/** * @file engine_configuration.h * @brief Main engine configuration data structure. * * @date Oct 30, 2013 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2015 */ #ifndef ENGINE_CONFIGURATION_H_ #define ENGINE_CONFIGURATION_H_ #include "efifeatures.h" #include "crc.h" #include "sensor_types.h" #include "can_header.h" #include "rusefi_enums.h" #include "global.h" #define MOCK_UNDEFINED -1 typedef struct { float baseCrankingFuel; /** * This value controls what RPM values we consider 'cranking' (any RPM below 'crankingRpm') * Anything above 'crankingRpm' would be 'running' */ int16_t crankingRpm; } cranking_parameters_s; #define INJECTION_PIN_COUNT 12 #define IGNITION_PIN_COUNT 12 #define MAX31855_CS_COUNT 8 #define JOYSTICK_PIN_COUNT 5 #define FUEL_RPM_COUNT 16 #define FUEL_LOAD_COUNT 16 #define LE_COMMAND_LENGTH 200 #define LE_COMMAND_COUNT 16 typedef char le_formula_t[LE_COMMAND_LENGTH]; #define CLT_CURVE_SIZE 16 #define IAT_CURVE_SIZE 16 #define VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE 8 #define IGN_LOAD_COUNT 16 #define IGN_RPM_COUNT 16 typedef float fuel_table_t[FUEL_LOAD_COUNT][FUEL_RPM_COUNT]; typedef float ignition_table_t[IGN_LOAD_COUNT][IGN_RPM_COUNT]; typedef brain_pin_e egt_cs_array_t[MAX31855_CS_COUNT]; #define DWELL_CURVE_SIZE 8 typedef enum { AC_OFF = 0, /** * You would use this value if you want to see a detailed graph of your trigger events */ AC_TRIGGER = 1, AC_MAP = 2, Internal_ForceMyEnumIntSize_analog_chart_mode = ENUM_SIZE_HACK, } analog_chart_e; typedef enum { /** * This is the default mode in which ECU controls timing dynamically */ TM_DYNAMIC = 0, /** * Fixed timing is useful while you are playing with a timing gun - you need to have fixed * timing if you want to install your distributor at some specific angle */ TM_FIXED = 1, Internal_ForceMyEnumIntSize_timing_mode = ENUM_SIZE_HACK, } timing_mode_e; typedef enum { CD_OFF = 0, CD_USE_CAN1 = 1, CD_USE_CAN2 = 2, Internal_ForceMyEnumIntSize_can_device_mode = ENUM_SIZE_HACK, } can_device_mode_e; typedef struct { adc_channel_e afrAdcChannel; float v1; float value1; float v2; float value2; } afr_sensor_s; #define DWELL_COUNT 8 #define CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE 8 /** * @brief Trigger wheel(s) configuration */ typedef struct { trigger_type_e triggerType; int customIsSynchronizationNeeded; int customTotalToothCount; int customSkippedToothCount; float customSyncRatioFrom; float customSyncRatioTo; int customUseRiseEdge; } trigger_config_s; #define HW_MAX_ADC_INDEX 16 typedef struct { // WARNING: by default, our small enums are ONE BYTE. this one is made 4-byte with the 'ENUM_SIZE_HACK' hack brain_pin_e idleValvePin; pin_output_mode_e idleValvePinMode; brain_pin_e fuelPumpPin; pin_output_mode_e fuelPumpPinMode; brain_pin_e injectionPins[INJECTION_PIN_COUNT]; pin_output_mode_e injectionPinMode; brain_pin_e ignitionPins[IGNITION_PIN_COUNT]; pin_output_mode_e ignitionPinMode; brain_pin_e malfunctionIndicatorPin; pin_output_mode_e malfunctionIndicatorPinMode; brain_pin_e fanPin; pin_output_mode_e fanPinMode; brain_pin_e electronicThrottlePin1; pin_output_mode_e electronicThrottlePin1Mode; /** * some cars have a switch to indicate that clutch pedal is all the way down */ brain_pin_e clutchDownPin; /** * some cars have a switch to indicate that clutch pedal is all the way down */ pin_input_mode_e clutchDownPinMode; brain_pin_e alternatorControlPin; pin_output_mode_e alternatorControlPinMode; brain_pin_e HD44780_rs; brain_pin_e HD44780_e; brain_pin_e HD44780_db4; brain_pin_e HD44780_db5; brain_pin_e HD44780_db6; brain_pin_e HD44780_db7; brain_pin_e gps_rx_pin; brain_pin_e gps_tx_pin; int idleSolenoidFrequency; int triggerSimulatorFrequency; /** * Digital Potentiometer is used by stock ECU stimulation code */ spi_device_e digitalPotentiometerSpiDevice; brain_pin_e digitalPotentiometerChipSelect[DIGIPOT_COUNT]; adc_channel_mode_e adcHwChannelEnabled[HW_MAX_ADC_INDEX]; // offset 5760 brain_pin_e triggerInputPins[3]; // offset 5772 brain_pin_e mainRelayPin; int idleThreadPeriod; int consoleLoopPeriod; int lcdThreadPeriod; int tunerStudioThreadPeriod; int generalPeriodicThreadPeriod; // offset 5796 uint32_t