Spell checked and more descriptions added (#841)
* Update rusefi_config.txt Added additional description text * Update rusefi_config.txt Fixed typos and added some more descriptions * Update rusefi_config.txt Couple more typos fixed * Spell checked, few more descriptions added
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
! comments start with '!'
! rusEfi configuration consistes of two parts:
! rusEfi configuration consists of two parts:
! First part is engine_configuration_s area, followed by a few tuning tables
! The only difference her is that engine_configuration_s area does not support hot modification while tuning tables could
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
! Q: How to add new fields?
! A: Find an 'unused' bit or unused int (usually the huge unusedEnd[] array at the end
! rename the bit or subsctitute unused intereger with any new fields of the same size
! rename the bit or substitute unused integer with any new fields of the same size
! invoke gen_config.bat to apply the tools which would generate .h and .ini files
@ -23,10 +23,14 @@
! type name;comment
<<<<<<< HEAD
! all the sub-structures are going to be nested within the primary structure, that's
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI v1.06"
! all the sub-structures are going to be nested withint the primary structure, that's
>>>>>>> 43acf4c3fc740fb204a3f89d848cdd3470ff115c
! needed to get a proper TunerStudio file
! this section is auto-generated by FiringOrderTSLogic.java
@ -162,7 +166,7 @@ float baseFuel;+Base duration of the fuel injection during cranking, this is mod
int16_t rpm;+This sets the RPM limit below which the ECU will use cranking fuel and ignition logic, typically this is around 350-450rpm. \nset cranking_rpm X;"RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000, 0
#define debug_mode_e_enum "Alternator PID", "TPS acceleration enrichment", "Warmup PID", "Idle Control", "Engine Load accl enrich", "Trigger Counters", "FSIO_ADC", "AUX_PID_1", "VVT input", "Cranking", "Timing", "Closed-loop fuel corr PID", "VSS", "SD card", "sr5", "Knock", "Trigger Sync", "Electronic Throttle", "Executor", "Bench Test / TS commands", "Aux Valves", "Analog inputs #1", "INSTANT_RPM", "FSIO_EXPRESSION", "Status", "CJ125", "CAN", "MAP", "Metrics", "ETB#2", "Ion Sense", "TLE8888", "Analog inputs #2", "Dwell Metric", "Aux Temperature", "mode35"
#define debug_mode_e_enum "Alternator PID", "TPS acceleration enrichment", "Warmup PID", "Idle Control", "Engine Load accl enrich", "Trigger Counters", "FSIO_ADC", "AUX_PID_1", "VVT input", "Cranking", "Timing", "Closed-loop fuel corr PID", "VSS", "SD card", "sr5", "Knock", "Trigger Sync", "Electronic Throttle", "Executor", "Bench Test / TS commands", "Aux Valves", "Analogue inputs #1", "INSTANT_RPM", "FSIO_EXPRESSION", "Status", "CJ125", "CAN", "MAP", "Metrics", "ETB#2", "Ion Sense", "TLE8888", "Analogue inputs #2", "Dwell Metric", "Aux Temperature", "mode35"
custom debug_mode_e 4 bits, U32, @OFFSET@, [0:5], @@debug_mode_e_enum@@
#define vvt_mode_e_enum "First half", "Second half", "2GZ", "Miata NB2", "mode4", "mode5", "mode6", "mode7"
@ -177,7 +181,7 @@ custom mass_storage_e 4 bits, U32, @OFFSET@, [0:1], @@mass_storage_e_enum@@
! At the moment TIM1, TIM2, TIM3 and TIM9 are configured as ICU
! todo: as of ChibiOS3, only channels 1 & 2 are allowed to capture input, that's a ChibiOS driver limitation
! https://github.com/ChibiOS/ChibiOS-Drivers/blob/master/inc/timcap_driver.h is an alternative driver if channels 3 & 4 really become an issue
! todo: only one channel per timer is allowed for capture similtaniously, that's an STM32 limitation
! todo: only one channel per timer is allowed for capture simultaneously, that's an STM32 limitation
! todo: convert slow ADC to software scheduler and make TIM8 available
