plugins { id 'java-library' id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '6.1.0' } apply from: '../../android/dependencies.gradle' defaultTasks 'shadowJar' dependencies { // implementation libs.jsr305 implementation project(':logging') implementation project(':logging-api') implementation libs.annotations testImplementation libs.junit } /* don't use it, otherwise you'll get jar only with enum_to_string classes for the full jar with logging* use shadowJar task */ jar { archivesBaseName = 'enum2string' destinationDirectory = file( '$rootDir/../..' ) manifest { attributes( 'Main-Class': 'com.rusefi.EnumToString' ) } } shadowJar { /* to exclude suffix '-all' in resulting archive file name */ archiveBaseName = 'enum2string' archiveClassifier = '' destinationDirectory = file( '$rootDir/../..' ) manifest { inheritFrom project.tasks.jar.manifest } /* to keep only classes from logging and loggin-api as in build.xml */ dependencies { exclude(dependency(libs.jsr305)) exclude(dependency(libs.junit)) exclude(dependency(libs.annotations)) } }