mc33810maxDwellTimer ;
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
* Duration of each test pulse
* offset 1578
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100 , 1 > benchTestOnTime ;
* offset 1580
uint8_t lambdaProtectionRestoreTps ;
* offset 1581
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 10 > lambdaProtectionRestoreLoad ;
* offset 1582
pin_input_mode_e launchActivatePinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1583
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1583 [ 1 ] ;
* set_can2_tx_pin X
* offset 1584
Gpio can2TxPin ;
* set_can2_rx_pin X
* offset 1586
Gpio can2RxPin ;
* offset 1588
pin_output_mode_e starterControlPinMode ;
* offset 1589
adc_channel_e wastegatePositionSensor ;
* Override the Y axis ( load ) value used for the ignition table .
* Advanced users only : If you aren ' t sure you need this , you probably don ' t need this .
* offset 1590
load_override_e ignOverrideMode ;
* Select which fuel pressure sensor measures the pressure of the fuel at your injectors .
* offset 1591
injector_pressure_type_e injectorPressureType ;
* offset 1592
output_pin_e hpfpValvePin ;
* offset 1594
pin_output_mode_e hpfpValvePinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1595
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1595 [ 1 ] ;
* MAP value above which fuel is cut in case of overboost .
* Set to 0 to disable overboost cut .
kPa ( absolute )
* offset 1596
float boostCutPressure ;
kg / h
* offset 1600
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 5 > tchargeBins [ 16 ] ;
* offset 1616
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > tchargeValues [ 16 ] ;
* Fixed timing , useful for TDC testing
* offset 1632
float fixedTiming ;
* MAP voltage for low point
* offset 1636
float mapLowValueVoltage ;
* MAP voltage for low point
* offset 1640
float mapHighValueVoltage ;
* EGO value correction
* offset 1644
float egoValueShift ;
* VVT output solenoid pin for this cam
* offset 1648
output_pin_e vvtPins [ CAM_INPUTS_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1656
pin_output_mode_e sdCardCsPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 1657
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_1657 [ 3 ] ;
* This is the IAC position during cranking , some engines start better if given more air during cranking to improve cylinder filling .
* offset 1660
int crankingIACposition ;
* offset 1664
float tChargeMinRpmMinTps ;
* offset 1668
float tChargeMinRpmMaxTps ;
* offset 1672
float tChargeMaxRpmMinTps ;
* offset 1676
float tChargeMaxRpmMaxTps ;
* offset 1680
pwm_freq_t vvtOutputFrequency ;
* Minimim timing advance allowed . No spark on any cylinder will ever fire after this angle BTDC . For example , setting - 10 here means no spark ever fires later than 10 deg ATDC . Note that this only concerns the primary spark : any trailing sparks or multispark may violate this constraint .
deg BTDC
* offset 1682
int8_t minimumIgnitionTiming ;
* Maximum timing advance allowed . No spark on any cylinder will ever fire before this angle BTDC . For example , setting 45 here means no spark ever fires earlier than 45 deg BTDC
deg BTDC
* offset 1683
int8_t maximumIgnitionTiming ;
* offset 1684
int alternatorPwmFrequency ;
* set vvt_mode X
* offset 1688
vvt_mode_e vvtMode [ CAMS_PER_BANK ] ;
* Additional idle % when fan # 2 is active
* offset 1690
uint8_t fan2ExtraIdle ;
* Delay to allow fuel pressure to build before firing the priming pulse .
* offset 1691
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > primingDelay ;
* offset 1692
adc_channel_e auxAnalogInputs [ LUA_ANALOG_INPUT_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1700
output_pin_e trailingCoilPins [ MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1724
tle8888_mode_e tle8888mode ;
* offset 1725
pin_output_mode_e accelerometerCsPinMode ;
* None = I have a MAP - referenced fuel pressure regulator
* Fixed rail pressure = I have an atmosphere - referenced fuel pressure regulator ( returnless , typically )
* Sensed rail pressure = I have a fuel pressure sensor
* offset 1726
injector_compensation_mode_e injectorCompensationMode ;
* offset 1727
pin_output_mode_e fan2PinMode ;
* This is the pressure at which your injector flow is known .
* For example if your injectors flow 400 cc / min at 3.5 bar , enter 350 kpa here .
* offset 1728
float fuelReferencePressure ;
* offset 1732
* offset 1876
float postCrankingDurationBins [ CRANKING_ENRICH_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1900
float postCrankingCLTBins [ CRANKING_ENRICH_COUNT ] ;
* offset 1924
ThermistorConf auxTempSensor1 ;
* offset 1956
ThermistorConf auxTempSensor2 ;
* offset 1988
int16_t knockSamplingDuration ;
* offset 1990
int16_t etbFreq ;
* offset 1992
pid_s etbWastegatePid ;
* For micro - stepping , make sure that PWM frequency ( etbFreq ) is high enough
* offset 2012
stepper_num_micro_steps_e stepperNumMicroSteps ;
* Use to limit the current when the stepper motor is idle , not moving ( 100 % = no limit )
* offset 2013
uint8_t stepperMinDutyCycle ;
* Use to limit the max . current through the stepper motor ( 100 % = no limit )
* offset 2014
uint8_t stepperMaxDutyCycle ;
* offset 2015
spi_device_e sdCardSpiDevice ;
* per - cylinder timing correction
* offset 2016
angle_t timing_offset_cylinder [ MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT ] ;
* offset 2064
float idlePidActivationTime ;
* offset 2068
pin_mode_e spi1SckMode ;
* Modes count be used for 3 v < > 5 v integration using pull - ups / pull - downs etc .