! todo: maybe convert fast ADC to software scheduler as well? less sure about that
@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ engine_type_e engineType;http://rusefi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Manual:Engine_Ty
int engineSnifferRpmThreshold;Engine sniffer would be disabled above this rpm\nset engineSnifferRpmThreshold X;"RPM", 1, 0, 0,30000, 0
struct injector_s
float flow;+This is your injector flow at the fuel pressure used in the vehicle. cc/min, cubic centimeter per minute\nBy the way, g/s = 0.125997881 * (lb/hr)\ng/s = 0.125997881 * (cc/min)/10.5\ng/s = 0.0119997981 * cc/min;"cm3/min", 1, 0, 0, 99999, 2
float flow;+This is your injector flow at the fuel pressure used in the vehicle. cc/min, cubic centimetre per minute\nBy the way, g/s = 0.125997881 * (lb/hr)\ng/s = 0.125997881 * (cc/min)/10.5\ng/s = 0.0119997981 * cc/min;"cm3/min", 1, 0, 0, 99999, 2
float[VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE] battLagCorrBins;set_flat_injector_lag LAG\nset_injector_lag VOLTAGE LAG;"volts", 1, 0, 0.0, 20.0, 2
float[VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE] battLagCorr;ms delay between injector open and close dead times;"ms", 1, 0, 0.0, 50.0, 2
@ -316,7 +320,7 @@ bit issue_294_31;
int16_t tpsMin;Closed throttle. todo: extract these two fields into a structure\ntodo: we need two sets of TPS parameters - modern ETBs have two sensors\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps_min X;"ADC", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0
int16_t tpsMax;Full throtle. tpsMax value as 10 bit ADC value. Not Voltage!\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps_max X;"ADC", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0
int16_t tpsMax;+Full throttle. tpsMax value as 10 bit ADC value. Not Voltage!\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps_max X;"ADC", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0
int16_t tpsErrorDetectionTooLow;+TPS error detection, what TPS % value is unrealistically low;"%", 1, 0, -40, 200, 0
int16_t tpsErrorDetectionTooHigh;+TPS error detection, what TPS % value is unrealistically high;"%", 1, 0, -40, 200, 0
@ -343,7 +347,7 @@ float[DWELL_CURVE_SIZE] sparkDwellRpmBins;On single-coil or wasted spark setups
float[DWELL_CURVE_SIZE] sparkDwellValues;;"ms", 1, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 2
struct_no_prefix specs_s
float displacement;Engine displacement, in liters\nsee also cylindersCount;"L", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 2
float displacement;Engine displacement, in litres\nsee also cylindersCount;"L", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 2
custom cylinders_count_t 4 bits, U32, @OFFSET@, [0:3], "INVALID", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
cylinders_count_t cylindersCount;
@ -372,20 +376,33 @@ engine_load_mode_e fuelAlgorithm;+This setting controls which fuel quantity cont
custom injection_mode_e 4 bits, U32, @OFFSET@, [0:1], "Simultaneous", "Sequential", "Batch", "Single Point"
injection_mode_e crankingInjectionMode;+This is the type of injection stratergy (See Fuel/Injection settings for more detail) it is sugested to use "Simultanious" for easiest starting.
injection_mode_e injectionMode;+This is where the fuel injection type is defined: "Simultanious" means all injectors will fire together at once. "Sequential" fires the injectors on a per cylinder basis, only use this if you have individually wired injectors. "batched" will fire the injectors in groups, if your injectors are individually wired you will also need to enable "Two wire batch emulation". \nset injection_mode X\nSee also twoWireBatchInjection
<<<<<<< HEAD
injection_mode_e crankingInjectionMode;+This is the type of injection strategy (See Fuel/Injection settings for more detail) it is suggested to use "Simultaneous" for easiest starting.