tunerStudioSerialSpeed; brain_pin_e boardTestModeJumperPin; can_device_mode_e canDeviceMode; brain_pin_e canTxPin; brain_pin_e canRxPin; brain_pin_e triggerSimulatorPins[TRIGGER_SIMULATOR_PIN_COUNT]; pin_output_mode_e triggerSimulatorPinModes[TRIGGER_SIMULATOR_PIN_COUNT]; brain_pin_e o2heaterPin; pin_output_mode_e o2heaterPinModeTodO; unsigned int is_enabled_spi_1 : 1; // bit 0 unsigned int is_enabled_spi_2 : 1; // bit 1 unsigned int is_enabled_spi_3 : 1; // bit 2 unsigned int isSdCardEnabled : 1; // bit 3 unsigned int isFastAdcEnabled : 1; // bit 4 unsigned int isEngineControlEnabled : 1; // bit 5 unsigned int isHip9011Enabled : 1; // bit 6 brain_pin_e logicAnalyzerPins[LOGIC_ANALYZER_CHANNEL_COUNT]; /** * default or inverted input */ uint8_t logicAnalyzerMode[LOGIC_ANALYZER_CHANNEL_COUNT]; int unrealisticRpmThreashold; pin_output_mode_e mainRelayPinMode; egt_cs_array_t max31855_cs; spi_device_e max31855spiDevice; brain_pin_e fsioPins[LE_COMMAND_COUNT]; pin_output_mode_e gpioPinModes[LE_COMMAND_COUNT]; brain_pin_e joystickPins[JOYSTICK_PIN_COUNT]; /** * This pin is used for debugging - snap a logic analyzer on it and see if it's ever high */ brain_pin_e triggerErrorPin; pin_output_mode_e triggerErrorPinMode; /** * value between 0 and 1 */ float idleSolenoidPwm; brain_pin_e acRelayPin; pin_output_mode_e acRelayPinMode; int16_t fsioFrequency[LE_COMMAND_COUNT]; brain_pin_e hip9011CsPin; brain_pin_e hip9011IntHoldPin; brain_pin_e hip9011OutPin; float fsio_setting[LE_COMMAND_COUNT]; brain_pin_e spi1mosiPin; brain_pin_e spi1misoPin; brain_pin_e spi1sckPin; brain_pin_e spi2mosiPin; brain_pin_e spi2misoPin; brain_pin_e spi2sckPin; brain_pin_e spi3mosiPin; brain_pin_e spi3misoPin; brain_pin_e spi3sckPin; // offset 6228 float hip9011Gain; // offset 6232 brain_pin_e joystickCenterPin; // offset 6236 brain_pin_e joystickAPin; // offset 6240 brain_pin_e joystickBPin; // offset 6244 brain_pin_e joystickCPin; // offset 6248 brain_pin_e joystickDPin; int unusedbs[7]; le_formula_t le_formulas[LE_COMMAND_COUNT]; } board_configuration_s; // 19010105 decimal #define HEADER_MAGIC_NUMBER 0x1221239 /** * @brief Engine configuration. * Values in this data structure are adjustable and persisted in on-board flash RAM. * * The offsets are tracked using * https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiAmAn6tn3L_dGJXZDZOcVVhaG9SaHZKU1dyMjhEV0E * * todo: currently the fields here are simply in the order in which they were implemented * todo: re-arrange this structure one we have a stable code version */ typedef struct { // this section was generated by config_definition.jar on Thu Jan 15 15:59:00 EST 2015 // begin /** * http://rusefi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Manual:Engine_Type * offset 0 */ engine_type_e engineType; /** * this magic number is used to make sure that what we read from Flash is in fact some configuration * offset 4 */ int headerMagicValue; /** * offset 8 */ float battInjectorLagCorrBins[VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE]; /** * offset 40 */ float battInjectorLagCorr[VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE]; /** * offset 72 */ float cltFuelCorrBins[CLT_CURVE_SIZE]; /** * offset 136 */ float cltFuelCorr[CLT_CURVE_SIZE]; /** * offset 200 */ float iatFuelCorrBins[IAT_CURVE_SIZE]; /** * offset 264 */ float iatFuelCorr[IAT_CURVE_SIZE]; /** * Should the trigger emulator push data right into trigger input, eliminating the need for physical jumper wires? * PS: Funny name, right? :) * todo: make this a bit on some bit field * offset 328 */ int16_t directSelfStimulation; /** * todo: extract these two fields into a structure * todo: we need two sets of TPS parameters - modern ETBs have to sensors * offset 330 */ int16_t tpsMin; /** * tpsMax value as 10 bit ADC value. Not Voltage! * offset 332 */ int16_t tpsMax; /** * offset 334 */ int16_t analogChartMode; /** * todo: finish implementation. These values are used for TPS disconnect detection * offset 336 */ int16_t tpsErrorLowValue; /** * offset 338 */ int16_t tpsErrorHighValue; /** * offset 340 */ float primingSquirtDurationMs; /** * 360 for two-stroke * 720 for four-stroke * offset 344 */ int engineCycle; cranking_parameters_s crankingSettings; /** * @see