* offset 2069
pin_mode_e spi1MosiMode ;
* offset 2070
pin_mode_e spi1MisoMode ;
* offset 2071
pin_mode_e spi2SckMode ;
* offset 2072
pin_mode_e spi2MosiMode ;
* offset 2073
pin_mode_e spi2MisoMode ;
* offset 2074
pin_mode_e spi3SckMode ;
* offset 2075
pin_mode_e spi3MosiMode ;
* offset 2076
pin_mode_e spi3MisoMode ;
* offset 2077
pin_output_mode_e stepperEnablePinMode ;
* ResetB
* offset 2078
Gpio mc33816_rstb ;
* offset 2080
Gpio mc33816_driven ;
* Brake pedal switch
* offset 2082
switch_input_pin_e brakePedalPin ;
* offset 2084
pin_input_mode_e brakePedalPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 2085
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_2085 [ 3 ] ;
* VVT output PID
* TODO : rename to vvtPid
* offset 2088
pid_s auxPid [ CAMS_PER_BANK ] ;
* offset 2128
float injectorCorrectionPolynomial [ 8 ] ;
* offset 2160
int8_t primeBins [ PRIME_CURVE_COUNT ] ;
* offset 2168
linear_sensor_s oilPressure ;
* offset 2188
spi_device_e accelerometerSpiDevice ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 2189
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_2189 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 2190
output_pin_e fan2Pin ;
* Cooling fan turn - on temperature threshold , in Celsius
deg C
* offset 2192
uint8_t fan2OnTemperature ;
* Cooling fan turn - off temperature threshold , in Celsius
deg C
* offset 2193
uint8_t fan2OffTemperature ;
* offset 2194
Gpio stepperEnablePin ;
* offset 2196
Gpio tle8888_cs ;
* offset 2198
pin_output_mode_e tle8888_csPinMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 2199
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_2199 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 2200
Gpio mc33816_cs ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 2202
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_2202 [ 2 ] ;
* offset 2204
float auxFrequencyFilter ;
* offset 2208
int16_t vvtControlMinRpm ;
* offset 2210
sent_input_pin_e sentInputPins [ SENT_INPUT_COUNT ] ;
* offset 2212
int8_t launchFuelAdderPercent ;
* Time required to detect a stuck throttle .
* offset 2213
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 50 , 1 > etbJamTimeout ;
* By the way ETB PID runs at 500 hz , length in 1 / 500 of second here .
* offset 2214
uint16_t etbExpAverageLength ;
* offset 2216
float etbDutyThreshold ;
* This sets the RPM above which fuel cut is active .
* offset 2220
int16_t coastingFuelCutRpmHigh ;
* This sets the RPM below which fuel cut is deactivated , this prevents jerking or issues transitioning to idle
* offset 2222
int16_t coastingFuelCutRpmLow ;
* Throttle position below which fuel cut is active . With an electronic throttle enabled , this checks against pedal position .
* offset 2224
int16_t coastingFuelCutTps ;
* Fuel cutoff is disabled when the engine is cold .
* offset 2226
int16_t coastingFuelCutClt ;
* Increases PID reaction for RPM < target by adding extra percent to PID - error
* offset 2228
int16_t pidExtraForLowRpm ;
* MAP value above which fuel injection is re - enabled .
* offset 2230
int16_t coastingFuelCutMap ;
* offset 2232
linear_sensor_s highPressureFuel ;
* offset 2252
linear_sensor_s lowPressureFuel ;
* offset 2272
int8_t cltRevLimitRpmBins [ CLT_LIMITER_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 2276
uint16_t cltRevLimitRpm [ CLT_LIMITER_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 2284
gppwm_note_t scriptCurveName [ SCRIPT_CURVE_COUNT ] ;
* offset 2380
gppwm_note_t scriptTableName [ SCRIPT_TABLE_COUNT ] ;
* offset 2444
gppwm_note_t scriptSettingName [ SCRIPT_SETTING_COUNT ] ;
* Heat transfer coefficient at zero flow .
* 0 means the air charge is fully heated to the same temperature as CLT .
* 1 means the air charge gains no heat , and enters the cylinder at the temperature measured by IAT .
* offset 2572
float tChargeAirCoefMin ;
* Heat transfer coefficient at high flow , as defined by " max air flow " .
* 0 means the air charge is fully heated to the same temperature as CLT .
* 1 means the air charge gains no heat , and enters the cylinder at the temperature measured by IAT .
* offset 2576
float tChargeAirCoefMax ;
* High flow point for heat transfer estimation .
