@ -1133,6 +1133,24 @@ void TriggerCentral::updateWaveform() {
if (engineConfiguration->overrideVvtTriggerGaps) {
int gapIndex = 0;
TriggerWaveform *shape = &vvtShape[0];
for (; gapIndex < engineConfiguration->gapVvtTrackingLengthOverride; gapIndex++) {
float gapOverrideFrom = engineConfiguration->triggerVVTGapOverrideFrom[gapIndex];
float gapOverrideTo = engineConfiguration->triggerVVTGapOverrideTo[gapIndex];
shape->synchronizationRatioFrom[gapIndex] = gapOverrideFrom;
shape->synchronizationRatioTo[gapIndex] = gapOverrideTo;
// fill the remainder with the default gaps
for (; gapIndex < VVT_TRACKING_LENGTH; gapIndex++) {
shape->synchronizationRatioFrom[gapIndex] = NAN;
shape->synchronizationRatioTo[gapIndex] = NAN;
for (int camIndex = 0; camIndex < CAMS_PER_BANK; camIndex++) {
// todo: should 'vvtWithRealDecoder' be used here?
if (engineConfiguration->vvtMode[camIndex] != VVT_INACTIVE) {
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ struct_no_prefix engine_configuration_s
! shows the corner case wheel with huge depth requirement
#define MAIN_HELP_URL ""
@ -457,6 +458,9 @@ bit useFordRedundantPps;On some Ford and Toyota vehicles one of the pedal sensor
bit cltSensorPulldown
bit iatSensorPulldown
bit allowIdenticalPps
bit overrideVvtTriggerGaps
bit unused30
bit unused31
int16_t tpsMin;Closed throttle, 1 volt = 200 units.\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps_min X;"ADC", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0
int16_t tpsMax;Full throttle.\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nset tps_max X;"ADC", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0
@ -655,7 +659,7 @@ engineSyncCam_e engineSyncCam;Select which cam is used for engine sync. Other ca
output_pin_e fuelPumpPin;
pin_output_mode_e fuelPumpPinMode;
!unused 1
int8_t gapVvtTrackingLengthOverride;How many consecutive VVT gap rations have to match expected ranges for sync to happen;"count", 1, 0, 1, @@VVT_TRACKING_LENGTH@@, 0
output_pin_e malfunctionIndicatorPin;Check engine light, also malfunction indicator light. Always blinks once on boot.
pin_output_mode_e malfunctionIndicatorPinMode;
@ -1590,7 +1594,12 @@ pin_input_mode_e[LUA_DIGITAL_INPUT_COUNT iterate] luaDigitalInputPinModes;
uint8_t[CAM_INPUTS_COUNT iterate] simulatorCamPosition;
uint8_t[242] mainUnusedEnd;;"units", 1, 0, 0, 1, 0
uint16_t unusedExplicitFilling2
float[VVT_TRACKING_LENGTH iterate] triggerVVTGapOverrideFrom;;"ratio", 1, 0, 0, 20, 3
float[VVT_TRACKING_LENGTH iterate] triggerVVTGapOverrideTo;;"ratio", 1, 0, 0, 20, 3
uint8_t[208] mainUnusedEnd;;"units", 1, 0, 0, 1, 0
! end of engine_configuration_s
@ -2416,6 +2416,16 @@ cmd_set_engine_type_default = "@@TS_IO_TEST_COMMAND_char@@@@ts_command_e_TS_
field = "Gap #4 to", triggerGapOverrideTo4, { overrideTriggerGaps == 1 && gapTrackingLengthOverride >= 4 }
field = "Gap #5 from", triggerGapOverrideFrom5, { overrideTriggerGaps == 1 && gapTrackingLengthOverride >= 5 }
field = "Gap #5 to", triggerGapOverrideTo5, { overrideTriggerGaps == 1 && gapTrackingLengthOverride >= 5 }
field = "Override well known VVT gaps", overrideVvtTriggerGaps
field = gapVvtTrackingLengthOverride, gapVvtTrackingLengthOverride, { overrideVvtTriggerGaps == 1 }
field = "First VVT gap from", triggerVVTGapOverrideFrom1
field = "First VVT gap to", triggerVVTGapOverrideTo1
field = "Second VVT gap from", triggerVVTGapOverrideFrom2
field = "Second VVT gap to", triggerVVTGapOverrideTo2
field = "VVT gap #3 from", triggerVVTGapOverrideFrom3
field = "VVT gap #3 to", triggerVVTGapOverrideTo3
field = "VVT gap #4 from", triggerVVTGapOverrideFrom4
field = "VVT gap #4 to", triggerVVTGapOverrideTo4
dialog = trigger_advanced, "Advanced Trigger"
field = "Require cam/VVT sync for ignition", isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition
@ -272,6 +272,59 @@ public class ConfigFieldParserTest {
public void alignmentTestJava() {
ReaderStateImpl state = new ReaderStateImpl();
String test = "struct pid_s\n" +
"\tint16_t periodMs;PID dTime;\"ms\", 1, 0, 0, 3000, 0\n" +
"\tint8_t periodByte;PID dTime;\"ms\", 1, 0, 0, 3000, 0\n" +
"\tfloat periodFloat;PID dTime;\"ms\", 1, 0, 0, 3000, 0\n" +
"end_struct\n" +
JavaFieldsConsumer javaFieldsConsumer = new TestJavaFieldsConsumer(state);
BaseCHeaderConsumer cConsumer = new BaseCHeaderConsumer();
state.readBufferedReader(test, javaFieldsConsumer, cConsumer);
assertEquals("\tpublic static final Field PERIODMS = Field.create(\"PERIODMS\", 0, FieldType.INT16).setScale(1.0).setBaseOffset(0);\n" +
"\tpublic static final Field PERIODBYTE = Field.create(\"PERIODBYTE\", 2, FieldType.INT8).setScale(1.0).setBaseOffset(0);\n" +
"\tpublic static final Field ALIGNMENTFILL_AT_3 = Field.create(\"ALIGNMENTFILL_AT_3\", 3, FieldType.INT8).setScale(1.0).setBaseOffset(0);\n" +
"\tpublic static final Field PERIODFLOAT = Field.create(\"PERIODFLOAT\", 4, FieldType.FLOAT).setBaseOffset(0);\n",
assertEquals("// start of pid_s\n" +
"struct pid_s {\n" +
"\t/**\n" +
"\t * PID dTime\n" +
"\tms\n" +
"\t * offset 0\n" +
"\t */\n" +
"\tint16_t periodMs = (int16_t)0;\n" +
"\t/**\n" +
"\t * PID dTime\n" +
"\tms\n" +
"\t * offset 2\n" +
"\t */\n" +
"\tint8_t periodByte = (int8_t)0;\n" +
"\t/**\n" +
"\t * need 4 byte alignment\n" +
"\tunits\n" +
"\t * offset 3\n" +
"\t */\n" +
"\tuint8_t alignmentFill_at_3[1];\n" +
"\t/**\n" +
"\t * PID dTime\n" +
"\tms\n" +
"\t * offset 4\n" +
"\t */\n" +
"\tfloat periodFloat = (float)0;\n" +
"};\n" +
"static_assert(sizeof(pid_s) == 8);\n" +
public void testDefineChar() {
ReaderStateImpl state = new ReaderStateImpl();
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