hasMapSensor * @see isMapAveragingEnabled */ MAP_sensor_config_s map; // todo: merge with channel settings, use full-scale Thermistor here! ThermistorConf cltThermistorConf; // size 40 (10*4), offset 336 ThermistorConf iatThermistorConf; // size 40, offset 376 float sparkDwellBins[DWELL_COUNT]; // offset 580 float sparkDwell[DWELL_COUNT]; float ignitionLoadBins[IGN_LOAD_COUNT]; float ignitionRpmBins[IGN_RPM_COUNT]; /** * this value could be used to offset the whole ignition timing table by a constant */ float ignitionBaseAngle; /** * While cranking (which causes battery voltage to drop) we can calculate dwell time in shaft * degrees, not in absolute time as in running mode. */ float crankingChargeAngle; timing_mode_e timingMode; /** * This value is used in 'fixed timing' mode, i.e. constant timing * This mode is useful for instance while adjusting distributor location */ float fixedModeTiming; float injectorLag; // size 4, offset 0 float fuelLoadBins[FUEL_LOAD_COUNT]; // // RPM is float and not integer in order to use unified methods for interpolation float fuelRpmBins[FUEL_RPM_COUNT]; // /** * Engine displacement, in liters * see also cylindersCount */ float displacement; int rpmHardLimit; injection_mode_e crankingInjectionMode; injection_mode_e injectionMode; /** * Inside rusEfi all the angles are handled in relation to the trigger synchronization event * which depends on the trigger shape and has nothing to do wit Top Dead Center (TDC) * * For engine configuration humans need angles from TDC. * * This field is the angle between Top Dead Center (TDC) and the first trigger event. * Knowing this angle allows us to control timing and other angles in reference to TDC. */ float globalTriggerAngleOffset; /** * We have 3.3V ADC and most of the analog input signals are 5V, this forces us to use * voltage dividers on the input circuits. This parameter holds the coefficient of these dividers. * see also vbattDividerCoeff */ float analogInputDividerCoefficient; /** * This setting controls which algorithm is used for ENGINE LOAD */ engine_load_mode_e algorithm; /** * see */ float vbattDividerCoeff; /** * Cooling fan turn-on temperature threshold, in Celsuis * offset 952 */ float fanOnTemperature; /** * Cooling fan turn-off temperature threshold, in Celsuis * offset 956 */ float fanOffTemperature; // offset 960 brain_pin_e vehicleSpeedSensorInputPin; /** * This coefficient translates vehicle speed input frequency (in Hz) into vehicle speed * (in km/h) * offset 964 */ float vehicleSpeedCoef; // offset 968 can_nbc_e canNbcType; // offset 972 int canSleepPeriod; int cylindersCount; ignition_mode_e ignitionMode; firing_order_e firingOrder; /** * This magic constant is about four-stroke engines with camshaft position sensors. * On any four stroke engine, each revolution of the camshaft is two revolutions * of the crankshaft. If camshaft position is our primary sensor, we use this multiplier * to convert from camshaft angles to crankshaft angles. All angels across the system * should be crankshaft angles. */ float rpmMultiplier; display_mode_e displayMode; log_format_e logFormat; int firmwareVersion; int HD44780width; int HD44780height; adc_channel_e tpsAdcChannel; int overrideCrankingIgnition; int analogChartFrequency; trigger_config_s triggerConfig; spi_device_e hip9011SpiDevice; adc_channel_e vbattAdcChannel; // offset 1060 float globalFuelCorrection; // todo: merge with channel settings, use full-scale Thermistor! adc_channel_e cltAdcChannel; adc_channel_e iatAdcChannel; adc_channel_e mafAdcChannel; /** * @see hasAfrSensor */ afr_sensor_s afrSensor; /** * this is about deciding when the injector starts it's squirt */ float injectionAngle; float crankingTimingAngle; float diffLoadEnrichmentCoef; /** * @see hasBaroSensor */ air_pressure_sensor_config_s baroSensor; float veLoadBins[FUEL_LOAD_COUNT]; float veRpmBins[FUEL_RPM_COUNT]; float afrLoadBins[FUEL_LOAD_COUNT]; float afrRpmBins[FUEL_RPM_COUNT]; // the large tables are always in the end - that's related to TunerStudio paging implementation fuel_table_t fuelTable; // size 1024 ignition_table_t ignitionTable; // size 1024 fuel_table_t veTable; // size 1024 fuel_table_t