* Set this to perhaps 50 - 75 % of your maximum airflow at wide open throttle .
kg / h
* offset 2580
float tChargeAirFlowMax ;
* Maximum allowed rate of increase allowed for the estimated charge temperature
deg / sec
* offset 2584
float tChargeAirIncrLimit ;
* Maximum allowed rate of decrease allowed for the estimated charge temperature
deg / sec
* offset 2588
float tChargeAirDecrLimit ;
* offset 2592
tChargeMode_e tChargeMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 2593
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_2593 [ 3 ] ;
* offset 2596
float hip9011Gain ;
* iTerm min value
* offset 2600
int16_t etb_iTermMin ;
* iTerm max value
* offset 2602
int16_t etb_iTermMax ;
* See useIdleTimingPidControl
* offset 2604
pid_s idleTimingPid ;
* When entering idle , and the PID settings are aggressive , it ' s good to make a soft entry upon entering closed loop
* offset 2624
float idleTimingSoftEntryTime ;
* By the way ETB PID runs at 500 hz , length in 1 / 500 of second here .
* offset 2628
int16_t etbRocExpAverageLength ;
* A delay in cycles between fuel - enrich . portions
* offset 2630
int16_t tpsAccelFractionPeriod ;
* A fraction divisor : 1 or less = entire portion at once , or split into diminishing fractions
* offset 2632
float tpsAccelFractionDivisor ;
* offset 2636
spi_device_e tle8888spiDevice ;
* offset 2637
spi_device_e mc33816spiDevice ;
* iTerm min value
* offset 2638
int16_t idlerpmpid_iTermMin ;
* offset 2640
spi_device_e tle6240spiDevice ;
* Stoichiometric ratio for your primary fuel . When Flex Fuel is enabled , this value is used when the Flex Fuel sensor indicates E0 .
* E0 = 14.7
* E10 = 14.1
* E85 = 9.9
* E100 = 9.0
: 1
* offset 2641
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > stoichRatioPrimary ;
* iTerm max value
* offset 2642
int16_t idlerpmpid_iTermMax ;
* This sets the range of the idle control on the ETB . At 100 % idle position , the value specified here sets the base ETB position .
* offset 2644
float etbIdleThrottleRange ;
* Select which fuel correction bank this cylinder belongs to . Group cylinders that share the same O2 sensor
* offset 2648
uint8_t cylinderBankSelect [ MAX_CYLINDER_COUNT ] ;
* offset 2660
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 5 > primeValues [ PRIME_CURVE_COUNT ] ;
* Trigger comparator center point voltage
* offset 2668
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 50 , 1 > triggerCompCenterVolt ;
* Trigger comparator hysteresis voltage ( Min )
* offset 2669
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 50 , 1 > triggerCompHystMin ;
* Trigger comparator hysteresis voltage ( Max )
* offset 2670
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 50 , 1 > triggerCompHystMax ;
* VR - sensor saturation RPM
* offset 2671
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > triggerCompSensorSatRpm ;
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
* offset 2672
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > tractionControlSlipBins [ TRACTION_CONTROL_ETB_DROP_SIZE ] ;
* offset 2684
uint8_t tractionControlSpeedBins [ TRACTION_CONTROL_ETB_DROP_SIZE ] ;
* offset 2690
int8_t unusedHere [ 2 ] ;
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
* offset 2692
can_vss_nbc_e canVssNbcType ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 2694
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_2694 [ 2 ] ;
* offset 2696
gppwm_channel gppwm [ GPPWM_CHANNELS ] ;
* Boost Current
* offset 3128
uint16_t mc33_i_boost ;
* Peak Current
* offset 3130
uint16_t mc33_i_peak ;
* Hold Current
* offset 3132
uint16_t mc33_i_hold ;
* Maximum allowed boost phase time . If the injector current doesn ' t reach the threshold before this time elapses , it is assumed that the injector is missing or has failed open circuit .
* offset 3134
uint16_t mc33_t_max_boost ;
* offset 3136
uint16_t mc33_t_peak_off ;
* Peak phase duration
* offset 3138
uint16_t mc33_t_peak_tot ;
* offset 3140
uint16_t mc33_t_bypass ;
* offset 3142
uint16_t mc33_t_hold_off ;
* Hold phase duration
* offset 3144
uint16_t mc33_t_hold_tot ;
* offset 3146
pin_input_mode_e tcuUpshiftButtonPinMode ;
* offset 3147
pin_input_mode_e tcuDownshiftButtonPinMode ;
* offset 3148
pin_input_mode_e acSwitchMode ;
* offset 3149
pin_output_mode_e tcu_solenoid_mode [ TCU_SOLENOID_COUNT ] ;
* Knock sensor output knock detection threshold depending on current RPM .
* offset 3155
scaled_channel < int8_t , 2 , 1 > knockBaseNoise [ ENGINE_NOISE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3171
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3171 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 3172
float triggerGapOverrideFrom [ GAP_TRACKING_LENGTH ] ;
* offset 3244
float triggerGapOverrideTo [ GAP_TRACKING_LENGTH ] ;
* Below this RPM , use camshaft information to synchronize the crank ' s position for full sequential operation . Use this if your cam sensor does weird things at high RPM . Set to 0 to disable , and always use cam to help sync crank .