injection_mode_e injectionMode;+This is where the fuel injection type is defined: "Simultaneous" means all injectors will fire together at once. "Sequential" fires the injectors on a per cylinder basis, only use this if you have individually wired injectors. "batched" will fire the injectors in groups, if your injectors are individually wired you will also need to enable "Two wire batch emulation". \nset injection_mode X\nSee also twoWireBatchInjection
injection_mode_e crankingInjectionMode;+This is the type of injection strategy (See Fuel/Injection settings for more detail) it is suggested to use "Simultaneous" for easiest starting.
injection_mode_e injectionMode;+This is where the fuel injection type is defined: "Simultaneous" means all injectors will fire together at once. "Sequential" fires the injectors on a per cylinder basis, only use this if you have individually wired injectors. "batched" will fire the injectors in groups, if your injectors are individually wired you will also need to enable "Two wire batch emulation". \nset injection_mode X\nSee also twoWireBatchInjection
>>>>>>> ff39a7263338c337357e825c2b235b60c54dea0c
angle_t extraInjectionOffset;+this is about deciding when the injector starts it's squirt\nSee also injectionPhase map\ntodo: do we need even need this since we have the map anyway?;"deg", 1, 0.0, -720, 720, 2
angle_t crankingTimingAngle;+Ignition advance angle used during engine cranking, 5-10 degrees will work as a base setting for most engines.\nset cranking_timing_angle X; "deg", 1, 0.0, -360, 360, 2
custom ignition_mode_e 4 bits, U32, @OFFSET@, [0:1], "One coil", "Individual Coils", "Wasted", "INVALID"
ignition_mode_e ignitionMode;+"One Coil" is for use on distroobuted ignition system. "Individual Coils" is to be used when you have one coil per cylinder (COP or similar). "Wasted" means one coil is driving two spark plugs in two cylinders, with one of the sparks not doing anything since it's happening on the exhaust cycle\nset ignition_mode X
<<<<<<< HEAD
ignition_mode_e ignitionMode;+"One Coil" is for use on distributed ignition system. "Individual Coils" is to be used when you have one coil per cylinder (COP or similar). "Wasted" means one coil is driving two spark plugs in two cylinders, with one of the sparks not doing anything since it's happening on the exhaust cycle\nset ignition_mode X
ignition_mode_e ignitionMode;+"One Coil" is for use on distributed ignition system. "Individual Coils" is to be used when you have one coil per cylinder (COP or similar). "Wasted" means one coil is driving two spark plugs in two cylinders, with one of the sparks not doing anything since it's happening on the exhaust cycle\nset ignition_mode X
>>>>>>> ff39a7263338c337357e825c2b235b60c54dea0c
angle_t ignitionOffset;+this value could be used to offset the whole ignition timing table by a constant;"RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000.0, 0
custom timing_mode_e 4 bits, U32, @OFFSET@ [0:0], "dynamic", "fixed"
timing_mode_e timingMode;+Dynamic uses the timing map to decide the ignition timing, Static timing fixes the timing to the value set below (only use for checking static timing).
