
481 lines
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#include "pch.h"
#include "rusefi_lua.h"
#include "thread_controller.h"
#include "lua.hpp"
#include "lua_hooks.h"
#define TAG "LUA "
2021-09-18 14:44:46 -07:00
2021-09-18 14:48:01 -07:00
#define LUA_USER_HEAP 12000
2021-09-18 14:44:46 -07:00
#define LUA_SYSTEM_HEAP 15000
2021-09-18 14:44:46 -07:00
static char luaUserHeap[LUA_USER_HEAP];
static char luaSystemHeap[LUA_SYSTEM_HEAP];
class Heap {
2021-09-29 18:04:00 -07:00
memory_heap_t m_heap;
size_t m_memoryUsed = 0;
const size_t m_size;
void* alloc(size_t n) {
return chHeapAlloc(&m_heap, n);
void free(void* obj) {
template<size_t TSize>
Heap(char (&buffer)[TSize])
: m_size(TSize)
chHeapObjectInit(&m_heap, buffer, TSize);
void* realloc(void* ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize) {
if (nsize == 0) {
// requested size is zero, free if necessary and return nullptr
if (ptr) {
m_memoryUsed -= osize;
return nullptr;
void *new_mem = alloc(nsize);
m_memoryUsed += nsize;
if (!ptr) {
// No old pointer passed in, simply return allocated block
return new_mem;
// An old pointer was passed in, copy the old data in, then free
if (new_mem != nullptr) {
memcpy(new_mem, ptr, chHeapGetSize(ptr) > nsize ? nsize : chHeapGetSize(ptr));
m_memoryUsed -= osize;
return new_mem;
size_t size() const {
return m_size;
size_t used() const {
return m_memoryUsed;
static Heap heaps[] = { luaUserHeap, luaSystemHeap };
template <int HeapIdx>
static void* myAlloc(void* /*ud*/, void* ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize) {
static_assert(HeapIdx < efi::size(heaps));
if (CONFIG(debugMode) == DBG_LUA) {
switch (HeapIdx) {
case 0: tsOutputChannels.debugIntField1 = heaps[HeapIdx].used(); break;
case 1: tsOutputChannels.debugIntField2 = heaps[HeapIdx].used(); break;
return heaps[HeapIdx].realloc(ptr, osize, nsize);
#else // not EFI_PROD_CODE
// Non-MCU code can use plain realloc function instead of custom implementation
template <int /*ignored*/>
static void* myAlloc(void* /*ud*/, void* ptr, size_t /*osize*/, size_t nsize) {
if (!nsize) {
return nullptr;
if (!ptr) {
return malloc(nsize);
return realloc(ptr, nsize);
#endif // EFI_PROD_CODE
class LuaHandle final {
LuaHandle() : LuaHandle(nullptr) { }
LuaHandle(lua_State* ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) { }
// Don't allow copying!
LuaHandle(const LuaHandle&) = delete;
LuaHandle& operator=(const LuaHandle&) = delete;
// Allow moving!
LuaHandle(LuaHandle&& rhs) {
m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr;
rhs.m_ptr = nullptr;
// Move assignment operator
LuaHandle& operator=(LuaHandle&& rhs) {
m_ptr = rhs.m_ptr;
rhs.m_ptr = nullptr;
return *this;
// Destruction cleans up lua state
~LuaHandle() {
if (m_ptr) {
efiPrintf("LUA: Tearing down instance...");
operator lua_State*() const { return m_ptr; }
lua_State* m_ptr;
static int luaTickPeriodMs;
static int lua_setTickRate(lua_State* l) {
float freq = luaL_checknumber(l, 1);
// Limit to 1..100 hz
freq = clampF(1, freq, 100);
luaTickPeriodMs = 1000.0f / freq;
return 0;
static LuaHandle setupLuaState(lua_Alloc alloc) {
LuaHandle ls = lua_newstate(alloc, NULL);
if (!ls) {
firmwareError(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, "Failed to start Lua interpreter");
return nullptr;
// load libraries
// Load rusEFI hooks
lua_register(ls, "setTickRate", lua_setTickRate);
// run a GC cycle
lua_gc(ls, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
// set GC settings
// see
lua_gc(ls, LUA_GCINC, 50, 1000, 9);
return ls;
static bool loadScript(LuaHandle& ls, const char* scriptStr) {
efiPrintf(TAG "loading script length: %d...", efiStrlen(scriptStr));
if (0 != luaL_dostring(ls, scriptStr)) {
efiPrintf(TAG "ERROR loading script: %s", lua_tostring(ls, -1));
lua_pop(ls, 1);
return false;
efiPrintf(TAG "script loaded successfully!");
return true;
static LuaHandle systemLua;
const char* getSystemLuaScript();
void initSystemLua() {
efiAssertVoid(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, !systemLua, "system lua already init");
Timer startTimer;
systemLua = setupLuaState(myAlloc<1>);
efiAssertVoid(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, systemLua, "system lua init fail");
if (!loadScript(systemLua, getSystemLuaScript())) {
firmwareError(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, "system lua script load fail");
systemLua = nullptr;
auto startTime = startTimer.getElapsedSeconds();
efiPrintf("System Lua loaded in %.2f ms using %d bytes", startTime * 1'000, heaps[1].used());
static bool interactivePending = false;
static char interactiveCmd[100];
void doInteractive(LuaHandle& ls) {
if (!interactivePending) {
// no cmd pending, return
auto status = luaL_dostring(ls, interactiveCmd);
if (0 == status) {
// Function call was OK, resolve return value and print it