* offset 3316
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > maxCamPhaseResolveRpm ;
* Delay before cutting fuel . Set to 0 to cut immediately with no delay . May cause rumbles and pops out of your exhaust . . .
* offset 3317
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > dfcoDelay ;
* Delay before engaging the AC compressor . Set to 0 to engage immediately with no delay . Use this to prevent bogging at idle when AC engages .
* offset 3318
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > acDelay ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3319
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3319 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 3320
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > fordInjectorSmallPulseBreakPoint ;
* offset 3322
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 50 , 1 > tpsTspCorrValues [ TPS_TPS_ACCEL_CLT_CORR_TABLE ] ;
* offset 3326
uint8_t etbJamIntegratorLimit ;
lobes / cam
* offset 3327
uint8_t hpfpCamLobes ;
* offset 3328
hpfp_cam_e hpfpCam ;
* offset 3329
uint8_t auxiliarySetting1 ;
* If the requested activation time is below this angle , don ' t bother running the pump
* offset 3330
uint8_t hpfpMinAngle ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3331
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3331 [ 1 ] ;
* Size of the pump chamber in cc . Typical Bosch HDP5 has a 9.0 mm diameter , typical BMW N * stroke is 4.4 mm .
* offset 3332
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > hpfpPumpVolume ;
* How long to keep the valve activated ( in order to allow the pump to build pressure and keep the valve open on its own )
* offset 3334
uint8_t hpfpActivationAngle ;
* offset 3335
uint8_t issFilterReciprocal ;
% / kPa
* offset 3336
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > hpfpPidP ;
% / kPa / lobe
* offset 3338
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100000 , 1 > hpfpPidI ;
* The fastest rate the target pressure can be reduced by . This is because HPFP have no way to bleed off pressure other than injecting fuel .
kPa / s
* offset 3340
uint16_t hpfpTargetDecay ;
* offset 3342
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > hpfpLobeProfileQuantityBins [ HPFP_LOBE_PROFILE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3358
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > hpfpLobeProfileAngle [ HPFP_LOBE_PROFILE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3374
uint8_t hpfpDeadtimeVoltsBins [ HPFP_DEADTIME_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3382
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > hpfpDeadtimeMS [ HPFP_DEADTIME_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3398
uint16_t hpfpTarget [ HPFP_TARGET_SIZE ] [ HPFP_TARGET_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3598
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > hpfpTargetLoadBins [ HPFP_TARGET_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3618
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > hpfpTargetRpmBins [ HPFP_TARGET_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3628
cc / lobe
* offset 3728
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 1000 , 1 > hpfpCompensationLoadBins [ HPFP_COMPENSATION_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3748
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > hpfpCompensationRpmBins [ HPFP_COMPENSATION_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3758
output_pin_e stepper_raw_output [ 4 ] ;
* offset 3766
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100 , 1 > gearRatio [ TCU_GEAR_COUNT ] ;
* We need to give engine time to build oil pressure without diverting it to VVT
* offset 3786
uint16_t vvtActivationDelayMs ;
deg C
* offset 3788
int8_t wwCltBins [ WWAE_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3796
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > wwTauCltValues [ WWAE_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3804
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > wwBetaCltValues [ WWAE_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3812
int8_t wwMapBins [ WWAE_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3820
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > wwTauMapValues [ WWAE_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3828
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > wwBetaMapValues [ WWAE_TABLE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3836
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 10 > torqueTable [ TORQUE_CURVE_SIZE ] [ TORQUE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3872
uint16_t torqueRpmBins [ TORQUE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3884
uint16_t torqueLoadBins [ TORQUE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 3896
GearControllerMode gearControllerMode ;
* offset 3897
TransmissionControllerMode transmissionControllerMode ;
* offset 3898
uint16_t acrDisablePhase ;
* offset 3900
linear_sensor_s auxLinear1 ;
* offset 3920
linear_sensor_s auxLinear2 ;
* offset 3940
output_pin_e tcu_tcc_onoff_solenoid ;
* offset 3942
pin_output_mode_e tcu_tcc_onoff_solenoid_mode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3943
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3943 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 3944
output_pin_e tcu_tcc_pwm_solenoid ;
* offset 3946
pin_output_mode_e tcu_tcc_pwm_solenoid_mode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3947
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3947 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 3948
pwm_freq_t tcu_tcc_pwm_solenoid_freq ;
* offset 3950
output_pin_e tcu_pc_solenoid_pin ;