afrTable; // size 1024 board_configuration_s bc; // offset 6280 /** * @see isMapAveragingEnabled */ bool_t hasMapSensor : 1; // bit 0 bool_t hasIatSensor : 1; // bit 1 bool_t hasBaroSensor : 1; // bit 1 bool_t hasAfrSensor : 1; // bit 2 bool_t useConstantDwellDuringCranking : 1; // bit 3 bool_t isDigitalChartEnabled : 1; // bit 4 bool_t isCanEnabled : 1; // bit 5 bool_t hasCltSensor : 1; // bit 6 bool_t canReadEnabled : 1; // bit 7 bool_t canWriteEnabled : 1; // bit 8 bool_t hasVehicleSpeedSensor : 1; // bit 9 bool_t isJoystickEnabled : 1; // bit 10 bool_t isGpsEnabled : 1; // bit 11 bool_t hasMafSensor : 1; // bit 12 bool_t hasTpsSensor : 1; // bit 13 /** * see also * offset 6284 */ adc_channel_e hipOutputChannel; idle_mode_e idleMode; bool isInjectionEnabled : 1; // bit 0 bool isIgnitionEnabled : 1; // bit 1 bool isCylinderCleanupEnabled : 1; // bit 2 bool secondTriggerChannelEnabled : 1; // bit 3 bool needSecondTriggerInput : 1; // bit 4 bool isMapAveragingEnabled : 1; // bit 5 bool isMilEnabled : 1; // bit 6 bool isFuelPumpEnabled : 1; // bit 7 bool isTunerStudioEnabled : 1; // bit 8 bool isWaveAnalyzerEnabled : 1; // bit 9 bool isIdleThreadEnabled : 1; // bit 10 bool isPrintTriggerSynchDetails : 1; // bit 11 /** * Usually if we have no trigger events that means engine is stopped * Unless we are troubleshooting and spinning the engine by hand - this case a longer * delay is needed */ bool isManualSpinningMode : 1; // bit 11 uint32_t digitalChartSize; /** * cc/min, cubic centimeter per minute * * By the way, g/s = 0.125997881 * (lb/hr) * g/s = 0.125997881 * (cc/min)/10.5 * g/s = 0.0119997981 * cc/min * */ float injectorFlow; // size 4 float crankingFuelCoef[CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]; float crankingFuelBins[CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]; float crankingCycleCoef[CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]; float crankingCycleBins[CRANKING_CURVE_SIZE]; float ignitionDwellForCrankingMs; int targetIdleRpm; /** * A/C button input handled as analog input */ adc_channel_e acSwitchAdc; int ignMathCalculateAtIndex; int16_t acCutoffLowRpm; int16_t acCutoffHighRpm; int16_t acIdleRpmBump; int16_t unusedShort; adc_channel_e vRefAdcChannel; float knockDetectionWindowStart; float knockDetectionWindowEnd; /** * Cylinder diameter, in mm. */ float cylinderBore; /** * Some vehicles have a switch to indicate that clutch pedal is all the way up */ brain_pin_e clutchUpPin; pin_input_mode_e clutchUpPinMode; float hipThreshold; brain_pin_e fsioInputs[LE_COMMAND_COUNT]; pin_input_mode_e fsioInputModes[LE_COMMAND_COUNT]; int unused3[149]; le_formula_t timingMultiplier; le_formula_t timingAdditive; fuel_table_t injectionPhase; } engine_configuration_s; void setOperationMode(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration, operation_mode_e mode); operation_mode_e getOperationMode(engine_configuration_s const *engineConfiguration); typedef struct { engine_configuration_s engineConfiguration; } persistent_config_s; typedef struct { int version; int size; persistent_config_s persistentConfiguration; crc_t value; } persistent_config_container_s; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ void setDefaultConfiguration(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration, board_configuration_s *boardConfiguration); void setMap(fuel_table_t table, float value); void setWholeFuelMap(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration, float value); void setWholeTimingTable(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration, float value); void setConstantDwell(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration, float dwellMs); void printFloatArray(const char *prefix, float array[], int size); void incrementGlobalConfigurationVersion(void); int getGlobalConfigurationVersion(void); void commonFrankensoAnalogInputs(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration); void setFrankenso0_1_joystick(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ void copyFuelTable(fuel_table_t const source, fuel_table_t destination); void copyTimingTable(ignition_table_t const source, ignition_table_t destination); #endif /* ENGINE_CONFIGURATION_H_ */