if (lua_isinteger(ls, -1)) {
efiPrintf(TAG "interactive returned integer: %d", lua_tointeger(ls, -1));
} else if (lua_isnumber(ls, -1)) {
efiPrintf(TAG "interactive returned number: %f", lua_tonumber(ls, -1));
} else if (lua_isstring(ls, -1)) {
efiPrintf(TAG "interactive returned string: '%s'", lua_tostring(ls, -1));
} else if (lua_isboolean(ls, -1)) {
efiPrintf(TAG "interactive returned bool: %s", lua_toboolean(ls, -1) ? "true" : "false");
} else if (lua_isnil(ls, -1)) {
efiPrintf(TAG "interactive returned nil.");
} else {
efiPrintf(TAG "interactive returned nothing.");
} else {
// error with interactive command, print it
efiPrintf(TAG "interactive error: %s", lua_tostring(ls, -1));
interactivePending = false;
lua_settop(ls, 0);
void invokeTick(LuaHandle& ls) {
ScopePerf perf(PE::LuaTickFunction);
// run the tick function
lua_getglobal(ls, "onTick");
if (lua_isnil(ls, -1)) {
// TODO: handle missing tick function
lua_settop(ls, 0);
int status = lua_pcall(ls, 0, 0, 0);
if (0 != status) {
// error calling hook function
auto errMsg = lua_tostring(ls, -1);
efiPrintf(TAG "error %s", errMsg);
lua_pop(ls, 1);
lua_settop(ls, 0);
struct LuaThread : ThreadController<4096> {
LuaThread() : ThreadController("lua", PRIO_LUA) { }
void ThreadTask() override;
static bool needsReset = false;
// Each invocation of runOneLua will:
// - create a new Lua instance
// - read the script from config
// - run the tick function until needsReset is set
// Returns true if it should be re-called immediately,
// or false if there was a problem setting up the interpreter
// or parsing the script.
static bool runOneLua(lua_Alloc alloc, const char* script) {
needsReset = false;
auto ls = setupLuaState(alloc);
// couldn't start Lua interpreter, bail out
if (!ls) {
return false;
// Reset default tick rate
luaTickPeriodMs = 100;
if (!loadScript(ls, script)) {
return false;
while (!needsReset && !chThdShouldTerminateX()) {
// First, check if there is a pending interactive command entered by the user
// De-init pins, they will reinit next start of the script.
return true;
void LuaThread::ThreadTask() {
while (!chThdShouldTerminateX()) {
bool wasOk = runOneLua(myAlloc<0>, config->luaScript);
// Reset any lua adjustments the script made
ENGINE(engineState).luaAdjustments = {};
if (!wasOk) {
// Something went wrong executing the script, spin
// until reset invoked (maybe the user fixed the script)
while (!needsReset) {
static LuaThread luaThread;
void startLua() {
addConsoleActionS("lua", [](const char* str){
if (interactivePending) {
strncpy(interactiveCmd, str, sizeof(interactiveCmd) - 1);
interactiveCmd[sizeof(interactiveCmd) - 1] = '\0';
interactivePending = true;
addConsoleAction("luareset", [](){
needsReset = true;
addConsoleAction("luamemory", [](){
for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(heaps); i++) {
auto heapSize = heaps[i].size();
auto memoryUsed = heaps[i].used();
float pct = 100.0f * memoryUsed / heapSize;
efiPrintf("Lua memory heap %d: %d / %d bytes = %.1f%%", i, memoryUsed, heapSize, pct);
#else // not EFI_UNIT_TEST
void startLua() {
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
static LuaHandle runScript(const char* script) {
auto ls = setupLuaState(myAlloc<0>);
if (!ls) {
throw std::logic_error("Call to setupLuaState failed, returned null");
if (!loadScript(ls, script)) {
throw std::logic_error("Call to loadScript failed");
lua_getglobal(ls, "testFunc");
if (lua_isnil(ls, -1)) {
throw std::logic_error("Failed to find function testFunc");
int status = lua_pcall(ls, 0, 1, 0);
if (0 != status) {
std::string msg = std::string("lua error while running script: ") + lua_tostring(ls, -1);
throw std::logic_error(msg);
return ls;
expected<float> testLuaReturnsNumberOrNil(const char* script) {
auto ls = runScript(script);
// check nil return first
if (lua_isnil(ls, -1)) {
return unexpected;
// If not nil, it should be a number
if (!lua_isnumber(ls, -1)) {
throw std::logic_error("Returned value is not a number");
// pop the return value
return lua_tonumber(ls, -1);
float testLuaReturnsNumber(const char* script) {
auto ls = runScript(script);
// check the return value
if (!lua_isnumber(ls, -1)) {
throw new std::logic_error("Returned value is not a number");
// pop the return value
return lua_tonumber(ls, -1);
int testLuaReturnsInteger(const char* script) {
auto ls = runScript(script);
// pop the return value;
if (!lua_isinteger(ls, -1)) {
throw std::logic_error("Returned value is not an integer");
return lua_tointeger(ls, -1);
void testLuaExecString(const char* script) {
auto ls = setupLuaState(myAlloc<0>);
if (!ls) {
throw std::logic_error("Call to setupLuaState failed, returned null");
if (!loadScript(ls, script)) {
throw std::logic_error("Call to loadScript failed");
#endif // EFI_UNIT_TEST
#endif // EFI_LUA