* offset 3952
pin_output_mode_e tcu_pc_solenoid_pin_mode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3953
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3953 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 3954
pwm_freq_t tcu_pc_solenoid_freq ;
* offset 3956
output_pin_e tcu_32_solenoid_pin ;
* offset 3958
pin_output_mode_e tcu_32_solenoid_pin_mode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3959
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3959 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 3960
pwm_freq_t tcu_32_solenoid_freq ;
* offset 3962
output_pin_e acrPin2 ;
* offset 3964
float etbMinimumPosition ;
* offset 3968
uint16_t tuneHidingKey ;
* offset 3970
vin_number_t vinNumber ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 3987
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_3987 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 3988
uint16_t highSpeedOffsets [ HIGH_SPEED_COUNT ] ;
* offset 4052
float etbDutyShutdownThreshold ;
* offset 4056
fuel_pressure_sensor_mode_e fuelPressureSensorMode ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 4057
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_4057 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 4058
switch_input_pin_e luaDigitalInputPins [ LUA_DIGITAL_INPUT_COUNT ] ;
* offset 4074
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > tpsTspCorrValuesBins [ TPS_TPS_ACCEL_CLT_CORR_TABLE ] ;
* offset 4078
int16_t ALSMinRPM ;
* offset 4080
int16_t ALSMaxRPM ;
* offset 4082
int16_t ALSMaxDuration ;
* offset 4084
int8_t ALSMinCLT ;
* offset 4085
int8_t ALSMaxCLT ;
* offset 4086
uint8_t alsMinTimeBetween ;
* offset 4087
uint8_t alsEtbPosition ;
* offset 4088
uint8_t acRelayAlternatorDutyAdder ;
* offset 4089
SentEtbType sentEtbType ;
* offset 4090
uint16_t customSentTpsMin ;
* offset 4092
int ALSIdleAdd ;
* offset 4096
int ALSEtbAdd ;
* offset 4100
float ALSSkipRatio ;
* offset 4104
uint8_t ALSMaxDriverThrottleIntent ;
* offset 4105
pin_input_mode_e ALSActivatePinMode ;
* For Ford TPS , use 53 % . For Toyota ETCS - i , use ~ 65 %
* offset 4106
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > tpsSecondaryMaximum ;
* For Toyota ETCS - i , use ~ 69 %
* offset 4107
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > ppsSecondaryMaximum ;
* offset 4108
pin_input_mode_e luaDigitalInputPinModes [ LUA_DIGITAL_INPUT_COUNT ] ;
* offset 4116
uint16_t customSentTpsMax ;
* offset 4118
uint16_t kLineBaudRate ;
* offset 4120
CanGpioType canGpioType ;
* offset 4121
UiMode uiMode ;
* Crank angle ATDC of first lobe peak
* offset 4122
int16_t hpfpPeakPos ;
* offset 4124
int16_t kLinePeriodUs ;
* Window that the correction will be added throughout ( example , if rpm limit is 7000 , and rpmSoftLimitWindowSize is 200 , the corrections activate at 6800 RPM , creating a 200 rpm window )
* offset 4126
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 10 > rpmSoftLimitWindowSize ;
* Degrees of timing REMOVED from actual timing during soft RPM limit window
* offset 4127
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 5 , 1 > rpmSoftLimitTimingRetard ;
* % of fuel ADDED during window
* offset 4128
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 5 , 1 > rpmSoftLimitFuelAdded ;
* Hysterisis : if the hard limit is 7200 rpm and rpmHardLimitHyst is 200 rpm , then when the ECU sees 7200 rpm , fuel / ign will cut , and stay cut until 7000 rpm ( 7200 - 200 ) is reached
* offset 4129
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 10 > rpmHardLimitHyst ;
* Time between bench test pulses
* offset 4130
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > benchTestOffTime ;
* Hysterisis : if hard cut is 240 kpa , and boostCutPressureHyst is 20 , when the ECU sees 240 kpa , fuel / ign will cut , and stay cut until 240 - 20 = 220 kpa is reached
kPa ( absolute )
* offset 4132
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > boostCutPressureHyst ;
* Boost duty cycle added by gear
* offset 4133
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > gearBasedOpenLoopBoostAdder [ TCU_GEAR_COUNT ] ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 4143
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_4143 [ 1 ] ;
* How many test bench pulses do you want
* offset 4144
uint32_t benchTestCount ;
* How long initial IAC adder is held before starting to decay .
* offset 4148
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > iacByTpsHoldTime ;
* How long it takes to remove initial IAC adder to return to normal idle .
* offset 4149
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 10 , 1 > iacByTpsDecayTime ;
* offset 4150
switch_input_pin_e tcu_rangeInput [ RANGE_INPUT_COUNT ] ;
* offset 4162
pin_input_mode_e tcu_rangeInputMode [ RANGE_INPUT_COUNT ] ;
* Scale the reported vehicle speed value from CAN . Example : Parameter set to 1.1 , CAN VSS reports 50 kph , ECU will report 55 kph instead .
* offset 4168
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10000 , 1 > canVssScaling ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 4170
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_4170 [ 2 ] ;
* offset 4172
ThermistorConf oilTempSensor ;
* offset 4204
ThermistorConf fuelTempSensor ;
* offset 4236
ThermistorConf ambientTempSensor ;
* offset 4268
ThermistorConf compressorDischargeTemperature ;
* Place the sensor before the throttle , but after any turbocharger / supercharger and intercoolers if fitted . Uses the same calibration as the MAP sensor .
* offset 4300
adc_channel_e throttleInletPressureChannel ;
* Place the sensor after the turbocharger / supercharger , but before any intercoolers if fitted . Uses the same calibration as the MAP sensor .
