/** * @file engine.cpp * * * This might be a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_object but that's best way I can * express myself in C/C++. I am open for suggestions :) * * @date May 21, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2015 */ #include "main.h" #include "engine.h" #include "engine_state.h" #include "efiGpio.h" #include "trigger_central.h" #include "fuel_math.h" #if EFI_PROD_CODE #include "injector_central.h" #else #define isRunningBenchTest() true #endif static LoggingWithStorage logger("engine"); extern engine_pins_s enginePins; EXTERN_ENGINE ; /** * We are executing these heavy (logarithm) methods from outside the trigger callbacks for performance reasons. */ void Engine::updateSlowSensors() { Engine *engine = this; engineState.iat = getIntakeAirTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F); engineState.clt = getCoolantTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F); injectorLagMs = getInjectorLag(getVBatt(engineConfiguration) PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER); } void Engine::onTriggerEvent(uint64_t nowNt) { isSpinning = true; lastTriggerEventTimeNt = nowNt; } static void invokeEnginePreCalculate(Engine *engine) { engine->preCalculate(); } void Engine::addConfigurationListener(configuration_callback_t callback) { configurationListeners.registerCallback((VoidInt)invokeEnginePreCalculate, this); } Engine::Engine(persistent_config_s *config) { lastTriggerEventTimeNt = 0; isCylinderCleanupMode = false; engineCycleEventCount = 0; stopEngineRequestTimeNt = 0; isRunningPwmTest = false; isTestMode = false; isSpinning = false; adcToVoltageInputDividerCoefficient = NAN; this->config = config; engineConfiguration = &config->engineConfiguration; engineConfiguration2 = NULL; engineState.iat = engineState.clt = NAN; memset(&ignitionPin, 0, sizeof(ignitionPin)); iat.config = NULL; iat.channel = EFI_ADC_NONE; clt.config = NULL; clt.channel = EFI_ADC_NONE; injectorLagMs = advance = dwellAngle = fuelMs = 0; clutchDownState = clutchUpState = false; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); addConfigurationListener(invokeEnginePreCalculate); } /** * Here we have a bunch of stuff which should invoked after configuration change * so that we can prepare some helper structures */ void Engine::preCalculate() { sparkTable.preCalc(engineConfiguration->sparkDwellBins, engineConfiguration->sparkDwell); /** * Here we prepare a fast, index-based MAF lookup from a slower curve description */ for (int i = 0; i < MAF_DECODING_CACHE_SIZE; i++) { float volts = i / MAF_DECODING_CACHE_MULT; float maf = interpolate2d(volts, engineConfiguration->mafDecodingBins, engineConfiguration->mafDecoding, MAF_DECODING_COUNT); mafDecodingLookup[i] = maf; } } void Engine::init() { } static bool stopPin(NamedOutputPin *output) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) bool_t isInitialized = output->port != NULL; if (isInitialized && output->getLogicValue()) { output->setValue(false); scheduleMsg(&logger, "turning off %s", output->name); return true; } #endif return false; } bool_t Engine::stopPins() { bool result = false; for (int i = 0; i < engineConfiguration->specs.cylindersCount; i++) { result |= stopPin(&enginePins.coils[i]); result |= stopPin(&enginePins.injectors[i]); } return result; } void Engine::watchdog() { #if EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL if (isRunningPwmTest) return; if (!isSpinning) { if (!isRunningBenchTest() && stopPins()) { firmwareError("Some pins were turned off by 2nd pass watchdog"); } return; } efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt(); /** * Lowest possible cranking is about 240 RPM, that's 4 revolutions per second. * 0.25 second is 250000 uS * * todo: better watch dog implementation should be implemented - see * http://sourceforge.net/p/rusefi/tickets/96/ */ if (nowNt - lastTriggerEventTimeNt < US2NT(250000LL)) { return; } isSpinning = false; #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR scheduleMsg(&logger, "engine has STOPPED"); triggerInfo(engine); #endif stopPins(); #endif } StartupFuelPumping::StartupFuelPumping() { isTpsAbove50 = false; pumpsCounter = 0; } void StartupFuelPumping::setPumpsCounter( engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration, int newValue) { if (pumpsCounter != newValue) { pumpsCounter = newValue; if (pumpsCounter == PUMPS_TO_PRIME) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "let's squirt prime pulse %f", pumpsCounter); pumpsCounter = 0; } else { scheduleMsg(&logger, "setPumpsCounter %d", pumpsCounter); } } } void StartupFuelPumping::update(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) { if (engine->rpmCalculator.rpm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) == 0) { bool isTpsAbove50 = getTPS(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) >= 50; if (this->isTpsAbove50 != isTpsAbove50) { setPumpsCounter(engineConfiguration, pumpsCounter + 1); } } else { /** * Engine is not stopped - not priming pumping mode */ setPumpsCounter(engineConfiguration, 0); isTpsAbove50 = false; } }