<<<<<<< HEAD
angle_t fixedModeTiming;+This value is the ignition timing used when in 'fixed timing' mode, i.e. constant timing\nThis mode is useful when adjusting distributor location.;"RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000.0, 0
angle_t fixedModeTiming;+This value is the ignition timing used when in 'fixed timing' mode, i.e. constant timing\nThis mode is useful when adjusting distributor location.;"RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000.0, 0
>>>>>>> ff39a7263338c337357e825c2b235b60c54dea0c
angle_t globalTriggerAngleOffset;+Angle between Top Dead Center (TDC) and the first trigger event.\nKnowing this angle allows us to control timing and other angles in reference to TDC.\nset global_trigger_offset_angle X;"deg", 1, 0, -720, 720, 0
@ -394,8 +411,8 @@ angle_t globalTriggerAngleOffset;+Angle between Top Dead Center (TDC) and the fi
float analogInputDividerCoefficient;+Coefficient of input voltage dividers on your PCB;"coef", 1, 0, 0.01, 10.0, 2
float vbattDividerCoeff;+This is the ratio of the resistors for the battery voltage, measure the voltage at the battery and then adjust this number until the gauge matches the reading.;"coef", 1, 0, 0.01, 99.0, 2
float fanOnTemperature;+Cooling fan turn-on temperature threshold, in Celsuis;"*C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 0
float fanOffTemperature;+Cooling fan turn-off temperature threshold, in Celsuis;"*C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 0
float fanOnTemperature;+Cooling fan turn-on temperature threshold, in Celsius;"*C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 0
float fanOffTemperature;+Cooling fan turn-off temperature threshold, in Celsius;"*C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 0
float vehicleSpeedCoef;+This coefficient translates vehicle speed input frequency (in Hz) into vehicle speed, km/h;"coef", 1, 0, 0.01, 2000.0, 2
@ -609,14 +626,14 @@ bit is_enabled_spi_2
bit stepperForceParkingEveryRestart
bit isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled;+Smarter cranking logic.\nSee also startOfCrankingPrimingPulse
bit coastingFuelCutEnabled;+This setting disables fuel injection while the engine is in overrun, this is useful as a fuel saving measure and to prevent back firing.
bit useIacTableForCoasting
bit useIacTableForCoasting;+This setting allows the ECU to open the IAC during overrun conditions to help reduce engine breaking, this can be helpful for large engines in light weight cars.
bit useNoiselessTriggerDecoder
bit useIdleTimingPidControl
bit useTPSBasedVeTable
bit is_enabled_spi_4
bit pauseEtbControl
bit alignEngineSnifferAtTDC
bit useETBforIdleControl
bit useETBforIdleControl;+This setting allows the ETB to act as the idle air control valve. The ETB will act as though it was the IAC and regulate the airflow at idle.
bit idleIncrementalPidCic
bit unused_board_984_31
@ -649,7 +666,7 @@ custom uart_device_e 1 bits,U32, @OFFSET@, [0:1], "Off", "UART1", "UART2", "UA
float nb2ratioFrom;;"value", 1, 0, 0, 1000, 5
float nb2ratioTo;;"value", 1, 0, 0, 1000, 5
brain_pin_e triggerErrorPin;This pin is used for debugging - snap a logic analyzer on it and see if it's ever high
brain_pin_e triggerErrorPin;+This pin is used for debugging - snap a logic analyzer on it and see if it's ever high
pin_output_mode_e triggerErrorPinMode;
output_pin_e acRelayPin;
pin_output_mode_e acRelayPinMode;
@ -674,7 +691,7 @@ custom fsio_setting_t 4 scalar, F32, @OFFSET@, "Val", 1, 0, 0,
brain_pin_e spi3misoPin;
brain_pin_e spi3sckPin;
brain_pin_e cdmInputPin;Saab Combustion Detection Module knock signal input pin\nalso known as Saab Ion Sensing Module
brain_pin_e cdmInputPin;+Saab Combustion Detection Module knock signal input pin\nalso known as Saab Ion Sensing Module
brain_pin_e joystickCenterPin;
brain_pin_e joystickAPin;
@ -696,7 +713,7 @@ custom maf_sensor_type_e 4 bits, S32, @OFFSET@, [0:2], @@maf_sensor_type_e_enum@
maf_sensor_type_e mafSensorType;
brain_pin_e[FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT iterate] fsioDigitalInputs;todo:not finshed\nThese input pins allow us to pull toggle buttons state;
brain_pin_e[FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT iterate] fsioDigitalInputs;todo:not finished\nThese input pins allow us to pull toggle buttons state;
brain_input_pin_e vehicleSpeedSensorInputPin;
switch_input_pin_e clutchUpPin;Some vehicles have a switch to indicate that clutch pedal is all the way up
@ -709,9 +726,9 @@ custom le_formula_t 200 string, ASCII, @OFFSET@, 200
board_configuration_s bc;
bit vvtDisplayInverted
bit fuelClosedLoopCorrectionEnabled
bit fuelClosedLoopCorrectionEnabled;+Enables lambda sensor closed loop feedback for fuelling.