* offset 4301
adc_channel_e compressorDischargePressureChannel ;
* offset 4302
Gpio dacOutputPins [ DAC_OUTPUT_COUNT ] ;
* offset 4306
output_pin_e speedometerOutputPin ;
* Number of speedometer pulses per kilometer travelled .
* offset 4308
uint16_t speedometerPulsePerKm ;
* offset 4310
uint8_t simulatorCamPosition [ CAM_INPUTS_COUNT ] ;
* offset 4314
adc_channel_e ignKeyAdcChannel ;
* offset 4315
uint8_t unusedExplicitFilling2 ;
* offset 4316
float triggerVVTGapOverrideFrom [ VVT_TRACKING_LENGTH ] ;
* offset 4332
float triggerVVTGapOverrideTo [ VVT_TRACKING_LENGTH ] ;
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
* offset 4348
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
* offset 4384
uint8_t mainUnusedEnd [ 172 ] ;
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( engine_configuration_s ) = = 4556 ) ;
// start of cyl_trim_s
struct cyl_trim_s {
* offset 0
scaled_channel < int8_t , 5 , 1 > table [ TRIM_SIZE ] [ TRIM_SIZE ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( cyl_trim_s ) = = 16 ) ;
// start of blend_table_s
struct blend_table_s {
* offset 0
scaled_channel < int16_t , 10 , 1 > table [ 8 ] [ 8 ] ;
* offset 128
uint16_t loadBins [ 8 ] ;
* offset 144
uint16_t rpmBins [ 8 ] ;
* offset 160
gppwm_channel_e blendParameter ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 161
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_161 [ 1 ] ;
* offset 162
scaled_channel < int16_t , 10 , 1 > blendBins [ 8 ] ;
* offset 178
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > blendValues [ 8 ] ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 186
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_186 [ 2 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( blend_table_s ) = = 188 ) ;
// start of persistent_config_s
struct persistent_config_s {
* offset 0
engine_configuration_s engineConfiguration ;
* target TPS value , 0 to 100 %
* TODO : use int8 data date once we template interpolation method
target TPS position
* offset 4556
float etbBiasBins [ ETB_BIAS_CURVE_LENGTH ] ;
* PWM bias , 0 to 100 %
ETB duty cycle bias
* offset 4588
float etbBiasValues [ ETB_BIAS_CURVE_LENGTH ] ;
* offset 4620
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 20 , 1 > iacPidMultTable [ IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE ] [ IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE ] ;
* offset 4684
uint8_t iacPidMultLoadBins [ IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE ] ;
* offset 4692
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 10 > iacPidMultRpmBins [ IAC_PID_MULT_SIZE ] ;
* On Single Coil or Wasted Spark setups you have to lower dwell at high RPM
* offset 4700
uint16_t sparkDwellRpmBins [ DWELL_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 4716
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100 , 1 > sparkDwellValues [ DWELL_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* CLT - based target RPM for automatic idle controller
* offset 4732
scaled_channel < int8_t , 1 , 2 > cltIdleRpmBins [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* See idleRpmPid
* offset 4748
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 20 > cltIdleRpm [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* CLT - based timing correction
* offset 4764
float cltTimingBins [ CLT_TIMING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 4796
float cltTimingExtra [ CLT_TIMING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 4828
float scriptCurve1Bins [ SCRIPT_CURVE_16 ] ;
* offset 4892
float scriptCurve1 [ SCRIPT_CURVE_16 ] ;
* offset 4956
float scriptCurve2Bins [ SCRIPT_CURVE_16 ] ;
* offset 5020
float scriptCurve2 [ SCRIPT_CURVE_16 ] ;
* offset 5084
float scriptCurve3Bins [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5116
float scriptCurve3 [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5148
float scriptCurve4Bins [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5180
float scriptCurve4 [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5212
float scriptCurve5Bins [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5244
float scriptCurve5 [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5276
float scriptCurve6Bins [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5308
float scriptCurve6 [ SCRIPT_CURVE_8 ] ;
* offset 5340
float baroCorrPressureBins [ BARO_CORR_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5356
float baroCorrRpmBins [ BARO_CORR_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5372
float baroCorrTable [ BARO_CORR_SIZE ] [ BARO_CORR_SIZE ] ;
* Cranking fuel correction coefficient based on TPS
* offset 5436
float crankingTpsCoef [ CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5468
float crankingTpsBins [ CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* Narrow Band WBO Approximation
* offset 5500
float narrowToWideOxygenBins [ NARROW_BAND_WIDE_BAND_CONVERSION_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5532
* Optional timing advance table for Cranking ( see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking )
* offset 5564
uint16_t crankingAdvanceBins [ CRANKING_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* Optional timing advance table for Cranking ( see useSeparateAdvanceForCranking )
* offset 5572
scaled_channel < int16_t , 100 , 1 > crankingAdvance [ CRANKING_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* RPM - based idle position for coasting
* offset 5580
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 100 > iacCoastingRpmBins [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* RPM - based idle position for coasting
* offset 5596
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > iacCoasting [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5612
warning_message_t warning_message ;
* offset 5732
float afterstartCoolantBins [ AFTERSTART_HOLD_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5764
float afterstartHoldTime [ AFTERSTART_HOLD_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5796
float afterstartEnrich [ AFTERSTART_ENRICH_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5828
