/** * @file wave_analyzer.cpp * @brief Initialization of Input Capture pins used for dev console sniffer * * This file is responsible for sniffing of external digital signals and registering * these digital events in WaveChart used by the Sniffer tab of Dev Console. * * * @date Jan 7, 2013 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2015 */ #include "main.h" #include "wave_analyzer.h" #include "eficonsole.h" #include "data_buffer.h" #include "pin_repository.h" #include "engine_state.h" #include "signal_executor.h" #include "engine_configuration.h" #include "trigger_central.h" #include "rfiutil.h" #include "engine_math.h" #include "engine.h" #include "rpm_calculator.h" #include "wave_chart.h" #if EFI_WAVE_ANALYZER || defined(__DOXYGEN__) EXTERN_ENGINE; #define CHART_RESET_DELAY 1 #define MAX_ICU_COUNT 5 extern WaveChart waveChart; extern bool hasFirmwareErrorFlag; /** * Difference between current 1st trigger event and previous 1st trigger event. */ static volatile uint32_t engineCycleDurationUs; static volatile uint64_t previousEngineCycleTimeUs = 0; static int waveReaderCount = 0; static WaveReader readers[MAX_ICU_COUNT]; static THD_WORKING_AREA(waThreadStack, UTILITY_THREAD_STACK_SIZE); static LoggingWithStorage logger; static void ensureInitialized(WaveReader *reader) { efiAssertVoid(reader->hw.started, "wave analyzer NOT INITIALIZED"); } #if EFI_WAVE_ANALYZER || defined(__DOXYGEN__) static void waAnaWidthCallback(WaveReader *reader) { uint64_t nowUs = getTimeNowUs(); reader->eventCounter++; reader->lastActivityTimeUs = nowUs; addWaveChartEvent(reader->name, WC_UP); uint32_t width = nowUs - reader->periodEventTimeUs; reader->last_wave_low_widthUs = width; reader->signalPeriodUs = nowUs - reader->widthEventTimeUs; reader->widthEventTimeUs = nowUs; } void WaveReader::onFallEvent() { uint64_t nowUs = getTimeNowUs(); eventCounter++; lastActivityTimeUs = nowUs; addWaveChartEvent(name, WC_DOWN); uint64_t width = nowUs - widthEventTimeUs; last_wave_high_widthUs = width; int revolutionCounter = getRevolutionCounter(); totalOnTimeAccumulatorUs += width; if (currentRevolutionCounter != revolutionCounter) { /** * We are here in case of a new engine cycle */ currentRevolutionCounter = revolutionCounter; prevTotalOnTimeUs = totalOnTimeAccumulatorUs; totalOnTimeAccumulatorUs = 0; waveOffsetUs = nowUs - previousEngineCycleTimeUs; } periodEventTimeUs = nowUs; // uint32_t period = engineCycleDurationUs; // local copy of volatile variable } static void waIcuPeriodCallback(WaveReader *reader) { reader->onFallEvent(); } static void setWaveModeSilent(int index, int mode) { WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; startInputDriver(&reader->hw, mode); } //static int getEventCounter(int index) { // WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; // ensureInitialized(reader); // return reader->eventCounter; //} static void initWave(const char *name, int index) { brain_pin_e brainPin = boardConfiguration->logicAnalyzerPins[index]; bool mode = boardConfiguration->logicAnalyzerMode[index]; waveReaderCount++; efiAssertVoid(index < MAX_ICU_COUNT, "too many ICUs"); WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; WaveReaderHw *hw = &reader->hw; reader->name = name; hw->widthListeners.registerCallback((IntListener) waAnaWidthCallback, (void*) reader); hw->periodListeners.registerCallback((IntListener) waIcuPeriodCallback, (void*) reader); initWaveAnalyzerDriver(hw, brainPin); print("wave%d input on %s%d\r\n", index, portname(reader->hw.port), reader->hw.pin); startInputDriver(hw, mode); } #endif static void waTriggerEventListener(trigger_event_e ckpSignalType, uint32_t index DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_S) { (void)ckpSignalType; if (index != 0) { return; } uint64_t nowUs = getTimeNowUs(); engineCycleDurationUs = nowUs - previousEngineCycleTimeUs; previousEngineCycleTimeUs = nowUs; } static msg_t waThread(void *arg) { (void)arg; chRegSetThreadName("Wave Analyzer"); #if EFI_WAVE_CHART while (TRUE) { chThdSleepSeconds(CHART_RESET_DELAY); waveChart.publishChartIfFull(); } #endif /* EFI_WAVE_CHART */ #if defined __GNUC__ return -1; #endif } static uint32_t getWaveLowWidth(int index) { WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; ensureInitialized(reader); return reader->last_wave_low_widthUs; } static float getSignalOnTime(int index) { WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; ensureInitialized(reader); if (getTimeNowUs() - reader->lastActivityTimeUs > 4 * US_PER_SECOND) { return 0.0f; // dwell time has expired } return reader->last_wave_high_widthUs / 1000.0f; } static uint64_t getWaveOffset(int index) { WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; ensureInitialized(reader); return reader->waveOffsetUs; } static float getSignalPeriodMs(int index) { WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; ensureInitialized(reader); return reader->signalPeriodUs / 1000.0f; } //static uint64_t getWidthEventTime(int index) { // WaveReader *reader = &readers[index]; // ensureInitialized(reader); // return reader->widthEventTimeUs; //} static void reportWave(Logging *logging, int index) { if (readers[index].hw.started) { // int counter = getEventCounter(index); // debugInt2(logging, "ev", index, counter); float dwellMs = getSignalOnTime(index); float periodMs = getSignalPeriodMs(index); appendPrintf(logging, "duty%d%s", index, DELIMETER); appendFloat(logging, 100.0f * dwellMs / periodMs, 2); appendPrintf(logging, "%s", DELIMETER); /** * that's the ON time of the LAST signal */ appendPrintf(logging, "dwell%d%s", index, DELIMETER); appendFloat(logging, dwellMs, 2); appendPrintf(logging, "%s", DELIMETER); /** * that's the total ON time during the previous engine cycle */ appendPrintf(logging, "total_dwell%d%s", index, DELIMETER); appendFloat(logging, readers[index].prevTotalOnTimeUs / 1000.0f, 2); appendPrintf(logging, "%s", DELIMETER); appendPrintf(logging, "period%d%s", index, DELIMETER); appendFloat(logging, periodMs, 2); appendPrintf(logging, "%s", DELIMETER); uint32_t offsetUs = getWaveOffset(index); float oneDegreeUs = getOneDegreeTimeUs(getRpm()); appendPrintf(logging, "advance%d%s", index, DELIMETER); float angle = (offsetUs / oneDegreeUs) - engineConfiguration->globalTriggerAngleOffset; fixAngle(angle); appendFloat(logging, angle, 3); appendPrintf(logging, "%s", DELIMETER); } } void printWave(Logging *logging) { reportWave(logging, 0); reportWave(logging, 1); } void initWaveAnalyzer(void) { #if EFI_WAVE_ANALYZER || defined(__DOXYGEN__) initLogging(&logger, "wave"); initWave(WA_CHANNEL_1, 0); initWave(WA_CHANNEL_2, 1); // addTriggerEventListener(waTriggerEventListener, "wave analyzer", NULL); addConsoleActionII("set_logic_input_mode", setWaveModeSilent); chThdCreateStatic(waThreadStack, sizeof(waThreadStack), NORMALPRIO, waThread, (void*) NULL); #else print("wave disabled\r\n"); #endif } #endif