bit isVerboseIAC;+Print details into rusEfi console
bit isVerboseETB;enable verbose_etb
bit isVerboseETB;+Prints ETB details to rusEFI console
bit useConstantDwellDuringCranking;+If set to true, will use the specified duration for cranking dwell. If set to false, will use the specified dwell angle. Unless you have a really good reason to, leave this set to true to use duration mode.
bit isEngineChartEnabled;+This options enables data for 'engine sniffer' tab in console, which comes at some CPU price
bit silentTriggerError
@ -721,9 +738,14 @@ bit vvtDisplayInverted
bit useLinearIatSensor
bit useFSIO16ForTimingAdjustment;See fsioTimingAdjustment
bit tachPulseDurationAsDutyCycle
bit isAlternatorControlEnabled;+This enables smart alternator control and activates the extra alternator settings
bit isAlternatorControlEnabled;+This enables smart alternator control and activates the extra alternator settings.
<<<<<<< HEAD
bit invertPrimaryTriggerSignal;+This setting flips the signal from the primary engine speed sensor.
bit invertSecondaryTriggerSignal;+This setting flips the signal from the secondary engine speed sensor.
bit invertPrimaryTriggerSignal
bit invertSecondaryTriggerSignal
>>>>>>> ff39a7263338c337357e825c2b235b60c54dea0c
bit cutFuelOnHardLimit
bit cutSparkOnHardLimit
@ -747,25 +769,30 @@ uint8_t[3] unusedh;
custom idle_mode_e 4 bits, U32, @OFFSET@, [0:0], "Automatic", "Manual"
idle_mode_e idleMode;See also idleRpmPid;
bit isInjectionEnabled;+Enable fuel injection - This is default off on new projects as a safty feature, set to "true" to enable fuel injection and futher injector settings.
bit isIgnitionEnabled;+Enable ignition - This is default off on new projects as a safty feature, set to "true" to enable ignition and futher ignition settings.
<<<<<<< HEAD
bit isInjectionEnabled;+Enable fuel injection - This is default off for new projects as a safety feature, set to "true" to enable fuel injection and further injector settings.
bit isIgnitionEnabled;+Enable ignition - This is default off for new projects as a safety feature, set to "true" to enable ignition and further ignition settings.
bit isInjectionEnabled;+Enable fuel injection - This is default off for new projects as a safety feature, set to "true" to enable fuel injection and further injector settings.
bit isIgnitionEnabled;+Enable ignition - This is default off on new projects as a safety feature, set to "true" to enable ignition and further ignition settings.
>>>>>>> ff39a7263338c337357e825c2b235b60c54dea0c
bit isCylinderCleanupEnabled;+When enabled if TPS is held above 95% no fuel is injected while cranking to clear excess fuel from the cylinders.
bit secondTriggerChannelEnabled
bit needSecondTriggerInputDeprecated
bit isMapAveragingEnabled
bit overrideCrankingIacSetting
bit useSeparateAdvanceForIdle
bit overrideCrankingIacSetting;+This setting overrides the normal multiplication values that have been set for the idle air control valve during cranking. If this setting is enabled the "IAC multiplier" table in the Cranking settings tab needs to be adjusted appropriately or potentially no IAC opening will occur.
bit useSeparateAdvanceForIdle;+This activates a separate ignition timing table for idle conditions, this can help idle stability by using ignition retard and advance either side of the desired idle speed. Extra retard at low idle speeds will prevent stalling and extra advance at high idle speeds can help reduce engine power and slow the idle speed.
bit isTunerStudioEnabled
bit isWaveAnalyzerEnabled
bit useSeparateVeForIdle
bit useSeparateVeForIdle;+This activates a separate fuel table for Idle, this allows fine tuning of the idle fuelling.