float afterstartDecayTime [ AFTERSTART_DECAY_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 5860
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 2 , 1 > boostTableOpenLoop [ BOOST_LOAD_COUNT ] [ BOOST_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 5924
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 100 > boostRpmBins [ BOOST_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 5932
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 2 > boostTableClosedLoop [ BOOST_LOAD_COUNT ] [ BOOST_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 5996
uint8_t boostTpsBins [ BOOST_LOAD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 6004
uint8_t pedalToTpsTable [ PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE ] [ PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE ] ;
* offset 6068
uint8_t pedalToTpsPedalBins [ PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE ] ;
* offset 6076
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 100 > pedalToTpsRpmBins [ PEDAL_TO_TPS_SIZE ] ;
* CLT - based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller
* offset 6084
float cltCrankingCorrBins [ CLT_CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* CLT - based cranking position multiplier for simple manual idle controller
* offset 6116
float cltCrankingCorr [ CLT_CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* Optional timing advance table for Idle ( see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle )
* offset 6148
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 50 > idleAdvanceBins [ IDLE_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* Optional timing advance table for Idle ( see useSeparateAdvanceForIdle )
* offset 6156
float idleAdvance [ IDLE_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 6188
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 10 > idleVeRpmBins [ IDLE_VE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 6192
uint8_t idleVeLoadBins [ IDLE_VE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 6196
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > idleVeTable [ IDLE_VE_SIZE ] [ IDLE_VE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 6228
lua_script_t luaScript ;
* offset 14228
float cltFuelCorrBins [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 14292
float cltFuelCorr [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 14356
float iatFuelCorrBins [ IAT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 14420
float iatFuelCorr [ IAT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 14484
float crankingFuelCoef [ CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 14516
float crankingFuelBins [ CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 14548
float crankingCycleCoef [ CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 14580
float crankingCycleBins [ CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* CLT - based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller
* offset 14612
float cltIdleCorrBins [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* CLT - based idle position multiplier for simple manual idle controller
* offset 14676
float cltIdleCorr [ CLT_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* Also known as MAF transfer function .
* kg / hour value .
* By the way 2.081989116 kg / h = 1 ft3 / m
kg / hour
* offset 14740
float mafDecoding [ MAF_DECODING_COUNT ] ;
* offset 14868
float mafDecodingBins [ MAF_DECODING_COUNT ] ;
* offset 14996
scaled_channel < int8_t , 10 , 1 > ignitionIatCorrTable [ 8 ] [ 8 ] ;
* offset 15060
int8_t ignitionIatCorrTempBins [ 8 ] ;
* offset 15068
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 5 > ignitionIatCorrLoadBins [ 8 ] ;
* offset 15076
int16_t injectionPhase [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 15588
uint16_t injPhaseLoadBins [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 15620
uint16_t injPhaseRpmBins [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 15652
uint8_t tcuSolenoidTable [ TCU_SOLENOID_COUNT ] [ TCU_GEAR_COUNT ] ;
* offset 15712
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100 , 1 > mapEstimateTable [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 16224
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100 , 1 > mapEstimateTpsBins [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 16256
uint16_t mapEstimateRpmBins [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 16288
int8_t vvtTable1 [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 16352
uint16_t vvtTable1LoadBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 16368
uint16_t vvtTable1RpmBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 16384
int8_t vvtTable2 [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 16448
uint16_t vvtTable2LoadBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 16464
uint16_t vvtTable2RpmBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 16480
scaled_channel < int16_t , 10 , 1 > ignitionTable [ IGN_LOAD_COUNT ] [ IGN_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 16992
uint16_t ignitionLoadBins [ IGN_LOAD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17024
uint16_t ignitionRpmBins [ IGN_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17056
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > veTable [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17568
uint16_t veLoadBins [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17600
uint16_t veRpmBins [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17632
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 147 , 1 > lambdaTable [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17888
uint16_t lambdaLoadBins [ FUEL_LOAD_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17920
uint16_t lambdaRpmBins [ FUEL_RPM_COUNT ] ;
* offset 17952
float tpsTpsAccelTable [ TPS_TPS_ACCEL_TABLE ] [ TPS_TPS_ACCEL_TABLE ] ;
* offset 18208
float tpsTpsAccelFromRpmBins [ TPS_TPS_ACCEL_TABLE ] ;
* offset 18240
float tpsTpsAccelToRpmBins [ TPS_TPS_ACCEL_TABLE ] ;
* offset 18272
float scriptTable1 [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18528
int16_t scriptTable1LoadBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18544
int16_t scriptTable1RpmBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18560
uint8_t scriptTable2 [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18624
int16_t scriptTable2LoadBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18640
int16_t scriptTable2RpmBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18656
uint8_t scriptTable3 [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18720
int16_t scriptTable3LoadBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18736
int16_t scriptTable3RpmBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18752
uint8_t scriptTable4 [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] [ TABLE_4_RPM ] ;
* offset 18832
int16_t scriptTable4LoadBins [ SCRIPT_TABLE_8 ] ;
* offset 18848
int16_t scriptTable4RpmBins [ TABLE_4_RPM ] ;
* offset 18868
uint16_t ignTrimLoadBins [ TRIM_SIZE ] ;
* offset 18876
uint16_t ignTrimRpmBins [ TRIM_SIZE ] ;
* offset 18884
cyl_trim_s ignTrims [ 12 ] ;
* offset 19076
uint16_t fuelTrimLoadBins [ TRIM_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19084
uint16_t fuelTrimRpmBins [ TRIM_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19092
cyl_trim_s fuelTrims [ 12 ] ;
* offset 19284
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 100 , 1 > crankingFuelCoefE100 [ CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19300
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 50 , 1 > tcu_pcAirmassBins [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19308
uint8_t tcu_pcValsR [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19316
uint8_t tcu_pcValsN [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19324
uint8_t tcu_pcVals1 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19332
uint8_t tcu_pcVals2 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19340
uint8_t tcu_pcVals3 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19348
uint8_t tcu_pcVals4 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19356
uint8_t tcu_pcVals12 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19364
uint8_t tcu_pcVals23 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19372
uint8_t tcu_pcVals34 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19380
uint8_t tcu_pcVals21 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19388
uint8_t tcu_pcVals32 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19396
uint8_t tcu_pcVals43 [ TCU_MAGIC_SIZE ] ;
* offset 19404
uint8_t tcu_tccTpsBins [ 8 ] ;
* offset 19412
uint8_t tcu_tccLockSpeed [ 8 ] ;
* offset 19420
uint8_t tcu_tccUnlockSpeed [ 8 ] ;
* offset 19428
uint8_t tcu_32SpeedBins [ 8 ] ;
* offset 19436
uint8_t tcu_32Vals [ 8 ] ;
* offset 19444
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
scaled_channel < int8_t , 10 , 1 > throttle2TrimTable [ ETB2_TRIM_SIZE ] [ ETB2_TRIM_SIZE ] ;
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
* offset 19480
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
uint8_t throttle2TrimTpsBins [ ETB2_TRIM_SIZE ] ;
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
* offset 19486
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 100 > throttle2TrimRpmBins [ ETB2_TRIM_SIZE ] ;
2023-12-19 21:03:15 -08:00
* offset 19492
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 4 , 1 > maxKnockRetardTable [ 6 ] [ 6 ] ;
* offset 19528
uint8_t maxKnockRetardLoadBins [ 6 ] ;
* offset 19534
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 1 , 100 > maxKnockRetardRpmBins [ 6 ] ;
* offset 19540
scaled_channel < int16_t , 10 , 1 > ALSTimingRetardTable [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19572
uint16_t alsIgnRetardLoadBins [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19580
uint16_t alsIgnRetardrpmBins [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19588
scaled_channel < int16_t , 10 , 1 > ALSFuelAdjustment [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19620
uint16_t alsFuelAdjustmentLoadBins [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19628
uint16_t alsFuelAdjustmentrpmBins [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19636
scaled_channel < int16_t , 1 , 10 > ALSIgnSkipTable [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19668
uint16_t alsIgnSkipLoadBins [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19676
uint16_t alsIgnSkiprpmBins [ 4 ] ;
* offset 19684
blend_table_s ignBlends [ IGN_BLEND_COUNT ] ;
* offset 20436
blend_table_s veBlends [ VE_BLEND_COUNT ] ;
* offset 21188
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaBins [ 12 ] ;
* In units of g / s normalized to choked flow conditions
g / s
* offset 21212
scaled_channel < uint16_t , 10 , 1 > throttleEstimateEffectiveAreaValues [ 12 ] ;
* offset 21236
blend_table_s boostOpenLoopBlends [ BOOST_BLEND_COUNT ] ;
* offset 21612
blend_table_s boostClosedLoopBlends [ BOOST_BLEND_COUNT ] ;
* offset 21988
uint8_t tcu_rangeP [ 6 ] ;
* offset 21994
uint8_t tcu_rangeR [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22000
uint8_t tcu_rangeN [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22006
uint8_t tcu_rangeD [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22012
uint8_t tcu_rangeM [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22018
uint8_t tcu_rangeM3 [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22024
uint8_t tcu_rangeM2 [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22030
uint8_t tcu_rangeM1 [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22036
uint8_t tcu_rangePlus [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22042
uint8_t tcu_rangeMinus [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22048
uint8_t tcu_rangeLow [ 6 ] ;
* offset 22054
scaled_channel < uint8_t , 100 , 1 > lambdaMaxDeviationTable [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ;
* offset 22070
uint16_t lambdaMaxDeviationLoadBins [ 4 ] ;
* offset 22078
uint16_t lambdaMaxDeviationRpmBins [ 4 ] ;
* need 4 byte alignment
* offset 22086
uint8_t alignmentFill_at_22086 [ 2 ] ;
} ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( persistent_config_s ) = = 22088 ) ;
// end
2023-12-31 12:19:26 -08:00
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Sun Dec 31 20:18:32 UTC 2023