bit isPrintTriggerSynchDetails;+enable trigger_details
bit isManualSpinningMode;Usually if we have no trigger events that means engine is stopped\nUnless we are troubleshooting and spinning the engine by hand - this case a longer\ndelay is needed
bit twoWireBatchInjection;+This is needed if your coils are individually wired and you wish to use batch injection.\nenable two_wire_batch_injection
bit useOnlyRisingEdgeForTrigger;+VR sensors are only precise on rising front\nenable trigger_only_front
bit twoWireBatchIgnition;+This is needed if your coils are individually wired (COP) and you wish to use batch igniton (wasted spark).
bit twoWireBatchIgnition;+This is needed if your coils are individually wired (COP) and you wish to use batch ignition (wasted spark).
bit useFixedBaroCorrFromMap
bit useSeparateAdvanceForCranking
bit useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking
bit useSeparateAdvanceForCranking;+This activates a separate advance table for cranking conditions, this allows cranking advance to be RPM dependant.
bit useAdvanceCorrectionsForCranking;+This enables the various ignition corrections during cranking (IAT, CLT, FSIO and PID idle).
bit useTPSAdvanceTable;+This flag allows to use TPS for ignition lookup while in Speed Density Fuel Mode
bit unused_1484_bit_20
bit unused_1484_bit_21
@ -774,9 +801,9 @@ bit unused_1484_bit_21
int16_t idlePidRpmUpperLimit;+Relative to the target idle RPM;"RPM", 1, 0, 0, 9000, 0
int16_t primeInjFalloffTemperature;Prime injection pulse falloff temperature threshold, in Celsuis;"*C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 0
int16_t primeInjFalloffTemperature;+This sets the temperature above which no priming pulse is used, The value at -40 is reduced until there is no more priming injection at this temperature.;"*C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 0
adc_channel_e acSwitchAdc;A/C button input handled as analog input
adc_channel_e acSwitchAdc;A/C button input handled as analogue input
uint8_t[3] unusuedsw;
int ignMathCalculateAtIndex;+At what trigger index should some ignition-related math be executed? This is a performance trick to reduce load on synchronization trigger callback.;"index", 1, 0, 0, 7000, 0
@ -857,11 +884,11 @@ custom pin_mode_e 1 bits, U08, @OFFSET@, [0:6], @@pin_mode_e_enum@@
float[CLT_CURVE_SIZE] cltIdleRpm;See idleRpmPid;"", 1, 0, 0.0, 8000.0, 0
float targetVBatt;set targetvbatt VOLTS;"Volts", 1, 0, 0,30, 1
float alternatorOffAboveTps;Turn off alternator output above specified TPS;"%", 1, 0, 0, 200, 2
float alternatorOffAboveTps;+Turns off alternator output above specified TPS, enabling this reduced parasitic drag on the engine at full load. ;"%", 1, 0, 0, 200, 2
float startOfCrankingPrimingPulse;+Prime pulse for cold engine, duration in ms\nLinear interpolation between -40F/-40C and fallout temperature\n\nSee also isFasterEngineSpinUpEnabled\nset cranking_priming_pulse X;"ms", 1, 0, 0, 200, 1
int16_t afterCrankingIACtaperDuration;;"cycles", 1, 0, 0, 5000, 0
int16_t afterCrankingIACtaperDuration;+This is the duration in cycles that the IAC will take to reach its normal idle position, it can be used to hold the idle higher for a few seconds after cranking to improve startup.;"cycles", 1, 0, 0, 5000, 0
int16_t iacByTpsTaper;Extra IAC, in percent between 0 and 100, tapered between zero and idle deactivation TPS value;"percent", 1, 0, 0, 500, 0
int16_t iacByTpsTaper;+Extra IAC, in percent between 0 and 100, tapered between zero and idle deactivation TPS value;"percent", 1, 0, 0, 500, 0
brain_pin_e fatalErrorPin;RED led on Discovery by default.
brain_pin_e warningLedPin;
@ -871,7 +898,7 @@ custom pin_mode_e 1 bits, U08, @OFFSET@, [0:6], @@pin_mode_e_enum@@
int tpsAccelLength;+How many engine cycles to consider?;"cycles", 1, 0, 1, 200, 0
float tpsAccelEnrichmentThreshold;+Maximum delta in TPS percentage over the 'length'. Actual TPS change has to be above this value in order to TPS/TPS acceleration to kick in.;"roc", 1, 0, 0, 200, 3
float vvtOffset;+angle between cam sensor and VVT zero position\nset vvt_offset X;"value", 1, 0, -720, 1000, 1
float vvtOffset;+Angle between cam sensor and VVT zero position\nset vvt_offset X;"value", 1, 0, -720, 1000, 1
int engineLoadAccelLength;;"cycles", 1, 0, 1, 200, 0
@ -910,7 +937,7 @@ float[MAP_ACCEL_TAPER] mapAccelTaperMult;;"mult", 1, 0, 0.0, 300,
brain_pin_e dizzySparkOutputPin;+This implementation makes a pulse every time one of the coils is charged, using coil dwell for pulse width. See also tachOutputPin
pin_output_mode_e dizzySparkOutputPinMode;
int crankingIACposition;+IAC position during cranking;"percent", 1, 0, -100.0, 100,
int crankingIACposition;+This is the IAC position during cranking, some engines start better if given more air during cranking to improve cylinder filling.;"percent", 1, 0, -100.0, 100,
float tChargeMinRpmMinTps;;"mult", 1, 0, 0, 3, 4
float tChargeMinRpmMaxTps;;"mult", 1, 0, 0, 3, 4
float tChargeMaxRpmMinTps;;"mult", 1, 0, 0, 3, 4
@ -1007,10 +1034,14 @@ float[CRANKING_ADVANCE_CURVE_SIZE] crankingAdvance ;Optional timing advance t
int16_t coastingFuelCutRpmHigh;+This sets the RPM limit above which the fuel cut is deactivated, activating this maintains fuel flow at high RPM to help cool pistons;"rpm", 1, 0, 0, 5000, 0
int16_t coastingFuelCutRpmLow;+This sets the RPM limit below which the fuel cut is deactivated, this prevents jerking or issues transitioning to idle;"rpm", 1, 0, 0, 5000, 0
int16_t coastingFuelCutTps;+percent between 0 and 100 below which the fuel cut is deactivated, this helps low speed drivability.;"%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 1
int16_t coastingFuelCutClt;+Fuel cutoff is deactivated below this coolant threashold.;"C", 1, 0, -100, 100, 0
int16_t coastingFuelCutClt;+Fuel cutoff is deactivated below this coolant threshold.;"C", 1, 0, -100, 100, 0
int16_t pidExtraForLowRpm;+Increases PID reaction for RPM<target by adding extra percent to PID-error;"%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
int16_t coastingFuelCutMap;+MAP value above which coasting fuel cut is dissabled to aid piston cooling;"kPa", 1, 0, 0, 250, 0
<<<<<<< HEAD
int16_t coastingFuelCutMap;+MAP value above which coasting fuel cut is disabled to aid piston cooling;"kPa", 1, 0, 0, 250, 0
int16_t coastingFuelCutMap;+MAP value above which coasting fuel cut is disabled to aid piston cooling;"kPa", 1, 0, 0, 250, 0
>>>>>>> ff39a7263338c337357e825c2b235b60c54dea0c
float[CLT_CURVE_SIZE] iacCoastingBins;CLT-based idle position for coasting (used in Auto-PID Idle mode);"C", 1, 0, -100.0, 250.0, 2
float[CLT_CURVE_SIZE] iacCoasting; CLT-based idle position for coasting (used in Auto-PID Idle mode);"%", 1, 0, 0.0, 100.0, 2
@ -1151,7 +1182,7 @@ end_struct
#define MOCK_IAT_COMMAND "mock_iat_voltage"
#define GAUGE_NAME_VERSION "firmware"
#define GAUGE_NAME_VVT "VVT postion"
#define GAUGE_NAME_VVT "VVT position"
#define GAUGE_NAME_VVS "Vehicle Speed"
#define GAUGE_NAME_VBAT "VBatt"
Reference in New Issue